Was it Really Track Day?????

QIC:  Clothespin

Date: 03/07/2023

PAX: Face Plant, Blackout, Tatonka, Roundup, Sniffer, Zoosk, Nodoz

AO: Parliament


50s Clear with a bright moon! Perfect workout weather.

Who the heck let Clothespin Q Trackday anyway……

One would think that Trackday would be running. Make some laps gets some miles and go home… Well not today!

The Thang

Dundee’s Workouts are stupid….
6 cones set evenly spaced on half the track. Traverse the cones in a suicide fashion, buying in with 2 burpees each time you go back to cone 1. Each time you travel out to a cone you do an exercise at that cone then return to cone 1. Mode of transport was mosey the whole time.
Round 1 was 20 Merkins at each cone
Round 2 was 10 BBS at each cones
Round 3 was 20 Squats at each cone
Had just a couple of minutes after round three to stretch and cool down.


I burned 4820 calories Monday and didn’t eat nearly enough. To say the least, I was still tired and did not want to workout this morning. I am so glad to have my F3 brothers to motivate me and share the gloom with me. Try to build those shield locks and make the most of the relationships and fellowship that F3 provides.


Blackout and Tatonka kept talking about meat…. I don’t know what that was about…..
If you don’t burpee, do you even workout?


AOL on Q 3/8/2023, Chubbys, F3/FIA Capture the flag 3/25/2023, Poker Ruck at The Battery 4/1/2023

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