Murph, kind of…


QIC: Sidekick
Date: 07/02/2018
PAX: Best in Show, Coin Purse, Early Bird, Tomb Raider (Nomad – Memphis)
AO: Beast Ridge


Hot and Humid, It is July after all

The Disclaimer

Sidekick is not a professional, you are here on your own free will, Modify if necessary


SSH IC X 15, Third Grade Exercises IC X 15, Mericans IC X 10, Windmill IC X 15

The Thang

In honor of our Nation’s Birthday and the men and women who keep us free, we did a modified Murph
Title of exercises or routine
2 miles, 100 Mericans, 200 LBC, 300 Squats
We broke this up into 0.5 mile incerments with 25 Mericans, 50 LBC and 75 Squats.


Go appreciate a vet today.  Thank them for their service.  MERICA!


Shindig 7/10

Upcoming Qs

Sidekick has convergence at Hill City \on 7/4

La Résistance

QIC: Ohms
Date: 07/05/2018
PAX: Ducktales, Leftovers, Radiohead
AO: The Huey (Veteran’s Park)


75 deg F, humid with clear skies and a slight breeze coming from the helicopter propellers…beautiful view of Mowbray Mountain

The Disclaimer

I am Ohms. I am on Q this AM. I am not a professional. Push yourselves and modify as you need to.


  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Burpees x 5 OYO
  • 200m mosey
  • Rinse and repeat x 4
  • 400m mosey (bernie sanders and karakoke mixed in)

The Thang

It doesn’t take long to get warm in July…so let’s get started

Parking Lot Power Station
Round 1:
– Partner 1: Shoulder Press w/ Coupon (AMRAP)
– Partner 2: Bear Crawl across parking lot and back
– Rinse and Repeat x 2
Round 2:
– Partner 1: Coupon Swing (Kettle-bell swing w/ a coupon) (AMRAP)
– Partner 2: Lunge across parking lot and back
– Rinse and Repeat x 2
Round 3:
– Partner 1: Bench Press w/ Coupon (AMRAP)
– Partner 2: Bear crawl across parking lot…backwards bear crawl back
– Rinse and Repeat x 2
Round 4:
– Partner 1: Curls w/ Coupon (AMRAP)
– Partner 2: Lunge across parking lot…backwards lunge back
– Rinse and Repeat x 2
Merkin Half Mile

  • Mosey 200m
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Rinse and Repeat x 4


  • LBCs x 15 IC
  • Heel Touches x 15 IC
  • Freddie Mercury x 15 IC
  • American Hammer x 15 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
  • Hello Dolly x 15 IC


“I believe in America because we have great dreams, and because we have the opportunity to make those dreams come true.”


Check “Slack”

Upcoming Qs

Decision 3.0


QIC: Laces Out (Respect)
Date: 7/3/18
PAX: Best in Show, Bookworm (Nomad from F3Memphis), Candu, The Count, Flemish, Free Candy, Ringwald, Sundance, Sunshine, VSquared, Wort, FNGs-Moondance, FNG-Deep End
AO: [Area of Operation]

Conditions: 75o and muggy but clear, beautiful on the river

The Disclaimer:

I’m not a professional, don’t get hurt, be aware of your surroundings, and today we will have the theme of Decision 3.0 as Lebron leaves Cleveland again. Cleveland’s chance of NBA Championship is now 500:1. You’ll be making decisions that affect the whole group during workout today!
Mosey to Great Hall.


Warmup at Great Hall
15 SSH IC,  15 Imperial Walkers IC,  15 SSH IC,  15 Squats IC, 10 LBAC (front/back) IC, 15 Overhead Press IC, 15 Shinooks IC, 10 Merkins IC, 15 Butt Kickers IC, 15 Plank IC, 15 SSH IC
Mosey to Walnut St Bridge entrance (different PAX were asked a choice of left/right or A/B or 5/10 which in turn led to a direction, exercise, or # reps throughout the workout)

The Thang

Decision 3.0 at Walnut Street Bridge
5 Burpees OYO
Mosey to middle of bridge (“Turn and Burn” with Bernie Sanders until hear “turn” then mosey forward until hear “turn” and then Bernie Sanders…rinse and repeat until we made it to the middle of bridge)
Dora: 100 merkins, 200 LBCs 300 Squats Partner 1 does exercise while Partner 2 runs to the spot with rise of bridge 25 yds. and back (Hold Al Gore until all PAX finish)
Mosey back with Turn and Burn again 10 Burpees OYO
Mosey through Coolidge Park and RiverWalk to the Blue Rhino
12 Flutterkicks IC
12 Heel touches IC
12 Plankjacks IC
Life is series of choices. Today, you made choices that impacted your brothers workout. We will make more important decisions as the day goes on. Each choice leads to consequences…some good and some not so good. Read Proverbs 4: 10-23, which challenges us to walk in wisdom and avoid way of the wicked. Be careful in your choices today.
Prayer requests


Convergence tomorrow for Independence Day at Hill City 5:30am for one hour workout.

Gettysburg Address

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 07/03/2018
PAX: Ducktales, Geek Squad, Radiohead, and Snowflake
AO: The Huey


75 degrees. Damp and humid. Fresh cut grass.

The Disclaimer

This is F3. I am not a professional. You are here own your own volition. Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself. Modify if necessary.


SSH x 20 ICShoulder Circuit – Don’t Drop ArmsBAC x 20 ICReverse x 20 ICMoroccan Night Club x 20 ICCherry Pickers x 20 ICShoulder Press x 20 ICFinkle Swings x 10 OYOPlank X 10 ICMid-Plank x 10 ICLow Plank x 10 IC

The Thang

Mosey to Love Shack Pax would complete 10 reps of each exercise until the song ended and rotate. When ALL rotations were complete YHC had a surprise in store.

The Gettysburg Address

Station #1Dips – Mosey to Agility Ladder – Complete Scissor KicksStation #2Curls – Mosey to Cones – Shuffle Around PerimeterStation #3Bench Press – Mosey to Big Oak – Complete 10 SqautsStation #4Bent Over Rows – Mosey to Cones – Shuffle Aroud PerimeterStation #5Shoulder Press – Mosey to Monument – Complete 10 BBSUs

God Bless the USA

After rotations were complete, the Pax completed one more round of stations. 10 reps, run to flag pole, TOGETHER, and return to the next station. All of this to the tune of God Bless the USAMaryFreddie Mercury’s American HammersFlutter KicksLBCsPlank


Today is an important day in American History as the Battle of Gettysburg officially ended. This battle represents the changing tides that kept our union together. That being said, we must honor our country and the service men and women as often as possible. Christ died to give us freedom from sin, but there are also men and women every day fighting and dying to keep us in a free, united country. Therefore, if you’re reading this then you are doubly blessed! God Bless the USA


Pick up the “Slack” to see the latest news.

Upcoming Qs

Check the website for Q schedule.

River of Tears – 2.0


QIC: Ringwald
Date: 06/28/2018
PAX: Cable Cutter, Candu, Coin Purse, Headshot, Sidekick, VSquared, Wort
AO: Hill City


The air was thick, the ground was wet, but we did enjoy a breeze every now and then.

The Disclaimer

Although I am in charge this is a peer-led workout. You are here on your own free will. Let’s all push ourselves but keep it safe.


Mosey to the Great Hall

  • Windmill X 15 IC
  • Cotton Pickers X 15 IC
  • SSH X 20 IC (double-time after 10)
  • Little Arm Circles X 15 IC
  • Reverse Little Arm Circles X 15 IC
  • Chinook X 15 IC
  • Cherry Pickers X 15 IC
  • Seal Claps X 15 IC
  • Wide High Knees X 15 IC
  • Jump Squats X 15 IC
  • SSH X 20 IC (double-time after 10)
  • Ass Kickers X 15 IC

The Thang

PAX moseyed beside the river, back to the Blue Rhino then back down to the first bench by the river.
PAX split into 2 groups of 4:

  • Group 1: Run to first bench, perform the following OYO:
    • 10 Tricep Dips
    • 10 Step ups (One leg)
    • 10 Squats
    • 10 Step ups (Other leg)
    • 10 Merkins
  • Group 2: Perform 30 big boy situps until group 1 returns
  • Rotate
  • After each group has gone once, run to second bench, same exercises
  • Increase bench count by 1 each cycle

For flavor, we threw in 20 of each exercise and then 30 of each on the last round in addition to changing up the ab exercises. Salt to taste.


Reach out to one person, the first person that comes to mind who you haven’t spoken to in a while but deserves a “Hey, thinking about you.” call or text.

The Track Meet

QIC: Ringwald
Date: 06/19/2018
PAX: Ducktales, Geek Squad, Mr. Clean, Ohms, Radiohead
AO: Lions Den


Nice and warm out.

The Disclaimer

All the usuals about not suing F3 or injuring yourself.


Changed it up and did a little stretching for the warmup

  •  Right arm over head
  • Left arm over head
  • Good mornings
  • V sit reach left side
  • V sit reach right side
  • V sit reach middle
  • Jon Armstrongs
  • SSH X 20 IC
  • Imperial Walkers X 15 IC
  • SSH X 20 IC

The Thang

Four Corners in the parking lot
Bernie in between each stop

  • 25 Merkins
  • 25 Squats
  • 25 LBCs
  • 25 Calf Raises
Repeat until we totaled 100
Mosey to the Track
1 PAX sprint 100 yards, then plank. Remaining PAX performed following until finished then catch up:
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Rosalitas
  • American Hammer
  • Freddie Mercury
Once a lap is finished, PAX box jumped and tricep dip up 10 steps
Rinse and repeat


I recently was able to spend time with my father on a golf vacation. To those dads, to-be dads, or who still have dads, thank one today for the impact on your life.


Grow School with Knoxville on 6/23/18 at the Landfill.

Hot Stuff


QIC: Angus
Date: 06/28/2018
PAX: Mr. Clean, Leftovers, Ducktales, Fissure, FNG-Fun Fact (Josh Smith), Radiohead, Geek Squad, Geiger, Ohms
AO: Huey

Today YHC required the PAX share and carry the coupons called the DRPs (or Daily Red Pill) 


SSH x 20
HK x 15
SSH x 20
AK x 15
SSH x 20
Squat x 15
SSH x 20
Lunge x 15
SSH x 20
Mosey around to the other side of the pavilion
Infinite Plank
Plank x 10
Merkin x 10
Plank x 10
CDD x 10
Plank x 10
MC x 10
Plank x 10
makhtar ndiaye x 10
Mosey over to the baseball fields — YHC had every intention of utilizing the fields but due to standing water opted to keep things dry. 
LAC x 15 (FWD/BWD)
Cherry Pickers x 10
Chinooks x 15
Cherry Pickers x 10
Overhead Press x 15
Cherry Pickers x 10
Shoulder Press x 15

The Thang

Mosey over to the field near the fire department
Hot Stuff
YHC Played Hot Stuff by Donna Summer and PAX were instructed to run in place and every time the song said “Hot Stuff” to execute 1 burpee. Keep the DRP with you, use it when you do a burpee, and then toss it to the left after each one.
Approximately 7 minutes later and somewhere between 30 and 60 burpees the PAX were sufficiently entertained and smoked.
Mosey over to the Pavilion
Snake Pit
Aptly named for the Pythons present after making it all the way through
Merkins x 10 (Single Count IC)
Incline Merkins x 10 (Single Count IC)
Decline Merkins x 10 (Single Count IC)
Dips x 10 (Single Count IC)
BTTW x 10 Count
Repeato x 3


LBC x 25
Flutter Kicks x 25
Freddie Mercury x 25


Over the course of our time together YHC asked that the PAX keep our 4 coupons with us. They were painted red and marked “DRP” which stands for Daily Red Pill.

We all start each day with the choice of whether or not to take the DRP. The Q is a man who consistently swallows it down whole and doesn’t look back.

Make the choice. Show up. Be consistent. Push yourself.  And push your brothers.

What Gets Measured Gets Done

QIC:  Fissure
Date: 06/27/2018
PAX:  Leftovers, Ducktales, Ohms, The Count (Respect), Geek Squad, Mr. Clean,
AO: Lions Den


Stormy but safe enough to get it done.  Rain greeted us as we started and hung around for a while.

The Disclaimer

This is F3.  There isn’t a fourth F but if there was it would stand for Free.  I’m not a professional.  Work hard but modify when necessary.


We met on the track and the rain started promptly at 530 and stayed for the warmup and sprint work
10 burpees OYO, Seal Claps x 15 IC, Imp Walkers x 15 IC, 10 Burpees OYO, Fire Hydrants x 10 each leg IC, 10 Burpees OYO, 2 Laps around the track sprinting straight aways jogging the curves together, 10 burpees OYO.

The Thang

Mosey to big bleachers, 10 burpees OYO.  Partner 1 – 10 diamond merkins hold plank while partner 2 runs to top and back then swap until each partner hits 50 reps
Lunges x 10 IC as a group then step ups to top of bleachers and down, RnR x 5, 10 Burpees OYO
Mosey to Parking lot, 10 burpees OYO
Pick between Bear Crawl, Lunge and duck walks then proceed with suicides over 7 parking spaces.  10 burpees OYO
MOM – box cutters, flutter kicks, 10 burpees OYO, 10 burpees as a group on The Count’s recommendation.  100 total burpees for the day.


YHC informed the pax they had a quota to hit before we got started without being too specific.  They quickly realized it was a burpee quota.  As we approached the quota of 70 burpees I encouraged the group that it never hurts to exceed a quota.  What gets measured gets done and by golly we should be over achievers.  100 burpees ain’t too shabby.  We need to be setting measurable goals instead of always saying we want to “get better.”  

Two Steps Forward

QIC: Whittler
Date: 06/26/2018
PAX: Angus, Cable Cutter, Fissure, Flemish, Ohms, Picasso, Ringwald, Shortcut, Sidekick, Sunshine, VSquared, FNG-Top Rope, FNG-Headshot, FNG-Leftovers
AO: Hill City


Balmy, 70s, Shirtless weather

The Disclaimer

Given that there were 3 FNGs, the Disclaimer was disclaimed appropriately.  I am not a professional, you have come to F3 on your own volition, and Alabama shirts are NOT a requirement for this workout.


Mosey to the Great Hall
Imperial Walkers
Cotton Pickers
Baby arm circles
Cherry Pickers
Shoulder Presses
Square Jump
Windmill merkins

The Thang

We then Moseyed over to the Swamp for some Paula ABdul while enjoying some of Paula Abdul’s greatest hits.
The Paula ABdul – Two steps forward and one step back
Round 1 – Starting at the bottom, we box jumped up two steps, did Froggy Squat x 1. Then jumped down to do a Incline Merkin.  We continued this to the top.  Once at the top, we did 50 LBCs
Round 2 – Step up 2, do Squat.  Step down 1, do dip.  All the way to the top.  Then proceeded to do 50 Big Boy Situps
Round 3 – Box Jump up 2, do Squat.  Step down 1, do incline merkin.  Then do Pretzel Crunches x 25 per side.
Mosey back to the Blue Rhino for some “Paula”
American Hammer
Box cutters
Small, medium and large Pickle Pounders


Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back
Often times in our lives, we are stuck in situations where we take two steps forward, only to be followed by two steps back.  We get stagnant.  However, we weren’t created to be “average” or for mediocrity.  We often go with the flow, just try to fit into the mold society has created for us.  But the first step to breaking this cycle is making the conscious decision to break out of the mediocrity.  Choose to make yourself and others around you better.  Family, friends, coworkers.  We all have it within us to break the cycle of mediocrity.


July 10 – Farewell to Angus at Candu’s condo complex
HDHH this Wednesday, taking suggestions until this afternoon
GrowRuck in September in Memphis

Upcoming Qs

Check “Announcements” on Slack for updated Q schedule

Parking Lot Beatdown

QIC: Steam Engine
PAX: Prosciutto, Sidekick, Early Bird, ThreeSkin
Date: 06/25/2018
AO: Beast Ridge
Conditions: Tank and Cutoff weather but I forgot mine

Disclaimer: I am not a professional, push yourself this AM but modify if you need to, if you get hurt we will carry you to your car and point you to the right direction. Let’s go
Burpees OYO 5x
SSH IC 15x
Little Arm Circles IC 15x
LAC (Reverse) IC 15x
Chinook IC 15x
The Thang: Partner up
Partner 1: Shoulder Press (AMRAP)
Partner 2: Bear Crawl down parking lot and back
Switch and repeat for a total of 4 sets (2 each partner)
Partner 1: Ruck Swing (Kettle-bell swing with a ruck)(AMRAP)
Partner 2: Bear Crawl and Backwards Bear back
Switch and repeat for a total of 6 sets (3 each partner)
Partner 1: Bench Press (AMRAP)
Partner 2: Lunge and backwards lunge back
Switch and repeat for a total of 6 sets (3 each partner)
Still had 5 minutes left so we did some Mary.
Asheville Abs IC 5x
Still had roughly a minute left so wanted the give the HIM their moneys worth this AM
Burpees OYO 10x

Prayer Request
Announcements: Bean Run coming up soon be on the look out, GoRuck Tough August, Tough Mudder September, check Slack for other events