Hill Yeah!

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 12/12/2018
PAX: Cable Cutter, Fissure, Geek Squad, Ohms, Prosciutto, The Count (Respect), Whittler
AO: Lion’s Den


Frosty.  On the edge of upper 20’s to lower 30’s.  Well lit for optimal filming.  Nice and gloomy as well.

The Disclaimer



  1. SSH IC X20
  2. SSH IC x12
  3. BACs IC x15
  4. Reverse BACs IC x15
  5. Moroccan Night Clubs IC x15
  6. Cherry Pickers x15
  7. Prosciutto’s Gold Chain x15
  8. Butterflies x15
  9. Shoulder Presses x15
  10. Plank Line Jumps

The Thang

Round #1: Heartbreak 1, 2, 3’s
The same as Dora but with a Hill…

  1. Round # 1 — 100 Merkins
  2. Round # 2 — 200 Leg Lift
  3. Round # 3 — 300 Squats

Pax ran to the 4th light pole up the hill for the first two rounds of Dora, and YHC modified it to the 3rd light pole for the squats round.
Round #2: 21’s 

  1. Incremented Bent Over Rows
  2. Decremented Merkins

231 total merkins
231 total Bent Over Rows

Find where you’re talents and interests meet, pursue that with unrelenting passion, and after 10,000 hours of work…you’ll reach perfection on something you enjoy and you’re good at.

Prosciutto questioned my ambition (once again) for our 21’s Round.
Extensive conversations were had about correct Bent Over Row form. (Thanks, Count (Respect, Respect))
YHC sweats…ALOT
There are three total schools with Red Bank, RB Elementary, RB Middle, and RB High.  The middle and high share a campus.  The well lit parking lot behind the high school is the middle school.

Last “Launch” Day for the Battery is Saturday

Upcoming Qs