Deck O Death


QIC: Sidekick
Date: 08/22/2018
PAX: Fast lane
AO: Beast Ridge


70 degrees and mostly clear

The Disclaimer

I am not a professional.  If you get hurt I will help you to your car.  Modify where necessary


Good mornings IC X 10
Alabama Ass kickers IC X 15
Static Lunges X 10 per side
Third Grade Exercises IC X 12
Mosey to the concrete bleachers

The Thang

Desk O Death
Title of exercises or routine
We dealt the pain this morning with the Deck O Death.
Hearts = Big Boy Sit ups
Diamonds = Box jumps
Clubs = Dips
Spades = Derkins
Aces = 10 Burpees
Jokers = Bear Crawl to Midfield and back
Fast lane and I kept a great pace this morning and finished the deck in about 30 minutes.  This left us a little mosey time to get back to the flag.  It was a slow mosey since my calf will not heal.  I am about to try Early bird’s spoon full of mustard trick, then the local honey


Today we discussed F3 and how I got started.  Why did I start? because I was fat and out of shape and my boss wouldn’t leave me alone.  Why did I come back?  because F3 is the only thing that I have ever done that comes close to the camaraderie I enjoyed playing competitive sports.  Why do you continue to attend F3?  F3 brings a sense of accountability, outward focus, and (for me at least) a sense of peace in my relationship with God.  F3 has opened my eyes to the fact that I am not solely responsible for the outcome of my life.  There is a plan for me and I didn’t write it.  That was a completely foreign concept to me 4 years ago.  I worked my tail off, I did all of those good things that got me where I am today.  WRONG.  The World is bigger than what you can control.  God steers the ship, I just try to keep it afloat.  F3 made me realize these things through support and accountability.  God will take care of me and i will take care and support my brothers.  That is why I continue.


My calf hurts.  The end


Cam Run this weekend

Upcoming Qs

Monday – Stairmaster
Wednesday – Sidekick

“Showing up is the easy part.”

QIC: Kodak
Date: 08/21/2018
PAX: The Count, Care Bear, Wort, Prosciutto, Whittler, Back Pew, Gamecock, Laces Out, Cable Cutter, Sunshine, Ohms, Ringwald, Speed Bump, VSquared, Fissure, Candu, Flemish, Free Candy, Moondance
AO: Hill City


Cool August morning,

Work-Out Goal

Primary: Sustained heart rate >120 BPM for ~45min.
Secondary: Workout designed to allow participants at any cardio level to push themselves 100% while still being able to continue through all exercises.
Tertiary: Proper Instruction on the Buddy Carry AKA Fireman’s Carry

The Disclaimer

I am Kodak and will be on Q today. I am not a professional. You are here at your own free will. If you get hurt we will get you help. I will try to motivate you under the understanding that you draw the line at your own limitations. We will not leave anyone behind.


10 Burpees OYO
15 Mountain Climbers IC
15 Air Squats OYO
20 Flutter Kicks OYO
1/4 Mile Jog w/ High knees, Low Knees, Karaokes to bridge
1 minute stretch OYO

The Thang

(Start on west side of bridge)

10 Burpees OYO
15 Air Squats OYO
20 Flutter Kicks IC
Two-Column Indian Run across bridge

(East Side of Bridge)

10 Burpees OYO
15 Air Squats OYO
20 Flutter Kicks IC
10 Four-Count Merkins IC
Mosey to Intersection of MARKET STREET and 1ST STREET
2 X 50 Meter sprint up 1ST STREET w/ Jog down
1 X Lunges halfway up hill w/ sprint. Jog down
Instruction on Proper Buddy Carry
Buddy Carry halfway across bridge, alternating partners every 1/2 arch.
Two-Column Indian Run to west side of bridge.
10 Burpees OYO
15 Air Squats OYO
20 Flutter Kicks IC
Single Column Mosey to stop sign near Coolidge
50 meter sprint w/ jog to finish at Rhino.


People like to say “showing up is the hardest part.” It’s a strong message that conceptualizes the idea that great opportunity comes to you by being present and prepared in the places in life where you seek success- which should be acknowledged.
From my personal experience there is something significantly harder- being mentally strong. It’s SO EASY to show up and not give it your all. It’s SO EASY to blend in with a crowd, underperform, and have no one notice. It’s SO EASY to make a standard for yourself and lower that standard when life gets tough. Don’t barter with your standards.
Whether it’s relationships, friendships, personal goals, career goals or anything else you value- you need to have standards for yourself. More importantly, you need to hold yourself to those standards when things don’t go your way or get difficult.
Luckily, we can create support systems for most of our standards. We communicate in our relationships about how we treat each other. You have operating procedures at work that you have to abide by or there are repercussions. There are laws in place that deter you from doing uncivil actions.
What do you do when it’s only you- when you are the only person accountable for your actions and there are no repercussions? How do you hold yourself accountable to standards when no one is looking? This is the hardest part- this is where we struggle.
I personally have quit things in life- and it feels just as bad today as it did the day it happened. I’m grateful that I live with that feeling, because I don’t quit anymore. Don’t think for one second that I don’t think about it- the temptation to lower your standards and quit is always present when things get tough- have the intestinal fortitude to push it away and carry on.
“Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective, and complete the mission, though I be the Lone Survivor.”
-6th stanza of the Ranger Creed.
As always, thoughts and opinions are much appreciated.


  1. Free Candy yet again didn’t have any candy for anyone.
  2. Wort left “for work” and I think we spotted him riding the Carousel during the Count-O-Rama.


Cam Run this Saturday- You can still sign up

Recovery Day

QIC: Steam Engine
Date: 08/21/18
PAX: Geek Squad and Ducktales
AO: The Huey
Conditions: Decent weather for some stretching out
Diclaimer: I’m not a pro, push yourself, modify if necessary,

Still recovering from the GoRuck Tough over the weekend I told the HIM that we would be doing A LOT of stretching and a decent amount of Mary and a dash of shoulders
Cotton Pickers IC 15x followed by stretching out to the left then right
Good Morning IC 15x
Fire Hydrates IC 15x then other side
Butterfly Stretch
Right Leg in Left Leg Extended try and grab left toe then switch
Butterfly Stretch
T Stretch Right Leg Across Body to Left Hand then Switch Sides
Hip Stretch (On your back bring right knee across body and to the floor then switch sides)
Little Baby Leg Circles IC 15x (Right Leg)
Little Baby Leg Circles IC 15x (Left Leg)
Alternating Knee Pulls IC 10x (Start with right knee to your chest extend out while bringing in left knee hold and switch back)
Big Baby Arm Circles IC 15x
Reverse Bib Baby Arm Circles IC 15x
Little Baby Arm Circles IC 15x
Reverse LBAC IC 15x
Deep Lunge followed by rolling back to your left leg and trying to grab your right foot then switch sides
Merkins IC 5x
Over under IC 5x
Left Elbow to Right Knee IC 8x switch sides
Finkle Swing 15x both times
Alternating Toe Touches IC 15x
LBC IC 12x
RBC IC 12x
Hello Dolly IC 12x
Rosalita IC 12x
Bay City Scissors IC 5x
Side Leg Raises IC 12x (Right Side)
Side Leg Raises IC 12x (Left Side)
Pretzel IC 8x both sides
Asheville Abs IC 5x

Cam Run 8/25
Fantasy Football draft 8/26

4 Corners

QIC: Steam Engine
Date: 08/16/18
PAX: Geek Squad, Milkman, The Count
AO: The Huey
Conditions: Cool August morning some might call it no sleeve weather
Disclaimer: I am not a professional, you are here on your own free will, push yourself but modify if you need to, if you get hurt we will help you to your vehicle

Picked up the Q from Lugnut so went with something simple.
Mosey to the Lighthouse
LBC IC 12x
RBC IC 12x
Hello Dolly IC 12x
Rosilita IC 12x
Flutter Kicks IC 12x
Pretzel IC 8x
Asheville Abs IC 6x
Mosey over to Pavilion for some fun
Wall Sits with Muhammad Ali’s IC 15x
Wall Sits with Joe Frazier’s IC 15x
Wall Sits with Push Press IC 15x
Wall Sits with Bus Driver IC 15x
Now let’s put it all together
Wall Sits with Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, Push Press, and Bus Drivers IC 10x
Now for the real fun over at the tennis courts
Corner 1: Merkins
Forward Lunge to Corner 2
Corner 2: LBC’s
Sprint to Corner 3
Corner 3: Squats
Backwards Lunge to Corner 4
Corner 4: Big Boy Sit Ups
Bernie Sanders back to Corner 1
Do each exercise  20x after completing all four corners do 15x, then 10x, and so forth
After a few series of this we had to reunite at the shovel flag for a cool down
SSH IC 12x
Little Baby Arm Circles IC 12x
Reverse LBAC IC 12x
Cotton Pickers IC 12x
Windmill IC 12x

WOD: “Keep Ithaka always in your mind. Arriving there is what you’re destined for. But don’t hurry the journey at all. Better if it lasts for years, so you’re old by the time you reach the island, wealthy with all you’ve gained on the way, not expecting Ithaka to make you rich”

This is poem is about the Odyssey and Odysseus journey home. Sometimes your journey home will have some detours and could last a long time. This poem reminds you to enjoy the journey and make the most of it but to also never forget your end goal. I spent a 1.5 year in NC waiting to come back to Chattanooga and I enjoyed my time there especially getting to run and ruck with the men of F3 Hickory.

Moving Day


QIC: threeskin
Date: 08/20/18
PAX: Burner, Early Bird, Fast Lane, Journey, Oscar, Sidekick, The Count, Whittler, Wort
AO: Beast Ridge

Conditions – Perfect August Morning for Moving

The Disclaimer – no FNGs or Pro’s in attendance


Backing up the moving truck: g – n – i – v – o – m
Good Mornings – wide stance bow
Nolan Ryan’s – one armed plank and punch
Imperial Walkers
One-Legged Burpee

The Thang

After the truck is backed up: the D – A – Y is here. 

  • 3 sets of 10 low and slow with a field run in between

Aiken Legs:

  • Squats 10 – field run
  • Box Jumps 10 – field run
  • Elevated Lunges (10 each) – field run

Mosey to get load the second moving truck…
Yul Brynner:  Runs with built in sweeper in between sets

  • Carolina Dry Dock
  • Wide Merkin
  • Merkin
  • Ranger Merkin – close grip
  • Diamond Merkin – hands in diamond shape
  • Crucible Merkin – extra wide, fingers pointed out
  • Chuck Norris Merkin – incline



Counted (out of order, but done) to 10
Namearama – Wort loved the sprints so much he left for work.


Everyone talks about changing the world but forgets to start by changing themselves.
I referred to Whittler’s comments about controlling the controllables and not being a victim of circumstance.  We have to be ready for change and always challenge ourselves to make change when the time is right.  We are at F3 to change ourselves and become better.  Keep at it!


Baby EarlyBird

Upcoming Qs

Sidekick on Wednesday


QIC: The Count
Date: 08/18/2018
PAX: Back Pew, Candu, Sundance, Threeskin, VSquared, Snowflake, Free Candy, Doodles, FNG-Peanuts (Justin Woodward)
AO: Landfill
Overcast, wet from overnight rain, but comfortable for a beat down!
The Disclaimer:
Capri Lap around field
Side Straddle Hope – (8)
Abe Vigoda’s – (8)
Flying Sun Gods (Nancy Kerrigan’s) – (8 each leg with arm circles)
The Beat Down:
We began with warm-up lap around the field, then proceed doing SSH, Abe Vigoda’s, and Flying Sun Gods.Crazy 8’s began with 8 stations (4 at top of hill @ main pavilion – 4 at bottom of hill @ pavilion next to playground).  The stations were as follows:
Top of Hill –  Lunges, Squats, Imperial Walkers, Plank Jacks
Bottom of Hill – Decline Push Ups, Incline Push Ups, Merkins, Burpees
Everyone took a station and rotated around performing 8 reps of each exercise for 8 rotations.  So as not to lose the way between the Top of Hill and Bottom of Hill, 4 American Flags were positioned 18 paces apart to lead the way!  Hoorah!
At the conclusion of the rotations we circled up and did Round Robin Mary’s.  We did each Mary’s in 4 count cadence, except Big Boy Situps, and Supermans (18 individual count), for a total of 18!  (American Hammer, Flutter Kicks, Heal Touches, Big Boy Sit Ups, Supermans!
704 Total Reps and according to my Garmin – 1.5 miles of running!  GREAT JOB MEN!!!
We all struggle!  Could be in our personal lives, or in our professional lives.  We can’t always change those struggles, but we can change the way we react to them!  One of my favorite pieces has been framed and in every office I’ve had since 1998!  It is a simple thought from pastor and educator Charles R. Swindoll:
The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company…a church…a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past…we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes.

ABsolutely Incredible

Date: 08/16/2018
PAX: Back Pew, Candu, Cousin Eddie (COUSIN EDDIE from F3Hickory), Early Bird, Flemish, Laces Out (RESPECT), Leftovers, Journey, Rainman, Ringwald, Sidekick, Speed bump, Sundance, Sunshine, Threeskin, VSquared, Wort
AO: Hill City


Crisp and cool yet incredibly muggy 72 degrees

The Disclaimer



Mosey to Great Hall
Good mornings
3rd Grade Exercises
Arm Circles
Calf Stretch
Toe Merkins
Wall Plank
Wall sit
Imperial Walkers
Finkle Swings
8 count body builder x 5
Windmill merkin x 5

The Thang

We began by doing a 100 yard prisoner mosey down the river walk.  Since this week has been so arm-intensive, abs were requested by Fissure…who then didn’t show up.  We all grabbed coupons prior to beginning.
ABsolutely Incredible Circuit
Big Boy situps x 10 with rock overhead
Run 100 yds
Triceps extension x 20, BBS x 10
Flutter kick x 30, TE x 20, BBS x 10
Squats x 40, FK x 30, TE x 20, BBS x 10
LBCs x 50, Squat x 40, FK x 30, TE x 20, BBS x 10
Cool down Run
Return to Blue Rhino
American Hammer
Hello Dolly


Proactive vs. Reactive
Proactive – people that work on things they can do something about.  Their energy is positive and they focus on increasing their circle of influence i.e.  those things they can control.
Reactive – people that focus on the weakness of other people, problems in the environment, and circumstances which they have no control over.  This results in blaming and accusatory attitudes and feelings of victimization.
Be proactive, not reactive.
Lord, please give me the courage to change what can and ought to be changed, the serenity to accept things that can’t be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I found it very interesting that this week on the F3 nation channel, they described a “Cousin Eddie” as a PAX who posts in another region and shows up without notice.  We ironically had a Cousin Eddie today whose F3 name is Cousin Eddie.  It made me feel like I had just seen Haley’s comet.


Cam Run August 25, no bootcamp

Upcoming Qs

Saturday, August 18 – The Count at the Landfill

VJ Day


Date: 08/14/2018
PAX: Fissure,Geek Squad, Hardtail, Milkman, Postman,  Radiohead,
AO: Huey

Perfect August Pre Dawn

The Disclaimer

Started the Beatdown with, 15 Imperial Walkers in cadence, was a little fast then reeled it in.

Followed by 20 SSH in cadence then a lap around track, to the basketball court.

next were 10 Bobby Hurleys on your own, followed by 10 walmart burpees. we then ran to the back road behind park and back to back parking lot light pole.
at the light pole we did 10 apollo creed burpees on our own. Followed by a run around the track to the watchtower.
Up in the watchtower we did some zebra butt kickers in cadence.
The Thang
The Beep Test
We did the Beep Test – when someone was not able to keep up you would do SSH  and hop back in for a sprint until there was only one left. We did not go all the way to the end to continue a beatdown for us all, but fissue won. at level 3.2




On this day in 1945 was VJ day, thankfully and talked about what those men had to go through.


GORuck this weekend, Cam run next weekend


Trail of Muscle Tears


QIC: Candu
Date:  08/14/2018
PAX: Whittler, VSquared, Flash ‘n Slide, Clone, Laces Out (respect), Speed Bump, Ringwald, Sunshine, Ohms, FNG-Thumper, FNG-Sink Hole, Prosciutto, Wort
AO: Hill City


I am not a professional, you’re here on your own accord. Push yaself, don’t hurtcha self. Extended mosey to come, will take a while to getcha back to your car.


Mile long mosey across Market Street Bridge to The Passage

The Thang – Passing Down The Passage

20 lateral pull-ups- 10 palms out, 10 palms in
Rinse and Repeat at each level
5 levels
Ascending Up The Pryamid
10 dips > box jump up a level > 10 decline merkins > box jump up a level
Rinse and Repeat x 7
14 levels
Mile long mosey back across Market Street Bridge to Blue Rhino
COT – Humility In Leadership
The great Dr. Ben Carson works out a simple formula for humility in his book Think Big (where’s my underline tool @wordpress ?)

  1. God created this universe, including us, and
  2. God shows that He is much more powerful than we are by what He does and has done in our world, and
  3. God gives each of is abilities that we cannot supply to ourselves or explain our worthiness of, THEN WE ARE HUMBLED


Prayers for The Count’s brother & upcoming 2.0s for Ohms & Early Bird
PAX wishes @f3prosciutto has stuck around for COT
The Clones dry-heaves are GOATy


Cam Run on August 25th in lieu of regularly scheduled program

Upcoming Qs

Bout erryday nowadays!

Beast Ridge – RESPECT Remix!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018
AO: BeastRidge
Q – Vila
PAX – oscar, suns out, sidekick, Fast Lane (vasoline)
Warm up:

  1. SSH IC x15
  2. Imperial Walkers IC x12
  3. Forward Fold x15
  4. Plank IC x10
  5. Up Dog x15
  6. Down Dog x15
  7. Mountain Climbers IC x12
  8. Plank IC x10
  9. Forward Fold x15
  10. Recover
  1. SSH IC x15
  2. Forward Fold
  3. Plank IC x10
  4. Up Dog
  5. Down Dog
  6. Mountain Climbers IC x12
  7. Plank IC x10
  8. Merkins IC x10
  9. Forward Fold x15
  10. Recover
  11. SSH IC x15


  1. Mosey around the field
    1. first corner
    2. 10 merkins
    3. Second corner
    4. 10 lunges 5 ea.
    5. Third corner
    6. 10 SSH
    7. Home
    8. 10 mountain climbers
    9. Al Gore


  1. Set up at the steps
  2. First step
  3. Incline Merkins 10
  4. Second step
  5. Dips 10
  6. Third step
  7. Incline Merkins 10
  8. Forth step
  9. Dips 10
  10. Fifth step
  11. Decline merkins
  12. Bear crawl down and out 20 steps
  13. 20 lbcs
  14. Crab walk, low crawl, lunge, duck, inch worm

Partner carries 20 yards – there and back
13mom: everyone calls
Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners.
Lawrence Sterne
Swinging hammers,