QIC: Recycle
ATTQIC: Burrito
Date: 1/29/2022
PAX: 8-Mile, A-A-Ron, Bada Bing, Blowpop, Burrito, Hambone (RESPECT), Mansiere, Old School (RESPECT), Snow Patrol, Squirt, Yellow 5
AO: Convoy
Good Lord

No crap Mr Weather Channel
SSH x25 IC
WMH x10 IC
TGE x10 IC
Rev x10 IC
SC x10 IC
OC x10 IC
SSH x15 IC
At least this was what I set out to do. Who knows how many reps we actually did. It was really really windy and cold in that parking lot.
The Thang
We grabbed our coupons and moseyed from the Siberian parking lot down to the baseball/softball fields.
The Butt Cold Upper Body Wrecker
PAX pair up. Simple DORA with reps completed by bleachers and partner moseying to the bollards by the parking lot, completing 15 squats, and moseying back.
Round 1: 300 Curls For The Girls™
Partner swap
Round 2: 300 Incline Merkins
Partner swap
Round 3: 300 Tricep Extensions
Partner swap
Round 4: 250 Decline Merkins
Partner swap
Round 5: 150 Overhead Press
Mosey back to the Siberian parking lot.
50 Big Boi Situps
100 Toe Merkins
My face was completely numb by the time we got to the COT. I shared an excerpt from Jon Gordon’s book “The Carpenter.” Hopefully the PAX could understand what I was saying through frozen lips:
“Always remember that your greatness as a leader will not be determined by how much power you accumulate. It will be determined by how much you serve and sacrifice for others to help them become great. Great leaders don’t succeed because they are great. They succeed because they bring out the greatness in others.”
Playlist: Silverchair, Franz Ferdinand, Stone Temple Pilots, Tantric, Alice In Chains, Trapt, The Pride Of The Southland Marching Band, The Black Crowes, Temple Of The Dog, The Notorious B.I.G., Staind, JAY-Z, Collective Soul
I could finally feel my face again about 2 hours after the COT.
The rumor is true, Hambone rode to the workout with me and I asked who he was when I saw him in the COP. I just didn’t recognize him with all those clothes on.
That’s what she said
Great to see A-A-Ron;;;;;;come work out more than once a month!
Staffing issues at the Dunkin Donuts kept us from receiving the warm holes we were promised. Disappointment abounded.
The 1st F is for Fitness: Squirt’s VQ right here at Convoy Monday morning. Tuff Muff coming up on February 19th.
The 2nd F is for Fellowship: El Metate lunch soon…watch Slack for details.
The 3rd F is for Faith: Watch the #3rd-f channel for several opportunities to serve including Chubby’s and Habitat!
This concludes the News