400s and Burpees -Couch Potato 5/14

QIC:  CouchPotato

Date: 05/14/2020

PAX: BandCamp, U-Turn, Gretel, Slois Lane, Milkman, Dundee, Ducktales, GeekSquad, SpongeBob, Pumpkin

AO: Huey


Perfect weather, 59 degrees cool and dry


2x 400 meter laps while conducting an explanation of the workout of the day, quick stretch

The Thang

Spartan Challenge
This workout was a timed event as follows…

(1x 400 meter, + 30 Burpees) repeat 4x for time. Each member kept their own time to compare to future running of this event. Early finishers did bonus rounds until 0550 and then finished with the following Mary…

  1. In and Outs -25
  2. Seated Bicycle – 25 each way
  3. Crunchy frog – 25
  4. Cross leg /Wide leg situp -reach up first then to opposite toe
  5. Fifer scissors – slow flutterkicks -25
  6. Hip rock and raise
  7. Heels to heaven
  8. Roll up v-up combo
  9. Leg climb
  10. (American Hammer)Mason twist