Air is Heavy, and Perspective is Everything


Date: 09/20/2021

PAX: Abercrombie, AOL, Full Moon, John Doe, M.I.A., Mandela, Night Fever, Picabo, Spirit Fingers, Top ‘Em, WeBlow, Woodrider

AO: Hacksaw


Consistent rain, 72 degrees.


Mosey to flag, WMH IC, SSH’s IC, Third Grade Exercises IC, Forward Fold OYO, Air Presses IC, Seal Claps IC


Single file line lunge walk to exit flag circle, side shuffle to Coast Guard, 30 merkins, run to tank, 30 merkins, side shuffle to circle entry, lunge walk into flag circle, Al Gore until six is in

2/10 Merkins and 10/50 Air Presses… 2 merkins 10 AP’s, 4 merkins 20 AP’s, 6 merkins 30 AP’s, 8 merkins 40 AP’s, 10 merkins 50 AP’s…. and back down

Single file line lunge walk to exit flag circle, side shuffle to Coast Guard, 30 merkins, run to tank, 30 merkins, side shuffle to circle entry, lunge walk into flag circle, Al Gore until six is in

LBC’s x30 OYO, Flutter Kicks x30 IC, Dying Cockroaches x20 IC, 6 inches, 10 Big Boi’s

Single file line lunge walk to exit flag circle, side shuffle to Coast Guard, 30 merkins, run to tank, 30 merkins, side shuffle to circle entry, lunge walk into flag circle, Al Gore until six is in

Grateful Dead. PAX in plank position. Left arm up… hold, right leg up… hold, right arm up… hold, left leg up… hold. Maintain plank and rotate body 90 degrees to 3 o’clock position. Repeat limb raising and hold sequence for all four limbs. Maintain plank and rotate body 90 degrees to 6 o’clock position. Repeat limb raising and hold sequence for all four limbs. Maintain plank and rotate body 90 degrees to 9 o’clock position. Repeat limb raising and hold sequence for all four limbs. Maintain plank and rotate 90 degrees back to starting 12 o’clock position. Two merkins to finish… because why not…

Mosey back to parking lot


QIC shared a short word on opportunity. They are everywhere, all the time. Right now we all know that the world is in a chaotic and uncertain state. This can understandably suppress one’s ability to see opportunity or be optimistic. Still, opportunity is everywhere. Whether you are in a position to seize an opportunity (go out and take it!) or have a chance to extend an opportunity to another… stay aware, and stay ready!

Prayers for AOL and a good doctors visit today regarding pituitary

Prayers for M.I.A.’s wife and the elimination of her heart flutters

Picabo took us out in prayer