QIC: Red Tees
Date: 10/22/2019
PAX: Skitch, Juice, The Count, Goose, Blind Side, Ramos, Fissure, Hobo, Cowbell, Sinai, Free Time, Peanuts, Curfew, Milkman, Sunshine, Sherlock, Callahan, Iron Butt, Cheech, Back Pew
AO: Hill City
A cool 40 degrees and a bit damp from the much needed rain the night before
Mosey down to the Great Hall
Side straddle hops x 20
Little baby arm circles x 10
Reverse LBAC’s x 10
Cherry pickers x 10
Moroccan Night Club x 10
Forward fold x 10
Quad stretch x 10 each leg with a partner
Wall sit while partner does flutter kicks x 40 and switch
The Thang
We kept our partners and moseyed to the river to grab a coupon to share for our Dora party
Dora Party
Each team did a set of coupon exercises that had us working together to complete 100 curls, 200 shoulder presses, 300 squats and 400 LBC’s while also doing a rotation of 40 yard combo sprints of Bernie Sanders, and step slides and then a 40 yard sprint.
We moseyed back to the Blue Rhino after we picked up a brother from South Carolina (Juice) who was running in the park and saw a bunch of guys with coupons doing a Dora and knew what was going on
Back at the Rhino we did 7 minutes or so of Mary (LBC’s, Leg lifts, American Hammers, Side Straddle Hops, Heal touches, forward fold to wind down) and ended right at 6:15am.
I am a truly blessed child of God. I turned 40 at 5:03am and was able to spend that time leading some great men I’ve come to know over the last few months for the first time as a Q. I really enjoy doing workouts in which we work together to accomplish a goal in the gloom so that was the reason for the Dora.
I thought and prayed a while about what to share. Our pastor has been working through the Bible, verse by verse, and we happened to be at Philippians 4:4-20 a Sunday or two ago. I’ve told some of you before, I struggle with being a selfish person. I like doing what Christopher feels like doing. It’s also easy for me to give my best to others at work and in public but I can see where I am less patient with my family sometimes (I take their love for granted if I’m being honest sometimes). That’s not right. I am praying to love Thea the way Jesus loves the church every day, and that I think is a great way to measure if I’m being the husband God wants me to be.
The other great message in that chapter is that Paul tells us to not be anxious about anything and to bring everything to the Lord. That’s a huge comfort to me. Our Lord is all sovereign and all good. He loves us and if we ask anything according to His will he will grant it. His will is the part I struggle with sometimes. It’s not what I want, but what He wants.
It was a great morning for me personally. I got to work out with 20 guys who are all interested in getting the most out of each day, and that is a great group to be a part of. As I thought about the group, one PAX baptized my oldest daughter a few years ago (Blind Side), another is a man who the Lord sent to lead me professionally (The Count) and a bunch of other guys who I count as friends. It was cool to have Juice recognize a bunch of guys with coupons working out together as an F3 group and come join up. Fissure and The Count, thanks for taking the time to have a pre-Q meeting with me to make sure I didn’t let everyone down. Back Pew, love ya brother and thanks for being on time (early for you :))
There will be a convergence for the 3 year Chattanooga F3 anniversary on 11/16/19 at Brainerd Baptist (on the soccer fields).