99 Problems…

QIC: Whittler
Date: 05/21/2018
PAX: Best in Show (RESPECT), Early Bird, Prosciutto, Sidekick
AO: Beast Ridge


Gloomy with a strong scent of Port-a-Potty in the air.

The Disclaimer

This is F3.  We will work hard today but the workout itself is easy (conceptually that is).  You are here on your own free will, push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.


SSH x 11
Cotton Pickers x 11
Plank x 11
Plank Jack x 11
Alternating toe touches x 11
SSH x 11
Arm circles x 11
Reverse arm circles x 11
Imperial Walkers x 11
That’s 99 total reps for the warmup.  We now took a mosey around the portable johns to the open parking lot for the main event.

The Thang

I again explained that this workout was easy.  Conceptually easy that is.  I first shared the good news:  there will be no burpees during this workout.  Then the bad news…we would be performing 99 reps of several exercises with a 200 yard mosey in between sets.
I’ve got 99 problems but burpees ain’t one of them
Derkin x 99 reps then mosey
LBC x 99 reps then mosey
Squat x 99 reps then mosey
Dips x 99 reps then mosey
Flutter kick x 99 reps then mosey back to start
Small, medium and large pickle pounder x 11 each.  Prosciutto inserted (no pun) that he had physical limitations to doing the small pickle pounder.
American Hammer x 5
Done.  See, very easy.  Conceptually at least…


We all have problems in this world, but for us, effort and will shouldn’t be one of them.  We all made the effort to get better this morning.  Our effort is one this we can control.  Control what you can control, leave alone what you have to leave alone.
At my niece’s graduation this past weekend, her class chose a class quote for the future:
“If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.”  -Lemony Snicket
I thought this was very appropriate for my life so I wanted to share.  Too often we opt to wait and let things (good or bad) happen to us.  We should remember that it is up to us to make the conscious effort to get better and work towards goals.  Whether this is by physical action, prayer, or changing our thought process/mindset, it’s up to us to declare that we are ready.


FBC this Friday – contact Mr. Clean for details
Possible meeting about adding more channels to Slack.  Maybe even a channel discussion channel
Order shirts – Contact Picasso
Still Hollow Half/10K trail run – 8/4/18 – Contact Lugnut for details

Upcoming Qs

See Q schedule

Thanks, Vets

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 05/17/2018
PAX: Cherry Log, Geiger, The Count (Respect)
AO: The Huey


A muggy 66 degrees.  Day was breaking.  Sweat angels were on the horizon…

The Disclaimer

You are here on your own free will.  I am not a professional.  Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.


SSH x18 IC
Cherry Pickers x18 IC
BAC x10 IC
Reverse BAC x10 IC
Moroccan Night Club x10 IC
Chinhook x18 IC
Shoulder Press x18 IC
Finkle Swing x18 OYO
SSH x18 IC

The Thang

Title of exercises or routine
Pax grabbed a partner.  Pax 1 completed Colt 45 while Pax 2 help plank.  Flap Jack. Rinse and Repeat.
Mosey a lap around the park.  Pax completed descending squats from 10 at each light pole. 55  total squats.
In a small tribute to Iwo Jima, YHC had the Pax Block Bear Crawl from the Startex, past The Huey, to the Giant American Flag.  Let’s be honest, if those men can raise that flag, in the sand, in the coast driven wind, under heavy gunfire, then we can do Block Bear Crawls for 75 yards!!Once we made it to the destination we partnered up.  Pax 1 held a coupon in the front raise position while Pax 2 completed 20 WWII Sit-Ups.  FlapJack. Rinse and Repeat.
Mosey back to typical Startex. Pax completed Elevens with suicides (thanks Ohms for the idea). Run to halfway. Back. Complete 10 shoulder presses. Run to the other end. Back to halfway. Back to opposite end. Complete 1 Don’t Cross Dolly (again, thanks Ohms for the idea).
Pax finished just in time.  YHC had a quick moleskin. Bus duty calls again! Hey, it is the LAST week; because, you all know now, us teachers do not work in the summertime.


YHC called an early workout due to bus duty, and in a stroke of irony, YHC was late due to unforeseen circumstances.  As should happen and expected in F3, plenty of mumblechatter arose about the tardiness of the Q. The moral of is simply this: we all get to an exhaustion point, Smartsacks are required for every Pax, BUT the current leaders do not have the luxury of a nice, solid Smartsack in the absence of leadership or waning of the current leadership.  If you feel led to step up, then do it!


Flag Football Tomorrow- Warm-Up preceding and Spikeball post game.
***Super Important** We are hosting a charity race in the Fall, as close to 2nd Anniversary as possible, the committee is in planning stages.  We will need all hands on deck and guys willing to help committee members when they ask for help!
GoRuck Tough – August 2018
Tough Mudder – September 2018
Cam Run August – 2018
Trail Running Activities – Contact Ohms
FBC – Poll will be on Slack Soon.

Upcoming Qs

Saturday – Mr. Clean – Landfill – FLAG FOOTBALL!!
Monday – Wittler – Beast Ridge
Tuesday – MIA – Hill City
Wednesday – Sidekick/Snowflake – Griff
Thursday – Ringwald – Hill City
Saturday – Fissure – Landfill – LANDFILL VQ ALERT!!!!

Huey Open

QIC: Steam Engine
PAX: Mr. Clean, FNG-Ducktales, Geiger, Cherry Log
Date: 05/01/2018
AO: Huey
Conditions: Gym Short and short sleeve weather not quite sweat angle weather but almost

Disclaimer: I’m Steam Engine on Q this AM. I am not a pro, you are here on your own free will, push yourself but modify if necessary.
Burpee OYO 5x
Little Arm Circles IC 15x
LAC (Reverse) IC 15x
Chinook IC 15x
Infinity Plank
Merkins IC 5x
Alternating Shoulder Taps IC 15x
Merkins IC 5x
Plank Jacks IC 15x
Merkins IC 5x
Next up a light stroll to the Love Shack 2.0
The Thang:
Dips IC 10x
Incline Merkins IC 10x
Infinity Wall Sit
Muhammad Ali IC 10x
Joe Frazier IC 10x
Shoulder Press IC 10x
Bus Driver IC 10x
Dips IC 10x
Incline Merkin IC 10x
Itsy Bitsy Spider IC 10x
Dips 10x
Incline Merkins IC 10x
Balls To The Wall IC 10 count
That’s enough quality time spent in the Love Shack 2.0. Time for another light stroll to the tennis courts for some Animal Crossing
Bear-icides (suicides but instead of running you bear crawl them)
Leapfrog down and back (broad jump)
Duck Walk down and back
Crab Walk down and back
Wheelbarrow down switch with partner and come back rinse and repeat 3x
Still had some time and since it was YHC VQ at the Huey I wanted to take a stroll to the gazebo from some Mary
RBC IC 12x
LBC IC 12x
Flutter Kicks IC 12x
Hello Dolly IC 12x
Rosalita IC 12x
Pretzel IC 8x
Pretzel IC 8x (switch sides)

Name-o-rama (Felt it was finally time to name FNG To Be… so we did and thus welcome Duck Tales to the group)
Fearless Warrior prepare for battle
Stand your ground
Fearless warrior dawn your armor
Be prepared for all things-Good and bad
Fearless Warrior hold your head up high
Don’t get discouraged
This battle will only be for a little while
Fearless warrior prepare for battle
Stand your ground
Fearless Warrior dawn your armor
Hold true to your heart’s desires
Fearless Warrior
Don’t forget to look around you
Don’t forget you have backup
Fearless Warrior stand your ground
Prepare for battle
Fearless Warrior remember
you don’t always have to be fearless

Ready Set Ruck

QIC: Steam Engine
PAX: Mr. Clean, Lugnut, Cherry Log, Ducktales
AO: Huey
Date: 05/15/2018
Conditions: Warm 66 degrees

Disclaimer: I am Steam Engine. I am on Q this AM. I am not a professional. Push yourselves and modify as you need to.
Burpees OYO 5x
Little Arm Circles IC 15x
LAC Reverse IC 15x
Cotton Pickers IC 15x
Windmill IC 15x
Merkins IC 5x
The Thang:
1 Lap Around Track with Ruck
Shoulder Press IC 20x
Curls IC 10x
Merkins IC 10x
Rinse & Repeat 3x
Ruck towards the Tennis Courts
Ruck & Bear: Place ruck in front of you bear crawl forward reach back and pull ruck to the front. Do this across court and back
Bear Crawl w/ ruck across court and back
Ruck back to lot for some Mary
Heavy Flutters IC 15x
Burpees OYO 5x

Chattanooga Go Ruck Tough: August
Tough Mudder: September

Deck Of Pain

QIC: Laces Out (Respect)
Date: 5/15/18
PAX: Angus, Bogey, Candu, The Count (Respect), Fissure, Flemish, Hardtail, Ohms, Picasso, Prosciutto, Ringwald, Sidekick, Speed Bump, Stairmaster, Whittler
AO: Hill City

Conditions 70 degrees and warm

The Disclaimer “I am not a professional, don’t hurt yourself and modify if necessary. Not as much running as usual with me today.”


Met at the Blue Rhino and then mosey to the Great Hall and meet up with the other PAX from the Love Shack. 
12 Imperial Walkers IC
12 Cotton Pickers IC
12 Mountain Climbers IC
Mosey to the stage at Coolidge Park near the circle.

The Thang:  Deck of Pain

Due to running the 1/2 marathon last weekend, YHC decided to plan a workout without a lot of running…thus the Deck of Pain! So, we shuffled the deck of 52 cards plus 4 generic cards (instructions and jokers). Each PAX took a turn pulling a card and then leading the exercise and number of reps according to the following scenario:
Hearts = Burpees, Diamonds = Big Boy Sit Ups, Clubs = Merkins and Spades = Squats
Face cards = 10 reps and Aces = 11 reps with all number cards = the number
After Whittler cut the deck, Sidekick wanted one last shuffle and proceeded to come up with many hearts (Burpees) on top of deck!! Much mumble chatter throughout the workout. About 1/2 way through, YHC noticed the PAX staying on the ground between exercises and called for recover on feet after each round. Also, 3/4 way through YHC called for squats to be in cadence! Finished strong!! Good work, men!
Mosey back to Blue Rhino for 4 minutes of MOM
20 Flutterkicks IC
15 Freddy Mercury IC
15 Hello Dolly IC
12 Rosalita IC
YHC shared about 1/2 marathon trail run on Saturday, in which my daughter ran with me, encouraging me along the way. Although faster and younger, she kept yelling “You can do this, Dad.” Her accountability allowed me to push through the pain and keep running through the finish. Also, my involvement in F3 Chatt over the last year, the accountability of this group, has pushed me to be more disciplined and able to be physically better, emotionally better and spiritually better! 
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Eccl 11:5
We can help each other be more disciplined with developing good habits. I read this on twitter yesterday from F3 Nation: “Through IMPACT, the HIM helps other men discontinue their negative Habits, minimize time spent on neutral Habits while initiating and ingraining positive Habits.” Let’s do this thing today, men!!

Upcoming Qs

Wednesday-Ohms @ The Griff
Thursday-Rainman @Hill City
Saturday-Mr. Clean @The Landfill

Team HC

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 05/12/2018
PAX: Best in Show, Cable Cutter, Candu, Early Bird, Fissure, Prosciutto, Snowflake, Sundance, Wort
AO: Landfill


65 degrees. Very humid. Day had broken quite well.

The Disclaimer

This is F3. You’re here on your own free will. Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.


SSH x32 IC

Cherry Pickers/BAC/Reverse BAC 10/10/12
Finkle Swings x16
Wave of Merkins

The Thang

Pure exhaustion had set in for YHC and efforts to plan a successful workout were not going as, well, planned. Thankfully, YHC was blessed with an incredible Pax that was graceful, hard working, and ready to compete.
Race to the Plank
10 Pax divided into two teams of five to complete a relay. Teams were picked via school yard pick (Best in Show & Sundance).
Shoulder Presses
Don’t Cross Dolly
Each exercise was a 16 in cadence rep count. A pair of team mates ran to a point and completed the first exercise while the remaining three teammates planked while wearing a ruck. Pairs returned. Flapjacked. Rinse and Repeat until all exercises were complete.
Winners – Team Sundance – 32 IC Flutter Kicks assessed on Team BIS.
Round 2 Exercises
Front Raises
21s (Curls)
Hello Dolly
Bent Over Rows
Same process was repeated as above, but PAX completed ruck swings which became upright rows which became shrugs which became…(hey, these are adult men modifying as necessary…needless to say, mumblechatter was quite excessive)
Teams this time- Wort and Prosciutto
Team Wort was the winner and assessed the same penalty.
Strong Finish – Tortoise and Hare (Exercise-12’s)


If you’re unable to make a workout, then it’s ok. If you’re able to make a workout, unsure of situations that may arise, don’t HC, but show up anyway, then that’s ok and pretty cool actually. If you HC AND don’t show, then that’s just plain not cool. If you HC for F3 and back out, then gentlemen that means you’re HCing for other areas in you’re life and not staying committed. So, on this Mother’s Day weekend make sure you’re priorities are in line and when you HC, make sure that HC ACTUALLY carries some weight


HDHH – Contact Whittler for deets

Upcoming Qs

05/14/2018 – Sidekick
05/15/2018 – Laces Out
05/16/2018 – Ohms
05/17/2018 – Rainman
05/19/2018 – FLAG FOOTBALL!!!!!!!

Adding Consecutive Burpees


QIC:  Fissure
Date: 05/10/2018
PAX: Ringwald, Picasso, Angus, Flemish, Ohms, Ducktales, Sidekick, Speed Bump, The Count (Respect)
AO: Hill City


66°, Clear, felt like 77°, Humidity 76%, Wind 4 mph South

The Disclaimer

This is F3.  I’m not a professional.  Try hard but don’t hurt yourself.

The Thang

Mosey from the vicinity of the Blue Rhino to walking bridge
Commence 20 x Squats IC, 10 x Lunges IC at the beginning, middle and end of the bridge, mosey in between
Mosey to the steps at Ross’s Landing
Commence consecutive burpees starting with 10 on down to 1 with box jumps up the steps in between.  Some used step ups in place of box jumps for modification or incline merkins and dips on the bottom step.
Mosey back to the Blue Rhino
MOM consisted of wheel barrows around the blue rhino.  Switch after each loop until time called.


A couple dedicated PAX grumbled about their sore legs as this week has been pretty leg heavy.  YHC felt a little bad having to miss The Griff yesterday but it appears the grumbling was warranted after the leg thrashing administered by Picasso.
There was further mumble chatter about shortcuts to adding up how many burpees we enjoyed today.  Here’s an informative link to adding consecutive numbers, http://math.wikia.com/wiki/Adding_Consecutive_Numbers, and we did 55.  You’re welcome.
The word of the day was Generosity.  It’s important to give of yourself – to your family, friends, job, etc.  This is modeled at every workout when the Q puts time into the beat down we all enjoy.  It was noted that the best motivation to show up is knowing your friends will be there to help make us all better.


FBC – Longhorn 0600
Nashville GoRuck – Father’s Day Weekend

Upcoming Qs

05/11/2018 – Mr. Clean
05/14/2018 – Sidekick
05/15/2018 – Laces Out
05/16/2018 – Ohms
05/17/2018 – Rainman
05/19/2018 – FLAG FOOTBALL!!!!!!!

Just Go for a Run

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 05/10/2018
PAX: Cherry Log & Geiger
AO: The Huey


64 degrees.  Heavy cloud cover.  Halfish moon this morning.  Low humidity.  HIGH pollen count…

The Disclaimer

This is F3.  You are here on your own free will.  Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.


Light Mosey

The Thang

YHC decided a smartsack was much needed but alas, HCs were there and no man should stand under the lamp post alone.  However, with some injury, YHC decided to invoke the “unofficial AO” rule and call an audible to bootcamp.  We decided to do something a bit different…
Any Pax involved in the Cam Run last year knows about Cameron Bean, his story, and the machine he was.  His lived by the creedos/mottos “Just Go for a Run” and “Do You Want to be Good or Do You Want to be Great?!”
Just Go For a Run
2 Mile Run
Back to the Park. Mosey Laps. At the completion of each lap do the following exercises
Plank x 20 IC
Don’t Cross Dolly x 20 IC
Total Distance Covered 3.25 Miles


YHC was very appreciative of all the Pax that attended this morning.  As we are taking flight at The Huey, we currently only have a single consistent Q.  The body needs rest, but the will to help others often overcomes the fartsack or smartsack as was the case today.  Therefore, we did some recovery running and core work.  Thanks to the men that stay committed. 


FBC – Longhorn 0600
Nashville GoRuck – Father’s Day Weekend (contact YHC if you are interested)

Upcoming Qs

05/11/2018 – Mr. Clean
05/14/2018 – Sidekick
05/15/2018 – Laces Out
05/16/2018 – Ohms
05/17/2018 – Rainman
05/19/2018 – FLAG FOOTBALL!!!!!!!

Time Off Helps……

QIC: Picasso
Date: 05/09/2018
PAX: Angus, Mr. Clean, Ohms, Ringwald, Sidekick, The Force (Willy Loman), The Count
AO: The Griff


It doesn’t get better that this weather……. – Colonel Sanders

The Disclaimer

Disclaimer given.  I am not a professional.  You are here on your own free will.  Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.  We will help you out if you hurt yourself.


Mosey to the track to get the loins loose and the blood flowing
SSH x15
Arm Circles x 15 each direction
Alternating toe touches x 15
Squats x 15
SSH x 15
Mountain Climbers x 15
Shoulder Press x 15

The Thang

Straight Beatdown……nothing more.

Round 1
BOYO x 10
Sit Up x 10 + Rocket Jumps x 10
Long jump to fast feet x 10
Repeat x 2
Leg press with partner x 20
Wall walks x 20
BOYO x 10
Plank + Mericans x 10
Round 2
Tuck jumps x 20
High knees x 20 seconds
Roo jumps x 15
Repeat x 2
Mosey back to the the American Flags
Fissure Swizzles x 20 seconds
American Hammer x 15
Planks x 20 seconds
American Hammer x 15
Fissure Swizzles x 20 seconds
Flutter kicks x 20 seconds
Fissure Swizzles x 20 seconds


“Taking time to do nothing often brings everything into perspective.” -Doe Zantamata
We live in a busy world. Every now and then, it is good and healthy to checkout from the world and do nothing. This should not be misconstrued as being lazy, but simply taking time to get back to normalcy and focus on what is important.


FBC on Friday – contact Mr. Clean for deets

Upcoming Qs

5/10 – Fissure
5/12 – Mr. Clean
5/14 – Sidekick
5/15 – Laces Out (days after his trail half marathon!)

Two Tickets to Pair-a-dice

QIC: Whittler
Date: 05/08/2018
PAX: Angus, Candu, The Count, Fissure, FNG (Shortcut), Laces Out (RESPECT), Magellan, Ohms, Picasso, Ringwald, Sidekick, Speed Bump
AO: Hill City


In a word, perfect.  Not too hot, not too cold.  To go with the theme of the day, the weather was right on the money.

The Disclaimer

Disclaimer given.  I am not a professional.  You are here on your own free will.  Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.  We will help you out if you hurt yourself.  If we hurt you, you are on your own.


Mosey to Great Hall to meet up with Angus and Picasso
SSH x15
Imperial Walkers x 15
Arm Circles x 15 each direction
Plank x 15
Plank Jack x 15
Windmill Merkin x 5
Alternating toe touches x 15
Squats x 15
SSH x 15
We then took a little Indian run around Coolidge and wound up at the Riverwalk

The Thang

Inspired by Eddie Money, I decided to have the PAX pair up for a little “Two tickets to Pairadice”.  Basically, one PAX rolled the dice that had numbers and workouts.  PAX 1 then ran 6 lampposts, did the stated number of exercises and ran back.  PAX 2 was doing a little AMRAP while PAX 1 was running.
Two tickets to Pair-a-dice
Round 1 – 20 Dealer’s Choice (Sidekick chose LBCs)
Round 2 – 10 LBCs
Round 3 – 20 Squats
Round 4 – 10 Froggy Squats
Round 5 – 10 Dealer’s Choice (Angus chose the Merkin)
Mosey back to the parking lot
Wheel of Merkin – We went 4 rounds on the wheel of merkin
The PAX were now introduced to the small, medium and large pickle pounder circuit.
Small pickle pounder x 10
Medium pickle pounder x 10
Large pickle pounder x 10
American Hammer x 15
Pretzel crunch x 10 per side


“Be such a man, and live such a life, that if every man were such as you, and every life such as yours, this earth would be God’s paradise.” -Phillips Brooks
F3 gives all of us the opportunity to be leaders and examples in our community.  We are tasked with being good examples at work, at home, and in our community.  So be the example.  Every day I come out here, I see men who I try to emulate.  Strive to live that life of integrity, honor, and high moral character. It is up to us to choose to live the life that others want to emulate.


FBC on Friday – contact Mr. Clean for deets

Upcoming Qs

5/9 – Picasso
5/10 – Fissure
5/12 – Mr. Clean
5/14 – Sidekick
5/15 – Laces Out