Gone Fishing

QIC: threeskin

Date: 08/02/2019

PAX: Sidekick, Focker, Mayhem, Lutefisk, Freetime, Iron Butt, Wuzntme, BMX, Bernie, Spielberg, PETA, Can Man, Debit, Mr. Belding, DNF, Chief, Peanuts, Jazzy Jag, Clothespin, Fastlane

AO: Hacksaw


Nice, not humid yet.

Disclaimer: disclaimed, still some newer guys around


Mosey Frogger Style to library.

Forward Fold
Arm Circles
Reverse Arm Circles
Cherry Pickers
Morrocan Night Club
Imperial Walkers

The Thang

Short mosey to the play group
Untitled Generic Workout For ALL
Count off, it was difficult
6 teams: Low Row, Plank, Imperial Walker in rotation because I forgot the benches that we were supposed to use for dips.

Mosey to “The Flag,” not “the Flag”
Debate clock: running out of time
12 – Merkins at 12 oclock
9 – Merkins at 9
6 – Merkins at 6
3 – Merkins at 3
Run to 12 and go back to pick up the six. 3 rounds with Merkins, one round with Freddie Mercuries, one round on milatary time with SSHs

Mosey to “the Flag,” not “The Flag”

Pickle Pointers to time (approx 45 seconds)


I got to fish yesterday for the first time in 25+ years. I generally don’t have the patients but it was quite pleasant and actually rewarding when you catch a fish. Reminded me to remind everyone that we need to recharge our batteries so we can power other around us. Attempted to bring the fishing story to Christ asking Simon Peter and Andrew to drop nets and follow him. I bet he knew that fishermen would be able to bring more sounds to the Kingdom. They know what tools are required to attract fish so become a fisher of men. We have that opportunity to be fishermen and bring other men that need something like F3. F3 recharges me to make me a better man and example in my community. Iron Butt closed us out.


Lots of good M-C today. Good think because this Q was off his game today.

Started off right as Sidekick thought there were three 2.0s present. BMX, Spielburg, and Lutefisk. Oh Sidekick….

Fun in the parking lot taking up spaces with SSHs – Continued by request with Imperial Walkers.

Renamed Al Gores to Bernie Sanders, then to Cliffhanger, then to Elizabeth Warren

Talked about Sidekicks affection for OSC, then Buttigieg-ed, across the road.

No one could count properly today, mostly the Qs fault, but we soon found out that GA-Tech grads can count either. Keeping military time is also no our specialty. Kudos to Peanuts for pointing that out. Kudos taken away for not taking advantage of the situation. ha!

There were complaints that we didn’t do enough legs to so we closed with Pickle Pointers


2.0 next Saturday

Mustang tomorrow

Wednesdays on 8/22