YHC didn’t know if he’d have to go at it alone today and brave the low-temps and overnight hard freeze, but alas, Angus pulls into the parking lot to support the F3 mission and the cause.
The Scene: Beautiful, clear and crazy cold (25 degrees)
Given the temps, waiting around or any general mumble chatter was veto’d. 5:30am sharp was go-time, so we hit a warm-up lap from the “Love Shack” to Coolidge and the mumblechatter included some choice quotes from Dumb & Dumber:
Harry:You had, an extra pair of gloves this entire time?Lloyd:(As if it is a dumb question) Yeah…we’re in the Rockies.![]()
Started the warm-up routine under the Market St bridge:
– SSH x 15 IC
– Merkins x 10 IC
– Little Arm Circles x 15 forward/backward
– Hillbillies x 9 IC
64 total reps for the start of march madness…
mosey along the river under market street bridge to the first bench for the start of an abbreviated version of the ROT.
At each bench perform the following, without stopping, until completion:
Burpees x 10
Step-ups x 10 (Right leg)
Squats x 15
Step-ups x 10 (Left leg)
Merkins x 20
After 6 or 7 (or was it 8?) installments, we mosey’d back to the Love Shack for some ALARM’s; for background info – [http://f3nation.com/2017/01/28/r-as-in-arms/]
YHC slept through the Tuesday alarm, so you know what that means?!??!?! Two rounds of ALARM’s were performed [A-L-A-R-M (Arm, Leg, Abs, ‘R’ Exercise, ‘M’ Exercise)]
– Shoulder Taps x 15 IC
– Squat Jumps x 15 (single count)
– Peter Parkers x 15 IC
– Monkey Humpers x 10 IC
– Makhtar N’Diayes x 15 IC
– CDD x 10 IC
– Single leg squats x 10/leg
– Crunch frog x 12 OYO
– Shoulder Press x 20 OYO
– Mike Tyson’s x 10
– Leg Lifts x 20 IC
– Hello Dolly x 15 IC
– Heel taps x 12 IC
– Speed LBCs x 25 IC
– The Ever-Mercurial Fred’s x 12 IC
Prayers for the end and the beginning of life. Angus’ travels and to celebrate the birth of a friend’s child. Prosciutto’s Aunt-in-Law’s father’s passing.