To The Bridge

The Scene: 65 and beautiful. It’s a great day to be alive, so let’s go to work men…
The Warm up: Welcome / Disclaimer / Mosey to under the Bridge 
Side Straddle Hop / IC x 15
Mountain Climbers / IC x 15
Side Straddle Hop / IC x 15
High Knees / IC x15
Wide High Knees / IC x 15
Dot Drill / 20 on your own
Side Straddle Hop / IC x15
Ring of Fire / Circle up…one by one, each man calls out an exercise. He then bear crawls around the group while they execute that exercise.
The Thang:
Since this PAX was made up of elite athletes, I called an audible and lead us towards that beautiful bridge over troubled waters for a little more cardio that was planned.
Hit the Walnut Street bridge and started with:
10 Burpees, followed by a little mosey
20 Merkins, followed by a little mosey
30 Squats, followed by a little mosey
Held a low plank for a 20 count and then headed back to do it all over again
30 Squats, followed by a little mosey
20 merkins, followed by a little mosey to the end of the bridge where we started
10 burpees
Mosey’d to the river side of Coolidge Park to utilize the park benches
Incline Merkins x 15
Step ups x 30
Decline Merkins x 15
Dips x 15
Mosey back towards Mt. Madoryama…In honor of Memorial Day, Democracy and Merica, we took a vote to take the long or short way back…long way wins.
Halfway back, we stopped to hold a low plank for a 20 count
Ended up at the foot of Mt. Madoryama…
Bernie Sanders up the Mt. with a run down x 2
Merry at the Love Shack
-Each man took a turn leading a exercise that made our abs burn and made our wives happy!
Prayer Requests:
Gus // Transition to Memphis
Laces Out Cousin // Cancer, surgery set for September
Prosciutto’s friend
Word of the Day: Matthew 20:26-28 // Whoever wants to become GREAT must be a servant…just as the Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.