“I think my uterus just fell out”

QIC:  Stork

Date: 01/31/2022

PAX: Mandela, Mayhem, Full Moon, Abercrombie, John Doe, Tinder, Ramrod

AO: Hacksaw

Conditions: Chilly, clear skies on this “31”st day of the year

COP: SSH x10, 5 Burpees, SSH x10, FF OYO (10 sec count in Q’s head), Willie Mays Hayes 10 count, 3rd grade exercises 11 count, SSH x11, 5 Burpees.

The Thang – Rock Around the Blocks

It is the 31st day of the year. All exercises add up to 31 (as in the COP (more burpees below)). PAX circle up in a large circle about 6 feet apart with their blocks. Music selections by the Q all have the word “Rock” in them. Exercises done in succession. Initially no breaks but as complaining and inability to breathe grew, active recovery was done with a walk around the blocks and/or 10 count.

31 reps each exercise…

Squats with calf raises with block on back


Left leg on upright block, lean to the right squat down on right leg (These should be called Captain Morgans but that title is taken already by a exercise done in plank)

Reverse it with right leg on block


Bulgarian Split squats with left foot on upright block

Repeat with right foot on block


Rock around the Blocks…done to the tune of “Rock around the Clock” by Bill Halley and the Comets, Bear crawl around the circle, do a Merkin everytime you hear the work “Rock”. Of note, merkin rep count was 34 if you did them all.

Squats with calf raises, no block

Bent over Rows

Repeat Q’s version of the ‘Capt Morgan’ as described above

Bent over Rows

Lt. Dans…split into 16 count and 15 count with a walk around the blocks in between as the PAX legs were toast

Bent over Rows

Rock around the Block – same tune as before but this time PAX in plank position with feet on block and hand walk themselves around their block doing a merkin everytime they hear the word “Rock”.

21 Burpees to complete 31

31 LBC’s

31 Hello Dollys

31 LBC’s


QIC noted how much suffering, death, prayers for healing, cancer have been heard at posts. It seems more and more new requests are heard each week to go along with the continued requests. Hebrews 2:17-18 says we have person in Jesus who Christ who is there for those who are suffering as He too did the same. And as the hands and feet of Christ, we as Christians are to be there for those around us that are hurting. Q encouraged all to look for opportunities to help those who are suffering in any way they can to show the love of Christ to others.


The mumble chatter started from the get go with the disclosure. QIC mentioned that if anyone did get injured that he would check out their uterus and then get them to their car or call for help. Much mileage gained by that comment throughout the beatdown. Several PAX stated their uterus fell out. One noted that he thought his just “broke”. Numerous groans of pain, “this is awful”, “how did you come up with this” and “please don’t do this again”. “Fun time” had by all.


Chubbys, Tuff Muff. Prayer requests taken and pray it out.

Recent Backblasts

    Taking the Den Men up CP’s Ladder!

    QIC:  Clothespin

    Date: 01/31/2022

    PAX: Thermostat, Sandbag, Iron Butt (RR), Doogie, Friar Tuck, Rodeo, Pink Panther, Back Pew, Money Ball, Mr. Clean, Blindside

    AO: Lions Den


    Clear and a cool 28 degrees.

    Money Ball’s shorts suggested it was warmer.


    Mosey lap around the parking lot
    Forward Fold
    20 SSH IC
    10 WMH IC
    LBAC (Forward and Reverse)
    Cherry Pickers 12 IC
    Triceps Stretch (hold each side 15 seconds)

    The Thang

    Yes it starts with burpees everytime…..
    Clothespin’s Ladder
    10 Burpees
    20 Freddie Mercury’s
    30 Merkins
    40 Mountain Climbers
    50 Big Boy Sit-ups
    60 Squats
    70 SSH
    80 Imperial Walkers
    90 Apollo Ono
    100 LBC

    Lap around the parking lot after exercises.
    Climb the ladder going a rung higher each time you return. Start with 10 burpees, then run your lap. Once you return start with the Burpees and add the Freddie Mercury’s. Keep adding an exercise after each lap.

    With a few minutes left, we circled up and did some Mary and cool down stretches:
    1 minute Low Plank
    10 Pickle Pointers (IC)
    1 minute High Plank
    Michael Phelps for 30 Seconds
    Triceps stretches 20 Seconds each side
    Forward Fold to Downward Dog to Hissing Cobra


    I shared the story of Shrek the sheep. Shrek got away from his shepherd and lived alone in caves and the forest for six years. During those 6 years he became thick with wool. When he returned to his shepherd, a professional sheared Shrek’s thick wool coat and it weighed 60lbs. A normal sheep will produce 10 to 15lbs of wool. By going away from the shepherd Shrek carried a burden that was 5 to 6 times what would have had to carry.

    Shrek paints a very important picture for our relationship with God. If we turn to the father he will carry our burdens for us, as is described in Matthew chapter 11. In F3 we have a support system of fellow PAX that will share our burdens as well.

    Matthew 11:28-30 “Come all to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”


    “I hate ladders” by someone at the very beginning of The Thang.
    “I thought he said mosey not sprint” by someone on the mosey warm up lap!
    There were several “I hate burpees!” from the pax.
    “If we forget whether we were on 9 or 10 burpees, should we do the extra one just in case?” — Backpew
    “Of course you should!” — Clothespin


    Lots of prayer requests this morning! Tuff Muff 2/19/2022, Chubbies, Habitat for Humanity

    Recent Backblasts


      QIC: [Tinsnip

      Date: [01/29/2022]

      PAX: Abercrombie, Cooter, El Chapo

      AO: The Battery


      So cold it busted my ball! 19 degrees but with the breeze felt more like an artic mission was about to happen than a workout.


         Side straddle hops 20

         LBOC forward 10

         LBOC backwards 10

           Keep arms up

         Raise the roof 10

         Forward fold 10

         Willy Mays Hays

      The Thang

      Lets roll 5s
      Setup 4 stages with 4 workouts at each stage. Set up yard dart game in-between 2 of the stages with a heater to the side. At each stage everyone rolls a dice. If you roll a 5 everyone at that stage does 5 burpees. Starting at stage 1 you do 1 rep each. Mosey to the next stage and do 1 rep each until all stages completed. Rinse and repeat but add one rep every time around. At each stage everyone rolls a dice. If you roll a 5 everyone at that stage does 5 burpees. At any point you want to warm your hands you can take a turn at the yard dart game. If you hit the circle everyone does 5 burpees while you sit by the heater until they finish. If you miss you do 5 thrusters.

      Stage 1


      OH Press


      Kettle Swings

      Stage 2

      Dive Bombers

      LB Crunch

      Plank Shoulder Taps

      Imperial Walker

      Stage 3

      Side Straddle Hops

      Mountain Climbers


      Flutter Kicks

      Stage 4



      4 Way Lung (lung front, side, back, squat each leg)

      Toe Merkins

      Rinse and Repeat


      Took the time to thank the men for showing up in this miserable gloom to workout with me. Being a part of the F# Nation even though I can only come on the Saturday workout has been a great experience.


      We rolled 5s 18 times at the stages and yard darts added 3 more times. We completed 5 rounds of the stages. The pax stayed together which was nice for a small group in 19° weather. The goal for a large group would be for each pax member to go at their own pace which allows each pax member to make their workout match their fitness level. Also, this allows a random member to come into a stage and roll the dice. With that you could be half way through your stage and someone shows up and adds burpees to your round. This should push pax members to finish before a new person shows up to roll the dice. We did hard count on the 4 way lungs which sucks and should be modified. I had intentions of playing a soccer style game with a 6ft beachball I brought but the cold weather made the plastic brittle and it cracked before we ever started. This with be something for another day! I was surprised how eager the Pax was to get to 100 burpees. Don’t underestimate the amount of suck someone will go through to make another Pax member do burpees haha!


      Tuff Muff coming up and Chubby’s Ministry

      Recent Backblasts

        Back to School

        QIC:  Tatonka

        Date: 01/28/2022

        PAX: [List PAX only] Abercrombie, Blackout, Cavity Search, Free Bird, Pocket Taco, Shawshank, Sniffer, Woodrider, Wuzn’tMe

        AO: Parliament


        Mid 30’s with no wind. The perfect weather for staying put and generating exceptional mumble chatter


        Mosey 1 lap
        Side Straddle Hop x 10 IC
        Little Baby Arm Circles x 10 IC
        Reverse Little Baby Arm Circles x 10 IC
        Seal Claps x 10 IC
        Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
        Morrccan Night Clubs x 10 IC
        Willie Mays Hayes x 10 IC

        The Thang

        Back to School
        This was inspired by and a variation of the Billy Madison from the F3 Exicon. PAX worked their way through each year of school by completing a Mid Term exercise for 1 minute followed by a Final Exam exercise for 1 mintue.

        Elementary School Years
        1st grade
        Mid Term: LBC
        Final Exam: Merkins

        2nd grade
        Mid Term: Side Crunch
        Final Exam: Hand Release Merkins

        3rd grade
        Mid Term: Pretzel Crunch
        Final Exam: Spider Pushups

        4th grade
        Mid Term: BBSU
        Final Exam: Alligator Pushups

        5th grade
        Mid Term: American Hammers
        Final Exam: Close Merkins

        Indigenous People Run x 400m

        Middle School Years
        6th grade
        Mid Term: Flutter Kicks
        Final Exam: Diamond Merkins

        7th grade
        Mid Term: Freddie Mercuries
        Final Exam: Wide Merkins

        8th grade
        Mid Term: Box Cutters
        Final Exam: Archer Merkins

        Indigenous People Run x 400m

        High School Years
        9th grade
        Mid Term: Crunchy Frogs
        Final Exam: Burpees

        10th grade
        Mid Term: V-Ups
        Final Exam: 8 Count Body Builders

        11th grade
        Mid Term: Plan
        Final Exam: Kraken Burpees

        12th grade
        Mid Term: Iron Cross
        Final Exam: Navy Seal Burpees Sadly, PAX ran out of time to complete the 12th grade final exam and had to drop out of school with the finish line in sight


        I shared the passages below from a devotional book I was gifted recently.

        “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing o fyour faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” – James 1:2-4

        ”Kids need to see faith on display. If they see doubt, fear, and negativity in our lives, they will model that – and likely suffer some unhapy days as a result. But if we hold our heads high during adversity, we teach our children how to respond rightly when adversity comes their way – as it surely will.”

        The above passage applies to us as fathers but also still holds true to us as husbands, friends, and coworkers. If we act negatively, whether consciously or subconsciosly, we will feed others with negativity. If we approach life and all its trials and tribulations with a positive mindset, others will feed off of that and be more inclined to respond with a similar attitude. Our children are sponges and soak up every ounce of what we present to them. They will be representations of how we act and hold ourselves. So too are those we hang around and choose to associate with. If we choose to hang around those that approach life with a doubtful and fearful mindset, we will most likely find ourselves emulating these feelings. I challenged the PAX to surround themselves with those that promote a healthy, happy, positive approach to life (such as that which can be found at any F3 beatdown) and continue to spread that throughout their days.


        Sniffer needs to replace just about every part of his body. ”It’s supposed to click and pop everytime, right?”

        Square pizza, chicken nuggets, corn, and apple sauce is the meal of champions

        Wuzn’tMe’s PE teach in elementary school, Ms. Baker, constantly yelled and never enjoyed the touch of a man.

        Strategically placed trapper keepers, flip up buckle tucks, braid belts. Middle school is awkward. If you know, you know.

        We fell slightly short of completing our senior year. Wuzn’tMe reminded us that G.E.D. translates to Just As Good.

        Shawshank is launching an AO in Ringgold.


        Tuff Muff is Feb 19th. 3 AO’s, 3 beatdowns, 2 runs/ruck/bike rides in between AOs.

        4th F Weekend in May. Please talk to Wuzn’tMe if you’d like to sign up. He’d like to have a final headcount and close off sign ups by the end of February so he can get everything in place for the event in May.

        Cavity Search is rally the troops to go to the TN-AR basketball game in Knoxville.

        There is an event at Silverdale Baptist Church coming up that involves cooking wild game and gun raffles. Talk to Sniffer for more details.

        Gretel has put together a signup for super bowl squares. $5/square, $125 payout each quarter to the winner.

        Recent Backblasts

          Group Exercises do not imply Partner Exercises

          QIC: Full Moon

          Date: 01/28/2022

          PAX: AOL, Escobar, Mayhem, Ramrod, Seagull, Toe Tag, Tube Squeeze, Uncle Joe

          AO: Hacksaw


          Still cold, 35ish, but not as miserable as the other day


          SSH x25 IC, WMH x12 IC, Toe Merkins x25 OYO, Forward Fold x10 IC, LBAC x10 IC, RLBAC x10 IC, Tea Time OYO (not a partner exercise, despite Uncle Joe’s insistence it is)

          Mosey from the Flag to the Flag

          The Thang

          Friday fill-ins are fun (alliteration, amiright?) – will we do the same thing as Wednesday? Will it be something completely brand new and earth-shattering? Or, way more likely, will YHC shamelessly duplicate another workout (with some mods) from a recent post?

          For this routine, PAX were advised to focus on form and not worry about # of sets – some of them took this to mean they need only apply minimal effort, which was promptly struck down – underachieving does not equal solid, hard work (TWSS)

          The Workout that is much better with music, but no music was provided:
          13 of each:
          Air Lifters (somebody’s gotta raise this roof)
          Leg Lifts (Heels to Heaven, Kamala Harrises, et al.)
          Plank Jacks
          Dips – these can be a partner exercise, should you need more resistance (and have a willing partner… TWSS)

          Do 13 reps of each, take a lap on the inner loop, then do 12, then 11… down to 1 – be sure to take a lap after each set (this is a Full Moon Q, after all). Most PAX got through the set with 6 reps of the exercises, while the overachievers absolute units (cough, AOL, Mayhem, Toe Tag, cough) got through 5, maybe 4


          Birthday Burpees for Tube Squeeze!


          Patience and being present, especially with 2.0’s. YHC’s kiddos are amazing all the way around (no bias), but they sure know how to press buttons. Being patient and letting them work through feelings/outbursts/etc. is much easier, eventually, than exacerbating the situation by blowing up. Regarding being present: it’s all to easy at the end of a long day to just sit and peruse the ole phone (esp. on Friday’s with Pro’s Wordle commentary…) but, you know what’s way more fun? Cooking fake food and mixing fakes drinks with the 2.0’s for a fake party they are putting on later – cheers.

          Be patient. Be present. Be kind. Enjoy life and the people around you.


          “I could certainly do without the laps” and “I’ve seen enough of you this week, Full Moon”


          Chubby’s – we need to fill up Feb. schedule

          Multiple Habitat for Humanity opportunities available – see #3rd-f channel and Mayhem – these may be rescheduled based on response

          Tuff Muff coming up – see #convergence-csaup channel – gonna be fun/ridiculous

          4th Weekend – see channel and/or WuzntMe

          The U officially launches Monday, 1/31 – Mondays & Wednesdays 0530 at East Hamilton High

          Recent Backblasts

            Track Days are supposed to be Tuesdays

            QIC:  Full Moon

            Date: 01/26/2022

            PAX: Cavity Search, Face Plant, iLean, Toe Tag, WEBLOW

            AO: Parliament


            Awful. 27 degrees and windy


            YHC was quite excited to bring some unoriginality to the White Wigs, and was explaining this as Face Plant came in hot on two wheels, forcing the PAX to dive for cover casually move out of the way.

            SSH x20 IC; Toe Merkins x25 OYO; WMH x10 IC; Toes-in/Inverted Toe Merkins x25 OYO; Forward Fold x10 IC; Toes-out/Duck Toe Merkins 25x OYO; Tea Time OYO; Toe Merkins x25 OYO; 21*

            *5 penalty burpees because Q lost count, ha

            Mosey to track

            The Thang

            We began with an exercise pilfered from Burrito – PAX were advised any complaints should be forwarded, with haste, to his attention. The exercise, “Custer’s Last Stand”, is a modified Indigenous Peoples’ Run wherein the 6 executes a burpee before running the opposite direction of the line. Remaining PAX run, per usual** – whoever is at the back of the line upon opposite-direction-runner’s return performs a burpee before taking off in opposite direction. We did this for 3 or 4 (maybe?) laps and so that every PAX was able to enjoy some alone time in the opposite direction.

            Upon completion, the next round of exercises was a (drumroll, please…)

            Completely Original Dora

            PAX paired up and performed the below:

            200 Merkins

            200 Squats (for jelly-legs when running)

            200 Imperial Walkers, hard count (for even jellier-legs whilst running)

            Some combination of 200 Shoulder Taps (hard count) and/or 200 Heel Touches (hc). It was too cold to de-glove and unlock phone to know which was next, so PAX did what they wanted – freedom! (Not sure these were finished as no one could math today – must’ve been the cold)

            Couple (2) minutes of Mary:

            American Hammers 20x IC (“thanks”, Cavity Search)

            Flutter Kicks until time (iLean)***


            Attitude. Specifically that it is one of the few things we can control in this hectic world of ours. Similar to YHC’s word back at Legacy, we can chose how we react to just about anything we encounter. Try to begin each day with a positive attitude and keep it, best you can, throughout the day. Also be mindful of it around others, particularly your 2.0’s (thanks for the assist, iLean), as you mold them into the strong men & women you hope they will become.


            **”Oh, we’re supposed to do a normal Indigenous run while the other guy is running the other way? Makes more sense now”

            “Are you cold, Full Moon? You look like a hobo when the temp’s below 30.”

            “Oh, the reps are CUMULATIVE – gotcha, will try to count better next time.”

            “It’s not so much your workouts we don’t like, Full Moon, it’s you… BA-DUM-TSS!”

            ***”We’ve only got a few seconds left, iLean, what you got?”

            “59 seconds of Flutter Kicks, apparently”


            Tuff Muff – 2/19 – see/watch #convergence-csaup channel

            4th Weekend – 5/19-5/21 – see #4th-f-weekend channel and/or WuzntMe

            Chubby’s – sign up in #3rd-f, drop off donations to any AO/AOQ

            Recent Backblasts

              Murder Bunnies and Burpees always look better on paper….

              QIC:  Blackout

              Date: 1/26/2022

              PAX: Freebird, Hey Buddy, White Glove

              AO: Ridgecut


              Extremely cold and windy. Windchill’s in the teens. Wind seemed to be worse in the location that Q picked to do the beatdown…naturally


              • SSH x20
              • FF OYO
              • Mosey from one end of parking lot to other end
              • SSH x15
              • WMH x10

              The Thang

              Mosey with block to soccer field. PAX placed blocks in the middle of the field going sideline to sideline. Exercises were performed on either end (Sideline) of the field.

              Round 1

              10 Burpees, 15 Merkins, 20 Squats, 25 Imperial Walkers
              Mosey to block in middle of field and rifle carry to other sideline
              10 Curls, 10 Presses, 10 Kettlebell swings
              Rifle carry block back to middle of field and mosey to other sideline

              10 Burpees, 15 Merkins, 20 Squats, 25 Imperial Walkers
              Mosey to block in middle of field and rifle carry to other sideline
              9 Curls, 9 Presses, 9 Kettlebell swings
              Rifle carry block back to middle of field and mosey to other sideline

              10 Burpees, 15 Merkins, 20 Squats, 25 Imperial Walkers
              Mosey to block in middle of field and rifle carry to other sideline
              8 Curls, 8 Presses, 8 Kettlebell swings
              Rifle carry block back to middle of field and mosey to other sideline

              Mosey lap around parking lot

              Round 2

              10 Burpees, 15 Merkins, 20 Squats, 25 Imperial Walkers
              Mosey to block in middle of field and murder bunny to other sideline
              7 Curls, 7 Presses, 7 Kettlebell swings
              murder bunny block back to middle of field and mosey to other sideline

              10 Burpees, 15 Merkins, 20 Squats, 25 Imperial Walkers
              Mosey to block in middle of field and murder bunny to other sideline
              6 Curls, 6 Presses, 6 Kettlebell swings
              Murder Bunny block back to middle of field and mosey to other sideline

              Mosey lap around parking lot

              Round 3

              5 Burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 Squats, 20 Imperial Walkers
              Mosey to block in middle of field and rifle carry to other sideline
              5 Curls, 5 Presses, 5 Kettlebell swings
              Rifle carry block back to middle of field and mosey to other sideline

              4 Burpees, 8 Merkins, 12 Squats, 16 Imperial Walkers
              Mosey to block in middle of field and rifle carry to other sideline
              4 Curls, 4 Presses, 4 Kettlebell swings
              Rifle carry block back to middle of field and mosey to other sideline

              3 Burpees, 6 Merkins, 9 Squats, 12 Imperial Walkers
              Mosey to block in middle of field and rifle carry to other sideline
              3 Curls, 3 Presses, 3 Kettlebell swings
              Rifle carry block back to middle of field and mosey to other sideline

              Mosey lap around parking lot

              Round 4

              2 Burpees, 4 Merkins, 6 Squats, 8 Imperial Walkers
              Mosey to block in middle of field and Murder Bunny to other sideline
              2 Curls, 2 Presses, 2 Kettlebell swings
              Murder bunny block back to middle of field and mosey to other sideline

              5 Burpees, 5 Merkins, 5 Squats, 5 Imperial Walkers
              Mosey to block in middle of field and Murder Bunny to other sideline
              1 Curl, 1 Press, 1 Kettlebell Swing


              Shared a little snippet of wisdom from the book “Life is Messy” The idea in the book is that comfort should only be used when necessary. Comfort is a beautiful servant, but an ugly master. Comfort can be just as addicting as any other addiction out there. Challenged myself and the PAX to keep growing and stay uncomfortable. As I was saying this, cold winds were blowing in our face, so we clearly had no trouble staying uncomfortable this morning….


              Gave Lanyard a hard time for not being on AOQ duty….but not too hard of a time.

              My goal was to keep the PAX warm given the sub-20 weather outside. Considering that halfway through Hey Buddy had only a short-sleeved shirt on, I guess that goal was met.

              Murder bunnies were a big hit….as always…..honestly though, much less complaining than I anticipated given my own thoughts of the beatdown at the moment.


              Tuff Muff 2/19 (CSAUP channel)
              Chubby’s 3rd-F Monday nights (3rd-F channel)
              Fourth F Weekend – May 2022 (WuzntMe for details)

              Recent Backblasts

                Spooky Time in January

                QIC:  Blair Witch

                Date: 01/22/2022

                PAX: Cart Girl, Stork, Doodles, Jabooti, Piano Man, Sidekick, Best in Show, Sunscreen

                AO: Battlefield


                Very cold! 22 degrees at start of workout


                15 Side Straddle Hop

                10 (slow count) Willie Mayes Hayes

                10 (slow count) Abe Vigoda

                Pike position calf stretch (both calfs)

                Michael Phelps (on your own)

                10 (both directions) Little Baby Arm Circles

                10 (both directions) Big Arm Circles

                10 Seal Claps

                10 Over Head Claps

                The Thang

                Evil DORA!
                The participants selected a partner to complete the beatdown. While one person was completing reps, the other person was running a lap around the track. Together they had to complete a certain number of reps per exercise. The list of exercises and reps are listed below:

                50 Burpees

                100 Side Straddle Hop

                150 Lunges

                200 Squats

                250 LBC’s

                300 Calf raises

                250 Plank Jacks

                200 Freddie Mercuries

                150 Imperial Walkers

                100 Big Boy’s

                50 Tie Fighters (Little baby arm circles while doing lunges)

                MARY for the last 3 minutes


                Challenge the men to make a point of reaching out to the ones who have not been around lately to check on them and their families. Too many have been struggling silently or in the open with issues during this hard time with COVID, jobs, and other issues.


                We could do Merkins in the lobby of Chick-fil-A!!


                Helping Chattanooga’s Homeless aka Chubby’s on Monday nights – HC on #3rd F

                Habitat for Humanity January 29 and February 19 – HC on #3rd F

                Tuff Muff February 19, Starts Lion’s Den – End Hill City, check out #convergence-csaup

                Recent Backblasts

                  Atypical CP



                  1. not representative of a type, group, or class.
                    “a sample of people who are rather atypical of the target audience”

                  QIC:  Clothespin

                  Date: 01/25/2022

                  PAX: Duvet, Uncle Joe, 9 Volt(R), Deep Dish, Cooter, Pipeline, El Chapo(R), Landmine

                  AO: The Battery


                  Clear and nice 42 degrees


                  Forward Fold 10 (IC)
                  Downward Dog to Cobra 1
                  Willy Mayze Hayse 10(IC)
                  Calf Stretches hold 30 seconds each side
                  LBAC forward and reverse 10(IC)

                  The Thang

                  Who says Clothespin doesn’t run…..
                  Atypical CP
                  After COP around the flags the Q had the PAX meet him at the Yellow starting pole.
                  The yellow pole was the starting point for the Dive Bomber Mile. PAX would complete 12 Dive Bombers at the yellow pole the run the 1/4 mile circle that goes between the dog parks. Rinse and repeat 4 times to complete a mile and 48 Dive Bombers. (Ssshhhh don’t tell them it’s actually 1387′ around the circle. That makes it a little over a mile total!)

                  Once the mile was over the PAX met at the pavilion for a little Aiken Legs. Aiken Legs consists of 3 rounds of 20 squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Lunges and 20 SSH with no rest between. Those that finished a round first did wait on the six to start the subsequent rounds.

                  Once the legs were Aiken the PAX met in the parking lot for some Dora action which consisted of:
                  100 Gorilla Humpers (yes more legs lol)
                  200 Merkins
                  300 SSH
                  400 LBC
                  500 Imperial Walkers
                  While one partner was doing exercise the other would run/mosey the length between the cones, do two Dive Bombers, return and switch out with their partner to continue the exercises.
                  The Q did not have any expectations of finishing the Dora but wanted to push the PAX until the end.


                  S.S. Leadership
                  1. I am the captain of my own ship
                  2. I am in ship shape.
                  3. I chart my course
                  4. I set sail.
                  5. I am a good crew mate.
                  6. I lend a hand on deck.
                  7. I check my compass.
                  8. I persevere through storms.
                  We are in F3 to make leaders and be leaders. In order to do those things we have to set ourselves on the correct course to help others with theirs!


                  Deep Dish takes to rucking like a fish to water!
                  “I hate running but we all have to do things that suck sometimes!” – Clothespin


                  Chubbies on Monday’s, Tuff Muff 2/19, 4th F weekend 5/19 – 5/21, Wrecktem on Q 1/27

                  Recent Backblasts

                    Jack Webb’s Twin

                    QIC:  AOL

                    Date: 01/20/2022

                    PAX: Mayhem, Sojourner, Sousa, Shawshank, Free Bird, Mandela, Blair Witch

                    AO: Legacy


                    42 Degrees, Spitting Mist, Wet Ground


                    SSH X15

                    WMH X10

                    LBAC X10 (FWD &REV)

                    MERKINS X 10

                    CHERRY PICKERS X 10

                    SSH X 15

                    The Thang

                    The Thang 1

                    Jack Webb’s (1:4) to

                    5 HR burpees & 20 SSH

                    The Thang 2

                    Broke the PAX into different groups of 2, for four stations. (Two groups had 1 guy each, we needed a runner)

                    PAX at each of the stations did AMRAP of what ever exercise station they were at, Timer was the runners when they returned to you, then they all went to the next station. next set of runners took off, rinse and repeat.

                    We completed two full rounds of exercises

                    Overhead Press with coupon


                    Head shoulders knees & toes


                    The Thang 3

                    Jack Webbs (1:4) to 10 squats and 40 curls

                    This was Brutal! this was done in the last 10 minutes of the beatdown, after all was said and done we completed 55 squats and 220 Curls!!



                    Matthew 6:34 (NASB20)

                    “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

                    22 ¶ And he said to his disciples, “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat, nor about your body, what you will put on.

                    23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothing.

                    24 Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!

                    25 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?fn

                    26 If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest?

                    27 Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin,fn yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

                    28 But if God so clothes the grass, which is alive in the field today, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!

                    YHC Talked about our mindset, not to worry about things that are out of our control, but to focus on Christ and what has been done for us. Look to Christ throughout our everyday tasks, thru all the decisions that have to be made.


                    It was a little bit warmer than it has been the least few days, most of the moisture had moved out, but we still had some mist throughout the beatdown. Mumble Chatter was a plenty, multiple conversations during the first couple thangs. the complaining really started when the second jack webbs started. the only one that the curls didn’t seem to affect was Mandela. i guess he just wakes up first thing and knock’s out 220 curls before he goes to the bathroom in the morning. i think i saw him yawn at one point. his only weekness sems to be if his hands are cold…….but in the end, we had lots of moaning and groaning with the curls, guys complaining that they had deskwork to do today and needed to be able to lift thier arms.


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