QIC: The Count
Date: 12/15/2018
PAX: 9 Volt, Blowout, Bubbles, Deep Dish, Fast lane, Powder Room, Rhythm, Rug Doctor, Sidekick, Sidewinder, Threeskin, FNG-WuzntMe
AO: The Battery (Tinsley Park, Cleveland)
Conditions: 49 degrees, Overcast, some light sprinkles, but still a great day to workout!
The Disclaimer: I’m not a professional. You are here on your own initiative. Push yourself and modify as necessary to avoid injury. If you get hurt let someone know, and we will get you back to your transportation or to ER if necessary.
Mosey from P/L up to to P/L with Pool. SSH, Abe Vigoda, Plank Jacks, Tappy Taps, Finkle Swings, 30 lb Coupon for Bucket Brigade, ladder drills, and side shuffles around four corners.
The Thang
Hindenburg B.L.I.M.P.S. (Burpees, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Squats. (730 Reps) + 2 sprints (300 Yards) + Bear Crawl (50 Yards) = Full Body Workout!
Four Corners (25 yards between cones) First corner do Exercise and number of Reps indicated. Proceed to corners 2, 3, & 4 repeated exercise and Reps.
Burpees (10) x 4 = 40, Lunges (20) x 4 = 80, Imperial Walkers (30) x 4 = 120, Merkins (40, 40, 30, 20, 10) = 140, Plank Jacks (50, 40, 30, 20, 10) = 150, Squats (60, 50, 40, 30, 20) = 200
Mary Go Round: 13 Pax each responsible for IC 10 Reps = 130 Mary’s
Time left to cool down by same way we warmed up with Bucket Brigade, Ladder Drills, and Side Shuffles, and them Mosey back down hill to starting point and F3- Flag for COT.
CIRCLE OF TRUST: Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama – Introduced FNG – A. J. Bembry (WuzntMe). Employed at Blood Assurance, but moving to BC/BS. Prayers for family members and our deployed soldiers. Prayers for safe travels to those traveling for holidays.
BALL OF MAN: Lifted up in prayer to spoken and unspoken prayers.
Very little Mumble Chatter (Good Stuff), means everyone was working hard, breathing hard, making it hard to talk crap! Enthusiasm was high! Observed some technique that needed some work (especially some of mine!)
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