Life is Uphill

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 05/07/2018
PAX: Angus, Early Bird, Sidekick, Speed Bump, Whittler
AO: Beast Ridge


60 degrees of Fahrenheit, some pockets of cold air and some pockets of hot air; a Beast Ridge special touch

The Disclaimer

Welcome to F3, a free peer-led workout. You’re here because you decided to be, so do the best you can, push yourself. If it hurts, that’s a good thing, if it hurts too much, let us know. If it hurts because you’re a sissy, may God have mercy on your soul and you better have thick skin… sissy boy.


Seal Jacks, IW, PP w/ Merkin (5 IC), High plank, Side plank/side plank, Hillbillies, ST Merkins
* All IC x 11 unless otherwise noted

The Thang

YHC felt like spreading it around this morning and creating a number of challenges with variety instead of a straightforward punch-in-the-mouth. As a result, the Pax completed a variety of F3 staples with care and alarm.
Merkin Mile
10 OYO merkins for every .25 mile
Instead of the usual increment/decrement routine, we just did two exercises at top/bottom of the corner hill.  Each of the pax got a chance to call out two exercises for the Pax to perform 11 reps each.
1 – Merkins/Squats (Pro)
2 – Plank/Lunges (Pro)
3 – Spartan Abs/Pickle Pounders (Sidekick)
4 – Merkins/Squats (Angus)
5 – Froggy Squats/LBC (Whittler)
6 – Crab cakes/BBSU (Speedbump)
7 – Reverse Lunges/??? (Early Bird)
*mosey to concrete steps
For the date – May 7th (5-7) – we did alternating 5s and 7s
5 incline merkins
7 box jump
5 decline merkins
* Repeat x 3

Whittler’s <@f3whittler> comment about doing BBSU’s up an incline made for a great workout title. And very appropriate food for thought. Here’s how it went down…
Sidekick <@mattgt5> noticed, “Whittler is doing the BBSUs up the hill.”
To which, Whittler replied, “Life is uphill.”

Indeed it is.  Well played, sir!

50 yards of Mary
* Pax line up at the end point of the stairs and face the full length of the field ~100 yards. Each 50 yards were completed together. As the early Pax waited on the six, they planked or did pistol LBCs.
– Bear Crawl 50 yards
– Duck Walk 50 yards (turn around)
– Bear Crawl 50 yards
– Lunge 50 yards
*Time was starting to close in on us….

Merkin Wave

* Pax form a circle and increment one merkin per each revolution
We made it 5 rounds of Merkins until endex

Upcoming Qs

5/8 – Whittler
5/9 – Picasso
5/10 – Fissure
5/12 – Open @ Landfill
5/14 – Sidekick
5/15 – Laces Out
5/16 – Ohms
5/17 – Rainman
5/19 – Mr. Clean

Three Ring Circus

QIC: Sidekick
Date: 05/03/2018
PAX: Angus,  Cable Cutter, Candu, The Count,  Hardtail, Ohms, Ringwald,  Speed Bump, Sundance, Whittler
AO: Hill City


61 Degrees and clear, Absolutely Fantastic

The Disclaimer

This is F3.  You are here on your own will, we are not professionals, we push each other to get better, modify when necessary


Mosey to the Great Hall
SSH IC X 20; Cotton Pickers IC X 15; Imperial Walkers IC X 15; LBC IC X 15, Slow Mericans on call X 5; Wall Sit 90 seconds; Chicken Peckers IC X 10; Arm Circles IC X 10, Reverse IC X 10; Mosey to the Rhino

The Thang

Today we tried out the Three Ring Circus.  Something new to provide a little competition in the group and hopefully build some burst and lung function
Title of exercises or routine
Break up into teams of 3, we had 11 so one team of 2.  3 stations within each team:

Block Curls, Plank and Sprint.  Sprint is roughly 40 yds down and 40 yds back.  I left my yardage wheel in my other compression shorts so work with me here.  The circus goes like this: One guy sprints while one guy knocks out 10 curls and the third holds plank. When the sprinter is back, the block drops and PAX takes off.  Plank goes to block, sprinter goes to Plank.  Repeat until all 3 PAX have completed all three stations.  Winning team holds Al Gore, 2nd Place (1st loser (Ricky Bobby)) gets 4 burpees, 3rd place (2nd loser) gets 8 burpees, and 4th Place (Rhino’s tail) gets 12 Burpees.
We completed 4 cycles of this and redrafted teams each round with 4th choosing first.  The fourth round due to intense pain I audibled to 3-6-9 burpees for the losers.
I have to commend the speed of the PAX. The group really pushed themselves and tried to win the race.  Everybody left it on the field (coach cliche’).
After 4 cycles, I opted for a Frankenstein walk with some Yoga mixed in to keep from falling out in front of my friends.  But I have to say, for a fat guy I held my own in the sprints.
After the Yoga we mosey walked to the parking lot and had time to knock out about 15 Block Worms a piece.
Wrapped up with some American Hammers, Crunchy Frogs, LBC, Flutter Kicks and Box cutters, all IC X 15
Mosey to Flag


Wanted to sue the workout as an example of how pushing our own limits can lift up others.  By performing above our expectations at home, at work, in church and in our communities, we lift the performance of others.  Never be the Anchor, be the beacon that shows the way.


No new news

Sweat Angels in the Prison Yard

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 05/03/2018
PAX: Ducktales
AO: The Huey


Partly cloudy. 61 degrees. Very early stages of the Waning Gibbous.  The moon was beautiful and smiling down on the men of F3.

The Disclaimer

This is F3. You are here on your own free will.  I am not a professional. Push Yourself. Don’t hurt yourself.


SSH x 18 IC
Cherry Pickers x 20 IC
BAC/Reserve x 10 IC
Moroccan Night Club x 18 IC
SSH x 18 IC

The Thang

YHC was not looking for a catchy title but apparently planned a beat down that inspired one from fellow, hard working Pax, Duck Tails.  So, to the “Prison Yard” it was
Prison Yard
Station One
Pax 1 mosey to the first light pole, sprinted to the next, and moseyed to the 3rd light pole, completed 5 BBSU, and returned to Pax with the same procedure.
Pax 2 completed rotor pulls over the swing set bar until Pax 1 returned.  (To my Griff Pax yesterday, the friction is indeed real and made a huge difference today).
Flapjack. Rinse and Repeat until 15 BBSU were completed.
Station 2
Pax 1 mosey to the first light pole, sprinted to the next, and moseyed to the 3rd light pole, completed 5 BBSU, and returned to Pax with the same procedure.
Pax 2 completed a 5 shrug/5 shoulder press combo with coupons until Pax 1 returned.
Flapjack. Rinse and Repeat until 15 BBSU were completed.
Station 3
Pax 1 mosey to the first light pole, sprinted to the next, and moseyed to the 3rd light pole, completed 5 BBSU, and returned to Pax with the same procedure.
Pax 2 completed “15s” or curl sets consisting of 5 half way up, 5 half way down, and 5 full, concentration curls until Pax 1 returned.
Flapjack. Rinse and Repeat until 15 BBSU were completed.
Mosey back to the Startex.  Hold plank, in cadence (led by Duck Tails), until time was called….(exercises completed with coupons on our backs)


When YHC gives a moleskin the inspiration usually develops from a Biblical inspiration or something revolving around love/commitment.  Today’s moleskin comes from more inspiration revolving around commitment.
First, be committed to the task at hand, and if you cannot be committed, then be a man and admit it.  Excuses are not necessary (too busy, family time, early, distance, zealots in the group, “I can’t just quit the gym etc..), but show respect to those around you by admitting you’re overloaded and dial it back.  This “being a man” about it is MUCH more respectful than leaving cliff hangers as to whether you will attend the Gloom.
Second, if in life you have priorities that are very important to you (for YHC it goes: God, Family, Friends/Job, and F3).  F3 makes me better, makes me stronger, makes me more confident, and helps with my accountability but will NEVER take precedence over the first three priorities.
ALL THAT being said: if you have an opportunity in your life, such as F3, it makes you better, and does not negatively affect those main priorities, then why not give it a shot and/or return to the Gloom on a regular basis.
Lastly, my greatest hope for this Moleskin is that; I am not “preaching to the choir”.  YHC hopes some man, built for leadership reads this and thinks “good point, I’ll see you in the Gloom with a Down Painment”
-Clean Out


05/04/2018 – 3rd F Roundtable Discussion – Karl’s Restaurant (Hixson)

Upcoming Qs

05/05/2018 – Ohms (Landfill)
05/07/2018 – Prosciutto (Beast Ridge)
05/08/2018 – Whittler (Hill City)
05/09/2018 – Picasso (The Griff)
05/10/2018 – Fissure (Hill City)
05/12/2018 – Q School (Landfill)

BOjangles Knows Commitment

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 05/02/2018
PAX: Ohms & Sidekick
AO: The Griff


59 degrees.  Cloudy. Amazing early morning spring weather! 

The Disclaimer

We are all Qs…push it but don’t hurt it


SSH x 20 IC
Cherry Pickers x 20 IC
BAC/Reverse x 20 IC
SSH x 20 IC
Plank x 20 IC
Donkey Plank x 10 IC (Each Leg)
SSH x 20 IC

The Thang

YHC arrived early for a little setup with VERY high hopes and prepared the first exercise for 7-9 guys.  Well, audibles are quite acceptable in F3 and with the help of Sidekick, an audible was indeed called.
Bear-i-cides & Plain Ole Vanilla Suicides
Bear – i – cides – Pax carried a rock (which became two rocks after the audible) while bear crawling for 5 – 10 yard suicides.
Vanilla Suicides – Pax carried rocks for 5 – 20 yard suicides.
Pax then shifted to the swing set where we conveniently found rotors on the ground, rope attached to them which was thrown over the swing set bar…we had found ourselves a couple of lat pull-down stations, F3 style.
Lats and LaterALs
Pax did the following: Partner 1 held a squat while completing lateral raises. Partner 2 completed 3 lat pulldowns. Flapjack. Rinse and repeat 9 times for a total of 27 reps.
(Lat Pulldown Disclaimer – These were not Planet Fitness lat pull-downs but F3 style “pulldowns”.  Mumblechatter was also evident as we discussed friction, rotors vs. drums, cotton vs. nylon rope, and the degree of difficulty difference between the two stations.  There was also POOOSSSIBLLYYY discussion about the distinct advantage Sidekick and YHC has over Ohms for this particular activity ie..meat on dem bones)
BOjangles Biscuits
Straight from the Lexicon with some flare.  Pax moseyed over to the track at the football field.
Lap 1 – Sausage – Meat – Merkins – 20 Reps
Lap 2 – Ham – Bacon – Big Boy Sit-Ups – 20 Reps
Lap 3 – BoBerry/Cinamon – Diabetes – Dolly – 20 Reps IC
Lap 4 – Finish Strong
Mosey back to the parking lot at the playground.  Pax finished with a healthy dose of Captain Planet Merkins. (Think: Shake and Bake Merkins with 3 people.)


In depth moleskin planned…audible again.  Thanks to a current AOQ and possible future AOQ for knowing and Showing commitment. Ohms and Sidekick — WELL DONE!


HDHH – Clydes – Contact Whittler for details (TONIGHT)!
Possible F3 Chatt shirt orders – Please Vote on Slack Poll
Upcoming 3rd F Opportunity – Karl’s Restaurant –  Friday – May 4th – more details to come

Upcoming Qs

05/03/2018 – Sidekick (Hill City)
05/05/2018 – Ohms (Landfill)
05/07/2018 – Prosciutto (Beast Ridge)
05/08/2018 – Whittler (Hill City)
05/09/2018 – Picasso (The Griff)

I Wanna Go Fast

QIC: Ohms
Date: 04/28/2018
PAX: Angus, FNG-Blanket, Buggy, Chief, Geek Squad, Mr. Clean, Sundance, The Count, Whittler, Wort
AO: The Landfill


Sunny, clear skies, a brisk 52 deg F, with a 0% chance of rain.

The Disclaimer

I’m Ohms. I’m on Q this AM. I am not a professional, you are here on your own free will, push yourselves this morning, but modify if necessary.


Windmills x 15 IC
Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
Finkle Swing x 15 OYO
LAC x 15 IC
LAC Reverse x 15 IC
Shoulder Press x 15 IC
Ass Kickers x 15 IC
Hold Plank while waiting for Buggy (shart sacking) to join the group

The Thang

Once the warm-up was completed we took a short mosey to the top Gate:

Route 66
Route from the top gate to the bottom gate and then back up to the top gate:
– 1 Burpee at Top Gate
– 2 Burpees at the first Speed Bump,
– 3 Burpees at the second Speed Bump
– 4 Burpees at the third Speed Bump
– Rinse and Repeat until you reach 11 total stops/ 11 burpees.
****The sum total of all reps is 66 Burpees and 1.0 miles
Dirty McDeuce
– L (LBCs x 12 IC)
– A (Al Gore x 12 IC)
– M (Merkins x 12 IC)
– Repeat all 3 exercises
– Catch me if you can (PAX #1: Bernie Sander while holding coupon, PAX #2: 3 Burpees and then sprint to catch partner…Flapjack)
– B (Ballerina Squats x 12 IC)
– O (Overhead Press x 12 IC)
– R (Russian Twists x 12 IC)
– Repeat all 3 exercises
– Catch me if you can
– G (Gas Pumps x 12 IC)
– H (Hip Slappers x 12 IC)
– I (Imperial Squat Walker x 12 IC)
– Repeat all 3 exercises
– Catch me if you can
– N (Never Cross Dolly x 12 IC)
– I (Incline Merkins x 12 IC)
– S (Squats x 12 IC)
– Repeat all 3 exercises
Red Barchetta
– 100 yard sprint
– SSH x 100 OYO
– 75 yard sprint
– Mountain Climbers x 75 OYO
– 50 yard sprint
– LBCs x 50 OYO
– 25 yard sprint
– Merkins x 25 OYO


“Slow down and enjoy life. It’s not only the scenery you miss by going too fast – you also miss the sense of where you are going and why”


GoRuck Tough: August 17 (Contact Angus or Vila for more info)
Tough Mudder: September 15 (Contact Ohms for more info)
Taco Tuesday see Early Bird for more info
HDHH see Whittler for more info

Upcoming Qs

  • Tuesday @ Hill City – Angus
  • Wednesday @ The Griff – Mr. Clean
  • Thursday @ Hill City – Sidekick

Going Golfing

QIC: Steam Engine
PAX: The Count, Angus, Whittler, Early Bird, Free Bird, Sidekick
AO: Beast Ridge
Date: 4/30/2018
Conditions: Cold spring morning at roughly 40 degrees

Disclaimer: I’m Steam Engine. I’m on Q this AM. I am not a professional, you are here on your own free will, push yourselves this morning, but modify if necessary.
Burpees OYO 5
Little Arm Circles IC 15x
Reverse LAC IC 15x
Cherry Pickers IC 15x
Windmill IC 15x
That was enough of that since we had a long mosey ahead of us to make it to the disc golf course on the other side of Beast Ridge. Promised a few stops to break the long mosey up
Stop 1:
Burpees OYO 5
Big Boy Sit Ups OYO 10
Pretzel IC 8x (Both sides)
Stop 2:
Dips IC 10x
Incline Merkins IC 10x
Mosey to entrance of disc golf course and to Hole 1
The Thang:
At each tee perform a set number of burpees, bear crawl to basket, perform a Mary exercise as a group at the basket before heading to the next hole.
Hole 1: Burpee OYO 1, bear crawl (Beast Ridge is known to flood and it caused some problems in Hole 1. We got up from bear and tried to make it across the swamp as safely as possible.) LBC IC 14x
Hole 2: Burpee OYO 2, Duck Walk to basket, Flutter Kick IC 15x
Hole 3: Burpee OYO 3, (And The Count realized he has dropped his key somewhere between Hole 2 Basket and Hole 3 tee pad. Next exercise search for The Count’s car key. After some searching we were able to locate his key near the Hole 2 Basket)
Time was running low so we started to mosey back to the shovel flag with some stops on the way.
Stop 1:
Merkins IC 5x
Stop 2:
YHC doesn’t recall the exact exercise performed but it was probably something along the lines of:
Burpees OYO 5x
Mary IC 10x
After returning safely to the shovel flag there was plenty of time for 5MOM.
Mary (Dealers Choice):
Dying Cockroach (Steam Engine) IC 15x
Pickle Pounders (Whittler) IC 15x
American Hammers (Sidekick) IC 15x
Flutter Kicks (Early Bird) IC 15x
Freddy Mercury (Freebird) IC 15x
Iron Cross Crunch (Angus) IC 15x

Prayer Request:
Count Closing on house.
Early Bird wife
F3 brothers that haven’t made it to the gloom in awhile. Reach out to them and check up on them
GoRuck Tough: August 17 (Contact Angus or Vila for more info)
Tough Mudder: September 15 (Contact Ohms for more info)
Taco Tuesday see Early Bird for more info
HDHH see Whittler for more info
WOD: There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance – Ecclesiastes 3:1-4
This weekend I went to my parents in AL and had a lot stuff planned with my family and to catch up with old friends but as soon as I got to my parents home I found out we were attending a funeral on Saturday that changed all my plans. At the funeral it was nice being with loved ones and taking the time to show our respect. It gave me time to put things in prospective and to enjoy the moment. We tend to live life from one event to the next rarely taking time to reflect on what we just accomplished. Just know that there is a season for everything and that its ok to take time for yourself and family.


AROD, Hope, and Capture the Flag

04/26/2018 Thursday 0500 at Hill City

YHC woke up a little late and staggered into the gloom with eyes still slightly crusted over. Its the responsibility of QIC to bring the energy. To be perfectly honest, YHC was struggling this morning, struggling to bring it. But I was there, because by my own word I committed to being there.
There are days you commit to that #DRP because you know, no matter how you feel, that your community is relying on you to be there. Whether its your turn to bring the beat down or just make sure there’s not a man standing out alone under the street light. And the guy next to you might need you to bring that energy. That might be what changes the course of the day for that man.
The time was taken to put together a slightly new routine, not a reinvention of the wheel but a new take on a classic.
After the trademark warm-up the PAX began the “AROD” aka the Grand Slam Dora (at which point Sundance made a mystical appearance) — it wasn’t a disaster but YHC quickly saw the flaw in the plan and started thinking through ways it could be improved for next time.

The AROD aka Grand-slam Dora

While 1 pax goes exploring the rest of the pax perform an exercise of the Q’s choosing and continue doing that exercise until all pax have gone out and back. repeat with a different exercise each time.
This got a little monotonous with just merkins for 10 minutes/LBC/Squats for just as long. YHC would recommend modifying by allowing the exploring pax to call the AMRAP exercise to be executed while the run is being made. 
We moseyed back to The Hill for a little 5 MOM to close things out.

What are your hopes? 

YHC spoke from the heart. With all of the changes and growth YHC realized it’s important to continually articulate personal goals and intentions in regard to desires for the community.
In YHC’s mind it’s obvious and clear. No one knows what’s going on in your heart and mind. If they’ve just gotten on the boat, they might not know the heading. 

With that in mind, YHC shared that it’s important to give your hopes a voice. Talk with your wife about what you want for your household (and listen to what she wants too #ALR). Sit down with your manager or boss and let them know where you hope the trajectory of your career is going.
If you have a mentor in your life (no? then get one), bounce it off of them first. Turn those hopes into goals.

Turn the abstract, I hope to lose weight into the practical my goal is to lose 15lbs in 1 month.

And here’s the kicker, your brothers out here in the gloom? They are here to hold you to those goals. The accountability we talk about does not start at 0530 and end at 0615 — it should be carrying through the days.
The Take-a-way
YHC hopes this community develops into a handful of AOs that can make each neighborhood they serve a stronger and more vibrant group of men to better serve our region.
YHC hopes these AOs are equipped, empowered, and inspired to start working towards creating programming for all 3 F’s:
Fitness, Fellowship, AND Faith
YHC hopes that as we continue to move towards our independence that we will grow closer together and that we will have a considerable reputation in Chattanooga for transformation of individuals and service of our community.
Now, YHC humbly asks for help in turning these hopes into goals. 

Capture the flag

After all was said and done with COT the PAX noticed that there was no shovel flag, curiously enough it was there at the start.
Everyone walked around the AO thinking maybe it had fallen and been relocated to a safer more stable location, no luck. We asked some of the homeless folks who’d been camped out under the shelter, because it was a rainy morning after all.
15 minutes or so had gone by and all the reasonable real estate had been covered. As YHC was getting ready to give up and head on home Prosciutto drove up and made a suggestion that we should slip some of the homeless folks a couple bucks for the intel. Fissure decided to take him up on the challenge.
For about $5 one of the lady’s cackled and growled at one of her neighbors:
“Don’t you dare say I said nothin!”  the woman exhaled and the YHC heard the answer from a distance. But it seemed as if she was still trying to speak in some sort of code.
“erm..Go down the second trail”
Fissure glanced back with a somewhat confused look on his face
she repeated it, “they was on bikes and went down there. its the second trail.”
YHC had a somewhat of a surprised look.
Fissure moved his car a little closer to the sidewalk that leads down to the river, as if in prep for a quick get-a-way.
YHC said one thing “I don’t want to get stabbed down there?!”
Fissure said something like “I’ll go down there if you do”
With an overcast sky and the early morning sun just barely providing enough light, we headed down the sidewalk. Luckily, we had enough adrenaline and testosterone still pumping through our veins from the workout that neither one of us would have admitted to being scared at all. But I’m pretty sure if you’d have asked either one of us to draw a straight line neither one of us could’ve done it.
We got to the bottom of the sidewalk and there it was… the second trail. YHC stuck is head in and looked back at Fissure. The tree covering was thick and the outline of the trail was just shorter than either one of us so we had to duck down. There was a lot of trash and what appeared to be the silhouette of tent.
YHC knew that we just had to keep moving forward but needed to be on guard — this was unfamiliar and unstable territory.  We plodded down the slick and muddy trail stepping carefully over roots so we didn’t trip.
YHC hollered forward in hopes of engaging whoever (or whatever) may be back there. The last thing YHC wanted to do was catch some coked up junky off guard and catch the business end of a dull kitchen utensil.
We heard a soft response..
“uh yes.. hello?”
“hellooo we’re back here”
YHC Repeated the question “DID YALL TAKE A SHOVEL”
“oh.. uh yes. uh. just a second.. we were just borrowing it.”
What appeared to be a walking dreadlock emerged from a tent that might have been built entirely from umbrellas and tarp.
The guy was obviously caught a little off guard and might have been slightly high but kindly returned the shovel.. he was just “borrowing” after all. He repeated a few more times.
YHC and Fissure dialogued for a moment with the guy and after getting our property back we headed for the parking lot. Sure to keep one eye on our six. We discussed a few things on the way back up, how we could help the guy or bring him something back that might replace his now missing shovel. Still thinking about this one — we can serve these folks some how.
But the resolution: We had recaptured our flag. 
Props to Fissure and Pro for making it happen. Another hallmark in the strength we bring to one another.

This community makes YHC better. And for that there isn’t enough thanks that can be communicated to every single person. Your time and commitment is appreciated.
YHC knows our time is valuable and you choose to give it away for you brothers.
TCLAPS to all of our brothers in F3chatt and across f3nation.
_Angus Out

Forcing Faith

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 04/26/2018
PAX: Cherry Log, Slippers
AO: The Huey


57 degrees. 99% humidity.  Very Heavy Cloud Cover.  

The Disclaimer

This is F3.  You are here on your own free will.  Push Yourself. Don’t Hurt Yourself.


SSH x 15 IC
Windmill x 15 IC
SSH x 15 IC
Imperial Walker x 15 IC
SSH x15 IC
Shoulder Blaster (BAC, Reverse BAC, Chinooks, & Shoulder Press)
SSH x 15 IC

The Thang

YHC wanted to incorporate coupons and something beyond just the track.
Cottage Dora
The Pax has 3 stations. Shoulder Presses, Curls, and Bent Over Rows.
2 Pax completed a station while the 3rd ran to the Gazebo, completed 5 Incline Merkins, ran up, through, and down, and completed 5 Derkins.
The rotation continued until each Pax had completed 20 Incline Merkins and 20 Derkins.
Coupon Laps
The Pax ran laps together.  Each Pax was responsible for carrying the coupon at least once during the run.
Pax completed a 1 mile total run.  All 3 Pax carried the coupon for AT LEAST one WHOLE Lap!!!


Angus, Fissure, and YHC have had several discussion regarding the 3rd F of F3.  Anyone that takes the time to read this and participated in a few beatdowns with me knows that I hold my Faith EXTREMELY important.  My Faith teaches me that it revolves around love and love calls for relationship building and genuine connections with others.  I will always take every opportunity to proudly let people know my Faith is in Jesus Christ, my hope is that ALL will find their way to him, and as HE loved me I strive to love others the same.  Therefore, I/WE cannot, again cannot, force Faith upon anyone!! Let others see your Faith through your actions; because, they have to connect with you before they can connect with things outside of yourself.
Please as you finish this week out, no matter where you place your faith, work to build positive relationships with others.  Because GENTLEMEN, THAT IS HOW YOU SPREAD YOUR IDEALS AND MORALS TO OTHERS.  It is honor to share the Gloom with you all
–Clean Out


FBC @ Longhorn Restaurant on the Northshore.

Upcoming Qs

04/27/2018 – Ohms (Landfill)
04/29/2018 – Steam Engine (Beast Ridge)
New Q Schedule Coming Soon!!!

Leg Loops

QIC: Fissure
Date: 04/25/2018
PAX: Angus, Mr. Clean, Speed Bump, Whittler
AO: The Griff


57°, Cloudy, felt like 57°, Humidity 79%, Wind 4 mph WNW

The Disclaimer

This is F3.  I’m not a professional.  Push yourself.  Don’t hurt yourself.


  • Mosey 1 lap
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Toe Merkins on the curb x 10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Toe Merkins on flat earth x 10 IC
  • High Knees x 20 IC
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Mosey 1 lap

The Thang

Leg Loops
Loop 1, Slow n Low Squats x 10 (together) every quarter lap of the playground loop, lunge in between
Loop 2, Jump Squats x 10 every quarter loop, reverse lunge in between
Loop 3, Regular Squats x 15 every quarter loop, run in between
8-count Body Builders x 10
Flutterkicks x 20 IC, American Hammers x 15 IC, 8-count body builders x 5
Flutterkicks x 15 IC, American Hammers x 10 IC, 8-count body builders x 5
Flutterkicks x 10 IC, American Hammers x 10 IC
Run 3 loops at easy pace, Run 1 loop fast(er)


One of the PAX pointed out that YHC was the oldest of the 5 HIM gathered.  So, that’s great.
Also great was the halitosis discussion — some mighty ripe breath in the gloom this morning.
We closed with a 3rd F discussion.  F3 is unique in that it encourages and embraces faith but does not prescribe any faith in particular.  I’d encourage anyone interested to check out the Qsource for great material.
This was especially relevant to the 3rd F:


FBC @ Longhorn at 6am.  Run/Ruck opportunity prior so consult Fellowship channel on Slack

Upcoming Qs

Thursday – Angus (Hill City)
Saturday – Ohms (Landfill)

Come on Back FNG

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 04/24/2018
PAX: FNG & Lugnut
AO: The Huey


59 degrees. 94% humidity. The Huey’s nice stream was overflowing it banks, the infield was extremely soggy, well, it was gloomy outside.  Conditions assessment – exactly PERFECT weather for F3 and and FNG. 

The Disclaimer

This is F3, it is a free, peer led workout and you are here on your own free will.  Push yourself but modify if necessary.


Capri Lap
SSH x18 IC
FInkle Swings x10
SSH x15 IC
Alternating Toe Touches x12 IC
FNG Arrival
SSH x12 IC

The Thang

YHC has had a rough couple of weeks between battling sickness, trying to stay devoted to “my” AOs, and planning for Special Olympics.  However, committed men were waiting under a lamp post to circle up and get the beatdown they expected and deserved.  Today’s activities 0532 – 0617…
Take Lap
Lap 1 (Together) – 20 Merkins @ each Lamp Post
Lap 2 (Together) – 30 Squats @ each Lamp Post
Super 21’s 
Ascending Shoulder Presses to Descending LBCs
120 Merkins
180 Squats
66 LBCs and 66 Shoulder Presses
(Time caught us)


Today’s moleskin took its own little turn as we welcomed an FNG. I outlined the importance of this thing we call the COT, and the importance of our willingness to open up to each other to truly form a lifelong bond. I gave examples of some of the many things I’ve heard when brothers have opened up. I ended with the challenge that our FNG return to get his name at an established AO and learn more about the camaraderie that happens here.


FBC @ LongHorn at 0600. OTB run for those interested led by YHC and Steam

Upcoming Qs