QIC: Blackout
Date: 7/15/2021
PAX: Doogie, Dundee, Gretel, FNG – Life Alert, Mayhem, Money Shot, Spooner, U-Turn
AO: Huey
Foggy and humid. No rain, which was nice!
Mosey 1/4 mile lap to pavilion
- SSH – x20
- FF – OYO
- WMH – x15
- Arm Circles – x15
- Reverse Arm Circles – x15
- Chinooks – x15
The Thang
Bur-kin Interval #1 – 60 seconds work and 15 seconds rest (8 total exercises)
- Burpees
- Merkins
- Bodybuilder Burpees
- Incline Merkins
- Kraken Burpees
- Decline Merkins
- Burpees
- Werkins
Mosey 1/4 mile lap
Stationary 11
Performed Box Jumps and Dips on picnic tables in Pavilion. 10 Box Jumps, 1 Dip; 9 Box Jumps, 2 Dips;…..1 Box Jump, 10 Dips
Mosey 1/4 mile lap
Bur-kin Interval #2– 60 seconds work and 15 seconds rest (8 total exercises)
- Burpees
- Merkins
- Bodybuilder Burpees
- Lunges
- Kraken Burpees
- Ballerina Squats
- Burpees
- Reverse Lunges
MARY – 2 minutes
- Flutter Kicks – x15 IC (Gretel)
- 12 BBSU OYO (U-Turn)
- Pickle Pointers to time (Spooner)
Talked about vulnerability and the need for vulnerability and stepping outside comfort zone to grow (both physically and spiritually). Talked about Q being first time leading many of the men at Huey and although, Q has done this many times, there is still a vulnerable aspect to leading men you just met in the gloom. Always remember to step outside of comfort zone as the effort of the man defines his character more than the success and failure. If we never step out of our comfort zone and become vulnerable, we will neither see true success OR true failure to grow from.
Teddy Roosevelt Quote: The Man in the Arena speech from 1910
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong
man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is
marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who
comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and
shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows
great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy
cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement,
and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that
his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know
victory nor defeat.”
It was determined early on that weighted vests and burpees/merkins “ad nauseum” (Mayhem) do not go well together. It was also determined and mentioned that there are different muscle groups other than the muscles in the chest just to make sure Q knew that.
We got a sweet picture of the Helicopter with light and fog shining in. CCR war songs were played during the intervals, almost like Q read the mind of Ducktales before seeing Slack….
At the end of the workout, Gretel put his stamp of approval on the “total body” beatdown this morning. I am almost certain that means it sucked really bad…..
Q called an audible on second interval set to do some squats and lunges. Didn’t feel right to ask PAX to do something for 60 seconds when I could barely lift my own arms in the merkins position by that time!
Fallen Five ruck this Saturday at the Dam; 0700 beatdown followed by Ruck event with 3 other beatdowns sprinkled in.
Talked 3rd-F: Legacy park cleanup and Chubby’s
August 17 Blood Drive event coming up for Captain Wafer’s daughter at St. Peter and Paul Basilica downtown Chattanooga