We Voted Today

QIC:  Prosciutto and Burrito

Date: 03/03/2020

PAX: Burrito, Ducktales, Friar Tuck (Respect), Gusher, Holy Kiss

AO: Smackdown


mid-50’s and humid; rain held off so that we could do our cultish things

Substi-Q this morning because our HIM Q had to tend to trauma at the hospital; Burrito and Prosciutto at the helm


Burrito handled the warm-up in Whittler’s absence

Ankle/knee-poppers (Willie Mays Hays)
Cult Straddle Hops
Cultish Night Clubs (Moroccan)
Cult-Classic Ray Lewis
Cult Fold (Forward)
Cult Following – Easy lap around the quarter-mile track (which is almost a quarter mile; almost)

The Thang

In honour of Super Tuesday, the Pax were given a choice (nay, a ‘vote’) on option 1 or option 2. Adhering to democratic ways, all ballots were placed by show of hands for transparency’s sake … no paper ballots or re-counts necessary… As they say, “Democracy Rules”

Democratic Burpicide
Two end points set **roughly ~23 Yards apart; Dora with partners
Pax A performs called exercise while….
Pax B runs to the end point, Performs 1 burpee, back to start, Run to end point, 2 Burpees, back to start and run to end point once more for 3 burpees
100 – Merkins
200 – LBC
300 – Squats
400 – SSH

“The establishment of universal male suffrage in France in 1848 was an important milestone in the history of democracy. “
Thank you France
The Pax were spent from the Democratic Burpicide. As we made our way moseying to the bleachers from the track, we had to have 3 10-counts. So, we had to make up for it. Because Democracy.
French Dips x 5 / man IC x 2 rounds
Raccoon walk down and back
Toe Merkins x 10 or 12 (?) IC
French Dips x 5 / man IC x 1 round

_1.25 Minutes of Mary_


Scott Simmons provided a nice summary of his time spent reading Exodus to his daughters.

Mental Health Awareness day coming up March 27th. Be a shining light, a positive example and a pillar of suport to another man (Shield Lock); you may or may not know what they’re dealing with – you might be their only saving grace.


  • Ducktales met YHC at home to catch a ride to startex from his 4:30am Ruck. This was unplanned. Was he waiting on me? Was he spying? Was he fertilizing my yard? My neighbors yard? Yes. to all these things.
  • When you make your own cd’s, they’re like moments frozen in time that pay dividends at a later time; Thank you “Rap 2” and Jay-Z
  • David Copperfield apparently used Burrito in his performance once. Even he could not make him disappear.
  • Speaking of Las Vegas, there are naked women there.
  • **Ask Friar Tuck about the distance between two points. It’s likely he’s pretty spot-on with distance, wind speed/direction and barometric pressure. And he’ll aim at you if you bad mouth Ole Miss.
  • We need to give Raccoons more respect than they get for the way they walk.


It’s raining cats and dogs.

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