QIC: Whittler
Date: 1/30/2020
PAX: Prosciutto, Pomade, Laces Out, Gusher, Burrito
AO: Smackdown
Burrito’s mom
Warm up Merkin Mile – 4 laps, 25 merkins after each lap
Request for arm circles was obliged after this
The Thang
Block DORA
Partner up. Partner 1 does exercise with a block while partner 2 runs across the field, does exercise with DRP and runs back. Flap jack
Round 1 – 100 thrusters, BB situps with DRP x 10 each time across the field
Round 2 – 200 curls, flutter kicks with DRP x 10 each time across the field
Round 3 – 300 Overhead presses, V ups x 10 each time across the field
Cool down lap
heel touch
Freddie Mercury
Pickle pointer
This whole week, the big story on TV has been Kobe Bryant and his unfortunate death. While I am not a Kobe fan, this has affected me more than I thought it might. I am generally a sports fan so I’m aware of Kobe’s distinguished career, but that’s not what got me. There are two things from his death that have stuck with me all week. The first is the power of redemption. The last real headline I remember Kobe making was when he was in trouble for rape and infidelity. Kobe took his medicine, made peace with his family, and seems to have found a relationship with God. Despite his shortcomings, he found redemption that is only available through our Heavenly Father. This should give all of us hope that if we are contrite and ask for forgiveness, it shall be ours.
Second, and more impactful to me, was the relationship that Kobe had with his family, specifically his daughter Gigi. Kobe had been using a helicopter for many years to travel in Los Angeles. He did so because it allowed him to avoid traffic and spend more time at home with his family. He was able to have breakfast with his kids, get to practice and be home in time to pick his kids up. He made his time with his girls his priority. I can’t imagine the conversation between him and his daughter when that helicopter was going down. How tough was it to know that despite spending his whole life protecting that little girl, that he was powerless to protect her at that moment. To me, Kobe exemplified what a #girldad should be. At the end of the day, all the money, fame, and stature in the world didn’t matter. Spend time with your kids. Hug them each and every day. Get those priorities in order.
Burrito was surprisingly quiet. I’m not sure we heard any Nashville stories.
Something happening on 2/8.