Shedding Weight w/ She Shred!

QIC: She Shed

Date: 09/12/2019

PAX: Milkman, Hasbro, Couch Potato, U-Turn, Ducktales, Geek Squad

AO: Huey


Humid AF


Side straddle hop x25
Merkins x15
LBCs x 20
Forward fold 20 secs
Take a lap around the track
Willie Mayes Haze x10
Wind Mill x15
Parker Peters x10
Chinook Squats x10
Take a lap then to stadium

The Thang

American Hammers x10
Box jump up and down
Burpees x10
Box jump up and down
Carolina Dry Docks x10
Box jump up and down
Dolly x10
Wash, rinse, repeat x4
Take a lap around the track
Turnover and Squirkin
Apple turnover Bear crawl/crab walk
Squirkin x10
Mozie back
Wash, rinse, repeat x3


Remember the good things and the bad. The perspective gained in both is what has led you to where you are the experiences gained is what will lead to your future self. 


Hasbro likes She Shed workouts. 


Florida man claims he only drank at stop lights and not while driving.

Recent Backblasts

Dropped the Ball – Picked it up

QIC: She Shed

Date: 08/23/2019

PAX: Ascot, Cliffhanger, Sunburn, Derk, VSquared, FNG-Elvis Jackson, Money Ball

AO: Boneyard


70 degrees and humid\


Track warm-up, Mall walker style:

Mozie with a few change ups along the way.
Gallup, high knees, bernie, heel walk, butt kickers, lunges

Forward fold, willie haze, 3rd grade exercise  

The Thang

Track X4: Partner Up

4X around or until over well done

Rotate workouts each time you go around the track.

Dips and Declines 20
Burpees and 8 count body builders X10
Squats and Squirkins (yeah, look it up) X20
Crunches and Calf Raises X30


Rather than living your life happy with the good decisions you have made in the past, keep yourself motivated to continue. Push yourself in your social life, career, faith, etc. Lean on the brothers around you to keep that motivation to persevere.


I call this section olds because it ended up taking me nearly two weeks to post this. Don’t get too excited now. Ball = dropped

Recent Backblasts

    She Shed’s Pain Train

    QIC: She Shed

    Date: 08/15/2019

    PAX: Duck Tales, Radio Head, Uturn, Geek Squad, Couch Potato, Skid, Hasbro

    AO: Huey




    side straddle hop 20
    LBC 20
    Forward fold 15 
    Mercans 20
    Partner chest stretch 10 each side
    Side straddle hop 20
    High knees 20
    3 position squats

    The Thang

    Mozie around track to bleachers
    Box jump to the top of the bleachers
    20 dips
    Box jump down bleachers
    20 leg raises
    Wash, rinse, repeat 4x
    Mozie to blocks in parking lot
    Pax partner up back to back with a heavy block
    10 twist and pass then 5 burpees
    10 over head and between legs, 5 burpees
    10 sit up and passes, 5 burpees
    Mozie to love shack
    100 incline mercans, partner bear crawls to end and mozies back
    200 squats, partner lunges to end and mozies back
    300 LBCs


    “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” MLK Jr


    She Shed almost got shot, some PAX are still learning what coupons are, etc.


    The Huey is picking up steam and may start a Friday beat down…?

    Recent Backblasts

      Adventure in the Park: Hill City – She Shed – 07/02

      QIC: She Shed

      Date: 07/02/2019

      PAX: Sunshine, Back Pew, Chief, Goose, Skitch, Ringwald, Money Ball, Bed Pan, Blind Side

      AO: Hill City


      A humid 73 degrees. 


      Forward fold
      Willie maze haze
      Partner quad stretch
      Moroccan night club
      Shoulder press
      Cherry pickers
      Overhead clap
      Seal clap
      Mericans – 15
      Shoulder taps – 10
      Dry docks – 10

      The Thang

      Adventure in the Park

      5 light poles 5 benches with partner
      Him and a partner mozie around the sidewalk stopping only at the 5 marked benches and 5 marked light poles
      Bench workouts:
      Round 1
      Incline Merkin – 10
      Round 2
      Decline Merkin – 10
      Round 3
      Tricep Dips – 10
      Light pole workouts:
      Round 1
      Little baby crunches – 10
      Rounds 2
      Side straddle hop – 10
      Round 3
      Jump squats – 10
      Field of dreams:
      Partner up and follow the instructions. Once both partners have completed both tasks move to the next round.
      Round 1
      Bear crawl down, crab walk back (him squats)
      Round 2
      Duck walk down, backwards lunge back (him leg raises)
      Round 3
      Karaoke down, Bernie back (him burpees)
      Ring of Mary
      Each PAX calls out a core workout to finish us out. 


      Be there for each other. Seek out those in need and reach out to them in council. There are more of those around you hurting then you realize. As a leader it is important to have prepared advice and council for those you lead. This doesn’t always have to be a word from you but could also be a direction to those who can help.  


      Chief dug the play list. Back Pew couldn’t decide if the workout was hard or easy until the end…he ended up considering it a tough workout. 



      Recent Backblasts

        A whipping by wife’s design

        QIC: She Shed

        Date: 05/28/2019

        PAX: Peanuts, Sunburn, VSquared 

        AO: Boneyard

        A bit humid, not as many burpee buses now that school is out. 


        Side Straddle Hop – 25, High Knees – 20, Butt Kicker – 20, Imp walker – 15 count, Side straddle Hop – 25, Forward Fold – 20sec, LB arm circles – 15count, LBAC backward – 15, and Shoulder press – 15

        The Thang

        4 Station Mile Burner!!
        On the track there will be 4 stations with 4 workouts listed at each station. For the first lap around the track you will do exercise #1. For the second lap around the track you will do exercise #1 and exercise #2. Wash rinse and repeat until you get through 4 laps around the track and all four exercises.
        Staion#1 – Burpees – 10, Mntn Climbers – 10 each leg, Groiners – 5 each leg, Squat Jumps – 10
        Staion#2 – Big Boy Sit Ups – 20, Freddy Mercuries – 20, Shoulder Taps – 10, Hello Dolly – 15
        Station#3 – Mericans – 15, Incline Mericans – 15, Carolina Dry Docks – 15, Tricep Dips – 20
        Station#4 – Squats – 20, Calf Raises – 25, Lunges – 10 each leg, One Legged Pickle Pointers – 20 each leg.


        Keith Jarrett’s  most sold live Jazz album of all time was created during a performance when everything seemed to go wrong before the show and he was very upset with the venue prior to performing. Creativity thrives in times of disruption, discomfort, etc. Don’t be afraid of the disruptions and instead expect these times to drive ingenuity and new experiences.


        The Count: Who is Q at Boneyard in AM?
        She Shed: That would be me

        *The Count didn’t show. Must have been scarred of a good beat down.

        Recent Backblasts

          Animal House of Pain

          QIC: She Shed

          Date: 05/23/2019

          PAX: Mr. Clean, U-turn, Hasbro, Geek Squad

          AO: Huey


          71 degrees and humid


          T-bombs, Side straddle hops, high knees, butt kickers, overhead claps, cherry pickers, Moroccan night clubs, Egyptian twists (yep…made that one up)

          The Thang

          Animal House of Pain
          Soundtrack of choice this week was Animal House

          Mozey around track switching to some Bernies, and slides.

          At back parking lot, commence the Burp and Merk stations. PAX split into 4 stations and rotate based on how fast the PAX at the Burp and Merk station finishes 7 counts. The other stations will complete one round of each of the following: Wall sits, planks, dips, Curls, shoulder press, tricep extensions, calf raises, squats and lunges. Once ruckus was achieved we mozied over to the ole love shack or as we called it today, the animal house.

          The Animal House routine went a little like this:

          Partner up. While one partner Bear Crawls to one end of the pavilion and mozies back you begin the count of incline merkins to 100.  Then while one partner Frog Jumps to one end of the pavilion and mozies back you begin the count of cinder block cleans to 100.  


          LBC, Pickle points, pickle pounders, birthing sit ups (thanks U-Turn), etc.


          To be a great leader you must cultivate great leaders from those who you lead. 


          Murph on Monday, May 27th at the Chick Dam! Be there.

          Recent Backblasts

            Top Gun Fun

            QIC: She Shed

            Date: 04/11/2019

            PAX: Ducktales, Fissure, Free Time, Geek Squad, Hasbro, Hector, Loan Shark, Magnum, Mr. Clean, Radiohead, Saddlebags, Snowflake, Truck Yeah, U-Turn

            AO: The Huey


            Strong Skunk smell and 58 degrees


            Side Straddle Hop  IC x 20

            Tricep stretch  IC x 8 count each arm

            Willie Maze Haze  IC x 10

            Imperial walker  IC x 15

            Side straddle Hop  IC x 20

            Forward Fold IC x 10

            LB arm circles  IC x 15

            LB arm circles backward IC x 15

            Overhead Presses IC x 15

            The Thang

            MOZEY – Around track to back parking lot.

            CIRCUIT – 5X5 OYO in groups of 5

            -Merkin/Plank/Box Jump

            Apple Turnover:

            Crab walk – 5 lines

            Bear Crawl – 5 lines

            Lunges – 5 count

            MOZEY – To bleachers at
            baseball field

            Bleachers – X3 OYO

            Box jump up/ Step down

            Tricep Dips – 10

            Leg Raises – 10

            Wall Sits at concessions

                       1) Joe Frazier’s IC x 10

                       2) Bus Drivers IC x 10

                       3)  Ali’s IC x 10

            MOZEY – Back to flag


            Pickle Pointers

            Pickle Pounders

            Heel Touches




            “Curious that we spend more
            time congratulating people who succeeded than encouraging people who have not.”
            – Neil deGrasse Tyson

            We have many reasons in life
            to be discouraged. We have so many reasons to just give up or sell ourselves
            short. As leaders it is our mission to encourage those around us to keep
            fighting the fight. F3 is a great reminder every morning when we wake up with our
            brothers in the gloom to keep trying. We support one another to keep going when
            our muscles ache with pain. This should serve as our reminder to continue this
            uplifting encouragement when we resume our day into our office, home, place of
            worship or what have you. I challenge each of you find someone in your life
            today that needs that word of encouragement. It might surprise you when you
            start looking who that word was for.

            Tags: SheShed VQ, Top Gun,  Bleachers at The Huey, April 11, 2019

            Recent Backblasts