Hit me again, and put some Stank on it!

QIC: 9 Volt

Date: 10/19/22

PAX:  Boy Scout, Transplant, Irish, Cru cru, Rodeo, Back pew

AO: Lions-den

Make it Stank – Special Aromatic Dance Playlist


  • Past performance is no guarantee of future results
  • Many suitcases look alike so be sure to check the tags before retrieving yours
  • If it lasts more than 4 hours call your doctor
  • Side effects may include un-controllable diarrehea. … and fainting


SSH ICx20,  Squats ICx20, Baby arm circle fwdx15, revx15, sealclapx15, SSH ICx20, Forward fold ICx10, High Knees ICx20, Willy Maze Haze ICx10

The Thang

Swamp Run
PAX runs 75 yards out and back between exercises
     Turn around when leader passes you
      Do 2 extra reps for every person you pass

1. 10 Jump squats
2. 20 Hand Release Merkins
3. 20 Crab jacks
4. 50 calf raises
5. 20 Cap’t Thor (In the grass or you’ll get an F3 tramp stamp)
6. 25 Carolina Dry Docks
7. 30 LBC
8. 10 Burpees
9. 20 Lunge
10. 25 Wide Merkins
11. 20 SSH
12. 20 Monkey Humpers
13. 20 BBSU


An interesting reaseach article I ran across in which people who were incouraged to think of their weekend as a vacation rather than just a weekend reported enjoying it more even though they didn’t do anything very different.  Attitude is important.


Everybody loves accordian music

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