The Hills Have Ayes

QIC: Fissure

Date: 09/14/2019

PAX: She Shed, Moneyball, Vsquared, Songbird, Uncle Fester, Head Gasket, Pink Panther (Respect)

AO: Landfill


Cloudy and mild


Mosey to bottom of Landfill with some side shuffles, Bernie and walking lunges mixed in
At bottom – SSH x 25 IC, Fwd Fold x 10 IC, WMH x 10 IC, Low n Slow squats x 15 IC, SSH x 25 IC
Welcome Moneyball
Mosey to middle lot, welcome Songbird and Head Gasket

The Thang

Form work
Pair up, partner 1 performs merkins with good form (chest to ground, full elbow extension) while partner 2 holds Al Gore, switch when form lost.  Same deal with squats and plank.  Two rounds of this swapping plank for lbc on second round
Mosey up to playground

OYO, 10 pike swings, 10 incline merkins, 10 dips, 10 burpees, run up hill to pavillion, 50 2-count flutterkicks.  3 rounds.  SSH for the six.

Grab 30-40 pound rock and line up facing soccer field hill
10 overhead squats, 20 merkins, 30 American Hammers, 40 overhead presses, run up hill and back and yell AYE loud as you can.  3 rounds.

10 big boi situps
15 flutterkicks IC
10 big boi situps


Iron Pax has been a good reminder that a lot of life, not just workouts, is “you versus you.”  Sure, we want to do our best and beat our brothers in a little friendly competition, but when it comes down to it you’re fighting yourself and that inner voice telling you to quit or you can’t do it.  


“Where do these pictures go?”
-Songbird as the group posed with the flag


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