QIC: Irish
Date: 05/06/2022
PAX: Rodeo, iSpy, Castaway
AO: Boneyard

72 degrees. Extremely muggy due to overnight rain showers. Humidity caused a lot of sweat!
- Side-Straddle Hop – x15 IC
- Squat Thrust – x15 IC
- Mountain Climber – x15 IC
- Abe Vigoda – x15 IC
- LBAC x15 IC plus reverse
The Thang
Q mentioned that there is a theme associated with this date in history that can be found from the clues in the workout. Queue the Led Zeppelin playlist!
Round 1: at Flag
- Burpees x 5
- Lunges x 10 (each leg)
- Imperial Walkers x 15 (each leg)
- Merkins x 20
- Plank Jacks x 25 (Q forgot to do this one, so Pax got a freebie)
- Squats x 30
- Mosey to next station
Round 2: behind Teacher’s Place building
- Burpees x 10
- Lunges x 15 (each leg)
- Imperial Walkers x 20 (each leg)
- Merkins x 25
- Plank Jacks x 30
- Squats x 35
- Mosey to next station
Round 3: Food City Parking Lot
- Burpees x 5
- Lunges x 10 (each leg)
- Imperial Walkers x 15 (each leg)
- Merkins x 20
- Plank Jacks x 25
- Squats x 30
- Mosey to next station
Round 4: behind Teacher’s Place building
- Burpees x 10
- Lunges x 15 (each leg)
- Imperial Walkers x 20 (each leg)
- Merkins x 25
- Plank Jacks x 30
- Squats x 35
- Mosey to next station
Round 5:
- Wall squats
- Mosey to Flag
- Mountain pose stretch to finish us out
The historical event referenced by the workout was the Hindenburg disaster which occurred on May 6, 1937. While docking, the blimp caught fire (it didn’t officially explode) and within 29 seconds, all of the hydrogen was consumed. 35 people (out of 90+) lost their lives.
There are many lessons to be learned from the disaster. One that struck YHC’s fancy was that the zeppelin was originally designed to use helium (which is inert and doesn’t burn, but does make your voice sound funny if you inhale it). But because Germany had a helium shortage at the time, it was cheaper to use hydrogen (which burns like nobody’s business). So in essence, the owners of the Hindenburg prioritized cost over their primary (and most important) mission – transporting passengers safely from one place to the next.
The lesson for us is this: what are the important things in our life and are we fueling them with more expensive helium or cheaper hydrogen? Are we giving our all to our primary missions (as husbands, fathers, leaders, sons) or are we short-changing them? Spend the time, effort, and cost on the most important things in your life – otherwise you may crash and burn like the Hindenburg.
Pax didn’t guess the workout theme during the exercises – they thought it was all about Led Zeppelin, especially since YHC started spouting off Zep trivia between exercises just so we could catch our breath in the muggy air.
The final answer was guessed when we reviewed the B.L.I.M.P.S. acronym during the COT.
Zeppelin Playlist
- Black Dog
- Whole Lotta Love
- Ramble On
- Heartbreaker
- The Ocean
- Immigrant Song
- Rock and Roll
- Misty Mountain Hop
- Moby Dick
- Kashmir
- Houses of the Holy
- D’yer Mak’er
Memorial Day Burph at The Dam
Chubby’s – bring stuff to Lion’s Den on Monday