No Excuses Carried Over

QIC:  John Doe

Date: 01/10/2022

PAX: Tinder, Full Moon, Clothespin, Mr. Burns, Abercrombie, Cavity Search, Jaws, Madoff, Escobar, Face Plant, Ramrod

AO: Hacksaw


It was a bit brisk this morning hovering in the twenties somewhere with a nice and what felt like a somewhat heavy breeze. That could’ve just been Escobar’s hind music


Slow Mosey over to the Commons Pavilion. Split into two groups roughly 15-20 yards apart. Group A bear crawled to Group B and back to the starting point, while Group B held plank. Group B then bear crawled to Group A and back to their starting point while Group A held plank. Rinse & Repeat (did 2 rounds to get the PAX warm)

The Thang

Kept the exercises pretty simple and contained. The main focus was on burn out and maintaining proper form. Took the Q a lot of thought and planning for this one.

Merkin Mania
Regular Merkin – 30 reps

Diamond Merkin – 20 reps

Wide Merkins – 30 reps

Dive Bombers – 30 reps

Regular Merkin – 15 reps

Aquamans – Sure

3 sets of 50

“An” Ab

Big Boi Sit Up – 60 reps

4 Way Crunches (LBC, Left Oblique Crunch, Right Oblique Crunch, Reverse LBC) – 50 reps or 200 Total

Heals to Heaven – 60 reps

Flutter Kicks – 150 Hard Count or 300 Total

1/2 Sit Up – 100 reps called (PAX did AmRep for 2 minutes instead)

One Last Push

Max number of Merkins in 2 minutes


QIC referenced a recent sermon by Andy Stanly called “Paper Walls”. The premise around the message centered around excuses. Excuses in many cases turn into “reasons”, but that is a false cover or a paper wall put up instead. Those reasons tend to become a “because”. I didn’t do this because, I couldn’t make it because, I can’t tell him/her because, etc. (EXCUSE – REASON – BECAUSE). An excuse can be defined as a lie to ourselves about ourselves. Over time it can even become a believable story or a “reason” why we do or don’t something.

As we start 2022 there are a lot of good things we want to carry with us from the previous year (friendships, families, etc.) However, don’t let an excuse old or new be one of those things. Don’t carry that excuse with you. My Dad always says to me and even my daughters, “There’s no time like the present.” Start now don’t wait. Procrastination is the theif of time.

BALL OF MAN: Our guy Madoff closed us out in prayer this morning. Continued prayers for several PAX


Pretty apparent there were a lot of professionals at Hacksaw today. That’s all. Should’ve shown up to get the rest.

How was the backblast, Dundee? Do I get a merit badge?


Chubby’s Tonight – Volunteers needed for the back end of January and all of February – sign up on the 3rd F channel

Tuff Muff – February 19th

4th F Weekend – May 20-22 – Get with WuzntMe for details

Recent Backblasts

    Where are the Wimps?

    QIC:  Cooter

    Date: 01/08/2022

    PAX: Clothespin, El Chapo, Abercrombie, Deep Dish, Pipeline

    AO: the Battery


    The weather this morning was just cold. We had various readings from PAX ranging from 17-20 on the way in, and YHC was looking at 22 degrees Fahrenheit on the way out the door. Grass was nice and crunchy, with spots of ice to watch out for on the smooth surfaces. Other than this, the sky was clear and the wind nearly non-existent – a great morning to get some cold weather work in!


    Introduction, mosey to field to circle around flags.

    • Forward Fold – oyo + mumble; PAX were mum at this point
    • Willie Mays Hayes x10 IC
    • SSH x20 IC
    • Forward Fold again – oyo + mumble; PAX started to chatter bit more than just their teeth
    • LBAC x10 IC
    • Reverse LBAC x10 IC
    • Seal Claps x10 IC
    • Cherry Pickers x10 IC
    • Michael Phelps x10 oyo to loosen up

    Mosey 70ft back to cars, pick up medicine ball. Mosey 2300ft/705m paced Indian Run with ball being passed from front to back… but then the fun started 🙂

    The Thang

    On paper the plan above was a mosey back to the cars to retrieve blocks, all the while tossing the ball backward and running it to the front. But that’s when butterfingers “dropped” the ball not even at the halfway mark – 5 penalty burpees. the Battery’s OG Deep Dish felt like we needed a little more “fun,” so we gladly obliged throughout the mosey.

    Part 1A) PAX accumulated 45 total burpees on the nearly half mile mosey.

    Part 1B) Pick up blocks at cars, mosey to pavilion 330ft/100m:

    • 25 Shoulder Press
    • 25 Curls
    • 25 Block Bench Press
    • 25 Skull Crushers
    • 25 Block Pullovers

    2 Rounds for PAX: First pass is “wait on six each exercise” Al Gore or plank until six. End of round 1 = 5 more burpees; 50 total. Second pass is all exercises oyo, and plank until six,

    Part 2) Abandon blocks and pavilion for a mosey to the tennis courts 1100ft/330m. *See moleskin for what would have been* prior to arrival. At the courts:

    • 25 Squats oyo – Al Gore – Sprint short corner together
    • 25 Imperial Walkers HC oyo – Al Gore – Bernie long corner together
    • 25 Squat Jumps oyo – Al Gore – Sprint short corner together
    • 25 Hillbillies EC oyo – Al Gore – Bernie long corner together

    2 Rounds for PAX.

    Part 3) Mosey *referring to moleskin for important detail* past flags, behind skate and dog parks, back to the pavilion 1600ft/480m. Putting blocks aside, we focused on abs with a “modified Bruce Lee”:

    • 20 American Hammers EC
    • 20 Leg Raises EC
    • 20 LBCs EC
    • 20 Heel Touches EC
    • 20 Freddie Mercuries EC
    • 20 100s EC

    3 Rounds for PAX. Plank for six. Between rounds 2 and 3, PAX accumulated 5 more burpees, for a total of 55.

    Final Movement) Rifle Carry blocks back to cars 330ft/100m, meet at the Flags. 15 SSH in cadence, to round out the ~minute of time left on the clock. Great push by all. All said:

    • 360 reps of abs
    • 250 reps of upper body
    • 200 reps of legs
    • 55 burpees
    • 1+ Mile of run/mosey


    COT Today was about Servant Leadership. YHC being on Q was by way of Tatonka falling ill, so I scrambled to pull together a decent Q for the guys. More largely, I agreed to Co-AOQ the Battery in what I feel is servant leadership – not to be one of the bosses of anything, but to be a contributor and facilitator for a period of time in order to help the group grow and get better, myself included. I spent most of yesterday in servant leadership to my family – cooking, unexpected trip to the in-laws to help move something, etc. With this, I felt like I could have used more planning time for F3, but it all worked out just fine IMO.

    I shared a few points on servant leadership, as well as encouraged PAX to try and focus on trying to lead in this way, which I think we all do – that’s why we are doing what we do for each other.


    It was a cold 20 degree day, grass was icy and crunchy. Prior to the 7a start, me and Abercrombie did a few hundred reps of work, while Clothespin got in some pre-ruck action.

    The day before Tatonka got sick, so I threw some things together that would have us PAX roaming all over the Battery together (like buffalo, I suppose) for some work to keep us warm. Hopefully Tatonka is back with us soon! The name of this Q however just fell in my lap – read on.

    During CoP, things started slow and no one was really chatting. But rest-assured, things did lighten up. We headed over to the cars to pick up the medicine ball for a nice “mosey.” Indian run mosey ensued. Things went textbook for the first 4 or 5 exchanges. Then butterfingers Deep Dish kept dropping the ball, which we all loved and hated at the same time. All told the ball was dropped 9 times before we got back which cost us 45 burpees 🙂 When we arrived, we were all loose and ready to work. We wasted no time and got busy. There was some mumble chatter about the nice 9 Volt designed block handles for the pullovers versus the web of the block; whichever method we all seemed to hate these; sure to be a staple from here on out. We added 5 more burpees here too, and I forget why – I think just because Deep Dish called for them.

    The plan on paper (that i actually left behind at the pavilion a few steps into the mosey to the tennis courts – had to run back), was at this point for us to visit the hill. Jacob’s Ladder was originally going to ensue (sprint up hill, each time do 1 more burpee than last time, mosey down and increase to 7). This would have only been 28 total, compared to the 50 we already had done… so in the interest of time and having gotten some burpees in, I decided to skip Jacob’s Ladder.

    Once the PAX moved over to the tennis courts, we had to be cautious of the ice patches while sprinting and bernie-ing. There was some mumble and groans once we got to the squat jumps – they were not pleasant. Deep Dish also gave us a “Zero” 10-count after round 1, which was on-point and proper Deep Dish form; we got right back into the second round!

    Where are the Wimps?! On the way out of the tennis courts en route to mosey past the flags, we met another Battery regular – I don’t know her yet, but I know her presence early at the Battery. Picture a 70-year old grandmother in her tennis shoes, thick lined button-down pea-coat, knitted scarf and toboggan. She appears to be completing her walk and heading to her black early 2000’s model Cadillac Seville (in clean and proper working form, mind you). This good spirited woman stops us to ask “Where are the Wimps?” She was curious why there were so few of us this cold morning – says she’s used to seeing more of us working out!! All we could do was kindly agree with her that many of the other regulars are indeed wimps for not coming out in this misery with us. We had some laughs, as did she – very nice lady – I was impressed at her cold-hardiness to get out there in 20 degree weather to get her exercise in. So without any real name for this workout, it kinda found it’s way to us right here.

    We ended the Thang on some good solid ab work, as well as 5 more burpees – by this time, we were working up sweats and were able to make it through 3 full rounds of the abs, which I considered a stroke of luck on timing with just a few minutes left to get back to the flags.

    Cooter, Pipeline, Abercrombie and Clothespin were able to meet up at coffeteria with Tinkerbell who just had carpal tunnel surgery. Various discussions – some revolved around Battery T-shirts and/or F3 gear.


    • Chubby’s (El Chapo added about 501.3c and donations)
    • 2/19 Tuff Muff; Lions Den to Landfill to Hill City beatdowns w run/ruck in between. (Clothespin will deliver a “wish-you-had-gone-to-tuff-muff” beatdown at the Battery)
    • 5/19 4th F with Fathers and 2.0 all-inclusive weekend at Johnson Woods – See WuzntMe or the 4th F channel on slack for details.

    Prayer Requests: Intl Friends Netw Cleveland traveling abroad, WuzntMe, Tatanka, AOL, Tin Snip, Ms Baker, Fire and Tornado first responders and victims.

    Recent Backblasts

      Gloom Math is Fun!

      QIC:  Irish

      Date: 01/07/2022

      PAX: Rodeo, Cookies (from F3 Wheaton, IL), Burrito, Sunburn, Best in Show

      AO: Boneyard


      Clear and cold (22⁰). Small patches of ice on the track. No snow, which made Cookies yearn for home.


      SSH x 15 in cadence
      Windmills x 15 in cadence
      LBAC x 15 in cadence
      LBAC (reverse) x 15 in cadence
      Third Grade Exercise x 15 in cadence
      Imperial Walkers x 15 in cadence

      Followed up with a run up the hill and then back down, narrowly avoiding icy patches along the way. This would be our route later on in the Thang.

      PAX were rather chatty during the warmup, making YHC wonder if anyone besides him was really counting, but this mumble-chatter quickly turned to grumble-chatter during the next phase of the beatdown.

      The Thang

      We incorporated a little bit of mental gym in the beatdown, reminding our HIM of their multiplication tables!

      PAX circle around with their coupons and one PAX drew a card at random from a pre-shuffled and not-stacked-at-all deck. This card was the multiplier. Exercises below were then performed based on the multiple times times the value on the card. Number cards are their own value, Jacks are 11, Queens 12, Kings 13, Ace 15.

      Incline MerkinsX2
      American TwistsX3
      Squats with CouponX4
      Mountain Climbers (2 count)X4
      Lumberjacks (2 count)X3
      Decline MerkinsX2
      Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes (Squat, Curl, Press)X1

      After each round of exercises, we conducted an Indigenous Peoples’ Run around the lap noted above.

      Example: in Round 1, Rodeo drew a 7. So we did 7 blockies, 14 incline merkins, 21 American twists and so on until the round was complete.

      We did three total rounds and two Indigenous People’s Runs until grouping back up for some Broga (Mountain Pose, Downward Dog, Cobra, etc.) as a cool-down. During Round 3, we adjusted Lumberjacks to a 1x multiple based on incessant grumble-chatter.


      YCH reflected on the wisdom contained in Gary Chapman’s book The Five Love Languages. Every human favors one or two of these love languages and shows love to others (spouse, kids, friends, etc. ) using the language they favor. But this causes conflict if your favorite love language is not the same as your spouse’s. Understanding the love languages of the people in your life you love the most is a great way to show love to others in the way they want to be loved. The five languages are below and – note, they do change over time so periodic re-evaluation is recommended!

      • Words of Affirmation
      • Physical Touch
      • Acts of Service
      • Gifts
      • Quality Time

      More here plus a quiz to help understand your LL:


      Best in Show was a bit put out by the lack of promised coffee to end the beatdown, as Dunkin was closed due to the non-weather event and YHC did not have an adqeuate backup plan. He was promptly offered a refund on his investment for the workout, but intends to file a complaint anyway. YHC will offer coffee and donuts for the next beatdown but refuses to accept responsibility for Dunkin dropping the ball a second time.

      Our guest poster, Cookies, from Chicagoland was not impressed by the Tennessee version Snowmaggedon and was less impressed by grumble-chatter, stating that he “didn’t get up early to take it easy” (or words to that effect).

      Burrito apparently loves stretching/broga given the quasi-obscene sounds he made during the exercises.


      Reminder to sign up for Chubby’s Homeless Ministry, either helping out or providing quality goods (coats, blankets, NEW underwear or socks). They also take monetary donations as a 503c organization.

      Burrition mentioned an upcoming CSAUP extraordinaire in mid-February which promises to be a beatdown of a lifetime. I’m assuming more info is coming on the #convergence-csaup channel in Slack.

      Recent Backblasts

        Blue’s Q Again? Touring The Huey

        QIC:  Blue

        Date: 01/04/2022

        PAX: Doogie, Ducktales, Gretel, Hoveround, Life Alert, Nordic Track, Oil Change, Roomba, Shake N Bake, Sherlock, U-turn

        AO: The Huey


        A crisp 28º with clear skies. Cold enough to see the steam rising.


        Warm-up consisted of a tour of The Huey, doing a few burpees, then deconstructed burpees……moseying between each set of 10 for a total of a little over a mile. Finishing up at the Love Shack.

        • 2 x 10 Squats OYO
        • 2 x 10 Thrusters OYO
        • 2 x 10 Merkins OYO
        • 2 x 10 Squats OYO

        The Thang

        While at the Love Shack……

        • 20 Step-ups (hard count)
        • 20 Derkins
        • 15 Step-ups
        • 15 Incline Merkins
        • 10 Step-ups
        • 10 Merkins

        Mosey Back around to flag and coupons.

        Pre-blast included a reference to small furry creatures making an appearance………..

        Murder Hornets for 40 yards.

        Murder Hornet-

        • Murder Bunny 10 yards
        • 5 Blockies OYO
        • 10 Lunges (single count)
        • 10 BBS’s
        • 5 Blockies
        • Rinse/Repeat for 40 yards, then Murder Bunny all 40 back to start

        Mosey a lap stopping halfway to hold plank for 30 seconds, then stopping at the start to hold another plank for time, ~30-45 seconds.

        2 Beer Trucks passed by at some point so there were an additional 10 burpees.


        Labels. Recycling my COT from Detention. We all want to put a label on things we don’t like, things we don’t understand, things that offend us, challenge us, etc. All for the purpose to degrade so we feel better about ourselves. Watch yourself as you go through the day and see how many times you can catch yourself putting a label on someone. I have noticed this in myself as I continually search for “who I am”. Instead of judging others recently, I am finding myself looking inward and seeing in myself what I was offended by from someone else. It was helped me grow in many aspects. Hopefully you can gain some insight from this and better yourself as well.



        • Moneyball on Q at Shothouse
        • Tuff Muff 2022 on 2/19/2022, look for info coming soon to slack
        • Chubby’s Homeless Ministry

        Recent Backblasts

          Burpees and Blocks and Laps. Oh, My….

          QIC:  Blackout

          Date: 01/05/2022

          PAX: 12 Gauge, Cavity Search, Choo Choo, Clothespin, Cooter, iLean, Jaws, Pipeline, Tatonka, WuzntMe

          AO: Parliament


          Warmest day of the week….36 degrees. Back to shorts weather!


          Mosey with block to pad on track

          • FF OYO
          • FF Right Over Left OYO
          • FF Left Over Right OYO
          • WMH – x10
          • Arm Circles – x10
          • Reverse Arm Circles – x10
          • Seal Claps – x10
          • BURKIN MANIA – 5 Burpees; 4 Burpees 1 Merkin; 3 Burpees 2 Merkins; 2 Burpees, 3 Merkins; 1 Burpee, 4 Merkins

          The Thang

          Interval #1 – 50 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest for each exercise below

          • Curls
          • Incline Merkins
          • Shoulder Presses
          • Squats
          • Dips
          • Werkins
          • Rows
          • Toe Merkins

          Run a lap around track

          Interval #2– 50 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest for each exercise below

          • Curls
          • Incline Merkins
          • Shoulder Presses
          • Squats
          • Dips
          • Werkins
          • Rows
          • Toe Merkins

          Run a lap around track

          Interval #3- 50 seconds exercise, 10 seconds rest for each exercise below

          • Flutter Kicks
          • Plank
          • LBCs
          • Low Plank
          • Freddie Mercuries
          • Imperial Walkers
          • Big Boy Sit ups
          • Plank Jacks

          Run a lap around track

          Finished with Circle Merkin for last 3 minutes; PAX took plank position and we went around the circle with each PAX doing 1 Merkin; 2 Merkins; 3 Merkins; 4 Merkins; 5 Merkins. PAX stayed in plank when not performing their merkins. TIME.


          Spoke about two facets of life that I need to work on in the New Year: 1) Staying Uncomfortable and not letting comfort control my life and decisions and 2) Being Interruptible when God guides me towards his plan. The reality is, each New Year, we all set goals and resolutions, etc. This is great and we should continue setting those goals and resolutions. One of the things I thought about when reading a book “Life is Messy” by Matthew Kelly is that we set these goals under the assumption that our schedule and life will not change, or “be interrupted” during the new year. The reality is, God interrupts you with his plan when you are so focused on yours. Keep sight of your goals and strive to meet them but also be interruptible. Allow God to guide you and work in your life and heart throughout the next year.


          When I did the Burkin Mania to “warm up”, PAX quickly reminder me I had shorts on. Response: I knew we would warm up quickly because I planned it!

          PAX were very excited about the third interval because we audibled to core instead of upper body again. Q is invested in serving the PAX!

          Thanks to The Battery crew for traveling a little bit this morning. We loved having all the MC with you guys.


          See 2nd-F and 3rd-F channel for opportunies.

          Tough Muff coming in February and Fourth-F weekend in May.

          Recent Backblasts

            Blue Takes a Tour of Detention

            QIC:  Blue

            Date: 01-03-2022

            PAX: Lyft, Mr. Clean, Nordic Track, Ponce, Roomba, 8 Seconds

            AO: Detention


            A very windy morning with some snow & sleet. 28º with a FEELSLIKE of 16º.


            Warm up consisted of a Mosey around close to the entirety of Detention. Made stops along the way to complete

            • 2 x 5 Burpees OYO
            • 2 x 10 Squats OYO
            • 2 x 10 Thrusters OYO
            • 2 x 10 Merkins OYO
            • 2 x 10 Thrusters OYO
            • 2 x 10 Squats OYO

            Started at the flag and finished at the flag. Procured coupons and walked over to turnaround loop for the community center.

            The Thang

            BLUE’s Q LADDER

            • 5 Resurrection Burpees
            • 10 Merkins
            • 15 Imperial Walkers (hard count)
            • 20 Straight Leg Deadlifts
            • 25 Squats
            • 30 Bent Over Rows
            • 35 SSH’s

            At the completion of each “rung” of the ladder, mosey a lap around the parking lot. Stay together as a group.



            We as people, humans, etc always want to “label” other people. We feel the almost innate need to put a label on something to place it in a neat and tidy box. We also tend to try and label ourselves to determine who we are deep down. STOP!!!! Are you what you do for work? Are you your faith? Are you your family? What defines you? What one word can you think of that would sum up the essence of who you are? Just something to think about as you go through your day.


            The wind was super breathtaking, literally.


            YHC is on Q again tomorrow at Huey, if you dare to try a Blue’s Q round 2!!!

            Recent Backblasts

              NYD 2022 Convergence

              QIC:  NordicTrack

              Date: 01/01/2022

              PAX: Mansiere, WuzntMe, Pebbles, Shake n Bake, 9 volt, 8 seconds, Burrito, Dolly, Warlord, Blue, Mayhem, Lanyard, Dundee, John Doe, Sousa, u-turn

              AO: Anvil, Convergence


              Warm and 70 degrees


              Typical warm up. Some SSH, some burpees, and some limber up exercises.

              The Thang

              Dora, run across the football field as the travel.
              Dora 2000

              200 Merkins
              200 Squats
              200 BBS
              200 Toe Merkins
              200 Monkey Humpers
              200 Carolina Dry Docks
              200 Mountain Climbers
              200 American Hammers (HC)
              200 Lunges (EC)
              200 SSH


              Most New Years resolutions fail. There are many reasons, but it may be because we focus too much on cutting out things to achieve our goals. Instead, focus on what we need to add to meet our goals. This can be for weight loss, fitness goals, or any number of goals we have.

              Recent Backblasts

                Hacksaw Men Love to Bear Crawl!

                QIC:  Abercrombie

                Date: 12/31/2021

                PAX: Bernie, Cooter, Escobar, Full Moon, M.I.A., Oui Oui, Picabo, Seagull, Tinder

                AO: Hacksaw


                Mid 50’s, nice breeze, few wet spots in the pavement, PERFECT CONDITONS


                •Side Staddle Hop (25 IC)

                •Forward fold to calf stretch

                •Calf raises (50 regular, 50 pigeon, 50 duck, 50 regular)

                •Mosey to the Collegedale Library

                •Motivators (We counted down from 10)

                •LBACs (10 IC)

                The Thang

                Bear crawl in cadence with Merkin. This was miserable, but we made it to 100 merkins!

                Bear crawl Indian run (Bataan Death Crawl). Pax in the front yells “five!” (I come from the Battery and that’s as high as we can count). This is a signal for the Pax in the back to complete 3 burpees and run to the front of the line and yells “Five!”.

                Killer B’s

                •Broad jump to 1st cone

                •10 Burpees

                •10 Bonnie Blairs

                •10 Big Boys

                •Bear crawl back

                We only completed one round of Killer B’s

                Dora Bear Crawl: One Pax Bear Crawls while the other curls for a total of 100

                Mary: Picabo (Plank) Cooter (Heel Touches) TIME!


                For the COT, I wanted to put in a plug for the Q Source at Chic-fil-a following Monday morning beatdowns.  Q Source is leadership study materials developed by the co-founders of F3.  I shared highlights from the chapter on Influence (Q2.2).  Basically, there are two primary ways to influence people to an advantageous change: words (and the way you say them) and deeds (the behavior you model).  A high impact man understands that movement must be voluntary for it to result in a true advantage, and he can not compel movement through the force of his will.

                Anyway, its good stuff.  If you have never attended, you are missing out. 


                Ok, I probably had one of my biggest laughs during this Q. At one point during the bear crawl merkins, I turned around to realize that I was the only one actually doing anything; the entire pax was just walking behind me counting cadence. What a bunch of wise guys!

                I’m not sure if the motivators actually motivated anyone, but I am sure that everyone pushed themselves and got a little bit better this morning.


                Convergence tomorrow! Be safe tonight.

                Recent Backblasts

                  At Least it Wasn’t Raining

                  QIC: M.I.A.

                  Date: 12/30/2021

                  PAX: 9-Volt, Abercrombie, Cooter, El Chapo, Man Bun, Schnitzel, Woodrider, WuzntMe 

                  AO: The Battery


                  The conditions of this week made the Q happy. The PAX may or not feel the same.


                  Hand Release Merkins,
                  Flutter Kicks,
                  It was all downhill from there.

                  The Thang

                  The PAX split into two teams. One team only had 4 people, but that team had Abercrombie, so they were still better off.

                  Each team member manned a station and rotated stations when the control station completed the workout prescribed.

                  Heat 1
                  Control – Army Crawl 10 yards and back
                  OH Press w/ coupon
                  Hand Release Merkins

                  Winners: 1 Round of Maker Boilers
                  Losers: Stayed at home in their Fartsack

                  Heat 2
                  Same as Heat 1

                  Winners: 1 Round of Boiler Makers
                  Losers: Stayed at home in their Fartsack

                  Heat 3
                  Control – Dying Seal 10 yards
                  Curls for the Girls
                  Flutter Kicks

                  Winners: 1 Round of Indigenous Lunge Line
                  Losers: Stayed at home in their Fartsack

                  Heat 4
                  Same as Heat 3

                  Winners: 1 Round of Maker Boilers
                  Losers: Stayed at home in their Fartsack

                  Heat 5
                  Control – Shrimp 10 yards
                  Curls for the Girls
                  Flutter Kicks

                  Winners: 2 Minutes of Mary
                  Losers: Inverted plank


                  “A goal without a plan is just a wish” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
                  YHC didn’t know the source of the quote until typing this, but was not expecting a French aristocrat.

                  This time of year is a great time to both set and review goals. Goals are not the same as resolutions. New Year’s resolutions seem to be putting off action to start when it seems it will be convenient. A year though, or a month, or a week can be a convenient time to set a time frame for a goal.

                  It is important to set goals to improve yourself in your physical health, your relational health and your spiritual health. Evaluate your circumstances and make a goal to improve each of them.


                  It didn’t rain a single drop during the workout. Were there seven idiots sitting in the rain for coffeeteria, though? Absolutely.

                  Before the beatdown, Woodrider observed the setting up of the apparatus the PAX would crawl under for the army crawls and mused on the time to commute to Legacy.

                  There was mumble chatter during SSH, this is to be expected.
                  There was silence when YHC announced hand release merkins to follow up.
                  There was grumble chatter when Flutter Kicks were announced next. Grumble chatter still ensues.

                  A few of the PAX really nailed some of these new modes of transportation. For example, Man Bun can army crawl faster than YHC can jog (not a high bar, but he cleared it easily).

                  YHC announced that the “Dying Seal” could be named by the PAX who best completed the exercise. 9-Volt won hands down. While he may not have been the fastest, definitely the most fun to watch.

                  At some point during a boiler maker Woodrider was apparently inserted into Man Bun’s “V”.

                  All the PAX who participated today were Winners.

                  A few definitions for the uncouth:

                  Boiler Makers – PAX form a single file line and assume a plank position. Rear most PAX Bear Crawls to the front, repeating in the style of indigenous persons ambulating quickly.

                  Maker Boilers – The same as a Boiler Maker, however the front most PAX Crawl Bears to the rear of the line.

                  Dying Seal – This name is not set in stone, but the workout will be repeated… many times. PAX lays perpendicular to their planned route of travel. Legs and Head held from the ground as though preparing to do crunches. PAX rocks forward from shoulders to hips while rocking shoulders side to side in order to propel themselves. No part of the PAX other than their back should touch the ground. Words really cannot describe. Please see 9-Volt for a demonstration.

                  Shrimp – PAX lays flat on their back with the right foot planted beside their left knee, pushing with the right foot the PAX propels themselves on to their left side moving backwards. Alternating between legs, this makes for a slow, but ineffective mode of transportation.


                  Convergence 1/1/2022 at Anvil at 0700.

                  12 Mile Ruck starting at Hacksaw at 0530 12/31/2021

                  Apply Truth with Grace

                  QIC:  Mr. Clean

                  Date: 12/30/2021

                  PAX: Dundee, Geek Squad, Hasbro, Milkman, Oil Change, Sherlock, Starbucks, U-Turn

                  AO: The Huey


                  Fog so thick it felt of mist, and frankly, it became mist eventually. Low 60’s on the temp gauge.


                  SSH x15 IC
                  Wilie Mays Hayes x12 IC
                  Windmills x10 IC
                  Forward Fold OYO
                  Shoulder Blaster

                  The Thang

                  When 90’s rap began to play, the Pax decided there would be a theme to this workout. Apparently, YHC is known for themes in his workout….

                  7 of Diamonds
                  Thanks Blue for allowing me to look over that VQ of yours way back when, so I could steal a little genius…
                  7 Burpees
                  Bear Crawl the Laterals & Mosey the Lengths
                  14 Lunges (Hard Way)
                  Bear Crawl the Laterals & Shuffle the Lengths
                  21 Squats
                  Bear Crawl the Laterals & Bernie the Lengths
                  28 Monkey Humpers
                  Bear Crawl the Laterals & Bear Crawl the Lengths
                  Totals — 28 Burpees, 56 Lunges, 84 Squats, and 112 Monkey Humpers

                  Mosey to the Love Shack.

                  22’s w/a Merkin Mortar

                  2 BBSUs at Love Shack

                  Mosey to Memorial for 5 Merkin Mortar Set

                  Mosey Half Lap — 20 Mountain Climbers (hard way)

                  Mosey Back to Memorial for 5 Merkin Mortar Set

                  Rinse and Repeat the above routine until time..


                  I like to aggravate our dear beloved Blue about his messages about Grace, but we all know it is needed and needed now more than ever. If you’ll indulge me, I would like to add to that idea. I heard a great message regarding both truth and grace. We as a Pax agreed that we feel honesty is extremely important in maintaining integrity, so how about this idea?
                  Truth is often to harsh for people while Grace is often too compromising. Apply these two together and we can really develop quality interactions with our fellow man.

                  The above was my message. I added a little more of a personal story afterward regarding a character trait but will keep it brief here. Selfishness is not viewed a positive trait. A self-serving purpose, too, is often viewed as a negative motivation/means to an end. Either way, should this occur, make sure the end both justifies the means and helps all parties involved grow.


                  Overall, it was of great quality at certain times. I think I will just keep it “close to the vest” for the 8 other men who defeated the fartsack this Gloom…


                  Convergence 01/01/2022 at Anvil (Central High School)

                  Recent Backblasts