QIC: VSquared
Date: 08/06/2019
PAX: Sidekick, The Count, Dirk, Milk Man, Sunburn, Ducktales, Candu, Free Time, Peanuts, Cliffhanger
AO: Boneyard
Its summer in TN, what do you think #humidity
- sunrise yoga stretches
- imperial walkers
- side straddle hop
- ‘mercans
- mosey around track:
- regular mosey
- butt kickers
- high knees
- regular mosey
The Thang
keep it moving and keep your partner moving, too.
Momentum & Camaraderie
rotate through 4 stations doing #1 on each exercise sheet as much as possible (reps or distance) on the first round, #2 on the second, #3 on the third. Stay at your place until the team after you relieves you of your tasks. leader will need to start rotation each time. we only made it through 2 rounds.
Station 1:
- squat jumps, as many rounds up the steps as possible (walk or hop back down).
- lunges along steps back and forth.
- squats.
Station 2:
- pull ups to max then assist one another to second max, third max, etc. (the fewer you do the more times you do them).
- dips to max twice then drop feet to assist to max on third time and following.
- push ups to max on wobbly stand as many times as possible.
Station 3:
- berni sanders to first pole with flag as many times as possible.
- bear crawl to first pole with flag as many times as possible.
- crab walk to first pole with flag as many times as possible.
Station 4:
- eight count body builders.
- eight count body builders.
- eight count body builders.
Circle of Mary, where all twelve PAX got a chance to pick and count out their favorite core exercises.
We gotta be about balance in our lives. There are moments when we have to reach out, don’t miss these or you might end up on your back somewhere. There are also moments when instead of pushing hard you have to take a breath and maintain a steady momentum. Missing those moments can result in burnout and all sorts of bad coping mechanisms – unless you reach out AND have guys there who will listen and reach back. Listening actively is a two way street; do it seek it from others calling them towards it with your own examples and gracious prompts. You need it, and they need it. OYO doesn’t actually exist, because you are always influenced by someone around you. Ask yourself who that or those people are, are they good influences, then draw nearer; are they bad, cut ties. We only have 90 years or less, make a decision today that part of that 90 will be an example your proud to leave; make it an example of camaraderie and momentum.
I seem to remember getting my butt kicked by a certain 60 year old who I’m trying to hard to emulate and who is feeding off of the younger guys around him. Hell of an example for the words above.