The Battery – Moving some heavy bags

QIC: Mrs. Baker

Date: 06/19/2019

PAX: Sidewinder, Deep Dish, Rehab, Clothespin, 9 Volt, Fastlane, Wuzn’t Me 

AO: The Battery


70 deg F with a very light but increasing mist. Opened up as we packed up the flags. Perfect Battery weather

COP in the skate park

10x Good Morning Squat in cadence, 10x Don Quixote in cadence, 10 Yoga pushups OYO, 10 / side leg swings, 8 count forward fold, 8 count left leg over fold, 8 count right leg over fold

The Thang

In the skate park in a loose oval

Moving some sand bags
Strength focus: 3 rounds, not for time

10 per leg weighted lunge with 50# sandbag

18 / side single leg elevated pickle pointers

Conditioning focus: 5 rounds with “Evil Siri” keeping the time and easy listening Santana in the background

minute 1: 50# sandbag clean and press to overhead, max reps

minute 2: squat thrusts, max reps

minute 3: sandbag carry for distance

minute 4: rest

Bonus: Merkin roundup, 10x diamond, 12x military, 14x decline, 16x freestyle

Mary: 10 count leg lift, 20 count heel touches, 16 count LBC, 16 count Capt’n Thor 


CIRCLE OF TRUST: 8 men getting better together. Proud to be a part of it.
BALL OF MAN: Complete


In true Battery fashion we were fully wet from the warm-up on. Several comments about the easy listening Santana compilation including a random Nickleback duet. I may have to spend more time on the playlist.


Upcoming Convergence at Beast Ridge July 4 at 0700. 

Fridays at Hacksaw are really taking off. The Count is continuing his World tour on Friday.

Deep Dish has the Q next Saturday

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