QIC: Gusher
Date: 09/05/2020
PAX: Blue, Hambone (Respect)
AO: Reformation
Recorded for Posterity: the state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure, etc. could not have greeted the PAX with better conditions, unless one has a problem with perfect conditions. And then, no doubt, sir, the problem is not with the climate. Wind came in at a light prance from the north at 5mph to freshly brush across the face. Refreshing indeed. The temperature was an honest 59 degrees with clear skies for an actual feels like of 59 degrees. What you feel is what you get with today’s temps. Combining a 54 degree dew point with an 84% humidity left all invigorated for an early morning workout. Even the sweat felt sweet and smelled like the deciduous rose of Sharon. The pressure came in at 30.24 in. The barometric and atmospheric pressure are like the great mysteries of life; they cannot be explained, but only experienced. The UV index was 0, but with the cool temperature, no one would blame a man for wearing sunglasses. Maybe laughed at a little, but not blamed. This is a no blame zone. Allergy risk is low, mosquito index is moderate, and umbrella index inconsequential. If concerned about mosquito activity, the recommendation is to eliminate standing water to avoid mosquito breeding. Summary: conditions were nice.
Willie Mays Hays (IC), Forward Fold with no groans (IC), Arm Circles in the forward direction followed by reversing the direction followed by handpicking cherries followed by Ray Lewis (IC)
Modified Michigan Mile (MMM, or 3M, or M to the 3rd)
The Michigan Mile is a conditioning drill implemented by hockey players. It follows the suicide format beginning at one’s own red line and then utilizing the blue line, opposing red line, around the goal etc. We modified this as we are neither hockey players nor on an ice rink. The ’92 NHL Electronic Arts game for Sega Genesis cannot be surpassed; therefore, this 3M honors this game. #GoRedwings. I mean, look a this graphic. Sharp, clear, technologically advanced.

8 Cones spread across the AO in the shape of a gigantic hockey rink. Each time upon returning to cone one, PAX execute the exercise at each cone passed. For example, on the 5th round one would perform exercise at Cone 1 and run to Cone 5, performing exercises at Cones 4, 3, and 2 upon return to start. Repeat this pattern up to Round 8. Pretty easy concept. PAX remain together and Al Gore it for the six at each station. All for One, One for All type stuff.
Cone 1: 10 Merkins; Cone 2: 15 BBSU; Cone 3: 20 High Step Ups (10 each leg); Cone 4: 20 Dips; Cone 5: 15 Carolina Dry Docks; Cone 6: 15 Leg Ups; Cone 7: 20 Squats; Cone 8: 30 SSH
After completion of full MMM course, PAX run the course for the cone reclamation project and then a fun-run up the hill, ending with LBCs around the flags.
The Psalm of the Day was Ps. 46 – God is a refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble and a fortress. Some poetic language throughout describing the trials and issues of life that may bring about anxiety or unrest in mind and heart. For one prone to anxiety/worry, this Psalm is a comfort and serves as Cone 1 in life’s version of the Michigan Mile. No matter how far one might wander off to other cones to engage in the responsibilities of life, Psalm 46 is the cone to return to, like a mental North Star. The Psalm’s comforting balm is verse 10, Be still and know that I am God. Amid life’s anxiety inducers, there is an active resting in God. Being still is not an idleness, but an active rest just like the 10 Merkins of Cone 1.
Three PAX showed up in a very Athos, Porthos, and Aramis manner ready to take on some betterment. There was no D’Artagnan which was sad because everyone needs a D’Artagnon in their life. But if the number exceeded 4, allusions to Dumas’ second greatest literary work would not make sense. This is neither here nor there, but I will pacificistically fight over the ranking of his greatest work if anyone places it lower than #1 on the greatest novel of all time. Anyway, light conversation ensued throughout with substantial time given to listing the body parts sore from the week’s Iron Pax. We also learned about an intense hike Blue and two others did while reenacting a prison escape. It was fascinating. Hambone is celebrating 22 years of marriage today. Blue creates fantastic jewelry for his M on their 15th anniversary and can also help out if anyone wants to build a retaining wall. Big congrats to both for the milestones. And big props to Blue for his giftedness with gemstones.
This was the the penultimate Post for Reformation before things move over to Convoy (see announcements). As such we wanted to leave the place on a quiet note. The workout, then, attempted to remain clear of houses so the nearby folks could sleep. Bryan Adams already did his Waking Up the Neighbors in 1993 and there is no need to repeat that today, showing him that it is, in fact, possible to stop this thing he started. Such is the power of F3. Speaking of Bryan with a Y Adams, he participated in a trio alongside Sting and Rod Stewart for the Three Musketeers soundtrack which seems apropos for today. The music video was weird (see VH1 while playing your Sega Genesis). Sega Genesis holds the center plot for YHC’s top six saddest life experiences. But that is neither here not there. This is a backblast, not therapy. Or is it? Just kidding. Or am I? Are these even read?
Word of the Day: Scherzando: Definition – “(in music) playful; sportive” Origin: of Italian origin; scherzando being the gerund of the verb scherzo “to joke.” Entered English in the second half of the 18th century. Sentence Use: The scherzando mood effected by the chorus line “All for one and all for love” performed by the Bryan-Rod-Sting triumvirate leaves listeners both confused and perplexed if eye contact is made with a friend, but restful and grateful for the 3 F’s of F3 when reflecting upon life in solitude.
Convergence Labor Day, see Slack for details.
Reformation has one more Saturday and things move over to Signal Mountain Middle High School. Will add Monday to the mix, beginning September 14. Again, see Slack for Details.