QIC: threeskin
Date: 02/29/20
PAX: Burrito, She Shed, Doodles, Nemo, Ole Mess, The Count, Sidekick, Radiohead, Rocketman, Flyby, Pink Panther, Prosciutto
AO: Landfill
Coldish – not freezing
Been a while since I’ve been in a true COP, so I created one. Had some built in leaping mosies to highlight blocks one, two, and three.
SSH IC x 10
Little Baby Arm Circles x 10
SSH IC x 10
Reverse Little Baby Arm Circles x 10
SSH IC x 10
Tea Pots x 10
SSH IC x 10
Milatart Press x 10
SSH IC x 10
Good Mornings x 10
SSH IC x 10
Willie Mays Hays x 10
SSH IC x 10
Squats x 10
The Thang
Leap Day can only mean one thing. We must leap… a bunch
But first! Curly Apocalypse!!!!!!
Title of exercises or routine
Progress through 3 stages of activities at a blistering pace.
Blocks 1, 2, and 3 are staged along the edge of the hill.
Staging area is near the pavilion. Pair Up
Leap to block one: 10 merkins and 10 squats when you arrive and before you depart
– run down to swings: one pax low rows while other mountain climbs
– run back up to block: one pax merkins while other imperial walkers
Leap to block two: 10 merkins and 10 squats when you arrive and before you depart
– run down to rocks: one pax curls while other presses
– run back up to block: one pax merkins while other imperial walkers
Leap to block three: 10 merkins and 10 squats when you arrive and before you depart
– run down to swings: one pax squats while other mountain climbs
– run back up to block: one pax merkins while other imperial walkers
Leap to block two: 10 merkins and 10 squats when you arrive and before you depart
– run down to rocks: one pax curls while other presses
– run back up to block: one pax merkins while other imperial walkers
Leap to block one: 10 merkins and 10 squats when you arrive and before you depart
– run down to swings: one pax low rows while other mountain climbs
– run back up to block: one pax merkins while other imperial walkers
Winners get to alternate curls (Curly Apocalypse)
Repeat the exercises with a couple of mods.
Mary: Flutter Kick Apocalypse!!!!!
Count and Name: MmmHmm – Even mathletes can do it.
The math of leap year is crazy interesting. The reason is to keep the summer solstice in the right spot of the middle of the year. Sometime we need to make a leap of faith to keep out center in the right place. If we let things drift over the years we can get out of sync. Know when you need to leap and make the move.
Flyby Flewby
Nemo and Ole Mess were very thankful (so thankful they don’t even know) they led the whole way and didn’t have to hear anything about Burrito expelling fluid before the in-laws showed up.
Sidekick argued that he can miss the first 25% of a second hour workout and because that is still longer than 2 45 minute work outs and get credit for all the work. What say you Peanuts?
It was noted that flutter kick apocalypse had likely never been put together. Everyone was in favor of the partner curly apocalypse.
The merits of going down a hill when you have to go back up were argued.
The goals for that sport with the funny spotted ball were reported missing.
Praises! Pro’s momma, and Threeskin’s 2nd Cuz
Both followed by Burrito asking forgiveness.