Sky’s Out Thighs Out 2.0

QIC: Ringwald

Date: 04/09/2019

PAX: Dirk, Flemish, Gamecock, Laces Out, FNG-Landslide, Red Tees, Skitch, Sunshine, WuzntMe

AO: Hill City


A mushy, musty 63 degrees


Brisk mosey to under the bridge

SSX x20 IC

Randy Style:
LBAC x20 
LBAC x 20 reverse
Moroccan Night Clubs x20
Don Quixote x20

SSH x 20
Slow Count Merkin x 10
SSH x20

The Thang

Perform groups of exercises while crossing the walking bridge

1st stop – 50 squats
2nd stop – 25 calf raises
3rd stop – 50 LBCs 50 Reverse LBCs
4th stop – 20 Intense Imperial Walkers
5th stop – 50 Hillbillies

Go to stairs at end of bridge

Switch between lunges and backwards lunges on each section until you reach the bottom of the stairs
Perform 5 incline merkins at each set of steps

Perform groups of exercises while crossing the bridge

1st stop – 25 squats
2nd stop – 25 calf raises
3rd stop – 25 LBCs 25 Reverse LBCs
4th stop – 10 Intense Imperial Walkers
5th stop – 15 jump squats



Plutarch: An Alexander wept for there were no more worlds left to conquer.
By his late 20s, Alexander had conquered the entire known and civilized world. This quote proves that men need to things that are difficult, and absent those difficulties, we lose purpose. 

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut, where you have no worlds to conquer. It’s easy to settle for less, and do less with more. But this is how men get lost, angry, bitter, and resentful. When we stretch ourselves, we should feel uncomfortable. We should feel nervous. If you’re not a little scared, you’re not pushing yourself hard enough. If there isn’t legitimate fear of failure, you’re not trying hard enough.

And if you fail? Good. Good. More opportunity to train, to push yourself. Unlike Alexander, you’ve found a worthy adversary, and conquering it will feel that much better. 


Not a lot of mumblechatter this morning. People were too focused on not pulling a hammy I guess.


Game day – Landfill – 4/20

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