QIC: Ducktails
Date: 06/17/20
PAX: Friar Tuck, Back Fire, Back Pew, Ohms, Wake, U-Turn, Care Bear, Skitch, Rodeo, Mardi Gras, CANDU, Flop, Chief, The Count, Mug Shot, Blindside, Moneyball, Vsquared
AO: Lions Den
74 clear, waxing 🌙 moon
Mountain pose, focusing on breathing
Forward fold, continuing to breath in all the way during each move.
Rounded back forward fold
Up dog
Down dog
Triangle pose, left then right
2nd round of flow
Warrior 1 left, right
Shoulder stretch
The Thang
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In honor of Matt we are going to run. Continue in circle
Partner A: Starts pushups does 10
Partner B: curls, kettle bell swings, squats with weight. AMRAP Swap and continue as 100 as team.
2. 200 sit ups 15 and swap
3. 21. Let by Chief- 21 Mericans, 21 sit ups, plank til 6 in. Decrease by 2 each round til 1 on Last round.
4. Shoulder blaster with 15 LBC in between.
5. side plank 5 push ups, other side 5 more
Marys- pretzel, American Hammer, Flutter Kicks.
Finished with 20 burpees 💪💪
6/17/18 Matt Heiden My and Wakes friend left this world. This post was in honor of him. We remember our friends and loved ones that have gone before us by remembering good memories with them. When planning this I reached out to Wake (Sean Bevis) Matt was always in great shape completing marathons but despised running and crushed sit ups and sit ups. We ran non, did over 3500 pushups and almost that many reps of sit-ups and ab reps. I personally had gotten close to know Matt when he was president of the chattanooga water ski club. I was new to board and his leadership and his presence I always looked up to. Matt will always encourage me to be better men. https://www.chattanoogan.com/2018/6/29/371185/Heiden-Jason-Matthew-Matt.aspx
Wake and I continue to remember Matt with our band.