School Is In Session


QIC: Picasso
Date: 08/08/2018
PAX: Ducktales, Geek Squad, Ohms, Steam Engine, The Count
AO: Lion’s Den


76 degrees and very humid

The Disclaimer

I am not a professional, nor are you. Let’s keep it like that and not decide to press charges in the case of an incident. You are here on your own will and we will help you if you decide to go to hard in the paint.


Good Mornings x 10
SSH x 20
Good Mornings x 10
Mountain Climbers x 15
SSH x 20
Wax On Wax Off x 20
Baby Arm Circles x 30
Reverse Baby Arm Circles x 25
Shoulder Press x 20
Cherry Pickers x 20

The Thang

This was a perfectly planned Q and by no way was any detail left out of the Backblast
Title of exercises or routine
Mosey .25 miles around the track to the “Visitor’s Side” of the football field
Build The Pyramid
Make it to the top of the stadium steps using the code below. Each step you go up, iterate by 1:

decline_merkin = 1
while (decline_merkin < 11):
   print('The count is:', decline_merkin)
   decline_merkin = decline_merkin + 1
print('Good Job Pax')

Mosey Back Down

dips = 1
while (dips < 11):
   print('The count is:', dips)
   dips = dips + 1
print('Good Job Pax')

Mosey to the Yoga Pad
Infinity Planks
Plank x 20 seconds
Merkin x 10
Plank x 20 seconds
Carolina Dry Docks x 10
Mosey to the Home Side
Incline Merkins on the Rail x 20
Dips x 20
Stadium Steps to the Top
Incline Merkins x 10 on the Wedge
Decline Merkins x 10 on the Wedge
Alternating One Handed Supermans x 10
The Count Calls an Audible
Alternating One Handed, One Legged Supermans x 10
Mosey back down the stadium Steps
Pull Ups on the Rail x 10
Dips x 10
Chin Ups on the Rail x 10
Mosey to the Visitor’s Side

incline_merkin = 1
while (incline_merkin < 11):
   print('The count is:', incline_merkin)
   incline_merkin = incline_merkin + 1
print('Good Job Pax')

Incline Merkins on the bottom seats x 20
Mosey to Concession Stand
Wall Sits x 20
Wall Merkins x 10
Mosey to Yoga Mat
X’s and O’s x 1 minute
Flutter Kicks x 20
LBC’s x 20
Hollow Body Hold x 20


Sometimes it’s ok to say nothing at all and that may be all that is needed. Having everyone together is the best inspiration needed.