Trail of Muscle Tears


QIC: Candu
Date:  08/14/2018
PAX: Whittler, VSquared, Flash ‘n Slide, Clone, Laces Out (respect), Speed Bump, Ringwald, Sunshine, Ohms, FNG-Thumper, FNG-Sink Hole, Prosciutto, Wort
AO: Hill City


I am not a professional, you’re here on your own accord. Push yaself, don’t hurtcha self. Extended mosey to come, will take a while to getcha back to your car.


Mile long mosey across Market Street Bridge to The Passage

The Thang – Passing Down The Passage

20 lateral pull-ups- 10 palms out, 10 palms in
Rinse and Repeat at each level
5 levels
Ascending Up The Pryamid
10 dips > box jump up a level > 10 decline merkins > box jump up a level
Rinse and Repeat x 7
14 levels
Mile long mosey back across Market Street Bridge to Blue Rhino
COT – Humility In Leadership
The great Dr. Ben Carson works out a simple formula for humility in his book Think Big (where’s my underline tool @wordpress ?)

  1. God created this universe, including us, and
  2. God shows that He is much more powerful than we are by what He does and has done in our world, and
  3. God gives each of is abilities that we cannot supply to ourselves or explain our worthiness of, THEN WE ARE HUMBLED


Prayers for The Count’s brother & upcoming 2.0s for Ohms & Early Bird
PAX wishes @f3prosciutto has stuck around for COT
The Clones dry-heaves are GOATy


Cam Run on August 25th in lieu of regularly scheduled program

Upcoming Qs

Bout erryday nowadays!