The Hueymelon


QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 06/21/2018
PAX: Ducktales, Fissure, Geek Squad, Geiger, Mr. Clean
AO: Huey


Stupid muggy and hot. Relative humidity was 1000%

The Disclaimer

Give it your best, don’t save anything for later. If you must know, I had cabbage and bok choy yesterday at lunch, so I’ve disclaimed about all I need to about any bad air. You’re welcome. Push yourself.

At the outset of the workout, YHC pulled a cooler out of the car and situated it right beside the shovel flag. Mentioned there may be something in it, but, perhaps not?  It was up to the effort level of the Pax whether or not the contents in that cooler would be rewarded…


SSH x 30 IC, ST Merkins x 12 IC, Heels Up x 12 IC, LOLs x 10 IC, Donkey Kicks x 10 OYO, Burpees x 10 OYO, FKs x 12 IC

The Thang

Given the unfamiliarity of the Huey AO, YHC consulted support on a good spot to do some runs and additional parking lot work. Little did I know, that would involve obstacles.  We hopped a ravine and hit the far parking lot…
Spartan Run x 5
Sprint ~50 yards and walk back to starting point with group
Monkey Humpers x 12 IC
11s at the Thunderdome
Find a bar that you can reach and make 11s with the two exercises in typical fashion; increment Pullups & decrement Prisoner Squats
* Mosey to some parking lot lines and re-group
Perform the following in order for the length of 5 parking spaces (pair up for last effort):
1) Broad jump to line; perform 1 Burpee
2) Bear crawl to line; perform 1 Merkin
3) P1 carry P2 down 5 spaces and P1 wheelbarrow P2 back
(YHC decided to cut this short in order to meet our deadline and also get in some mary)
Pistol LBCs x 20 IC
Pretzel x 10 IC
Flutter Kicks x 12 IC
American Hammer x 10 IC
Rosalita x 12 IC


Watermelon was distributed as the team worked hard in the gloom; they earned it definitely. 
As we devoured the watermelon like a pack of hungry wolves, we discussed the definition of what Fellowship means – a cornerstone component of F3 – and the importance in our lives as a community of leaders of men.

Ready. Set. Go.

QIC:  Fissure
Date: 06/19/2018
PAX: VSquared, Bogey, Flop (F3-GrandStrand), Ohms, Ringwald, Angus, Free Candy, Whittler, Early Bird, Laces Out (Respect), The Count (Respect), Wort
AO: Hill City


Warm and muggy

The Disclaimer

You’re here on your own free will.  Push yourself but don’t get hurt.  


Various fun in cadence including Good Mornings, SSH, Imperial Walkers, Butt Kickers, High Knees and Merkins

The Thang

YHC has spent the last couple weeks packing and moving so today was admittedly less creative than others, but we WORKED
Indian Run sandbag handoffs and 3 Ring Circus
5 laps Indian Run around the Coolidge Park loop, last man sprinted to the front to grab the bag
Broke up into groups of 3, first man completed a 40 yard sprint and back while second man held plank and third man did curls with a coupon (cinder block).  PAX rotated until all 3 had done the deed.  First group to complete took a breather while the rest did burpees.  5 for second, 8 for third, 10 for fourth.  We changed up the core and coupon exercises each time and rotated out teams to keep it more fun.  We worked hard.
For MOM we had a few minutes for flutterkicks, box cutters and planks


We welcomed Flop from F3 Grandstand.  An admitted Gamecock fan, he was a good sport as YHC attempted to inspire the tired PAX with Deshaun Watson.  I think everyone else was very inspired.  Right?


QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 06/19/2018
PAX: Ducktales, Geek Squad, Geiger, Lugnut, FNG-Radiohead
AO: The Huey


Very warm.  78 degrees with a high humidity (82%) and dew-less grass.

The Disclaimer

Welcome to F3, you are here on your own free will, I am not a professional, push yourself, don’t hurt yourself, and modify if necessary.


SSH x 20 IC
BAC x 20 IC
Reverse BAC x 20 IC
Moroccan Night Club x 20 IC
Cherry Pickers x 20 IC
Chinooks x 20 IC
Shoulder Press x 20 IC
SSH x 20 IC

The Thang

Another day at the Huey and another FNG! Geek Squad has really stepped up his game since the summer started.  Hill City is our flagship station, but I think it is clear that the Huey boys are producing some serious leaders.  As the GoRuck approaches, Ducktails and Lugnut are taking major strides to recruit others to join in and train for the Ruck! YHC is filled with joy and pride to be such a strong group of men.  
Now, on to the workout, Ohms isn’t the only guy around here that loves history and tying it to the workout.  Today marks the celebration of Juneteenth, which is much more important to the African-American community than most but should be recognized and honored by all.  Juneteenth marks the time when we celebrate the abolition of slavery.
Upright Rows – Pax 1 held plank & Pax 2 completed 19 Upright Rows. Flapjack. Rinse/Repeat – Total Reps – 76 Upright Rows
Not So La-Z-Boys – Pax 1 held Not So La-Z-Boys while Pax 2 moseyed a lap. Flapjack.
Inverted Rows – Pax 1 ran to light pole & Pax 2 did Inverted Rows in the Thunderdome. Dora format for a total of 190 Inverted Rows
Tammy Wynettes (Curls — Squats) – Total Rep Count – 190
Elevens (Bent Over Rows — Merkins)


We all know that Juneteenth and the abolition of slavery did not make life perfect for the slaves in our country.  In fact, it did not improve the living conditions for most of these African Americans in our country.  However, it did indicate there are people out there that have the right idea and know that people are property.  The only way to unite people is to treat them as equal as possible.  Remember, someone out there always has a story to tell and has struggled through something in their lives.  Man, what a word of compassion or random act of kindness can do for them and for uniting us ALL under ONE Flag.


Poll will come today for FBC this week.
Runs, Rucks, Runnerships, and Ruckerships all around.  Look for OTBs and F1.5 opportunities.

Upcoming Qs

The Second “F”

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 06/18/2018
PAX: Angus, Best In Show, Coin Purse, The Count, Free Bird, Sidekick, Whittler
AO: Beast Ridge


Dew-laden and a bit cooler for a June gloom (~mid 70s)

The Disclaimer

We talked about how the terrain has the potential to reach out and grab you or turn your ankle.  We said you were here on your own decision and that it is to your benefit to do your best and modify if needed.


SSH x 30 IC
BAC x 12 IC (L/R)
Mtn Climbers x 12 IC, Plank, ST Merkins x 12 IC, Plank
LOLs x 10 IC (Left side & Right side)
*Mosey to the bathroom facility nearby; or as Best-in-Show refers to it — “The Doghouse”

The Thang

The theme was fellowship, so each of the movements in today’s Q were done in a 2 or 3 man grouping.
Fellowship 1:
P1 – Air squat -or- wall sit
P2 – Decline wall plank aka Balls to the Wall (just the plank part though, don’t get it twisted)
P3 – Out & back run to the third handicap parking sign through crossing traffic like frogger. First objective is to run, second objective is to not die; best of luck!
RR x 2
Fellowship 2:
*Mosey to the swingset & partner up in 2’s
P1- pull-up hang x 12 IC
P2- Plank
— lots of mumble-chatter and belly-aching about how the dew made for a slipper swing set top-bar. As a result, YHC assessed the situation and called an omaha – shifted the pax to the other kid’s play set nearby for the third fellowship
Fellowship 3:
Pax were instructed to partner up and communicate their intent, their commitment, for the # of pull-ups they can successfully complete on their own.  After self pull-ups are completed, partner will “spot” 3 additional pull-ups.
P1 – # of pull-ups committed
P2 – assists for the final 3
Fellowship 4:
Again, Pax partnered up one more time (finding a different partner this time).
P1 – Woolly Worms x 10 OYO holding P2’s feet, while..
P2 – Completes BBSU until P1 is complete
RR x 3
Fellowship 5:
As a group, mosey over to the soccer field and line up together.
– 5 burpees at one end OYO
– Run to the caution A-Frame sign (roughly ~50 yards)
– 5 Pretzels each leg x 5 IC
RR until time


It’s been over a month since my last Q and, frankly, I’ve missed it dearly.  I always enjoy connecting with the pax through a gloomy beatdown.  But, also, in other ways.  This past month I’ve had opportunities where guys have unselfishly committed their time or their tools to help me get some things accomplished at our new home.  5 guys, one day, came up to move some logs around… took me about 10 minutes to get 5 HCs.  That felt like a real slam-dunk.  I don’t know of any other thing where this sort of commitment and accountability exists amongst men.  It was a moment of pride and a moment of validation, for something that I myself have aligned with to make me better. In-turn, it has also given back and I have received. What an incredible feeling.
In searching for a theme and a moleskin, I did some browsing around and found a great one centered around fellowship, so it seemed appropriate to deliver this morning.
This is a paraphrased version from “NASA” (out of Fort Mill AO):

Fellowship involves effort towards mutual trust, reliance, respect, acceptance, accountability, and vulnerability, creating a bond that is more than friendship.

We as men, old or young, tend to carry all of our burdens on our own shoulders. We let self-perceived things like fear, anger, pride, prejudice, shame, expectation, and guilt prevent us from lightening those burdens through developing a fellowship with others.

It takes a brave person to make themselves vulnerable to try to develop a fellowship with someone else, but when you do it becomes a blessing. Life changing. Forging a fellowship allows all the walls we each build around us to protect ourselves from each other to come down.

It all starts with trust and making yourself vulnerable to others. So, seek fellowship, find a battle buddy


Where’s Huey Lewis when you need him?
Not much on going on from this morning’s chat…

Upcoming Qs

Visit the Q-Schedule for all the latest…

Monkey Snatchers?


QIC: Angus
Date: 06/15/2018
PAX: Prosciutto, Coin Purse, Ohms, The Count (Respect), VSquared, Geek Squad, Candu, Best In Show (Respect), Free Candy
AO: The Landfill


Introducing a new one here for the COP — the SWARM up.
Side Straddle Hops x 50 (IC)
Windmills x 50 (IC)
Ass-Kickers x 50 (IC)
Run – Top Gate to Bottom Gate back to Top Gate
Merkins x 50 (Single Count)

The Thang

The PAX were adequately warmed up after that business. Even the ones that showed up late got the business end of those shenanigans. Head off to the field. 
Field Work
The field was divided into 3 lanes at ~50 yards in distance. PAX were broken up into 3 groups. Gather up with your group, while one pax travels and does the coupon exercise the other pax AMRAP the exercise called out.
Lane 1: Burpees, Bearcrawl, and Curls (x10)
Lane 2: Merkins, Lunges, and Overhead Presses (x10)
Lane3: Squats, Shuffle, One Arm Lift (x10, each arm)

The Cone Game 
It needs a better name, after asking the nation on twitter one name came back, Monkey Snatchers. I like it and I can’t come up with anything else so it might stick.

All pax are separated into two groups. YHC lined everyone up face to face in two lines with a cone between each paired up pax and instructed to hold low squat while 1 PAX calls out:
– Head
– Knees
– Toes
In whatever order and as many times as necessary while the PAX attempt to match the callers orders, until he calls “cone”. At which time the two head to head pax attempt to grab the cone between them first.
The PAX who does not grab the cone must complete a penalty, in our case 5 squats.




– Training Day next saturday.
– Angus moving to Florida

Upcoming Qs


One Flag, One Heart

QIC: Ohms
Date: 06/14/2018
PAX: Ducktales, Geek Squad, Geiger, Mr. Clean
AO: The Huey (Veteran’s Park)


80 Degrees and high humidity, typical for a June morning, heavy dew to keep the feet cool

The Disclaimer

This is F3.  I am not a professional and you are here of your own free will.  Modify where needed, don’t injure yourself.  Push yourself to be better


– SSH x 25 IC
– Windmills x 15 IC
– Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
– SSH x 25 IC

– Plank x 10 IC
– Merkins x 10 IC
– Plank x 10 IC
– Carolina Dry Dock x 10 IC
– Plank x 10 IC
– Mountain Climbers x 10 IC
– Plank x 10 IC
– Pickle Pounders x 10 IC
– LAC x 10 IC
– LAC (REV) x 10 IC
– Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
– Chinooks x 10 IC
– Shoulder Press x 10 IC
– Moroccan Night Club x 10 IC

The Thang

Once the warmup was complete, we then let down the tailgate of the truck and grabbed coupons and cones to set up what would be an excellent beatdown. Once all of the appropriate gear was collected, we set down our coupons and took a short mosey to where the cones were set up.

Agility Training
****Three cones were set up (Start, 15 yards, and 30 yards)
– 30 yard sprint
– Suicides
– Sprint to 15 yard cone, Bernie Sanders back to start, Sprint to 30 yard cone, Bernie Sander back to start cone.
– Side Shuffle to 15 yard cone, Side Shuffle back to start, Side Shuffle to 30 yard cone, Side Shuffle back to start cone.
– 30 yard sprint
Block Warmup
– 300m Run
– 100m Sprint
– 50 yard Lunge (carrying Coupon overhead)
Coupon Crossfit
– 50 Deadlifts
– 50 Overhead Press
– 40 Coupon Swings
– 40 Curls
– 30 Merkins
– 30 Dips
– 20 Step-Ups
– 20 Overhead Squats
– 10 Coupon Jumpover
– 10 Burpees
Block Cooldown
– 50 yard overhead block carry
– 300m Run
– 100m Sprint


National Flag Day – Our Flag honors those who have fought to protect it, and is a reminder of the sacrifice of our nation’s founders and heroes. As the ultimate icon of America’s storied history the Stars and Stripes represents the very best of this nation.

” And let us never forget that in honoring or flag, we honor the American men and women who have courageously fought and died for it…”
– President Ronald Reagan –


Everyone wish our brothers that are taking part in Go Ruck’s Good Luck!

Upcoming Qs

– 6/16/2018 Angus @ The Landfill
– 6/18/2018 Prosciutto @ Beast Ridge

U Candu It

 QIC: Candu

Date: 06/09/2018

PAX: Prosciutto, Laces Out (Respect), The Count (Respect), Ohms, Steam Engine, Sundance, Whittler, Ringwald, Best In Show, VSquared

AO: Landfill

70 degrees with a faint haze for 12 PAX searching for a <3 of Gold

Candu on Q > Not a professional > Own free will > push yourself > modify where neccessy > We’ll take ya to your car if ya get hurt

The Mini Mole


SSH x 15 IC
Imp Walker x 15 IC
Windmills x 15 IC
Hip Thruster x 10 IC
SSH x 15 IC
Slow Squats x 10 IC
SSH x 15 IC
Slow Lunges x 14 IC
PeriFormis Stretch AKA The J-Dawg each leg
LBAC x 15 IC
Reverse LBAC x 15 IC
Cherry Pickers x 15 IC
SSH x 15 IC
Triangle Merkins x 10 IC
Dips on bench x 10 IC                                                                                                                            Pull-ups to Failure > 3 more partner assisted                                                                                  Chin-Ups to Failure > 3 more partner assisted

The Thang

Heart of Gold Mosey

PAX Pace Merkin Mile down Landfill hill                                                                                  Mosey > 25 Merkins > Mosey > 25 Merkins > Mosey > 25 Merkins > Lightpole > Mosey > 25 Merkins > Mosey

Grass Hill Merkin                                                                                                                    Jailbreak to first plateau > 10 Merkins > JailBreak to top of hill > 10 Merkins

Field Fatigue (aye!)

Indiana Jones Run                                                                                                                                  PAX single files, Q begins run, back of the PAX sprints to the front of the line > Rinse Repeat > 2 Laps                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Walking Lunges Full > Mosey Back                                                                                            Reverse Walking Lunges Halfer > Mosey Back                                                                                Karokee Down & Back                                                                                                                          Low Side Shuffle Down & Back                                                                                                        Jailbreak Full Down & Back > Rinse & Repeat


Deep Squat Hold > Wheel                                                                                                                    Deep Merkin Hold > Wheel > Rinse & Repeat                                                                                  FlutterKicks x 35 IC


The Thang was unscripted due to my mama having a heart attack yesterday. Very appreciative of the supportive PAX, though I was impressed w/ my ability to wang the thang (trademarking that).  I got all the emotions off my chest (whew!) and opened up about the experience. I’d like to credit F3 for improving my demeanor in tough situations.    Thanks to all for the support. She gonna be aight, for now!


Laces Out to post in Dallas next week, safe travels! 

TEEEEEE SHIRT TIIIIME Don’t forget to order ya F3Chatt Tee Shirts!!

Upcoming Qs

Rumor Mill swirling Prosciutto Qs on Monday at The Beast 

The Dirty Half Dozen

QIC: Ohms
Date: 06/06/2018
PAX: Geek Squad, Geiger, Mr. Clean, Picasso, The Count
AO: The Griff (Vandergriff Park)


60 Degrees and low humidity, crisp and cool for a June morning, heavy dew to keep the feet cool

The Disclaimer

This is F3.  I am not a professional and you are here of your own free will.  Modify where needed, don’t injure yourself.  Push yourself to be better


– SSH x 15 IC
– Windmills x 15 IC
– Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
– SSH 15 IC
– Plank x 10 IC
– Merkins x 10 IC
– Plank x 10 IC
– Carolina Dry Dock x 10 IC
– Plank x 10 IC
– Mountain Climbers x 10 IC
– Plank x 10 IC
– Pickle Pounders x 10 IC
– LAC x 10 IC
– LAC (REV) x 10 IC
– Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
– Chinooks x 10 IC
– Shoulder Press x 10 IC

The Thang

Started off with a short mosey to the football field…gates were lock…so we found an alternate route and performed the Fat Man’s Squeeze through a locked gate. Silly Park & Rec – you can’t keep us out! Once we got into the field YHC instructed the PAX to split into pairs for some running and a total body beat down.

Raise the Roof…
Partner #1: runs the width of the football field and back
Partner #2: performs steps ups with a high knee on top of the bleachers and back down. Repeat until Partner #1 returns from his mosey across the field.
**Rinse & Repeat 5 cycles per partner
Dip Baby Dip…
Partner #1: runs the width of the football field and back
Partner #2: performs dips on bleachers. Repeat until Partner #1 returns from his mosey across the field.
**Rinse & Repeat 5 cycles per partner
Over the Hill and Far Away…
Partner #1: runs to the top of the hill and back down to the bottom
Partner #2: performs 8-count body builders. Repeat until Partner #1 returns from his hike up and down the hill.
**Rinse & Repeat 2 cycles per partner
At this point YHC was ready for a short mosey back to the flag and some Mary to end the morning activities.  Some Mumble Chatter sparked up and there were some comments about how running the hill was brutal.  So, of course instead of taking the short route we moseyed back up the hill and took the long route back to the flag.
– LBC x 15 IC
– Freddie Mercury x 15 IC
– BBSU x 15 OYO


Happiness comes a lot easier when you stop complaining about your problems and you start being grateful for all the problems you don’t have. Never waste a second of your life complaining. Complaining doesn’t solve problems, it attracts them. The more you complain, the more problems you’ll have.


6/23/2018 @ The Landfill – F3 Knoxville Q School

Upcoming Qs

Candu 6/9/2018 @ The Landfill – Be there and be shirtless….wearing nothing but a sweatband

Fountain of Yo…PAIN

QIC: Ringwald
Date: 05/31/2018
PAX: Angus, Bogey, Cable Cutter, Candu, Fissure, Free Candy, Flemish, FNG-Honey Bun, Laces Out (Respect), Ohms, FNG-Pele, Rainman, Sidekick, The Count (Respect), VSquared, Whittler, Wort
AO: Hill City


The humidity subsided and the gloom was not quite as muggy.

The Disclaimer

I am most-definitely not a professional. This is a peer-led workout and you are here on your own free will. Don’t hurt yo’self but push yo’self.


Blue Rhino

  • SSH X 10 IC
  • 21s – 5 burpee penalty for not ending together
  • Little Arm Circles X 15 IC
  • Reverse Arm Circles X 15 IC
  • Squat Shoulder Press X 15 IC
  • Cherry Pickers X 15 IC
  • SSH X 10 IC
  • 21s
  • Good Mornings X 15 IC
  • Windmill X 15 IC
  • Squats X 15 IC
  • 21s – 5 burpee penalty for not ending together

The Thang

The Fountain

  • I set up different workout “stations” in between each statue
    • Station 1 – Big Boy Situps
    • Station 2 – Curls w/ Coupon
    • Station 3 – Flutter Kicks
    • Station 4 – Crunchy Frog
    • Station 5 – Bench Press w/Coupon
    • Station 6 – Hollywoods (One Side)
    • Station 7 – Hollywoods (Other Side)
    • Station 8 – Inchworm Press w/Coupon
  • Partnered up. 1 group of PAX runs a lap around the park circle while the remaining PAX perform the exercise at that station. Both PAX perform the exercise then the group rotates.


Words subsided me this morning, but a paraphrased quote I love is, “We can start fixing our mistakes when we stop blaming others for them.”
We all fall, we all make mistakes, but we only fail if we do not learn from them.


18 PAX at Hill City for the record!!

Huey Launch

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 06/05/2018
PAX: Bogey, Cherry Log, Ducktales, Lugnut,  Geek Squad, Geiger, Hardtail, Postman, Ohms, Prosciutto, Ringwald, Sidekick, Slippers, The Count, Whittler
AO: The Huey


66 Degrees. Freshly cut grass. 28% humidity.

The Disclaimer

This is F3.  I am Mr. Clean and certainly no professional.  You are here on your own free will.  Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.


SSH x 20 IC
BAC x 10 IC
Reverse x 10 IC
Finkle Swings x 10
SSH x 15 IC

The Thang

The emotion and joy in which YHC feels writing this Backblast is simply indescribable.  We launched a new AO exactly one day before my one year anniversary with F3…16 men showed up and showed out to help launch this AO with some driving 40-45 minutes to get there.  Plenty of our guys here in F3 Chatt understand and carry out true commitment! 
DORA Stations
Herkin – (Merkin—hold in low position—3 Count—back up—-repeat)
Up Straddle Hop
Extensions – (Triceps Extensions
Yeti Raises
Legs – (Squats)
Abs – LBCs 4-Count
Upright Rows
Never Cross Dolly
Colt 45
Howling Monkeys


As The Huey launches, and our banner location (Hill City) changes hands from a proven “pick up the slack” amazing leader to another progressive, strong HIM, I see F3 moving in the direction it should. We don’t leave men under lamp posts alone and we continually advance while leaving no men behind and absolutely none where we found them.


Upcoming Qs

06/07/2018 – The Huey
06/07/2018 – Hill City
06/09/2018 – Landfill