Route 66 Rocks the Walnut Street Bridge

QIC: The Count
Date: 02/12/2019
PAX: Candu, Care Bear, Dirk, Flemish, Goose, Hobo, Initech, Iron Butt, Laces Out, Money Ball, Peanuts, Prosciutto, Roadhouse, Ringwald, She Shed, Sidekick, Skitch, Sunburn, Sunshine, FNG-Tofu, VSquared, WuzntME
AO: Hill City


57 degrees, light sprinkles, but a great day to workout

The Disclaimer:

I’m not a professional. You are here on your own initiative. Push yourself and modify as necessary to avoid injury. If you get hurt let someone know, and we will get you back to your transportation or to ER if necessary.


Mosey to Great Hall – SSH (IC-20), Abe Vigoda (IC-10), Steve Earle (IC-10) Rinse & Repeat.  Mosey to start of Walnut Street Bridge!   

The Thang

Mosey to beginning of street lights to begin Route 66:  Break Up Group in 3 sets of 5 and 2 sets of 4.  At first light conduct 1 Rep of Exercise AYG to 2nd light and perform 2 reps of same exercise, AYG, rinse and repeat until 11th Light is reached and 11 reps of exercise are performed.  Total is 66.  (Round 1 – Burpees, Round 2 – Squats, Round 3 – Merkins, Round 4 – Lunges). In all 264 reps will be done (if you did them all)… 🙂 with 10 short sprints for a total of 40 AYG. All Pax hold Al Gore until six is complete. Mosey back Blue Rhino.
Mary’s – American Hammer, Flutter Kicks, Freddy Mercury, Crunchy Bugs.


Counterama, Namerama, Named our new FNG – Welcome to Tofu!
Prayers and Praises for our families and those who could not be with us.



Confessed my bad week, dealing with work issues, but also feeling bad that I couldn’t be with my brother Bob during his impending surgery. I had to remind myself that I’m responsible as is all of us for our Attitudes. Even when things aren’t going our way, we can maintain a good attitude and lead under adverse situations.

Keep Moving Forward!

QIC: The Count
Date: 01/23/2019
PAX: Fissure, Loan Shark, Magnum, Milkman, Ohms,Prosciutto
AO: Lions Den (Red Bank H.S.)

Conditions: 44 degrees, light showers, but a great day to workout!

The Disclaimer: I’m not a professional. You are here on your own initiative. Push yourself and modify as necessary to avoid injury.  If you get hurt let someone know, and we will get you back to your transportation or to ER if necessary.


SSH, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers (15 Reps – IC).  Line up on Track in Indian Run formation.  Conduct Bataan Death March with last PAX performing 3 Burpees before AYG to rest of PAX, tap last man who drops out of formation to conduct 3 Burpees while first PAX continues to front to take up pace.  Once all PAX complete 1 set of Burpees group continues back to starting point for “The Thang”.   

The Thang

Doracides:  Partner Up at Starting Point – 25 yards away and spread about 10 yards apart are 3 cones.  First PAX will start with exercises provided by Q, while partner runs to 1st Cone does 1 Burpee, runs back to starting point and back to 2nd Cone performs 2 Burpee’s, runs back to starting point and back to 3rd Cone to perform 3 Burpee’s then back to starting point to trade off with partner.  Rinse and Repeat until all Reps are complete.  All hold Al Gore or Plank until all Pax complete reps.  Exercises are as follows: 100 Merkins, 200 LBC’s, 300 Squats, 400 SSH. Highly motivated PAX then mosey to bleachers and while 1 partner conducts Dips the other runs to top of bleachers and back down to trade with partner.  After 2 rounds move to incline pull up on rail while partner runs up and back on bleachers. 

Merry Go Mary’s 10 Reps IC (PAX Choice).

CIRCLE OF TRUST (COT):  Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama- Prayers and Praises for our families and those who could not be with us.  BALL OF MAN!  


We continued moving forward and my thought for the day came from Confucius:  It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.  Oh and don’t forget your form! TheCount. 🙂

Four things to be successful in life.

1. Drink
2. Swear
3. Steal
4. Lie
Drink- from the fountain of Love and friendship for your fellow man and woman!
Swear- to make this the best day of the rest of your life, because none of us are guaranteed or promised tomorrow.
Steal- a little time each day to help a friend or stranger along their way, and don’t expect anything in return.
Lie- tonight when you lie down, thank God that we live on the greatest nation on the face of the earth!
Thank You
J.B. Gaskins

A Little – Charles Bronson, JR

QIC: The Count
Date: 01/07/2019
PAX: Fastlane, Sidekick, Threeskin
AO: Beast Ridge (Camp Jordan)

Conditions: 43 degrees, Clear Skies, a great day to workout!

The Disclaimer: I’m not a professional. You are here on your own initiative. Push yourself and modify as necessary to avoid injury.  If you get hurt let someone know, and we will get you back to your transportation or to ER if necessary.


Mosey from P/L to Field across street.  Windmill (IC) – 10, Tappy Taps (IC) – 10 Finkle Swings (OYO) 10 Ea/Leg, ladder drills Forward Sprint, Lateral High Knees, Icky Shuffle, Lateral in & out, Forward in & out.  Between each exercise PAX maneuver around 4 corner cones with side shuffle. 

The Thang

Modified the Charles Bronson into the Charles Bronson, JR. 

Starting Point – 25 Reps of each exercise, followed by AYG to next point (approx 50 yards away), proceed to third point in Bear Crawl, then mosey back to starting point and hold Al Gore until all PAX are done.

SSH, Merkins, Burpees, Jump Squats, Imperial Walkers, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, Lunges.  Total of 200 Reps, 400 yards AYG, 80 yards Bear Crawl. 

Mosey across and up the street to restroom facilities for Wall Sit routine.- Muhammad Ali’s, Joe Fraziers, Overhead Press, Decline Merkins (feet up on wall). 

Mosey across street and around playground area and Soccer field back to starting point in P/L. 

Merry Go Mary’s:  4 Pax each responsible for IC 10 Reps x 2 rotations     = 160 Total Mary’s.


CIRCLE OF TRUST:  Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama –  Prayers for family members and our deployed soldiers.
BALL OF MAN: Lifted up in prayer to spoken and unspoken prayers.


Very little Mumble Chatter (Good Stuff), that is until we had to Bear Crawl in the mud!! Everyone was working hard, breathing hard, making it worth the early morning wake up!       

“Oh the Humanity”

QIC: The Count
Date: 12/15/2018
PAX: 9 Volt, Blowout, Bubbles, Deep Dish, Fast lane, Powder Room, Rhythm, Rug Doctor, Sidekick, Sidewinder, Threeskin, FNG-WuzntMe
AO: The Battery (Tinsley Park, Cleveland)

Conditions: 49 degrees, Overcast, some light sprinkles, but still a great day to workout!

The Disclaimer: I’m not a professional. You are here on your own initiative. Push yourself and modify as necessary to avoid injury.  If you get hurt let someone know, and we will get you back to your transportation or to ER if necessary.


Mosey from P/L up to to P/L with Pool.  SSH, Abe Vigoda, Plank Jacks, Tappy Taps, Finkle Swings, 30 lb Coupon for Bucket Brigade, ladder drills, and side shuffles around four corners. 

The Thang

Hindenburg B.L.I.M.P.S. (Burpees, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Squats.   (730 Reps) + 2 sprints (300 Yards) + Bear Crawl (50 Yards) = Full Body Workout!

Four Corners (25 yards between cones) First corner do Exercise and number of Reps indicated. Proceed to corners 2, 3, & 4 repeated exercise and Reps.
Burpees (10) x 4 = 40, Lunges (20) x 4 = 80, Imperial Walkers (30) x 4 = 120, Merkins (40, 40, 30, 20, 10) = 140, Plank Jacks (50, 40, 30, 20, 10) = 150, Squats (60, 50, 40, 30, 20) = 200
Mary Go Round: 13 Pax each responsible for IC 10 Reps = 130 Mary’s
Time left to cool down by same way we warmed up with Bucket Brigade, Ladder Drills, and Side Shuffles, and them Mosey back down hill to starting point and F3- Flag for COT.


 CIRCLE OF TRUST:  Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama – Introduced FNG – A. J. Bembry (WuzntMe).  Employed at Blood Assurance, but moving to BC/BS.  Prayers for family members and our deployed soldiers.  Prayers for safe travels to those traveling for holidays.
BALL OF MAN: Lifted up in prayer to spoken and unspoken prayers.


Very little Mumble Chatter (Good Stuff), means everyone was working hard, breathing hard, making it hard to talk crap!  🙂  Enthusiasm was high!  Observed some technique that needed some work (especially some of mine!)    


No New News items.

Cards Anyone?

QIC: The Count
Date: 12/6/2018
PAX: Care Bear, Iron Butt, Laces Out, Moondance, Prosciutto, Ringwald, Sidekick, Speed Bump, Sunshine, VSquared, Whittler
AO: Hill City (Renaissance Park)

Conditions: 23 degrees, calm, dry (Darn Cold)

The Disclaimer: I’m not a professional. You are here on your own initiative. Push yourself and modify as necessary to avoid injury.  If you get hurt let someone know, and we will get you back to your transportation or to ER if necessary.


Mosey from P/L to Renaissance Park and around path ending up in field by carousel.  SSH, Abe Vigoda, Plank Jacks, Tappy Taps, 5 Burpees. 

The Thang

Cards Anyone – Dexicon Deck of Pain (614 Reps) + 2 sprints (300 Yards) + Bear Crawl (50 Yards) = Full Body Workout!

4 stacks of cards by suit shuffled (Hearts-Cardio, Clubs-Core, Spades-Legs, Diamonds-Upper Body).  Reps and exercises based on luck of the draw.  Individual picks from one of 4 stacks and announces to group the Exercise and number of Reps (A=100, J-Q-K=25, 2-10= Card+10).  Next individual picks from next stack.  As my memory serves me:
Hearts(Cardio) – SSH (100) , 1 Suicide Sprint (100 Yards), 1 Suicide Sprint (200 Yards), Bear Crawl (50 Yards), Plank Jack (25), Burpree (25).
Clubs(Core) – SSH-(100), WWII Situp (12), High, Slow Flutter Kick (13), Oblique Crunch (15), Lil Baby Crunch (17), Luge (18), Rosalita (10), Freddie Mercury (25)
Diamonds(UpperBody) – Chuck Norris Merkins (13), Hand-Release Merkin (15), Wide-Arm Merkin (16), Derkin (17), Merkin (18), Dips (25), Merkin (25)
Spades(Legs) – Bulgarian Split Squat (12), Wojo Squat (13), Standing Lunge (15), Monkey Humper (17), Backward Lunge (18), Smurf Jack (25), Squat (25)


leading from the front: Credible leaders often lead by doing! Don’t be afraid to roll your sleeves up and be humble in leadership, give your people the praise in public and criticism in private. 
 CIRCLE OF TRUST:  Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama – Prayers for family and our deployed soldiers.  For our 41st President George H.W. Bush who joins Barbara.  Pay respects for the last of a generation of patriots who went on to serve the people.
BALL OF MAN: Lifted up in prayer to spoken and unspoken prayers.


It was Cold yet the enthusiasm was high!  There wasn’t much Mumble Chatter, but I did observe some technique that was still not very good!  But at least I didn’t curse!!! :-0  


No New News items.

I Can’t Feel My Fingers or Toes !

Date:  11/21/2018

QIC:  The Count
PAX:  Fast Lane, Threeskin, Dorothy (Nomad from NY by way of Knoxville)
AO:  Beast Ridge (Camp Jordan)
Conditions:  30 Degrees, light breeze, low humidity (I wish I had waterproof shoes)
Disclaimer: Disclaimed (no FNG’s)
WARM UP:  Mosey from P/L to Jungle Gym, SSH (10 IC), Abe Vigoda (10 IC), Flying Sun Gods (10 ea leg IC), Plank Jacks (10 IC), Burp-Ups at Pull Up Bar (10 OYO)
Mosey to Soccer Stadium
Quarter Pounder: Start at one end of field.  AYG 25 Yards (25 Merkins) – Bernie Sanders back to starting point.  AYG 50 Yards (50 Squats) – Bernie Sanders back to starting point.  AYG 75 Yards (75 Mountain Climbers) – Bernie Sanders back to starting point.  AYG 100 Yards (100 SSH) – Bernie Sanders back to starting point.
Mosey to Bleachers and do Serpentine run from one end of bleachers to the other and back and perform 20 Derwin’s and 20 Incline Merkins, Rinse and Repeat (x 3).
Mosey to P/L for Mary’s:  XY’s – count 1 & 2 Rosalita, counts 3 & 4 Flutter Kick (10 IC) – Never Cross Dolly – Just like Dolly’s but upper body is in Iron Cross (10 IC) – E2K (Oblique Crunch) – Right ankle over left knee, bring left elbow to right knee, switch (10 IC each leg).  Good Mornings (10 IC), Peter Parkers (10 IC), Imperial Walkers (10 IC), Plank with alternating leg lifts (10 IC), LBC (10 IC), Big Boy Sit-ups (10 IC), Reverse Pickle Pounders (10 IC), American Hammers (10 IC).
End Ex!  Good Job Gents – Great to have Dorothy with us…
COT:  Short and Sweet, because QIC could not feel his fingers or toes!!  Prayers and Praises for those heard and unheard.  Have a good Thanksgiving but don’t be Glutenous!! 🙂

Never Give Up!

Date:  11/7/2018
QIC:  The Count
PAX:  Fast Lane, Sidekick, Threeskin
AO:  Beast Ridge
Conditions:  45 Degrees, no wind, low humidity (conditions could not have been better)
Disclaimer: Disclaimed (no FNG’s)
WARM UP:  SSH, Tappy-Taps, Windmill, Imperial Walkers, Finkle Swing, Mosey around Parking Lot area.
Set up in Parking Lot 4 cones, rectangular shape with about 25 Yds X 15 Yds.  Two exercises per station.  2 Teams of 2 PAX.  1 PAX does one of the exercises while 2nd PAX does the other and then they switch.  Everyone holds Al Gore until all PAX have completed both exercises.  All PAX AYG to next station and do next set of exercises.  4 Stations x 2 Exercises = 8 Exercises.
4 rounds increasing by 5 Reps per round.  20/25/30/35 of each exercise.  Station 1, 3, & 4 were 1:1 (20/25/30/35 Reps of each exercise.  Station 2 – Ratio of 20 Squats to 10 Burpees, 25 Squats to 15 Burpees, 30 Squats to 20 Burpees, 35 Squats to 25 Burpees.
Station 1:  25lb Coupon (any arm exercise – Curls, Triceps Ext, Wood Chopper, etc.) / Flutter Kicks.
Station 2: Squats / Burpees
Station 3: Imperial Walkers / Merkins
Station 4: Big Boy Sit-ups / Mountain Climbers
No time for additional Mary’s – End Ex!  Good Job Gents
COT:  “Don’t Give Up” is a phrase that was made famous by Coach Jim Vilvano who fought and lost his battle with cancer.  I used it today to remind my F3 Brothers that there are those days where we just want to throw up our hands and yell, “I Give Up”!  I know over the years I’ve had my share of those times, we all do!  Just keep believing in yourself, your family, your employees, and especially our country.  We live on the greatest nation on the face of the earth and we are all blessed to be in it!

What A Difference A Day Makes!

Date: 11/5/2018
QIC: The Count
PAX: Ducktales, Mr. Clean, Lugnut, Steam Engine, Picasso, Radiohead, Milkman, Geek Squad
AO: The Huey (Veterans Park)
Conditions: 50 Deg F, Wet with slight drizzle
Disclaimer: Disclaimed (No FNG’s)
Warm-Up: Finkle Swings (15/Ea), Tappy-Taps (15/IC), Windmills (15/IC), Nancy Kerrigans (15/ea-IC), 1 Lap around track alternate between Mosey, Bernie Sanders, Side Shuffle.
The Thang:
B.O.M.B.S – Team Up (x2).  PAX 1 Starts with Burpees while partner AYG 25 Yards and does 25 Reps of either of 4 exercises (Curls w/25 lb coupon, Tricep Ext w/25 lb coupon, LBC’s, Side Straddle Hop, then AYG and continue with partner left off.
B = Burpees – 50, O = Overhead Press (25 lb/coupon) – 100, M = Merkins – 150, B = Big Boy Situps – 200, S = Squats – 250
When complete each team should have completed 750 Reps + Approx 400 Reps of Curls/Tricep Ext/LBC/SSH.
MARY Go Round:  Each PAX leads Mary of their choice for 10 Reps.
End EX!  Great Job Gentlemen!!
Prayers for those heard and unheard requests!

Celebrating 60’s!

Date: 11/03/2018
QIC: The Count (Respect)
PAX: FNG-Tea Bag (Andy Gaskins), FNG-Mugshot (Matthew Gaskins), FNG-Capsize (Tom Rice), Fast Lane, Whittler, Doodles, Cowbell, Peanuts, Threeskin, Venus, VSquared, High Tops, Candu, Early Bird, Ducktales, Fissure, Liverpool, Prosciutto, Outcast, Radiohead, Gisele, Geek Squad
AO: Landfill (White Oak Park)
Conditions: 37 Deg with Fog with Rain
Disclaimer: I’m not a professional, and you are here of your own freewill (except my two sons – FNG’s).  Work hard at your own pace, and if you get hurt we will get you to your car or call an ambulance!  🙂
Warm Up: Mosey around field alternating between Mosey, Bernie Sanders, Side Shuffle, followed by  Side Straddle Hops, Tappy Taps, Windmills, and Finkle Swings.  Last warm up we formed two lines on hill for “Bucket Brigade” routine using a 25 lb plate for each line.  Performed scenario twice both up and down the hill.
The Thang:
William Wallace:  4 corners – Aprox 60 yards apart with 1 station in middle of 4 corners where 10 exercises in order await  (Side Saddle Hop-10, Lunges-10/ea, Mountain Climbers-10/ea, Flutter Kicks-10/ea, Squats-10, Burpees-10, Imperial Walker-10/ea, Plank Jacks-10, Big Boy Situps-10, Oblique Crunches-10/ea).  1 PAX from each team AYG to middle perform 10 Reps of while rest of PAX hold Plank or Al Gore until their turn.  Once 60 Reps of each exercise are done by team they move to next exercise.  Each exercise 60 Reps x 10 exercises = 600 Reps.
Ring Around Mary – Group concluded workout with 6 minutes of Mary’s – Dealers Choice of Mary for 10 reps (single or IC).
End Ex!  Great Job Gentlemen!
COT:  I had the honor to have my two sons there as FNG’s (TeaBag and MugShot) to help me celebrate my last day in the 50’s and welcome me to the 60’s.  Reminded the group as to the meaning of the 3 F’s and the importance of our motto; “We never leave a man behind, but we never leave a man where we found them.”  Sincere thanks for the Great Birthday Cookie (Fissure) and the music (Geek Squad).
Thanks to all!