

QIC: Picasso
Date: 07/26/2018
PAX: Leftovers, Mr. Clean
AO: The Huey


A cool 68 degrees Fahrenheit

The Disclaimer

F3 is a peer led workout. Please don’t attempt to sue us if you get hurt. You are here on your own free will. If for any reason you become injured or fall ill, we will help provide support.


Ssh x 10
Forward facing lean x 20 seconds
Baby arm circles x 15. Reverse
Shoulder press x 15
Butterflies x 15
Mekins x 10
Plank x 10
Ssh x 10
Mountain climbers x 10
Calf stretch x 15 sec each leg
Calf reach x 10 second each leg

The Thang

Merkin x 20 across picknic tables
Plank x 20 sec. across picknic tables
Single leg Assisted squats on picknik table
Right Side plank x 20 sec. across picknic tables
plank with flying plane arm x 10 each arm
Left side plank X 20 sec. across picknic tables
Standing bird x 20 sec each leg
Lunges x 10 each leg
Bernie Sanders across parking lot
Warrior pose x 10 seconds
Bernie Sanders across parking lot
Warrior pose x 10 seconds
Sprint x 20 sec
Sprint x 20 sec
Plank around the thunderdome
Bear crawls
Swing hollow body holds x 20 sec.
hollow body holds x 20 sec
Superman’s x 20 sec
Sea Turtles x 20 secs


Good enough is the new perfect. Life cannot be lived as one giant positive affirmation.
It shouldn’t be lived in a constant search for something, and certainly not for “success.” And it can’t be lived in a running away from those things that are hard to deal with.
Life must be lived in moments that we attempt to bring some balance to—a series of moments in which fear and hope, sorrow and happiness (happily) co-exist and we are content to allow them to, without always seeking more, without running away, without judging ourselves.
Good enough doesn’t have to mean settling, just as balance doesn’t have to be boring.
Good enough is about recognizing that life is practiced rather than perfected.
Balance is good enough because to experience sheer exhilaration, we must know the depths of despair. Balance is good enough because life naturally waxes and wanes and we can but choose to enjoy the ride.
Balance levels us between highs and lows—but it doesn’t negate the highs in offsetting the lows. Balance loves the success that lies dormant within failure, without fearing the failure that forms part of success.
Kathy Krueger, Tiny Buddha

22s by 2s

QIC: Sidekick
Date: 07/25/2018
PAX: Early Bird, Prosciutto, Threeskin
AO: Beast Ridge


70 Degrees and muggy.  perfect weather

The Disclaimer

This is F3.  I am not a professional.  Modify where needed.  lets get better


SSH IC X 20, Third Grade Exercises IC X 15, Imperial Walkers IC X 17, Little baby Arm Circles IC X 10, Reverse IC X 10, Shoulder Press IC X 20.  Mosey to the pavilion.  

The Thang

22s by 2s is basically like 11s, just more reps.  I combined that with more running than 11s typically has.  I think it turned out great
Title of exercises or routine
Start with 22 Derkins, run the course.  In this case, we ran to the third tree down the lot and back, which was about 0.15 mile.  2 LBC, run the course.  20 Derkins, run the course.  4 LBC, run the course.  Rinse and repeat until the Derkins and the LBC are flopped.
End result was 132 Derkins and 132 LBC, with a 5K or 3.13 miles.  Pace turned out to be about 12:10 with the exercises included.


Fellowship.  Was great to have some company this Wednesday and I appreciate the guys making the effort.  EB pulled an all nighter at the hospital and endured the beat down in scrubs!  AYE!!


VQ ALERT!!! Monday 7/30/18

Upcoming Qs

Three Skin (VQ) on Monday 7/30 @ BR, Fissure on Wednesday 8/1 @ BR

Basic Training

QIC: Ohms
Date: 07/25/2018
PAX: Fissure, Mr. Clean, Radiohead, Snookie, The Count, Whittler
AO: The Lions Den


80 deg F, ridiculously humid with clear skies and a zero breeze coming from anywhere…still thoroughly enjoy the beautiful view of Signal Mountain

The Disclaimer

I am Ohms. I am on Q this AM. I am not a professional. Push yourselves and modify as you need to.


– Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
– Good Mornings x 15 IC
– Windmills x 15 IC
– SSH x 25 IC
– Lunges x 15 IC (Each Leg)
– Squats x 15 IC
– Ass Kickers x 15 IC

The Thang

Shoutout to all of the men that came out to The Lions Den this AM. This is a solid AO with a lot of potential and I would love to see it grow. So continue to come on out!

YHC started off the Thang by instructing the PAX to mosey to the straight away on the track. Today’s workout consisted of 4 Posts and it was a Basic Training Military Inspired Workout – So this one is for you Coin Purse!
Post 1
– 1 lap around the track (Jog straights / Sprint curves)
– 30 seconds of Merkins OYO
– 30 seconds of  Mountain Climbers OYO
– Continue alternating for a total of 3 minutes
– Box Jumps for 1 minute
Post 2
– 1 lap around the track (Jog straights / Sprint curves)
– 30 seconds of Squat Jumps OYO
– 30 seconds of Freddie Mercury’s OYO
– Continue alternating for a total of 3 minutes
– SSH for 1 minute
Post 3
– 1 lap around the track (Jog straights / Sprint curves)
– 30 seconds of Plank OYO
– 30 seconds of American Hammers OYO
– Continue alternating for a total of 3 minutes
– Burpees for 1 minute
Post 4
– 1 lap around the track (Jog straights / Sprint curves)
– 30 seconds of Dips OYO
– 30 seconds of Pull-Ups OYO
– Continue alternating for a total of 3 minutes
– Bear Crawl for 1 minute



“May no soldier go unloved, may no soldier walk alone, may no soldier be forgotten, may no soldier be left behind”
Shoutout to our fellow brother Coin Purse for what he is doing for us and our country. May he always be in your thoughts and prayers…much respect to you brother! Stay Strong!


Chattanooga GoRuck event – August 17th,
Memphis GrowRuck event, September 21-23,

Upcoming Qs

The Mendoza Line

QIC: Whittler
Date: 07/24/2018
PAX: Candu, Wort, VSquared, Laces Out, Ringwald, Ohms, Sunshine, Care Bear, Free Candy, Flemish, Speed Bump, Early Bird, Moondance, Snookie
AO: Hill City



The Disclaimer

Disclaimed. Some new faces but we’ve all been here and heard this before.


Mosey To Great Hall
Carolina Dry Docks
Alternating Shoulder Taps
Willie Mays Hays
3rd grade exercises
Arm Circles
Shoulder Press
Cherry Pickers
Hammer time/white guy dance
Plank Jack

The Thang

Today we commemorated the 35th anniversary of the “Pine Tar” incident on July 24, 1983.  Because the pine tar was only supposed to be 18 inches, we were going to do 18 reps.
To warm up the legs, we first did a little F3 railroad.

F3 baseball

Home Plate – Dips

First Base – Big Boy Situps
Second Base – Half Burpees
Third Base – Merkins
We did 18 reps at each station and then rotated.  Once the PAX had made it at least two rounds, we reconvened at the stage.
Incline Merkin x 10
Derkin x 10
Dips x 10


Namearama done


The Mendoza Line
George Brett first described the Mendoza Line as a batting average of .200 or less.  He defined this as the epitome of mediocrity and thought that no major league baseball player should hit below this mark.  We all have our own “Mendoza Line” which we should strive to be above.  Go beyond the mediocrity.  We all have the intrinsic ability to overcome mediocrity but it is a choice whether or not we use our God-given abilities to do so.


F3 Knoxville is inviting us to gather a team for the Tough Mudder in Atlanta on October 20 (and yes, for you Bammers this is the 3rd Saturday in October).  

Beatdown @ Beast Ridge

QIC: The Count

Date: 07/23/2018

PAX: Early Bird, Best In Show (Respect), Whittler, Threeskin, Fissure, Stairmaster, Wort

AO: Beast Ridge

Conditions: 67 Degrees, dark 🙂 , No FNG’s, all PAX understood Disclaimer.

Warm Up: SSH (25 IC), Abe Vigoda (slow Windmill, IC 10), Steve Earle (4 Count, IC w/Hillbilly on 4th Count, 15 total).  REPEAT.  Mosey to Soccer Stadium (by way of Picnic Pavilion and Playground), doing Black Snake Indian Run (Indian Run with last runner weaving in and out of line until they reach the front).
Routine: Hindenburg BLIMPS, 4 corners (50 Yards apart).  AYG (sprint) to first corner #1 Perform Exercise.  Run to second corner #2 Perform Exercise.  Run to third corner #3 Perform Exercise.  Run to forth corner (Home) #4 Perform Exercise.  All hold Al Gore or Plank until six completes.  Six circuits: Round #1- Ten Burpees.  Round #2- 20 Lunges.  Round #3- 30 Imperial Walkers.  Round #4- 20 Merkins.  Round #5- 50 Plank Jacks.  Round #6- Squats (25, 20, 15, 10).   Finish with AYG to Center of Field and 4 MOM’s!
Moleskin: Shared about young couple that encountered complications after the birth of their second child.  Baby had very low Platelet Count, but 1 day after delivery Mother was at Blood Center to give platelets to help her newborn son.  Message is, that life is going to be set with all sort of personal setbacks, and not only is it important how we react to them, but we need to understand that our F3 Brothers are here to reach out to and lift these issues that arise to GOD in prayer.  Also, to be there just to talk to, when you feel you need someone outside your immediate family and maybe work to talk to.



QIC:  Fissure
Date: 07/21/2018
PAX: Prosciutto, Free Candy, The Count (Respect), Mudslide, Moondance, FNG-Dirty Laundry (Rocky Lapere), Speed Bump, Steam Engine, Milkman, Geek Squad, FNG-Hunchback (Cristian Lagunas), Threeskin
AO: Landfill


Closest thing to a chilly morning we’ve had in a while after overnight storms.  Didn’t last long, though.

The Disclaimer

This isn’t your normal bootcamp Saturday at the Landfill.  Let’s have us some fun.


We had a couple stragglers leaving plenty of time for some stretching OYO followed by SSH, squats, lunges, then more SSH IC

The Thang



It’s pretty important to refer to this game correctly when you surround yourself with High Impact Men the likes of F3 Chattanooga.  I was sharpened this week when I referred to it as ultimate frisbee.  Never again.  Never again.
Good times were had today.  We broke up into teams of six until our thirteenth arrived giving us a sub (PTL).  Shirts vs Skins.  Shirts prevailed 10-8 in a hard fought match.  We need to do this again soon.

Big Freakin’ Circle of Trust

QIC: Wort
Date: 07/19/2018
PAX: Angus, Best In Show, Dutch Oven, Fissure, Ohms, Prosciutto, Snookie, Speed bump, Sundance, Sunshine, Vila, VSquared, Whittler
AO: Hill City


Clear and cooler than normal

The Disclaimer

Welcome to F3, my name is Wort, obviously I am not a professional. We’re going to have some fun today. Push yourself, don’t hurt yourself.  If you get hurt we will carry you back to your car.


SSH x10
Imperial Walkers x10
SSH x10
Little Arm Circles x10
LAC (Reverse) x10
SSH x10
Windmill x10
Wall Sit x15
SSH x20

The Thang

Partner up, grab a rock and head to loop. While one PAX runs the loop, the other PAX performs an exercise. Switch, then move on to the next exercise. PAX did curls, bent over rows, squats, and overhead press.
LBC x10
Flutter Kicks x15
Freddy Mercury x10
Hello Dolly x10
Flutter Kicks x15
Pickle Pounder (long) x10
Pickle Pounder (short) x10
American Hammer x20
Merkin x15
Plank x10


So I wanted to have a theme for my first Q and the first thing that came to mind was ‘trust”. Trust takes vulnerability and coming out to F3, especially your first time, requires some form of vulnerability. Being in a stage of life where I HAVE to put my trust in The Lord, that he is going to provide for me and my family, I wanted you all to think about trust, especially trusting your brothers. This is why we had partners today. While you were performing exercises with your rock, you were trusting that your brother was hustling to get back and take your place. So, when you leave here today I want you to think about what you can do to trust your brothers more. Reach out, open up, talk about things that are hard, get to know and trust one another.

Indian Run Into In-Cadence

QIC: Stairmaster
Date: 7/16/18
PAX: Fissure, Prosciutto, Oscar, Threeskin, Best In Show, Early Bird
AO: Beast Ridge
Steamy & Clear
The Disclaimer
This is F3, I am not a professional, you are here on your own free will, modify if necessary, IF injury should occur, we will help you in whatever way possible.
Warm up:
-15 SSH IC exercise
-15 Imperial Walker
-15 SSH IC exercise 
-15 High Knee IC exercise 
-15 Wide Knee IC exercise
-15 Mountain Climber IC exercise
-12 LB arm forward
-12 LB arm back
-15 SSH Ic exercise 
The Thang
Indian run Length of Camp Jordan down and back.
Mosey to soccer field. There we did 3 cycles on stadium steps.
1st: Squat Jumps Ic (X5 dips in btwn)
2nd: Squat jumps IC (X5 merkins)
3rd: Squat jumps IC (X5 squats)
Hold plank 15 seconds Ic
oMsey to pavilion: 4 sets of 10 step ups IC
4 sets of dips in between IC

Two Steps Forward…

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 07/19/2018
PAX: Drago, Ducktales, Drago (FNG), Geek Squad, and Radiohead
AO: The Huey


70 degrees. Humidity was unseasonably low. (Took 2 sets of SSHs for YHC to start sweating). Nice breeze. Clear Skies and Minds. Full Hearts.

The Disclaimer

My name is Mr. Clean. I will be on Q and I am not a professional. Push yourself but don’t hurt self. You are here on your own free will.


SSH x20 IC
Imperial Walkers x10 IC
SSH x15 IC
Alternating Toe Touches x10 IC
BAC x15 IC
Reverse x15 IC
Chinooks x15 IC
Cherry Pickers x15 IC
MNC x15 IC
Shoulder Press x15 IC
SSH x15 IC

The Thang

Two Steps Forward

Pax partnered up and completed the following routine.
Pax run 2 light poles forward (Pax 1 carries coupon)
Run back a light pole
Complete 20 Reps — Bent Over Rows
Pass the Coupon
Rinse and Repeat for Lap.
Rinse and Repeat for 2 Laps. Lap 2 — 15 Squats. Lap 3 — 10 Curls

Pax moseyed to side parking lot. Lined up side by side at a station. Stations were the following exercises…
Travolta’s w/Coupon
Clean and Press
After Pax complete their 10 Travoltas, he did a Bernie Sanders to come and sprinted back. Stations rotated. We completed one rotation, and this left us with 1 minute of flutter kicks led by The Count.


Sometimes we take 2 steps forward only to take a step back. Going backward is generally not productive, but we must never fall back to where we started. Even if we falter just a little, we must make sure we only go back a single step, dust ourselves off, and take two more steps forward. Keep grinding (thanks Geek Squad) and “Embrace the Suck”


  1. FNG — Drago posted in full fatigues
  2. The Count made sure all form was correct and we maintained quality over quantity always
  3. Mumblechatter was awesome this morning


Go Ruck Tough
Can Run
Tough Mudder
Still Hollow
ALL of the above are coming soon..

Upcoming Qs

2001 Better Never Late


QIC: Candu
Date: 07/16/2018
PAX: Cable Cutter, FNG-Dutch Oven, Headshot, Whittler, Ohms, Early Bird, Flemish, Laces Out (respect), FNG-Snookie, The Count (respect), VSquared, Wort
AO: Hill City
Conditions: Delightfully Muggy
I’m Candu your Q, welcome FNGs, this is peer led workout. I’m not a professional. Push yourself, don’t hurt yourself. 


SSH x 15 IC
Imp Walker x 16 IC
Windmills x 16 IC
Hip Thruster x 15 IC
Finkle Swing x 15 OYO
SSH x 15 IC
Windmills x 10 IC
LBAC x 15 IC
Reverse LBAC x 15 IC
Cherry Pickers x 15 IC
SSH x 15 IC
Merkins x 15 IC

The Thang

20 Pushups x 1 Step-Up > Backward Lunge (one leg, then the other)
19 Pushups x 2 Step-Up > Backward Lunge (one leg, then the other)
The trend continues until time called at 6:15
Burnout: Jumping Lunges to failure, mosey back to Blue Rhino


Circle welcomes Matthew Nuar (Snooki) & Dirk Unkle (Dutch Oven)


You had to be there. Be observant, giving, & thoughtful friends. Everyone carries a burden. Often the bigger it is, the better they are at disguising it. Be there for the friends that need it


No news is good news!