Doin’ The Den

QIC: Goose

Date: 02/07/2020

PAX: The Count, Friar Tuck, Geek Squad, Footloose, Rumba, Oil Can, Pay Load, Moneyball, Burrito, Prosciutto, Blindside, Mr Clean

AO: Lions Den


Cold and Wet


SSH x25

Willie Mays Hays x15

Forward Fold OYO

Cherry Pickers x20

SSh X25

The Thang

Laps of Steel
Run a lap while going up every staircase on both bleachers.

Adora: 500 total count, either merkins or squats, while partner runs a lap.

Box jumps up steps, 15 incline merkins at every 3rd jump, 4 rounds

Jailbreaks across field x4

Announcements: Convergence tomorrow at The Dame 0700-0800

[The “Moleskin” aka the “NAKED-MAN MOLESKIN” is the portion of the Backblast in which the Q describes interesting things about the Workout that are at least partially true.]

[Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

    Three Year Anniversary with Goose on Q

    QIC: Goose

    Date: 11/12/2019

    PAX: Goose, Moneyball, Deer Jack, Ringwald, John Doe, Skitch, Sunshine, The Count

    AO: Hill City

    Conditions: Cold and wet


    SSH x 20

    Forward Fold OYO

    One leg quad stretch OYO

    Third Grade Exercises x15

    SSH x15

    The Thang:

    Mosey to Hills

    Box jump up steps with 20 merkins at 4th every step> then jailbreak up Mt Mediorama> back down. x4

    Adora: 300 squats. One partner squats while other partner Bernies up Mt. Mediorama.

    Mosey to field by Rhino

    4 jailbreaks across field

    Laboring after Labor Day

    QIC: Goose

    Date: 09/03/2019

    PAX: Sunshine, Curfew, Red Tees, Hobo, Blindside, Bumblebee, Moneyball, Roadhouse, Callahan, Sherlock, Cowbell, Kiffin, Ringwald, Skitch, Flemish, Uncle Fester

    AO: Hill City


    Perfect weather for a post holiday beatdown


    SSH  IC x25

    Foward Fold OYO

    Quad stretch OYO each leg

    Willie Mays Hays IC x 15

    Third grade exercises IC   x 15

    SSH IC   x25

    The Thang

    -Mosey across Walnut Bridge, alternating 50 merkins and 50 squats at wooden humps on bridge. Mosey Back across bridge to field at Coolidge Park.

    -Mosey around field stopping at every other light-post for 10 merkins. Mosey to blue rhino field. Jailbreaks x2 

    Mary: LBC, and Flutter kicks.

    Recent Backblasts

      10 at the Den

      QIC: Goose

      Date: 08/21/2019

      PAX: The Count (Respect), Prosciutto, Fissure, Ohms, She Shed, Loan Shark, FNG-Gretel, Money Ball, Blindside

      AO: Lions Den


      SSH x25

      Willie Mays Hays x15

      Forward Fold OYO

      Third Grade Exercises x15

      SSH X20

      Willie Mays Hays x15

      The Thang

      Lap around track, including run up and down all staircases on both bleachers. x1

      Box jumps and merkins on both bleachers, 3 rounds on both sides

      Bear Crawl down, Lunge back 2 trips

      Mosey around track x1


      1 set of crunches

      Hi My Name is Goose – 07/09

      QIC: Goose

      Date: 07/09/2019

      PAX:  Picasso, Ringwald, Sunshine, Red Tees, Wart, Hobo, Back Pew, Uncle Fester, Skitch, Free Candy

      AO: Hill City


      Extremely Hot and Humid


      Mosey to great hall


      Willie Mays Hays x15

      Quad Stretch x15 each leg

      Forward Fold x15

      SSH x15


      The Thang

      Mosey to amphitheatre

      Box jump up steps, bernie sanders up hill, mosey to bottom of steps, x4

      Bear Crawl up boob hill, mosey down, 10 merkins, x5

      Mosey to great hall

      25 calf raises 

      Mosey to field with stage

      Lunges down and back

      Mosey to field by rhino

      Jailbreaks x2

      Circle of Mary






      Recent Backblasts

        Runnin’ Stadiums

        QIC:  Goose

        Date: 06/05/2019

        PAX:  The Count, Early Bird, Ohms, She Shed, Sunburn, Milkman, Peanuts, Red Tees

        AO: Lions Den


        Real nice Carl


        SSH x25

        Merkins x25

        Imperial Walkers x20

        Overtop Hang OYO

        Willie Mays Hays OYO

        SSH IC x25

        The Thang

        1.Mosey once around track

        2. Mosey around track running up and down every staircase on both bleachers, also 15 burpees at each goal post. x3

        3.Bear Crawls down and back x3

        4. Lunges down and back x3

        5. 50 yard jail breaks x1

        6. Mary: Flutter Kicks, Freddy Mercury, LBC



         The first week of the month is always a good time to set goals for where you want to be at the end of the month. Make sure to set accountability for the things you need to do to reach your goals.  Change is uncomfortable.

        Recent Backblasts

          Circle Of Pain

          QIC: Goose

          Date: 04/30/2019

          PAX: Hobo, Threeskin, Sunshine, She shed, Whittler, Fabio, Skitch, Laces Out, Red Tees, Back Pew, Ringwald, Moneyball, Prosciutto

          AO: Hill City


          Perfect Weather



          3rd Grade Exercisex15

          Overtop Hang

          Quad Stretches


          The Thang

          10 burpees at every other light post around Coolidge Park.

          Mosey to Boob hill. Bear crawl up boob hill, mosey down, 10 merkins X6

          Mosey to other hill

          Bernie Sanders up, mosey down, 15 squats x4

          Mosey back to parking lot


          ” Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. ”
          -Charles Swindoll


          Remember to respond and not react to daily setbacks and challenges. Most challenges are overcome by simply not letting them change your daily goals and routines.

          Goose – Hill City (03/26)

          QIC: Goose
          Date: 03/26/2019
          PAX: Prosciutto, Money Ball, Care Bear, Laces Out, Sunshine, Skitch, Hobo
          AO: Hill City


          50 Degrees perfect weather


          Mosey to Great Hall, SSH, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Third Grade Exercises, Hamstring Hangs

          The Thang

          Mosey To to Walnut Bridge, 15 Burpees OYO, Mosey to Hills, Box Jumps up stairs and then jailbreak up grassy hill, 3 rounds. Mosey Over to boob hill, bear crawls up and merkins at the bottom, 4 rounds. Mosey back to field by blue rhino, finish up with jailbreaks.


          New Season, New You. 


          Recent Backblasts

            Make Your Bed

            QIC: Goose
            Date: 02/19/2019
            PAX: Prosciutto, Whittler, Fissure, Threeskin, Ringwald, Sunshine, Sunburn, CANDU, Moneyball, Dirk, Peanuts, Roadhouse, VSquared, Hobo, Iron Butt, Hobo, Skitch, Sidekick, Ducktales, The Count, Speed Bump, Best in Show, Laces Out, Wuzntme, Flemish, She Shed, Back Pew
            AO: Hill City


            The Disclaimer



            Mosey to Great Hall
            Imperial Walkers
            3rd Grade Exercises
            Hamstring Hang
            Mosey to Walnut

            The Thang

            Lunges to second wooden hump, 10 burpees
            Lunges to 3rd wooden hump, 10 burpees
            Jailbreak to end of bridge
            Same coming back across Walnut Bridge
            30 Calf raises
            Mosey to field by blue Rhino
            Lunges and jailbreaks back and forth
            Mosey to blue Rhino
            Calf raises

            Closing Remarks