22s by 2s


QIC: Sidekick
Date: 06/06/2018
PAX: Best in Show, Early Bird
AO: Beast Ridge


61 Degrees and beautiful.  perfect weather

The Disclaimer

This is F3.  I am not a professional.  Modify where needed.  lets get better


SSH IC X 25, Third Grade Exercises IC X 15, Man Makers X 8, Little baby Arm Circles IC X 10, Reverse IC X 10, Imperial Walkers IC X 17.  Mosey to the pavilion.  

The Thang

22s by 2s is basically like 11s, just more reps.  I combined that with more running than 11s typically has.  I think it turned out great
Title of exercises or routine
Start with 22 Derkins, run the course.  In this case, we ran to the third tree down the lot and back, which was about 0.15 mile.  2 Squats, run the course.  20 Derkins, run the course.  4 Squats, run the course.  Rinse and repeat until the Derkins and the Squats are flopped.
End result was 132 Derkins and 132 squats, with a 5K or 3.13 miles.  Pace turned out to be about 12:10 with the exercises included.


Spread the word to friends, co workers, anyone who could benefit from F3 at beast ridge.  We all need to bring some quality guys into the fold and share what we enjoy so much


Training Day june 23 at the landfill – Knoxville F3

Upcoming Qs

Best in Show on Monday @ BR, Whittler on Wednesday @ BR

Super 21’s with a Riverview


QIC: Laces Out (Respect)
Date: 6/5/18
PAX: Best in Show (Respect), Shortcut, VSquared, Picasso, Early Bird, Sundance, Free Candy
AO: Hill City

Conditions: Nice and cool 58o

The Disclaimer and then mosey to the Great Hall


15 SSH IC, 15 Imperial walkers IC, 15 SSH IC, 15 High Knees IC, 15 Wide High Knees IC,  15 Mountain Climbers IC, 12 Little Baby Arm Circles IC (both ways), 12 Shoulder Press IC, 12 Shinooks IC, 15 SSH IC
Mosey to Coolidge Park Riverwalk

The Thang

Circuit 1: Super 21
1 Squat Run around the brick sidewalk to other side (semi-circle)                                            20 LBC Run back
2 Squats/19 LBC
Rinse repeat till 20 Squats /1LBC and then hold Al Gore til PAX finish. Also held Al Gore to allow PAX to catch up a couple of times (Leave no man behind…leave no man where you find him) and a few 10 counts in the mix as well.
Mosey along Riverwalk to light poles near Market St Bridge
Circuit 2: Everest at Riverwalk Light Poles (because of time, could not make it to Mt Midoryama)
Lunges with right leg/squat/lunge with left leg/squat to next light pole 5 merkins-Hold Al Gore until all reach top and enjoy looking over City (appropriate thought for today’s moleskin). Rinse and repeat to next light pole
Return to Blue Rhino for Mary
12 Flutter kicks IC
12 Hello Dolly IC                                                                                                                                  12 Rosalita IC en Espanol


We enjoyed the beauty of God’s creation this morning on the Tennessee Riverwalk. This reminds me of how God made everything with intricate beauty and purpose. God made each of us just the way He wanted us to be!
Psalm 33:18 “Behold the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love.” He made us, he sees us and he wants us to fear him and rest in his steadfast love!


Launch at new AO The Huey was this am with 16 PAX for total of 24 PAX who posted today on a Tuesday!

Upcoming Qs

Ohms @The Griff- Wednesday
Ringwald @Hill City-Thursday
Picasso @The Huey-Thursday

Don’t Tempt the Q


QIC: Sidekick
Date: 06/04/2018
PAX: Best in Show, The Count, Early Bird, Whittler, Wort
AO: Beast Ridge


60 Degrees and low humidity, crisp and cool for a June morning, heavy dew to keep the feet cool

The Disclaimer

This is F3.  I am not a professional and you are here of your own free will.  Modify where needed, don’t injure yourself.  Push yourself to be better


SSH IC X 20, Third Grade Exercises IC X 15, High Knees IC X 15, Little Baby Arm Circles IC X 12, Reverse IC X 12, Cherry Pickers IC X 15, Ray lewis IC X 12, Mosey to the Soccer Field

The Thang

Don’t Tempt the Q
Q off the cuff today so we split up into pairs for some running and total body beat down
Title of exercises or routine
Partner 1 runs the width of the soccer field and back (no clue what distance this is as I don’t play soccer).  Partner 2 performs steps ups with a high knee on top of the bleachers and back down.  Repeats until Partner 1 returns.
We did this for 4 cycles per partner.
Frankenstein Walk across the field to the other side.
Rinse and Repeat but with Dips instead of step ups.
At this point I was prepared for a short mosey back to the flag and some Mary to end the festivities.  Some Mumble Chatter sparked up and there were some comments about how certain things on a certain hill really sucked.  I am all about dishing suckage so… we moseyed to the hill for some unplanned EC.
Pull plank and when your name is called Bernie Sanders to the top of the hill.  Call for the next PAX and so on until all have achieved the satisfaction.
The Mumble Chatter continued about how a bear crawl up said hill would really suck, so…
Hold Al Gore and when your name is called, bear crawl up the hill.  Call the next PAX until all have received the enlightenment.
Mosey back to the flag, upon arrival knock out 10 Burpees OYO for no flag.
Wrapped up with some Flutter Kicks IC X 15, Box Cutters IC X 12, and LBC IC X 15
Circle Up


Its time for beast Ridge to Grow.  We need to be EHing North Georgia and East Chatt area to beast Ridge.  We need to stand on our own and not be dependent on PAX from Hill City to keep our numbers.  Beast Ridge homers, Sidekick, best in Show, Early Bird, need to be driving this


Huey launch on Tuesday.  Support the Huey

Upcoming Qs

Sidekick on Wednesday 6/6, Best in Show on Monday 6/11

Keep Moving Forward


QIC: Picasso
Date: 05/29/2018
PAX: Angus, Cable Cutter, Fissure, Laces Out, Hardtail, Ringwald, Shortcut, The Count, VSquared, Whittler
AO: Hill City


– Cool and Wet.
– 68˚
– Dew on the ground

Mosey to the Great Hall


SSH x 20
Mountain Climbers x 10
SSH x 20
Mountain Climbers x 10
Ass Kickers x 10
High Knees x 10
Squats x 10
Calf Stretch x 20

The Thang

Brought the Ab Roller. A random person will do ab rollers until Q says change

Mosey to the Art District

Decline Mercians x 20
Incline Mercians x 20
Mericans x 20
Stadium Runs x 5
Inverted Rows x 5
Plank x 20
Plank with Reach x 20
Star Plank x 20
Squat x 20
Side Plank x 20
Fire Hydrants x 20
Supermans x 20
Bird Dogs x 20
Hollow Body Hold x 20
Bridge x 20



Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. Next time you are stressed, take a step back inhale and look how far you’ve come. You have to be strong, flexible and remember that you can keep pushing on even when you don’t think you can. Always remember, you have to keep moving forward.
Go and dig into the Qsource


The Landfill
0700 – 0800
Knoxville crew coming to run a Q School

Filling the BB Void


QIC: Fissure
Date: 05/26/2018
PAX: Angus, Candu, Geek Squad, Prosciutto, Ringwald
AO: Landfill


The Disclaimer
This is F3.  I’m Fissure.  It’s hot.  Let’s roll.


SSH x 15
Good mornings x 10
Imperial Walkers x 10
SSH x 15
SnL squats x 10
Lunges x 10
SSH x 15
Slow count body builders x 10
Flutterkicks x 25

The Thang

Mosey to bottom of Landfill
Partner up, wheelbarrow one or two lights, five merkins then swap, halfway up
Partner carry as far as you can, no further than 3 or 4 lights, then swap, rest of the way up


Stacks on Stacks

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en4muUSIRT4&w=560&h=315]

QIC: Angus
Date: 05/24/2018
PAX: Laces Out, The Count, Flemish, Colonel Mustard, Prosciutto, Sidekick, Fissure, VSquared, Best in Show, Free Candy, Picasso, Ohms, Chief, Wort
AO: Hill City


– Cool and Dry.
– 68˚
– Dew on the ground
– Clear Eyes, Full Hearts


SSH x 20
HK x 15
SSH x 20
WHK x 15
SSH x 20
Ass Kickers x 15
SSH x 20
Infinite Plank
Plank IC
Merkins x 10
Plank IC
Carolina Dry Dock x 10
Plank IC
Mountain Climbers x 10
Plank IC
Pickle Pounders x 10
Shoulder Blasters
Little Arm Circles x 12 (fwd)
Little Arm Circle x 12 (bwd)
Cherry Pickers x 10
Chinooks x 10
Cherry Pickers x 10
Overhead Claps x 10
Cherry Pickers x 10
Shoulder Press x 10

The Thang

The Big Mac 
First, ask why its a Big Mac and not a whopper. Because of the special saaaaauce.
Grab a buddy.
Buddy 1 holds plank while Buddy 2 performs [Exercise 1].
Once Buddy 2 completes [Exercise 1] he proceeds to [Exercise 2] and Buddy 1 begins [Exercise 1].
Repeato around 4 corners — Buddy 2 should complete and hold plank while waiting for Buddy 2 to finish. Specify the Rep and Exercise for each corner.
Exercise 1 – Corncob Merkin (x5)
Exercise 2 – Wide Merkin (x10)
Exercise 3 – Incline Merkin (x10)

Exercise 4 – Decline Merkin (x10)
Buddies should be communicating with one another through the routine. Take ten count together if needed. Each pair gets 1 ten count to use at their discretion.
Rocks and Rails
Buddies split up — while 1 does Rock work the other does Rail work and flip flop.
Rail Work
Pull-ups x 10
Chin-ups x 10
Squats x 10
repeato x 5
(around the 3rd Rep we knocked it down to 5)
Rock Work
Top Curl x 10
Bottom Curl x 10
Full Curl x 10
Reverse The Big Mac


Today YHC communicated what it means to be a Q

Within F3 a leader is called the Q, which is a man who takes responsibility for the outcome.

We have an opportunity and an obligation to continually work to improve ourselves to be prepared for expected and unexpected outcomes. For this we have the Qsource as a resource in learning and improvement.
Go and dig into it — see what you come away with. If you have a difference of opinion, good. Take it to your fellow PAX, take it to your Nantan or AOQ, or take it to Dredd on twitter and let the Nation get better along the way.
Go and dig into the Qsource


Hill City (at the Blue Rhino)
0530 to 0630
Angus, Steam Engine, Best In Show, and Whittler on Q
The Landfill
0700 – 0800
Knoxville crew coming to run a Q School
FBC at Karl’s
5100 Hixson Pike, Hixson, TN 37343

Ready for Launch, BOMBS

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 05/24/2018
PAX: Cherry Log, Ducktales
AO: The Huey


Ya’ll its late Spring in the South…the heat, humidity, dryness, and pollen came without warning.

The Disclaimer

This is F3, I am not a professional, modify if necessary, push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.


SSH x15 IC
Windmill x12 IC
SSH x15 IC
Baby Arm Circles x10 IC
Reverse x10 IC
Chinhook x10 IC
Shoulder Press x10 IC
Moroccan Night Club x10 IC
SSH x15 IC
Alternating Toe Touches x12 IC
SSH x15 IC
Wave of Merkins x5  

The Thang

The lactic acid was nice and full in the arm muscles, so YHC felt it needed to be worked out promptly this morning.  We “bombed” the heck out of that acid!
50 – Berkins
100 – Overhead Press
150 – Merkins
200 – Bent Over Rows
250 – Squrls (Curls while holding a squat)
Pax ran 0.1 miles, completed 10 SSH, and returned


We are on the verge at The Huey. We have taken a little step back in our attendance, but we are almost ready to launch, so if you’re ready to lead, then step up.  Soft launch is less than 2 weeks away! 


FBC – 0600 at Karl’s Restaurant — 5100 Hixson Pike, Hixson, TN 37343
Saturday June 16, 2018 — Nashville GoRuck Light (Mr. Clean & Cable Cutter HCs)

Tuesday, June 5, 2018 — Huey Soft Launch

Saturday, June 23, 2018 — Training Day (Angus for deets)

Saturday, August 4, 2018 (Contact Ohms or Lugnut for details)
Saturday, August 17, 2018 Chattanooga GoRuck
Saturday, August 25, 2018 Cam Run

Upcoming Qs

05/26/2018 Fissure — Landfill

05/28/2018 — MEMORIAL DAY BASH (Angus, Best in Show, Steam Engine, and Whittler) — Hill City

05/29/2018 Picasso — Hill City
05/30/2018 Snowflake — Griff
05/31/2018 Angus –Hill City

Blast from the Past

Date: 5/17/18
On Q: Rainman
Location: Hill City (Blue Rhino)
Weather: Heck of a whole lot muggier than needed to be.
What a return for the ages! I was excited to be back out there in the gloom. A lot of new faces. Many 10 counts 🙂
15 SSH
14 Mountain Climbers
13 Smurf Jacks
12 Merkins
Capri Lap
11 High Knee
10 Wide High Knee
9 Tuck Jack
8 Diamond Merkins
Capri Lap
7 Dying Cockroach
6 American Hammer
5 Box Cutters
Capri Lap
3 Burpees
2 Squats
1 Knee Tuck
0 30 _ Count
Capri Lap
What goes down must go up!!! Reverse order until you get back to the top.

The Griff at The Griff


QIC: Sidekick
Date: 05/23/2018
PAX: Angus, The Count, Fissure, Geek Squad, Lugnut, Mr. Clean, Ohms, Picasso, Whittler
AO: The Griff

Conditions – 71 degrees, little muggy, little cloudy, not rainy

The Disclaimer – This is F3, you are here on your own free will, we are not professionals, modify when necessary


SSH – ICX25, Cotton Pickers – ICX15, Pretzel Crunches – ICX10 each side, Mericans – ICX20, SSH – ICX15, Windmills – ICX15, Mosey to the hill

The Thang

Trying out a new pattern this morning suggested by PAX Ohms.  Wasnt going to take 35 minutes so we needed a second round of warm ups
Title of exercises or routine
Round of 11’s – 10 mericans, run the hill, 1 squat, run back down, 9 mericans, run the hill, 2 squats, run back down.  Repeat unti 11’s are flopped.
Mosey to the track
The Griff – Run 800 meters (0.5 mile), Run 400 meters (0.25 mile) Bernie Sanders style, Repeat for round 2.  We mixed in some exercises between each leg because its F3 and we can.  1st leg was 25 mericans OYO, 2nd leg was average man size pickle pounders ICX12, 3rd leg was Little baby arm circles ICX10 – Forward, reverse, Ray Lewis ICX12, Cherry Pickers ICX12.  Slow Mosey to parking lot
By now my quads and hammies were barking so we did some walking frankensteins, then dropped on our 6 for some LBC ICX20 and some Flutter Kicks ICX20, few more walking frankensteins, mosey back to the flag for some Mary.
Mary was Dying Cockroaches ICX15 and American Hammers ICX15


Creativity.  Creativity in your life provides perspective.  Thinking about things outside of your normal scope can help you see things from other people’s view points.  I feel like this is a key skill for leaders.  Whether it be at work, at home, in the community, or at F3 perspective and understanding of people make you a much more effective leader.


Lots of extra credit opportunities coming in August.  Clean has the detials

Upcoming Qs

Angus at Hill City, Ringwald made the call to the pen

Got to Own It If You Want to Buy In!

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 05/22/2018
PAX: Ducktales, Lugnut
AO: The Huey


67 degrees. VERY Humid. Heavy cloud cover. Misting rain.

The Disclaimer

I am not a professional. You are here on your own free will. Push yourself but do not hurt yourself.


SSH x 12 ICCherry Pickers x12 IC
Baby Arm Circles x12 IC
Reverse BACs x12 IC
SSH x12 IC
Alternating Toe Touches x12 IC
SSH x12 IC

The Thang

YHC has come to realize that Dora is a personal favorite. So, Dora it was with a little twist.
Dora 1-2-3
100 – Upright Rows (Bucket w/coupons)
200 – Curls
300 – Shoulder Presses — Running Pax ran to the bench and completed 10 dips and returned for the Flapjack.
2 Steps Forward — 1 Step Back

  1. Pax ran to a light pole
  2. One carried a coupon
  3. Ran back a light pole
  4. Completed 20 Bent Over Rows
  5. Passed the coupon
  6. Ran 2 light poles forward
  7. One pole back
  8. Completed 20 Bent Over Rows
  9. Passed the coupon
  10. Continue Process Until Lap was completed


You have to own it to buy into it.  Yes, that seems backward to some, but is it really?  If we do not take ownership of things that we call important, than we never really buy into it properly. 


FBC – 0600 at Karl’s Restaurant — 5100 Hixson Pike, Hixson, TN 37343
Saturday June 16, 2018 — Nashville GoRuck Light (Mr. Clean & Cable Cutter HCs)

Tuesday, June 5, 2018 — Huey Soft Launch

Saturday, June 23, 2018 — Training Day (Angus for deets)

Saturday, August 4, 2018 (Contact Ohms or Lugnut for details)
Saturday, August 17, 2018 Chattanooga GoRuck
Saturday, August 25, 2018 Cam Run

Upcoming Qs

05/24/2018 Ringwald — Hill City
05/26/2018 Fissure — Landfill

05/28/2018 — MEMORIAL DAY BASH (Angus, Best in Show, Steam Engine, and Whittler) — Hill City

05/29/2018 Picasso — Hill City
05/30/2018 Snowflake — Griff
05/31/2018 Angus –Hill City