Date: 10/26/2021
PAX: AOL, Choo Choo, Face Plant, Jaws, Mandela, Nutbuster, Peetuhson, Pocket Taco, See Through, Tatonka, Toe Tag
AO: Parliament
52 degrees & Windy. Didn’t stop the tank top.
Disclaimer and we were off to show the PAX the boundaries for todays workout.
The Thang – Zombie Run
Two Zombies were identified, they each ran a lap around the track, then had to devour (tag) the remaining PAX. Devoured PAX become zombies. This continued until all PAX were zombies.
When the cars pulling into the school became an additional obstacle to dodge, PAX did Frankenstein walk on track followed by 4 MoM.
YHC wanted to talk about contentment, so he did. It’s easier today to think about the things we want, and the things others have than it is to look at the things you have or your circumstances with wonder. Recent events have given YHC a glimpse of how great life really is. Even in challenging circumstances, we should find joy where we are.
“This must be what its like to be the injured gazelle.” Tatonka
“My ankle hurt, but at the prospect of getting eaten by a zombie it suddenly felt much better.” also Tatonka
“M.I.A. found contentment with his workouts, so he just started copying other peoples. Really original.” probably Tatonka
Toe Tag’s Strava looked like his Apple Watch got swallowed by a dog:

Mandela was prey for the first time in his life. And last.
Special thanks to Mansiere, who thought this up, and lent it (with or without consent… it doesn’t matter) to his flatland brethren.
Chubbie’s on Monday night starting about 5:30. Always looking for volunteers.
Thanksgiving convergence will be at Coolidge Park at 6AM. Pax are encouraged to register for the Grateful Gobbler 5K benefitting the Maclellan Shelter for Families that will follow the convergence.