QIC: Peanuts
Date: 01/06/2020
PAX: John Doe; MaYhem; Best In Show; The Count; Red Tees; Fastlane; Moondance; Toe Tag; Swingset; Chavez
AO: Beast Ridge – aka the real Ridge.
Dusty and Dry
- SSH x15 IC
- Quad Stretch x10 IC (per leg)
- WMH x10 IC
- 3rd grade exercise x10 IC
- Fwd Fold x10 IC
- Upper Back Stretch x10 IC
- LBAC x15 IC
- RLBAC x15 IC
- Groin Stretch x10 IC
The Thang
Pax reluctantly counted off in groups of 3, grabbed our weights and moseyed to the dry and dusty soccer field. Once at soccer field they were rewarded with paperwork for their respective stations – i.e. 4 corners. Explained between corners each group would jailbreak best they could in the sandy conditions. Each exercise is done collectively by the group to reach the total reps listed. Complete one round at each station before moving on to the second exercise and so forth.
Station #1
- Box Jumps x100
- Dips x100
- Inc Mercans x200
- Step Ups x200
Station #2
- Bernie up the hill x20
- St. B Squats x100
- Monkey Humpers x200
- Squats x300
Station #3
- LBC x300
- Flutter Kick x400
- Pickle Pointer (w/ optional hamstring cramps) x400
- Hello Dolly x300
Station #4
- Curls x400
- Overhead Press x400
- Bent Over Rows x400
- Overhead Tricep Extension x400
What is the point of taking commitments and not resolutions? What are commitments? We commit (i.e. conceive and believe) to doing something to reach a desired end state (i.e. achieve). What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. Commitment breeds instinct. When we commit to doing something over and over again it becomes instinctual. Hesitation ceases and instinct prevails. Fartsacking is no longer a possibility. Mel Robbins describes the 5-Second Rule which naturally has 5 elements: The moment you have an instinct – to act on a goal – you must push yourself – to move within 5 seconds – or your brain will kill it. In my mind this is how instinct is truly developed. More to follow….
Finished up with the Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.
Trying to challenge myself this year to grow. Coming to F3 has become instinctual. Now it is time to take that instinct to the next level. I dare you to join me.

Gloomies are January 13th at 1830. Remember the 3rd F.