QIC: The Count (Respect, Respect)
Date: 04/10/2019
PAX: Deep Dish, Fastlane, 9Volt (Respect), Rug Doctor (Respect), Sidewinder (Respect)
AO: The Battery
Great morning with a little humidity, 55 Degrees and calm.
Began with 4 Corners warm up: SSH, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers, Imperial Walkers. Rotated through all four stations and did exercises IC x 15. Mosey along path to rear of dog park and around to pavilion and to “Heart Break Hill”. Concluded warm up with Willie Mays Hayes, Third Grade Exercises, and Ham String Stretches.
The Thang
Heart Break Hill (HBH) / Dora 123
Partnered up at bottom of (HBH).
Round 1: Partner 1 Runs up / down (HBH) while partner 2 conducts exercises. Merkins (100), LBC’s (200), Squats (300) – During this round it ended up that each PAX conquered (HBH) once during Merkins, twice during LBC’s, and four times during Squats.
Round 2: (because this group was kicking ass) we modified to AMRAP for exercises while partner did (HBH) once for Merkins, twice for LBC’s, and three times, but instead of squats we did lunges.
Round of Mary’s: We did round of Mary’s until time was complete. All done (IC) x 10: American Hammer, Heel Touches, Leg Lifts, Hello Dolly.
CIRCLE OF TRUST: After completing the Counterama and Namerama, we had Praise and Prayer requests.
BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]
This was nice even number of 6 PAX so it worked well with DORA’s. Had to give DeepDish some remedial training on the difference between SSH and Mountain Climbers!!! I’m not sure if the hill going from street level up to pool has an official name, but to me, it will be now called “Heart Break Hill” (HBH)! The real message was fairly simple: “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm” — Ralph Waldo Emerson. Go out and Make It A Great Day, especially for someone else.
TheCount will post on Thursday at Hill City, Ruck on Friday morning, and then I won’t see you all until May 1st (depending on jet lag). Please pray for safe travels for Kim and I. God Bless you all!
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