8 BAMF Dorka – Like a Dora, but a little dumber

QIC:  Tatonka

Date: 11/29/2021

PAX: AOL, Bandwagon, Bernie, Choo Choo, iLean, Lutefisk, M.I.A., Mandela, Mr. Burns, Picabo, Seagull, Sea Through, Toe Tag, Uncle Joe, Wuzn’tMe

AO: Hacksaw


Low 30s, low wind. Cold but manageable as long as Q kept PAX moving


SSH x10 IC
LBAC x 10 IC
SSH x10 IC
Reverse LBAC x10 IC
SSH x10 IC
Seal Claps x 10 IC
SSH x10 IC
Moroccan Night Clubs x10 IC
SSH x10 IC

The Thang

8 BAMF Dorka
PAX partner up

Partner 1 runs a lap of the inside circle
Partner 2 completes the designated exercise until Partner 1 returns
Partner 1 then begins doing designated exercise while Partner 2 runs

A typical Dora consists of completing a set number of reps of each exercise before switching to the next exercise. This workout did not have a goal rep count of each exercise. Rather, PAX continued with one exercise until Q called for a switch. Hence this was a Dorka, kind of like a Dora but a little dumber.

Exercises completed were:
8 count bodybuilders x 5 min
Big Boy Sit Ups x 5 min
Air Squats x 5 min
Mountain Climbers x 5 min
Flutter Kicks x 5 min

After 5 minutes of flutter kicks, PAX performed the following:

Indian Run
Merkin Circle – PAX position themselves in high plank position. Q completes one merkin while rest of PAX hold high plank. Next PAX in line completes one merkin followed by next PAX in line who completes one merkin, etc. When it gets back to Q, Q completes 2 merkins. Next PAX in line completes 2 merkins, etc. We repeated this process to a 5 merkin count.

Finished with 2 minutes of Mary


Mark 10:45 – “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

I spoke on the importance of being a servant to others, especially this time of year. It’s easy to get caught up in material things around the holidays, but service towards others comes in many forms and can be often overlooked. My pastor spoke on it a month ago and told everyone to set a daily alarm for 10:45 AM that says, “Mark 10:45 – How can I be a servant today?” This daily reminder helps keep me in check and forces me to think about ways I can serve others in my daily life to ultimately live a more Christlike lifestyle.


It turns out that no gloves while planking on concrete for several minutes is not a great combination. Just ask Mandela.

Picabo looked entirely too excited for his turn in Mary when he called 1 minute plank to end the workout.

M.I.A. loved the Q’s music selection so much. He neglected to point it out until he was thanking him for his leadership in the slack channel later that morning.


Chubbies is always looking for volunteers on Monday nights to minister to Chattanooga’s homeless population. Talk to Mayhem or check the serve schedule on the 3rd-F slack channel if you are interested in helping out.

Several guys have come down with injuries or other life events that are going to keep them away from F3 for a while. Not everyone has another outlet for fellowship so make sure to reach out to guys to check in with them.

Recent Backblasts

    Blue Said There Would Be No Running

    QIC:  Blue

    Date: 11-24-2021

    PAX: Lyft, Milkman, Mr. Clean, Ponce, Roomba, Sherlock, She Shed, Starbucks, 8 Seconds

    AO: Shothouse


    C. O. L. D. A crisp 26° (per the instrument panel on my truck), with clear skies and some kind of moon, it was too cold to really take the time to look up and see.


    PAX were informed pre-startex to get some light stretching before we began, b/c we would be moving and not stopping.

    Some SSH’s to get things started, w/ 5 Burpees OYO, then a slow mosey to the track. That completed the warm up.

    The Thang

    Blue’s Q That Was Supposed to Not Be Running
    Starting at the track, and starting the 2 minute EMOM timer, we slow mosey’d to various locations around the area, and by area I mean, we went from the track to the end zone, to the bleachers, the tennis courts, the sidewalk on Middle Valley Rd., down the street to Hixson Middle School entrance, to the Log Cabin, to the Middle School parking lot, to the back side of the middle school, the bus corral, to the High School Annex bldngs, back to the parking lot, to the end stop sign, then back to the Shovel Flag, then the track again, around to the bleachers, then back to the track, then back to the Shovel Flag for time. All the while, stopping every 2 Min. for 5 Burpees OYO. We also did 5 (what I now know are) Body Bag Builders IC at the first stop, various counts of SSH’s IC for a total of 145 SSH’s IC, which equates to 290 SSH’s, and we also did 31 Imperial Walkers IC. There may have been a couple other exercises thrown in there for good measure, but that was 99.9% of what we did that I can remember. The total distance was 2.25 miles.


    “We don’t see things as THEY ARE, we see things as WE ARE”

    Take this through you day and spend some time really thinking about it.


    Too focused on staying moving to stay warm to really pay attention to the mumble chatter, and the fact that I was carrying my bluetooth speaker, so I really couldn’t hear much of anything outside the music. I do remember hearing something to the tune of taking up a collection to “get Blue some counseling” so we don’t have to endure the physical torture that is a Blue’s Q. “Blue, I thought you said we weren’t going to run today” There was also talk of Pavlov’s Dogs and the possibility of each of us hearing a timer bell tomorrow and dropping down to do 5 Burpees OYO.


    Tomorrow is Turkey Day Convergence!!!! HC now in the #convergence-csaup channel on Slack.

    Register for the Grateful Gobbler if you are able to join your brothers for a 5k starting at 8.

    A Veterans group is hosting a food drive, so bring some nonperishable food for donations.

    Recent Backblasts

      Blockees and Elevens on Frozen Ground

      QIC:  Blackout

      Date: 11/24/2021

      PAX: Face Plant, Mayhem, Rite Aid, Tatonka, Toto, WuzntMe

      AO: Parliament


      Extremely cold and windy….high 20s. Cold enough for the ground to feel like it was crunching while running on it.


      Mosey to Practice Field

      • SSH x20 – IC
      • FF – OYO
      • Arm Circles x10 – IC
      • Reverse Arm Circles x10 – IC
      • 5 Burpees, 4 Burpees, 3 Burpees, 2 Burpees, 1 Burpee

      The Thang

      PAX set up coupons in the middle of the field going sideline to sideline. Performed 11s starting with 10 Merkins on first sideline and 1 Jump Squat on second sideline. The kicker was this: After finishing Merkins on one side of the field, PAX sprinted to coupon in between the two sidelines and performed 5 Blockees. PAX then rifle carried from middle of field to other sideline and performed jump squat(s). Rifle carry back to center and perform 5 Curls before running back to original sideline. Repeat for 9 Merkins, 2 Jump Squats…..all the way to 1 Merkin, 10 Jump Squats.

      In the middle of the Elevens, I realized that my hands felt like they might fall off, so we took a quick audible and ran two laps around the field to warm up a bit before finishing the second half of the Elevens.

      Once Elevens were complete, we paired up. PAX 1 went to center of field and began doing Shoulder Presses. PAX 2 started at the sideline and lunged to PAX 1. Once PAX 2 got to the center of the field they took over for shoulder presses while PAX 1 ran back to sideline and then lunged back to center of field. Did this for 2 rounds of Shoulder Presses, 2 rounds of Curls and 2 rounds of Bent-Over back rows.

      Finished with Circle Merkin – PAX circle up in Plank position and we went around the circle doing merkins. Started with 1 Merkin and made our way to 5 Merkins before time ran out.


      Shared some snippets from a speech on YouTube with the PAX by Denzel Washington titled “Put God First”. The main points in the speech were this 1) Keep God First; 2) Fail Big but Never stop reaching for your goals and 3) You will never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. Spoke to PAX about how this resonated with me. In order to meet our goals, we have to keep God first and stay disciplined and consistent in our approach to meeting those goals. Lastly, I emphasized that whatever is reaped from the benefits of keeping God first and meeting our goals, whether financially, physically, spiritually, etc., we can’t truly experience the joy of those moments without sharing it with those around us. If money, donate. If physical gifts, help someone else reach their physical goals. Ultimately, the joy in life is pushing and loving those around us to strive for and meet their goals. You can’t take anything with you from a material standpoint when you go, so make sure to share it with those around you. Always strive not to just make a living, but to make a difference! I recommend watching the speech, I posted it on the Parliament channel if interested.


      PAX subconsciously kept expecting and preparing for the sprinklers to come on during our workout. It was decided early on that we would certainly audible if that happened. Not sure if the sprinklers were turned off or if the pipes were frozen.


      See 2nd and 3rd F channels for information on upcoming events and opportunities.

      Face Plant VQ at Parliament Friday

      Recent Backblasts

        Sheldon Cooper Goes to The Huey aka Soddy Daisy

        QIC:  Blue

        Date: 11/23/2021

        PAX: Chum, Cleaver, Doogie, Dundee, Geeksquad, Hasbro, Hoveround, Life Alert, Milkman, Mr. Clean, Oil Change, Shake N Bake, Slois Lane, Starbucks, U-turn, 8 Seconds

        AO: The Huey


        Just a measly 30-32° w/ clear skies and variable winds.


        Took PAX on a slow mosey lap around most of the Huey grounds. At various spots along the way we stopped to do a few SSH’s and some beer truck burpees (x5). Finished the warmup mosey back at the Love Shack, nice and “warm” for the THANG!!

        The Thang

        Sheldon Cooper Comes to The Huey aka Soddy Daisy

        A series of 5 exercises starting round one with 10 reps of each 5 exercises then taking a mosey lap, 1/2 lap, 1/4 lap, etc. Each consecutive round will decrease the number of reps by one. So, Round 2 = 9 Reps of 5 exercises. Continue for time. How did Sheldon Cooper get to Soddy? With a 4×4 of course!!!!! EMOM (2 min) 4×4’s.

        4×4= Burpee w/ 4 merkins & 4 plankjacks

        Remember to push yourself not hurt yourself.


        Short and sweet today Gentlemen. Wisdom is NOT the accumulation of knowledge. Take this with you as you go through your day.



        Blue’s on Q again tomorrow at Shothouse. Promises not to repeat same Q.

        Thanksgiving Day Convergence commences at 6 a.m. on Turkey Day. Touch Football F3 style is the name of the game. Come one come all. Bring some non-perishable food items for the food drive after the convergence at the Grateful Gobbler 5k. All PAX are encouraged to register and participate in the Grateful Gobbler 5k to begin at 8 a.m. Turkey Day morning. There is a F3 team, follow instructions posted in 3rdF Channel on Slack. HC for Convergence and/or Grateful Gobbler on the Convergence-CSAUP channel.

        Recent Backblasts

          Convoy Elevens

          QIC:  Recycle

          Date: 11/22/2021

          PAX: Blow Pop, Burrito, Friday, Iron Butt (RESPECT RESPECT), Manscaper,  Mansiere, Pediasure, Prosciutto, Squirt, Yellow 5, 8 Mile

          AO: Convoy


          Rain moved out but ground was still moist. Air was a brisk 46 degrees. The lights came on at 5:27 so we didn’t have to work in the dark.


          SSH x25 (enough for Friday to get his crap together and join us) IC
          Rifle carry to end of parking lot
          FF OYO
          LOR OYO
          ROL OYO
          Rifle carry to mailbox
          MCPU x10 IC
          Rifle carry to corner of school
          WMH x10 IC
          TGE x10 IC
          Rifle carry around to courtyard
          LBAC x10 IC
          Rev x10 IC
          SC x10 IC
          OC x10 IC
          Rifle carry to courtyard staircase

          The Thang

          PAX count off into 1s and 2s. 1s start at the bottom of staircase, 2s at the top.


          First set: weighted American Hammers on top, Curls for the Girls at the bottom

          Second set: tricep extensions on top, front lateral raise at the bottom

          Rifle carry the staircase in between reps, run the staircase/hill with no weight while waiting on the six.

          Move back to the flag, rifle carry not necessary

          Flutter kicks x25 IC



          You matter! I think men often give so much of themselves that they sometimes forget that they matter and are worthy of being loved as well.

          Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment is. He answered “to love the Lord God with all your heart….and the second is like it: to love your neighbor as yourself.” I believe that last part is important….you can’t love others if you don’t believe that you are worthy of love yourself!


          Playlist: Outkast, LL Cool J, The Black Crowes, Stone Temple Pilots, Tony! Toni! Toné!, Warren G

          Great to have Iron Butt for day 13 of his F3 Chattanooga tour

          Did you know everything is harder with a plate carrier on? Cause it is.

          Burrito knows an awful lot about prostates. Part of that McCallie education I presume.

          The Mountain Ruckers™ were pounding the pavement in the gloom this morning. You should join us!


          Thanksgiving convergence this Thursday. Check out the #convergence-csaup channel for info.

          Recent Backblasts

            Clothespin’s Home Gym

            QIC:  Clothespin

            Date: 11/17/2021

            PAX: El Chapo, Landmine, Cooter, Sousa, Iron Butt, Mandela, M.I.A., Seagul, Mr. Burns, Top’em, Ducktales, Ramrod, Full Moon, Quackers, Madoff, AOL, Uncle Joe

            AO: Hacksaw


            Breezy (especially around Ducktales) clear and cool

            Perfect Gloom Weather!!!!!


            Mosey to big Flag drop Coupons on the way.
            Quick warmup:
            Arm Cir
            Forward Fold

            The Thang

            I do not always get to come to F3 but I have all these toys at my disposal in case I don’t. Welcome to my home gym!
            I really enjoyed the mumble chatter today!
            Clothespin’s Home Gym

            3 stations with 7 exercises at each station.
            1 minute at each exercise then rotate. Once through all 21 exercises entire PAX will take a lap and start over. Continue until Mary time. We made it all the way around 1 time and stared again made it through 3 exercises and it was time for Mary. Mary at the end was BBS (IC), Freddie Mercury(IC), and a Bows&Toes Plank (1min).

            Station 1:
            • Wall Core- shrugs
            • Small Tire- Flip
            • Big Tire- Sledge Hammer
            • Log- Bent over Rows
            • Light Sandbag- Throws
            • Heavy Sandbag- Dead lift
            • Ruck- Get Ups

            Station 2:
            • Curls
            • Triceps
            • Toe merkins
            • Squats
            • Kettle Bell Swings
            • Wander Bras
            • Step-ups

            Station 3:
            • Merkins
            • SSH
            • Imperial Walkers
            • BBS
            • Monkey Humpers
            • X-Factors
            • Flutter Kicks


            Today is the 3year anniversary of The Battery. I am so thankful that F3 came into my life and the changes it has brought. Its not just about coming out here and working hard. It’s about making yourself better. Better in all aspects of life.
            BALL OF MAN: Congregation of two or more men in physical contact, usually (but not exclusively) in the prayer that terminates the COT. Abbr: BOM]


            I thinks it’s supposed to be “Wonder Bras” not “Wander Bras”. –Madoff
            I didn’t come to teach you English. We came to work! — Clothespin

            I swear I felt the wind change directions when Ducktales farted during Mary.


            [Fill in News, Upcoming Q’s, Events, etc.]

            Recent Backblasts

              Suicides Come to Smackdown

              QIC:  Blue

              Date: 11/16/2021

              PAX: Bada Bing, Blow Pop, Jorts, Manscaper, Mansiere, Pomade, Prosciutto, Recycle, Rubberneck, Yellow 5, 8 Mile

              AO: Smackdown


              A very surprisingly warm 50-ish degrees with nary a cloud in the sky. Orion was clearly visible in the clear morning sky. Most of the PAX were surprised at how warm it was on top of the mountain this morning, compared to the valley, aka my house where it was 37* when I walked out the door.


              A “few” SSH’s to start, then some Imperial Walkers, followed by some 3rd Grade Exercises, then some stretches and some more SSH’s, throwing into the mix some shoulder blasters, and that the warm up

              The Thang

              “Suicides Are Painless”

              Round 1

              -1 Resurrection Burpee (a burpee with a block, doing a CPR at the top) and each “cone line” of the suicide course, rifle carry coupon to travel, hold Al Gore for the 6, or pick up the 6

              -Mosey Lap all together

              -Circle Up

              -25 Burpee’s OYO

              -50 Squats OYO

              -75 LBC’s OYO

              Round 2

              -5 Inchworms w/ a merkin at each “cone line” of the suicide course, mosey to travel, hold Al Gore for the 6, or pick up the 6

              -Mosey Lap all together

              -Circle Up

              -20, 2 Merkin Burpee’s OYO -TIME

              (- 40 Straight Leg Deadlifts)

              (- 60 Imperial Walkers – Hard Count)



              Our culture/society has perpetuated the LIE that we are supposed to have “IT” all together and be “PERFECT” all the time. The only way I see to combat this is to start swallowing our pride and telling the truth, allowing ourselves to be VULNERABLE. F3 is a Leadership organization, that is teaching men to be better leaders, in our communities, our churches, our families, our work, etc. Stop pretending to everyone around you that things are “Fine” when they are most definitely not. I personally opened up a year ago about how I struggle with the death of my father, some 20 years ago. Not one single PAX ever laughed or was anything but 100% SUPPORTIVE!!!!!!! Swallowing my pride and opening up was the best decision I could have ever made. Stop the LIE, and allow yourself to be VULNERABLE.


              Not really much to say here, other than Prosciutto has a thing for the number 69. I did learn the importance of punctuation when calling out the exercise, “20, 2 Merkin Burpees”. When “heard” it could be taken to mean multiple things. 8 Mile pointed this out with the statement, “Come Eat Grandma”. Proper comma/pause placement is crucial.


              Recent Backblasts

                Track day Kracken Suicides

                QIC:  AOL

                Date: 11/16/2021

                PAX: Quackers, Toe Tag, Cavity Search, Mandela, Blackout, Toto, Dimples, Sojourner, Face Plant, Wrecked’em, John Doe, Hillshire, Pitbike, Fortnite, M.I.A, Sousa, Bonsai, Mayhem, Choo Choo, ILean



                Cold, 42 Degrees


                ssh x15

                wmh x 10

                michael phelps x 10

                LBAC X 10 (FWD & REV)


                The Thang

                PAX were taken to the beginning point on the track.

                (orange cones)

                 there are 4 sets of cones from the starting point. pax will be doing suicides. as “BUY IN” PAX before starting the suicide portion they are to complete 5 Kracken Burpees…….Pax were divided into 2 groups, just to alleviate some congestion.group 1 started with kraken burpees, group2 started suicides. pax then begin sprinting to first cone then MOSEY back to starting point, then sprint  to cone 2 and back to starting point. pax repeat thru all 4  Cones, once 4th cone is reached, PAX are to make a full lap around the track & back to starting point, where they are to repeat the “Buy In” after each full lap. Rinse and repeat until Time…



                This Morning is YHC’s 1 year F3 Anniversary! This morning is my 249th workout of 2021 this past year has been hard. before i started F3, I would have told you that if you see me running, its because someone is chasing me. I had never run a mile, and really couldnt when i started. my first barometer day in feb i ran a 10:23 mile. August was the last barometer day that i ran in, and ran a 7:01!

                You guys have helped me dropped right at 50 lbs,

                i have dropped two pants sizes, i have dropped from 2 x shirts down into Large shirts.

                You guys were able to help me change my diet, we started eating better, smaller portions, drinking more water everyday, before i would drink 5-6 sodas a day without even thinking about it.

                when i joined F3, i Never thought that this was something that i would have been able to accomplish…..i took a change in my MINDSET, that change came from you all, that it was not only possible, but that i had the ability to put in the work to get it done. i realized that no one was gonna do it for me, but i saw that i had you men out here beside me each morning, pushing me…… come on just a little bit further, a little bit faster, come on a few more reps.

                Someone once told me of just setting a goal to get 1% better everyday. So thats what you guys did, you helped me to focused on small improvements everyday,

                So MINDSET…..

                Alot of these mornings are hard. Some harder than others depending on who is on Q, we tend to give into our thoughts when we think it is time to quit……keep pushing, EMBRACE THE SUCK, yeah what we are doing out here each morning, it sucks, its no fun. its COLD!!

                they say your body can go 7 Times farther, 7 harder, than your mind tells you that you can….

                but we might as well put in the work while we are out here.

                make the commitment to be out here multiple times per week, show up here, travel to other AO’S, meet new men, you never know the relationships that you posting at another AO WILL TURN IN TO.

                I wanna leave you guys with this verse…

                Philippians 2:3-4

                Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more than yourselves. Let each of you look not to only his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

                That’s what I see in each one of you! 


                The young Guys Seemed to set the pace, (Pitbike, Hillshire, Fortnite) as there was no tatonka to keep them at bay. There was mumble chatter between the guys that ended up running together, but im not real sure of those conversations, most everyone was spread out after the first round. there was some moans and groans, most of us did not want to be running, but then again it was track day, so we couldn’t NOT run. or as M.I.A tells me after the fact, you could do what ever you want, then there are flashbacks to M.I.A’s trackday Q with blocks…..noone has good memories of that day, and i wasnt there. Maybe Next time Guys!



                Continued Donations For Captain Wafer’s Daughter

                Letters For Thermostats Brother.

                Thanksgiving Convergance.

                Recent Backblasts

                  Rifle Carries for Gretel

                  QIC:  Recycle

                  Date: 11/15/2021

                  PAX: Nordictrack, Shake N Bake, Gretel, Ponce (RESPECT), Snatch, OB, Sherlock

                  AO: Detention


                  A brisk 39 degrees. Too cold for fingerless gloves.


                  SSH x20 IC
                  FF OYO
                  LOR OYO
                  ROL OYO
                  WMH x10 IC
                  TGE x11 IC
                  MCPU x10 IC
                  LBAC x10 IC
                  Rev x10 IC
                  OP x10 IC
                  MNC x10 IC
                  OC x10 IC
                  SC x10 IC
                  Hummingbirds x10 IC
                  SSH x10 IC

                  The Thang

                  PAX count off into 1s and 2s. 1s start at the bottom of the stairs, 2s at the top.

                  20 Curls for the Girls –> 1
                  1 Tricep Extensions –> 20

                  Rifle carry the stairs in between sets.

                  Run the steps with no coupon when complete until 6 is in.

                  Mini Dora

                  PAX pair up. Partner 1 counts reps, Partner 2 rifle carries around Detention Island™.

                  25 Burpees
                  50 Overhead Press
                  75 Merkins
                  100 Big Boi Situps



                  Make your mental health a priority. Too many men neglect themselves prioritizing their families, jobs, etc. We all have those things in our lives that take our focus and energy….make sure one of those priorities is YOU.

                  I didn’t post much in October with Fall Break and just general laziness and I could tell a difference in my attitude and demeanor. I need you men to keep me right and I appreciate your presence in the gloom more than you know!


                  Playlist: Van Halen, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Alice In Chains, Pearl Jam, Outkast, U2, Nirvana

                  What temperature is the sweet spot for fingerless gloves? Shake N Bake has some thoughts.

                  Gretel worked shoulders yesterday. And today.

                  Snatch (Stache) did GREAT this morning. He really did.

                  Speaking of great, Ponce once again ran circles around us. The Fountain of Youth, indeed.


                  Chubby’s BBQ homeless ministry tonight and most Mondays. Keep up on the #3rdF channel.

                  @Lyft VQ on Wednesday at Shot House!

                  Recent Backblasts

                    UP/Down Cone Game

                    QIC:  Dundee

                    Date: 11/12/2021

                    PAX: Blindside, Roomba, Transplant

                    AO: Lions’ Den


                    At 43 degrees, it was warmer than forecasted. Heavy fog relocated the workout from the track to a slightly more well lit area in the parking lot.


                    • 5 Penalty Burpees for the missing flag
                    • 25 SSHs IC
                    • Forward Fold OYO
                    • 10 Willie Mays Hays IC
                    • 10 Little Baby Arm Circles
                    • 10 Little Baby Arm Circles, reversed
                    • 15 Seal Claps IC
                    • 15 Cherry Pickers IC
                    • 15 Windmills IC
                    • 25 SSHs IC

                    The Thang

                    Six cones were setup about 30 yards from the starting area. Three cones were standing, three were laying down. PAX split into two teams (Roomba and Dundee on one side, Transplant and Blindside on the other). At the starting area, each pax did the prescribed number of reps of an exercise (see below) then ran to the cones. Team one turned a cone down, team two turned a cone up. PAX then returned the start and repeated the process for the duration of the round. Each round was five minutes. At the end of the round, the team with the most cones facing their assigned direction won. Winners of each round did five burpees. Losers did ten. Because a tie is like kissing your sister, everyone did ten burpees in the case of a draw. This might confuse some so to clarify: outside of Tennessee, kissing your sister is regarded as a bad thing.

                    • Round 1: 10 Donkey Kicks — Roomba and Dundee took the first round
                    • Round 2: 10 Merkins — Blindside and Transplant took the second round
                    • Round 3: 25 Gorilla Humpers — A draw.
                    • Round 4: 20 LBCs — A draw.
                    • Final round: 10 elbow-to-knee squats — It came down to one cone. Team Blindside and Transplant get the win.


                    Of all the traits of a good leader, the most important is Love.

                    A true leader loves his mission more than himself. Making your purpose a higher priority than your wants and desires inspires those that follow you to do the same.

                    A true leader loves his people more than himself. Loving those you lead more than yourself frees builds trust.

                    A true leader loves character more than himself. The F3 term for “character” is “virtue” and it’s defined as doing what is right when what is wrong would be easier and with very little consequence. If those that follow you see you value character, they are freed to display character as well.


                    “Beatdowns like this are why people avoid your workouts.” It was intended as a compliment and one that made YHC’s morning.



                    Thanksgiving Convergence will be at Hill City at 6 AM. PAX are encouraged to register for the Grateful Gobbler 5K that will follow.

                    Chubbie’s Homeless Ministry every Monday night at 5:30.

                    Letters to Troy Smith signup is ongoing. See the pinned post in the 3rd F channel on Slack.

                    Recent Backblasts