The Price You Pay

QIC:  Mr. Clean 

Date: 09/01/2020

PAX: Blue, Dundee, Milkman, Radiohead, U-Turn, Nordic Trac, Cleaver, Ducktales 

AO: The Huey


Almost 80. Extremely humid.


SSH x20 IC
Forward Fold OYO
Willie Mays Hays x15 IC

The Thang

Leg Ladders
Pax begin at a curb and complete the 10 Bobby Hurleys. Run to the other curb. Complete another round of Bobby Hurleys. Add 12 Tuck Jumps. Run back. Complete 12 Tuck Jumps. Add 14 Yoga Squats. etc…
10 — Bobby Hurleys 

12 — Tuck Jumps

14 — Yoga Squats (feet together)

16 — Pause Squats (pause for a 1 Mississippi hold)

18 — Regular Squats

20 — Monkey Humpers

Duck Walk Lunges
At the completion of each exercise, Pax would run a half lap back to Love Shack.
Bulgarian Split Squat x20 each leg
Duck Lunges x20 each leg.


Work ethic is completely and totally mutually exclusive from salary. Do you plan an F3 workout? Have you ever led anything which you gave your whole heart and effort? IF so, then you understand this concept. Don’t let your passion, focus, and desire be hindered by salary or affirmation given for a task.



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