School is Back in Session

QIC: Ohms
Date: 08/15/2018
PAX: Geek Squad, Ringwald, Steam Engine, The Count
AO: The Lions Den


70 deg F, cool air with low humid overcast skies…beautiful view of Signal Mountain

The Disclaimer

I am Ohms. I am on Q this AM. I am not a professional. Push yourselves and modify as you need to.


– Cotton Pickers x 10 IC
– Windmills x 10 IC
– Squnges x 10 IC
– Good Mornings x 10 IC
– Imperial Walkers x 10 IC

Shoulder Blaster
– Little Arm Circles x 10 IC
– LAC Reverse x 10 IC
– Moroccan Night Clubs x 10 IC
– Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
– Seal Claps x 10 IC
– Overhead Claps x 10 IC
– Shoulder Press x 10 IC

The Thang

Round 1
– High Knees x 25 IC
– Sumo Squats x 25 OYO
– Flutter Kicks x 25 IC
– Merkins x 25 OYO
– Suicide Sprints
Round 2
– High Knees x 25 IC
– Sumo Squats x 25 OYO
– Flutter Kicks x 25 IC
– Merkins x 25 OYO
– Suicide Sprints
Mosey to the bleachers
SSH x 25 IC
LBC x 25 IC
Full Body Set #1
– Burpees x 15 OYO
– Squats x 15 OYO
– Dips x 15 OYO
– Pull Ups x 15 OYO
– Box Jump to top of bleachers
Full Body Set #2
– Burpees x 10 OYO
– Squats x 10 OYO
– Dips x 10 OYO
– Pull Ups x 10 OYO
– Box Jump to top of bleachers
Full Body Set #2
– Burpees x 5 OYO
– Squats x 5 OYO
– Dips x 5 OYO
– Pull Ups x 5 OYO
– Box Jump to top of bleachers
SSH x 25 IC
LBC x 25 IC
Mosey 1 lap around the track
– American Hammer x 15 IC (“Led by” Ohms)
– Freddie Mercury x 20 IC (“”Geek Squad)
– Pretzel Crunches x 16 IC (“”Steam Engine)
– Box Cutters x 12 IC (“”Ringwald)
– Big Boy Sit-Ups x 20 OYO (“”The Count)


“The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today”


I had a secret plan to do tons of burpees really close to a full stank trashcan, with the thought process that it would make the PAX throw up and I could say that my workout made multiple PAX splash merlot. However, Ringwald and Steam Engine called me out and made it known that “If we throw up it has nothing to do with you workout” – Guess I gotta push them harder next time.


Chattanooga GoRuck event – August 17th,
Memphis GrowRuck event, September 21-23,

Upcoming Qs

Black Jack

QIC: Whittler
Date: 08/13/2018
PAX: Early Bird, Fast Lane, Journey, Sidekick, Threeskin, Wort, FNG (Suns Out)
AO: Beast Ridge


70 degrees and humid

The Disclaimer



We began with an extended mosey to the parking lot with lights
Arm Circles
Moroccan Night club
Imperial Walkers
SSH (fast tempo)
Willie Mays Hays
3rd grade exercises
8 Count Body Builders x 5

The Thang

F3 Black Jack

Exercises add up to 21.  Begin with one LBC, run 30 yards, do 20 merkins and run back.  Continue increasing/decreasing x 1 until we did 20 LBCs and 1 merkin.  Total count was 210 LBCs, 210 merkins and 40 short runs.
Mosey back to beginning parking lot.
American Hammer
Heel touches
Pretzel crunch
Flutter Kicks
time called


While all eyes were on Tiger Woods yesterday at the PGA championship, Brooks Koepka kept it together and won in convincing fashion.  However, Tiger’s feat was pretty amazing given all that he’s been through.  Everyone seemed to be rooting for Tiger.  Except Brooks Koepka.  Even after winning his 3rd major in the last 2 years, the press conference after the round had a focus on Tiger Woods.  When Koepka was asked how he felt about everyone rooting for Tiger to win, he simply responded “I don’t care what other people think.”  I was pretty blown away by this.  Here is this young golfer, in the spotlight after a huge win, not caring what other people think about him.  I got to thinking about this and realized that I could and should apply this to my life more often.  We are often so caught up in how society views us and concerned about our public perception that we can lose sight of who we are.  I encourage everyone to be themselves and not worry about what others think.  We all will have times in life where people are rooting against us.  Take it in stride, keep your head up and your eyes on your own goals.




Happy Hour later this week.  Stay tuned for details.

Upcoming Qs

See Slack for deets.

Clear Eyes, Full Bodies, Can’t Lose


QIC:  Fissure
Date: 08/11/2018
PAX: Doodles, Geek Squad, ROTCee (FNG Brandon Adcock), The Peddler, Free Candy, The Count (Respect), Sundance, Threeskin
AO: Landfill


Perfect.  Not too long before chilly mornings are upon us.

The Disclaimer

This is F3.  I’m not a professional.  You’re here on your own free will.  Push yourself don’t hurt yourself.  The Count will help you to your car if you tear a hammy (thoughts and prayers, Radiohead).


SSH x 25 IC -> mosey around the upper field coming to a halt at the top of the hill by the rocks.  Staying in a single file line mosey down the hill, then along base of the hill for ten yards and sprint to top of the hill then mosey along top of the hill and back down.  Do this x 4 and we were at the end of the hill -> mosey to dog park area

The Thang

Clear eyes, Full body (well, close to it), Can’t lose
Legs – Slow n low squats IC, Squats IC, Al Gore IC, Lunges IC, Al Gore IC, reverse lunge up path for 50 yards then mosey to middle lot
Chest – Wheel merkin (3), merkins IC, hand release merkins x 20 OYO, wheel o merkin (2), mosey up hill grab coupon and circle up by swings
Shoulders – LBAC IC, reverse IC, cherry pickers IC, Overhead press coupon IC, seal claps IC, hold front raise IC, front raises IC, seal claps, overhead press IC
3 groups of 3 worked through 3 stations.  station 1 = plank swings. station 2 = 8 count bodybuilders.  station 3 = run up hill to soccer goal with coupon and back.  We completed 1 round.
Walk up hill to pavillion each man faced a side of a pillar/post whatever it’s called.  With hands on the wall we did 4 count high knees and held the fourth count for one second.  5 rounds of 30 seconds with 30 second breaks between.
Mosey down the hill to lower pavillion.  Incline pushup on picnic bench plus box jump equals 1 rep.  We did 20 reps.
Mosey to upper pavillion.  Flutterkicks, American hammers.  Done.


I briefly shared about recent experience spreading the good news of F3.  Common response (besides YOU WORKOUT HOW EARLY???) is something about how they used to workout and would love to get that “spark” back.  That “spark” is something different for everyone but there’s no reason to settle for it being gone.  Spread the word fellas.  
Let’s all be praying for The Count’s brother who recently received a tough cancer diagnosis.  May not have much longer.


The Peddler brought his stepson, Brandon, and he worked his tail off.  He’s in Mr. Clean’s class at Red Bank High and was eager to share about JROTC so we named him ROTCee.  


GoRuck Tough in Chattanooga this weekend!
Memphis GrowRuck next month
No Landfill 8.25 – Cam run instead.  Sign up and wear your F3 shirt!

Modified Murph

QIC: Rainman
Date: 8/9/2018
PAX: Cable Cutter, Ringwald, Speed Bump, Sundance, Sunshine, Whittler
AO: Hill City


Warm and muggy after a nightly rain. Love the smell of dry rot in the morning.

The Disclaimer

I am not a professional, you are here on your own free will. If you do injure yourself, we will help you back to your car.


Warm-up was executed around “Blue Boy”
SSH x 20 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Burpees x 5 OYO
Reverse that order
Cotton Pickers x 20 IC
High Knees x 15 IC
Squats x 10 IC
Smurf Jacks x 5 IC
Reverse that order

The Thang

The PAX took a mosey to the north side of the walking bridge. The PAX then executed a modified Murph workout.
Run to the end of the bridge and back (1 mile)
100 LBCs OYO
200 Squats OYO
Run to the end of the bridge and back (1 mile)


One word came to mind – Laziness. It’s so easy to make an excuse to not come to the workout, to not get involved, to not do something. Eliminate this word from your vocabulary. I (Rainman) want to be held accountable to making it to at least one workout a week.


It was a relatively quiet morning, due to everyone being out of breath from running the fantastic-smelling wet bridge.


NO WORKOUT at the Landfill on 8/25 – F3 will be participating in the Cam Run.

Better late than…

QIC: Best In Show
Date: 8/6/18
PAX: Early Bird, Journey, The Count, Threeskin, Oscar, Sidekick, Whittler, Wort
AO: Beast Ridge


low 70’s, lots of dew….

The Disclaimer

clearly stated and understood; I am not a professional, you are here if your own free will. Let’s get better.


SSH X 15
Kick Squat- gave up on this one (should have practiced it)
Mtn Climber x 15
SSH X 15
Fire Hydrants w/hold x 10
St Bernard Squat x 10 (killer!)
SSH x 15
Smashing Pumpkin x 12
Plank 15 count
LBAC x15
Shoulder press x15
Imperial Walker x15
SSH x15

The Thang

Little mosey to the stadium steps and then;
10 Incline Merkins
10 step ups each leg
10 Decline Merkins
Rinse and repeat x3
Then a short jaunt to the lone hill for a date with Dora;
Partnered up and
100 squats
100 planks jacks
100 Saint Bernard Squats (lots of conversation about the quads at this point)
oh, the hill run section was alternated with Bernie Sanders!
Back to the flag for a date with Mary
LBC x12
American Hammerx12
Flutter Kicks (led by another pax, lost count but it was a stupid amount, like 25)
sidekick introduced us to the “iron cross”, partner an exercise, look for this at a Q near you soon


“When you feel like quitting, remember why you started”
We all started coming to F3 for a reason, why do you come to the gloom? Fitness? Fellowship? Faith?
There are 3 f’s for a reason IMO. Regardless of your reason, remember why and come back again.

School Is In Session


QIC: Picasso
Date: 08/08/2018
PAX: Ducktales, Geek Squad, Ohms, Steam Engine, The Count
AO: Lion’s Den


76 degrees and very humid

The Disclaimer

I am not a professional, nor are you. Let’s keep it like that and not decide to press charges in the case of an incident. You are here on your own will and we will help you if you decide to go to hard in the paint.


Good Mornings x 10
SSH x 20
Good Mornings x 10
Mountain Climbers x 15
SSH x 20
Wax On Wax Off x 20
Baby Arm Circles x 30
Reverse Baby Arm Circles x 25
Shoulder Press x 20
Cherry Pickers x 20

The Thang

This was a perfectly planned Q and by no way was any detail left out of the Backblast
Title of exercises or routine
Mosey .25 miles around the track to the “Visitor’s Side” of the football field
Build The Pyramid
Make it to the top of the stadium steps using the code below. Each step you go up, iterate by 1:

decline_merkin = 1
while (decline_merkin < 11):
   print('The count is:', decline_merkin)
   decline_merkin = decline_merkin + 1
print('Good Job Pax')

Mosey Back Down

dips = 1
while (dips < 11):
   print('The count is:', dips)
   dips = dips + 1
print('Good Job Pax')

Mosey to the Yoga Pad
Infinity Planks
Plank x 20 seconds
Merkin x 10
Plank x 20 seconds
Carolina Dry Docks x 10
Mosey to the Home Side
Incline Merkins on the Rail x 20
Dips x 20
Stadium Steps to the Top
Incline Merkins x 10 on the Wedge
Decline Merkins x 10 on the Wedge
Alternating One Handed Supermans x 10
The Count Calls an Audible
Alternating One Handed, One Legged Supermans x 10
Mosey back down the stadium Steps
Pull Ups on the Rail x 10
Dips x 10
Chin Ups on the Rail x 10
Mosey to the Visitor’s Side

incline_merkin = 1
while (incline_merkin < 11):
   print('The count is:', incline_merkin)
   incline_merkin = incline_merkin + 1
print('Good Job Pax')

Incline Merkins on the bottom seats x 20
Mosey to Concession Stand
Wall Sits x 20
Wall Merkins x 10
Mosey to Yoga Mat
X’s and O’s x 1 minute
Flutter Kicks x 20
LBC’s x 20
Hollow Body Hold x 20


Sometimes it’s ok to say nothing at all and that may be all that is needed. Having everyone together is the best inspiration needed. 

The Silver Fox

QIC: Kodak
Date: 08/09/2018
PAX: Fissure, Free Candy, Radiohead, Steam Engine, Ducktales, Turtle, Geek Squad, Milkman, Saddlebags, VSquared, FNG-Arrowhead, FNG-Fannie Mae
AO: The Huey


72 degrees. Humid, Foggy.

The Disclaimer

I am Kodak and will be on Q today. I am not a professional. You are here at your own free will. If you get hurt we will get you help. I will try to motivate you under the understanding that you draw the line with your own limitations.


1/4 Mile Jog w/ High knees, Low Knees, Karaokes
10 Burpees OYO
20 Mountain Climbers IC
20 Air Squats OYO
25 Flutter Kicks (hands on chest) OYO
1 minute stretch OYO

The Thang

10 minute Indian Run
The next portion of the workout was in a parking lot roughly 50 meters long. PAX sprint from one end to the other at given percentage and do exercise on the way back.
50 meter sprint @ 50%, 21 Burpees
50 meter sprint @ 100%,  21 Lunges
50 Meter Sprint @ 50%,  21 SSH
50 Meter Sprint @ 100%, 21 Push-ups
50 Meter Sprint @ 100%, Buddy Carry


No matter how large or small, at one point or another you can think back at a time when you wished you had performed better. It may have been in a personal relationship, your kids, girlfriend, a project at work, or any other part of life. It DOES NOT matter how long you are doing something in life – 10 minutes, 5 days, or 10 years – be intentional when you do it.

To me, being “intentional” means having a planned purpose, being present, and always aware of your actions. If you show up to life everyday knowing how you are going to spend your time, what you are going to focus on, and who you want to share life with – you will find fulfillment – even if you fail.
With intention you are never in limbo- you are never just floating through time without direction – wasting days, weeks, or years just droning through life. Everyone knows the studies they do with the elderly about regrets, they always wish they had done things differently, or had more time. They blame themselves for not having a fulfilling life. You do not have to be this way, and you can start now.
At this point in my life, I am only 27. Even at the age of 27 I can think back to times in my life when I could have been better – more intentional. I could have showed up to my job everyday with the intention to outperform everyone. I could have spent more time with family members or friends before they moved on to another season of life. Whatever the case is, if I would have been INTENTIONAL I would have had purpose in all my days.
Some of you may be thinking that having intention seems exhausting-  and it can be. YOU MUST HAVE BALANCE. You can have relaxing weekends, evening, or whatever you want – just have that be your intention. I intentionally DO NOTHING some days so I can reset, relax, and reflect. Some days I will watch Netflix for 5 hours straight- but it’s because I was intentional the rest of the week and can afford to do so. The bottom line is I can do it without regret because I CHOSE to act that way. Doing nothing has just as much purpose as filling your day with errands and tasks.
Here is my point- life is very fragile and you don’t get to choose when you go- some people don’t even know they have gone- it can happen so quick. One day I will go, and in those moments I will be able to know that I took responsibility for how I wanted to live my life, how I wanted to build relationships and love, and how I wanted to believe- all through being intentional.
This workout is named after SFC Chrisopher Celiz, 1/75 Ranger. He was killed in action July 12th, 2018 on his 5th deployment to Afghanistan. He was my mentor for a short 5 month period on my last deploymet and introduced the idea of “intention” to me.


Two FNGs came out, RadioHead took a hammy injury, and Turtle is still recovering from a non F3 neck injury.
PAX were treated with a nice helping of Orange Juice and Donuts


Go Ruck Chattanooga is coming up (check slack Channel)
Veterans climb night at highpoint. All are welcome, veterans climb at a discount. this is something im putting together myself and  would love to see some guys out there. Ill pass more info through the channel.

Tough Tempo Together


QIC: Threeskin
Date: 08/08/2018
PAX: Early Bird, Fast Lane, Oscar
AO: Beast Ridge


73skin degrees, calm, clear, cool

The Disclaimer

This is f3, I’m not a professional, You are here to get better so lets do it together, Modify if necessary, don’t get hurt, we will be running so stay alert.


Work on Tempo and Form
Good Mornings
Little Arm Circles – forward
Little Arm Circles – reverse
Military press
Good Mornings
Imperial Walkersx25
Tempo Squats
Imperial Walkersx25
Tempo Willie Mays Hays
Imperial Walkersx25
3rd Grade Exercises

The Thang

Combine equal parts of Tough, Tempo, and Together add a little sweat and you get a good workout over 2 miles.
Mosey to picnic pavilion
Incline Merkins x 10 – 3skin count down, one count up slow tempo
Run to center light post and back, once you reach the pavilion double back and sweep to finish together
Dips X 10 – 3skin count down, one count up slow tempo
Run to center light post and back, once you reach the pavilion double back and sweep to finish together
Transition Merkins x 10 – 3skin count down, one count up slow tempo
(Transition Merkin – one on bench, transition to one on table top, transition to bench, and so on…)
Run to center light post and back, once you reach the pavilion double back and sweep to finish together
Big Boy Sit Ups x 10 – 3skin count up, one count down slow tempo
Run to center light post and back, once you reach the pavilion double back and sweep to finish together
Incline Merkins x 10 – 3skin count down, one count up slow tempo
Run to center light post and back, once you reach the pavilion double back and sweep to finish together
Mosey Back
Big Boy Sit Ups
Freddie Mercury
Box Cutters


Circle of Trust
Counted to 4 – Namearama to follow – Announcements and Prayer requests made

BALL OF MAN: completed

Word and Thought of the Day:
Fungibul (Fun-juh-bul) – being of such a nature that one part or quantity may be replaced by another equal part or quantity in the satisfaction of an obligation.

  • We are all equal.  The structure of f3 is very important and we must respect it.  This allows us all to be ready to lead when the time comes.  Be there for each other, pick each other up, sweep if you have to, finish together.

We come to f3 because we choose to, We come to f3 to get better
We choose to be our brothers keeper, We respect the framework to the letter
We are here for fitness, We are here for faith,
We are here for fellowship, and some to loose weight
We are all very busy, our bandwidth gets low
We always come back so our friendships can grow
When a brother calls, pick up the line
It may be you calling in due time


EarlyBird on baby alert!

Upcoming Qs


Activate Your Glutes

QIC: Speed Bump
Date: 08/08/2018
PAX: Barney, Butterbean, Cable Cutter, Candu, Care Bear, Deep End, Dutch Oven, Fissure, Flash ‘n Slide, Flemish, Free Candy, Laces Out, Moondance, Ohms, Picasso, Ringwald, Sidekick, Snookie, Sunshine, The Count, The Peddler, Whittler
AO: Hill City


75 Degrees, humid as all get out


It’s 5:30am and welcome to F3. I am not a professional, you are here of your own will (and we are glad), modify as necessary, if you get hurt, we will get you back to your car.


Good mornings 

Finkle Swings

Side shuttle hops

Little baby arm circles (reverse and repeat)


Plank jacks

Alternating shoulder taps

Alabama Ass Kickers 

Side shuttle hops 

Side shuttle hops again (for good measure)

Now that we are finished with the warm-up, 15 burpees OYO!

The Thang

This morning’s workout is entitled, “I Can’t Activate My Glutes.” As you can guess, we will be working hard today to exercise the biggest muscle group in our body. As we go throughout our workout, whenever you hear the words “ACTIVATE GLUTES” , you must stop what you are doing and complete 10 squats using the best form possible (always squeezing your butt cheeks). Resume previous exercise as soon as you are finished.
DORA with a twist
Partner up! While partner A completes one Bernie Sanders suicide (1 suicide = running to all cones present and back to starting line), partner B will complete as many reps of stated exercise as possible. Once total reps goal is achieved, rinse and repeat 3 times with different exercises. Hold plank / Al Gore in between exercises if you get finished early.

  • Exercise 1, Merkins x 100 (good form!)
  • Exercise 4, Lunges x 100
  • Exercise 6, Big boy sit ups x 100
  • Exercise 5, 8 count Body Builders x 20

“ACTIVATE GLUTES” was uttered more than 8 times throughout the workout, much to the PAX’s dismay.
The Pax finished up with 10 minutes of some solid MARY:

    • Pickle dippers (small, medium, magnum a.k.a., The Whittler)
    • Michael Phelps (new exercise)
    • American Hammers
    • Flutter Kicks
    • Freddy Mercury
  • Xs and Os (from our Greenville friends)
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • More flutter kicks


CIRCLE OF TRUST: The terminating stage of each Workout, wherein the PAX form a circle and conduct Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.


Some of you might remember the famous Tiger Woods quote back in 2015, in the midst of one of the worst runs of form Tiger has ever experienced. As he withdrew from yet another tournament, he came up with another excuse for his poor performance. Fog rolled in delaying the start, and in his words, “My glutes just weren’t activating out there.” Now, TW is an amazing golfer with an outstanding pedigree, but how hard do you think it was be for him to say, “you know I’m just playing really crappy golf right now”?
Taking responsibility for poor performance, impatience, rude behavior, or laziness is difficult. Today, don’t deflect if someone confronts you about a mistake at work, or if your wife tells you that you are being an ass. Take it on the chin, own up to it, and make a commitment to be better for the rest of the day. Also, don’t forget to activate your glutes.


Upcoming Qs

More VQs coming! 

F3 Scavenger Hunt

QIC: Whittler
Date: 8/4/2018
PAX: Best in Show, The Count, Early Bird, Esse, Fissure, Free Candy, Gus, Laces Out, Prosciutto, Ringwald, Sundance, Threeskin, VSquared, FNG-Dfib, FNG-Doodles
AO: Landfill


Muggy and gloomy, around 75 degrees

The Disclaimer

I am not a professional, this workout will be hard so modify as needed.  Don’t hurt yourself but if you do, we will help you back to your car.


Parking lot warm-up
3rd Grade exercises
Willie Mays Hays
Imperial Walker
Arm Circles
Shoulder press
Cherry pickers
Plank Jack
Mountain Climber

The Thang

We moseyed to the lower entrance down the hill and subsequently lined up in the order in which we finished.  We then broke off into 3 teams.
Scavenger Hunt 
Rules were explained.  This is a team exercise and we therefore will begin as a team, travel as a team, and finish as a team.  Coupons and DRPs will be carried between stations.  There are 5 stations and all teams must use the clues to hit all 5 stations.
Divide into teams and develop your schemes, But first head up the hill to take your daily red pill.
At each station,
While one PAX goes to grab a Dwayne, the other must endure the PAIN:
Station 1 – You may go here if you have the shits, But instead you’ll be performing quite a few sits (Bathroom)
Wall sit 4-count x 60
Wall plank merkins x 15
Station 2 – Head to where a kid might play, But avoid the Free Candy along the way (Playground)
Plank swings x 10
Pullups x 5
Station 3 – Head to the place you may leave your keys, And get ready to do many burpees (Lower parking lot)
Burpees x 20
Station 4 – Go where you may find Best in Show, And make sure you’re not too slow (Dog Park)
LBC x 50
Station 5 – Go to the place where many have scored.  I can assure you, you will not be bored (Soccer field)
2 laps around the field
Head to the Pavilion like you’ve won a million, and hold the plank while you await your rank
While waiting for all to finish, various plank exercises were performed, led by random PAX
Once all PAX were in, the “prizes” were doled out.
1st place – one mosey lap
2nd place – return all coupons
3rd place – 10 burpees
One cool down lap done.
Big boy situps
Hello Dolly
Pickle Pounder (small, medium, and large)
Reverse Pickle pounder
American Hammer


CIRCLE OF TRUST: The terminating stage of each Workout, wherein the PAX form a circle and conduct Counterama, Namerama, Announcearama and the Ball Of Man.  FNGs named


Stimulus –> Response
One of the unique advantages that humans have over animals and other creatures is the ability to choose.  We are too often conditioned to think that a certain stimulus automatically generates an expected response, much like the dog in Pavlov’s experiments.  However, between the stimulus and the response, humans have the freedom to choose how they respond to a certain stimulus.  We can choose to have a negative reaction or choose to have a positive reaction.  We can let our circumstances dictate our response or we can choose our response regardless of our circumstances.  We all have the choice to decide how things are going to affect us.
I am often very guilty of not doing this.  If I get hit with a circumstance that I don’t like, too often I choose to allow it to bring me down or ruin my day.  However, I have come to realize that it was my choice that led to my attitude.  It’s a never-ending battle to overcome this thought process but I encourage you to choose the right attitude and not let your circumstances dictate your response.



Upcoming Qs

Multiple VQs this month – see website for deets