Date: 06/04/2021
PAX: AOL, Bandwagon, Escobar, Mayhem, Mothballs, Oui Oui, Ramrod, Rollback, SeaGull, Sousa, Spread Eagle, Toe Jelly, Uncle Joe
AO: Hacksaw
Humid and warm. No complaints from the PAX about the temperatures. Just about the exercises.
Mosey to the flag
- SSH x 20
- WMH x 10
- LBAC x 28
- Reverse x 20
Humming BirdsSeal Claps x 14- SSH x 20
The Thang
PAX to complete:
10 x Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes
20 x Merkins
30 x Curls for the Gurls
40 x LBCs
Run a lap around the flag poles
A timer went off every 1:20 or 1:40 (alternating to keep things fresh) alerting the PAX it was time to do 3 Blockees – if away from your coupons on a lap do 3 burpees.
Oui Oui – Scissor Kicks
Mothballs – 25 Big Boy Situps
Mayhem – Plank until time
Shared a quote from a book titled How to Lead When You Aren’t In Charge.
The premise of the first chapter is that there are two primary ways to lead: to lead by leveraging influence or by authority.
“If you fail to leverage influence when you aren’t in charge you will have no influence when you are in charge”
Challenged the PAX to consider how they lead in their work places, homes, families, etc.
With only 5 HCs the YHC adapted his intended beatdown from a DORA style exercise to the format given.
Don’t play Smashing Pumpkins songs if Sousa is holding your coupon… unless you want several smaller coupons.
Mayhem is considering opening a personal coupon delivery service. Hit him up on slack for more side-hustle ideas.
Shouts of acclimation were heard at regular intervals when the buzzer sounded. Everybody loves burpees & blockees.
Hummingbirds have now been stricken from YHC’s personal exicon. Totally befuddled to discover that they actually move their wings in a figure eight pattern. YHC cannot live with that kind of lie. Thank you Escobar for your leadership.

Lookouts Convergence on 6/12; Beatdown at 7 am; game that evening family friendly $25 per head; Fallen Five Ruck 7/17 Beatdown followed by Ruck at the Dam
3rd-F channel on Slack for Chubby’s and Habitat opportunities.