QIC: Red Tees
Date: 01/07/2020
PAX: Skitch, Sunshine, Hobo, Ramos, Care Bear, The Count, Blindside, Moneyball, Clampett, Goose, Cowbell, Dog House, Pink Panther, Uncle Fester, Lanyard, Swingset, Sherlock, Countdown, Back Pew,
AO: Hill City
We must be living right because it quit raining right before we got rolling and was warmer than I expected. It was still very wet and slick in some spots as Skitch can attest to. Someone did say that our rocks smelled like fish…could have been worse.
We moseyed across the field and under the bridge, circled up and began the workout with something new…side straddle hops x10. That was followed by a Mayhem Merry-Go-Round (side straddle hops in a rotating circle) which is the most fun exercise ever. We stretched our back and legs, arms and did calf raises along with calf stretches.
The Thang
We then went to the walking track and did a 20 man Indian run with burpees x2 (I should have broken that up into two, 10 man Indian runs, but it worked.
We then partnered up for a Dora with coupons chosen from the river banks (that’s why they smelled like fish I guess).
100 Curls, 200 Overhead presses, 300 squats while alternating with a partner who was either doing lunges, monkey humpers (x50) or Bernie Sanders for 30 yards (3 light poles)
We finished up by jogging to the blue rhino for some Mary which included pickle pointers, burpees (x5), push ups, monkey humpers and flutter kicks.
I read 2nd Corinthians 9:6-8 to the group which is about giving with generous and happy heart in everything we do. Whether it is tithing to our church, giving our time to preparing to be Q, participating in a workout, or how we spend our time and resources with our family, friends, work, whatever, if we do it with all our hearts, minds and spirit God will bless it according to His plans.
BALL OF MAN: We want to remember our military and our country in our prayers as well as those who are struggling with depression and loneliness this time of year. Skitch encouraged us to reach out to those who are not attending regularly and work to bring them back to the group and support one another. The Count asked for prayers to bless the work he and I are doing and to also to please donate blood if you are eligible, the need is great across the country.
The number of guys who came out was really an awesome thing. Skitch made sure to keep the Indian Run exciting (best Pete Rose slide I have seen in a long time) and my man Back Pew was right on Back Pew time The Count’s GI issues stayed in check and I appreciate Pink Panther partnering up with me.
Gloomies on the 13th, if you need some help with paying for the meal reach out and if you don’t have a date, please still come. If you have a chance sign up to help hand out warm clothes to the homeless on Tuesday evenings (check the 3rd F on slack) and please bring any close or other goods you have to any AO and we will get them to the right place.