QIC: Shamu
Date: 11/5/2021
PAX: Friar Tuck, Fissure, Blindside, CareBear, Transplant, Doogie, Sandbag, Thermostat, Oil Can, Yellow 5, Roomba, Ponce de Leon, Sling Blade
AO: Lion’s Den
A cool crisp 39 degrees with clear skies.
High knees x 20 IC (40 total)
Star Jumps x20
Little baby arm circles x10 IC
Right over left and left over right hamstring stretch X10 IC (holding each position for full count)
Willie Mays Hayes x10 IC (holding each position for full count)
Standing quad stretch x10 IC (holding each position for full count)
The Thang
Mosey to the start of the straight away. PAX circled up.
Push up plus/”Merkins” with a plus x20 IC (40 reps total). -Emphasis is upon keeping elbows straight entire time and focusing on rounding the back (like a cat) to separate the scapula (shoulder blades) and pushing the spine towards the sky. Helps to strengthen the serratus anterior and lower traps which helps prevent winging of the shoulder blades and rounding of the shoulders/back.
Ys and Ts and As (arm raises) on stomach x20 IC (40 reps total each position) to strengthen back – positions Y (image 4), T (image 2) were completed in addition to an “A” position with arms more down at your side and the pinky fingers pointing up toward sky.

Side planks with leg lifts toward sky x10 IC (20 reps total)
Plank Superman alternating opposite arms and legs x20 IC

Leap frog race (about 40 yards) – PAX paired up and lined up in a straight line and leap frogged over each other. Basically repetitions of deep squats
Broad jumps into a controlled squat (about 30 yards) – emphasis on soft landings

PAX gathered at base of hill. Perform one set of 20 of each of the following 3 exercises. In between each set, each person to shuffle up/down the hill as instructed (side shuffling with slight knee bends up the hill to 2nd street light or cone, turn 180 deg and continue up the hill shuffling to the 4th street light. Turn 180 deg again and shuffle downhill, once again turning 180 deg at the 2nd street light).
Spider-Man/”Frog” Merkins x 20 soft count

Cobras x 20

Leg drops x 20 for abs

PAX to continue to repeat entire cycle until time was up
Moseyed back to starting position in parking lot.
Infinitely Valuable
“For just as the body is one and yet has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ.” -1 Corinthians 12:12
The apostle Paul speaks of our spiritual gifts earlier in the chapter and the important role that each member of the Church plays. I shared with the PAX my struggles with insecurity and self-worth throughout my life, especially before I became a Christian. My 5 year old son has some mild special needs which affects his social skills mostly and it’s difficult to see him struggle with some of his interactions with his peers. We have a responsibility to teach our children that they are infinitely valuable to God, independent of their performance. It’s easy to show more praise or favoritism towards our sons or daughters who are more athletic or more academically gifted without even realizing it. This can be detrimental for the siblings that feel that they will never be able to live up to those standards. This can be applied to any of us as well. We are all infinitely valuable to God, independent of what our performance is because we are all created in God’s image. No matter what your past was like or what sins you’ve committed, you’re never too far from God. It only takes one step to turn around, repent of your sins, and to follow Christ. If you are a Christian who has trusted in Christ as your Lord and Savior, you have been forgiven. We are so valuable to God that He sacrificed Himself on a cross for us. We need to also remember that we are no better than anyone else. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). We all need God’s forgiveness.
We need to let our wives and children know that they are infinitely valuable. We need to be intentional about spending quality and a good quantity of time with them (you cannot expect to build a relationship on 5 minutes every couple of days). Seek out that one neighbor or coworker that God has placed in your life to reach out to. You may be the one person that reaches out to them to lead them to God. See the value in each person.
- “This is a warm up?” (in response to the star jumps)
- I told them that we will use bricks for the Y’s, Ts, As next time. Someone said “Yes, next time.”
- Leap frogging over and over was more of a workout than most expected as the breathing got heavier towards the end.
Thanksgiving Convergence at 6am (Thanksgiving Day) with a 5K following.
Special business meeting on 11/14 at 4pm in the Fellowship Hall at Red Bank Baptist Church to discuss establishment of a Christian academy as announced by Blindside