A Conscious Endeavor

QIC: Whittler
Date: 04/23/2018
PAX: Prosciutto
AO: Beast Ridge


58 degrees and the definition of wet and gloomy.  After all, it wouldn’t be a Beast Ridge workout without it being really wet.

The Disclaimer

Disclaimer was given as we began our mosey.  Pre-existing injuries were disclosed at this time.  It was also disclaimed that we would in fact be getting wet during this workout.


Mosey to shelter in the parking lot that was in place from the recent “Tattanooga” event this past weekend.
SSH x 20
Plank x 20
Plank Jack x 20
Alternating toe touches x 15
SSH x 15
Arm circles x 15
Imperial walker x 15
Plank x 15
Windmill merkin x 10

The Thang

As an homage to Vila and my first ever post with F3 Chatt, I decided to do a little 4 corners escalator/de-escalator.  Arbitrary corners were identified approximately 30 yards apart.
Four Corners Escalator
Corner 1 – 10 merkins
Corner 2 – 10 merkins, 20 flutter kicks
Corner 3 – 10 merkins, 20 flutter kicks, 30 froggy squats
Corner 4 – 10 merkins, 20 flutter kicks, 30 froggy squats, 40 LBCs
Head to pavilion for intermission
Dips x 20
Incline merkins x 20
Decline merkins x 20
Four Corners De-escalator
Corner 1 – 40 LBCs, 30 froggy squats, 20 flutter kicks, 10 merkins
Corner 2 – 30 froggy squats, 20 flutter kicks, 10 merkins
Corner 3 – 20 flutter kicks, 10 merkins
Corner 4 – 10 merkins
Mosey to the hill at the entrance for some pyramids
LBC x 5 at the bottom
Run up hill
LBC x 10
LBC x 15
LBC x 15
LBC x 10
LBC x 5
Down and mosey around parking lot and settle down for 5 MoM
American Hammer x 15
Heel touches x 15
Pretzel crunches x 15 per side
Plank x 15
Pickle Pounder x 10


“I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.” -Henry David Thoreau
I came upon this quote recently while reading “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” and thought immediately about what we do with F3.  We as men and as human beings have the unique ability to change our situation by conscious endeavor.  Each morning when we wake up to work out, we make that conscious effort to make ourselves better.  While we may have spouses that encourage us, we have to take it upon ourselves to elevate our lives.  Happiness and fulfillment in our lives is achieved by conscious effort.  Prosciutto and I were able to spend some time sharing different things happening in our lives and it was refreshing to reconnect with a brother who is going through similar things in life.  There we were, standing in the pouring rain, talking about life and getting through each day by being the best husband, father, and co-worker that we can be.  We are incredibly lucky to be surrounded by such a strong group of men.  And to think, those men are there for us by their on conscious effort.


FBC this Friday – Mr. Clean for the deets
GoRuck coming soon.

Upcoming Qs – It’s going to be a week of absolute beatdowns.  Don’t miss one of them.

Tuesday – Stairmaster (Hill City)
Wednesday – Fissure (The Griff)
Thursday – Angus (Hill City)
Saturday – Ohms (Landfill)

Super 21 & Wiffle Ball

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 04/22/2018
PAX: Angus, Candu, Cherry Log, Geek Squad, Mr. Clean, Ringwald, Slippers, Snowflake, Vila, Wort
AO: Landfill


An unseasonably cool 41 degree morning proving this to be a very cool spring day in Chattanooga.  I checked the sunrise times and 7:03am was the rise, so I knew we’d have plenty of sunlight for what was shortly coming.

The Disclaimer

We’re here to have fun and get better together. Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself. Modify where needed.


Side Straddle Hop x 20 IC
Lunge x 12 IC
Arm (Merkin) x 12 IC
Cherry Pickers x 15 IC
Knees (High then Wide; both) x 12 IC

The Thang

When I saw that I was going to have a Saturday Q towards the end of April two things popped into my mind. Yes, we will have an early sunrise, and two, what can we do for fun?  I didn’t think we should dedicate an entire 60 minutes to fun, because I didn’t want to let the PAX down.  They show up to get down and to get beat down.  So, we did both:
Super 21
An old fashioned increment/decrement beatdown routine with a run/sprint/jog between each designated end point.
Merkins & Squats made sense here, and we filmed it with the GoPro time lapse shown above.
Wiffle Ball & Burpees
The game is basically baseball with a plastic yellow bat and plastic white (and sometimes red(?) ) balls. We counted off one’s and two’s and then separated into our respective group. YHC thought long and hard on a plan of attack to keep it simple, fitness-focused and fun all at the same time.  So, the rules were kept simple:
Offensively, if you:

  • Strike Out – 10 burpees (team penalty)
  • Get out in some other way (e.g. pop-up, ground ball, put out, peg) – 5 burpees (individual penalty)

Defensively, if you:

  • Make an error – 5 burpees (individual penalty)
  • Allow a run to score – 1 hill run per run scored (team penalty)

Not that it matters, but YHC team won … by a sizable margin. But, YHC team did have to execute lots of strikeout burpees.  Ya win some, and you lose some…


Geek Squad offered a great word of wisdom from a group activity that he and his team at work learned recently.  There are 5 dysfunctions of a team:

The five dysfunctions are:

  • Absence of trust—unwilling to be vulnerable within the group
  • Fear of conflict—seeking artificial harmony over constructive passionate debate
  • Lack of commitment—feigning buy-in for group decisions creates ambiguity throughout the organization
  • Avoidance of accountability—ducking the responsibility to call peers on counterproductive behavior which sets low standards
  • Inattention to results—focusing on personal success, status and ego before team success

He shared that he felt that F3 was a great opportunity for men to come in and be connected with such a great team; also, to learn what a successful and non-dysfunctional team looks like. F3 is encouraging, it’s uplifting, it’s a place where men are committed to one another and accountable to the overall success of the team.  Thanks for sharing this with us Geek Squad, albeit impromptu or otherwise, it was awesome to hear you share that.


Special Olympics event
Trail Races
GoRuck Tough

Auto Posting to Slack

Now all backblasts will be automagically posted to the #backblasts channel in slack. All you gotta do is hit that publish button and the magic will do the rest.
_angus out

Linkin Logs Road Show


QIC: Sidekick
Date: 04/18/2018
PAX: Angus, Candu, The Count, Early Bird, Kit Kat, Sidekick, Speed Bump, Whittler
AO: Hill City


51 degrees, Wind 12 MPH out of west, Clear skies

The Disclaimer

Sidekick is not a professional, push yourself but modify where necessary for your safety and well being, We are F3


Cotton Pickers IC X 15
Man Makers on call X 10

The Thang

Little bit of Running today with some shoulders and legs mixed in.  Keeps the HR up
Title of exercises or routine
Mosey to the great hall
Wall Sit X 60 seconds
Chicken Peckers (wall plank on columns with alternating shoulder taps) IC X 10
Wall Sit X 75 seconds
Chicken Peckers (wall plank on columns with alternating shoulder taps) IC X 10
Mosey to the Walnut st Bridge
Bridge run to the center of the bridge
Linkin Log Merkins X 5
Bridge run to S Chatt entrance, 25 Merkins OYO
Bridge Run to Center of Bridge
Linkin Log Merkins X 5
Bridge Run to N Chatt entrance, 25 Merkins OYO
Mosey Back to Flag
Pickle Pounders IC X 20
American Hammers IC X 15
Freddy Mercury IC X 15
Flutter Kicks IC X 25
Circle up


Talked about our influence as members of F3 on the people we interact with daily.  We as leaders provide an opportunity for accountability and an outlet for everyone we meet.  I strive to be that “helping hand” to anyone so they know the burden is not theirs alone.  In the end our lives are not ours to bear, we are not in control, merely following God’s will.  An important thing to remember when we feel overwhelmed or the pressures of day to day life.


Good luck in the races this week guys.

Upcoming Qs

[*Not Required* But add the upcoming if you can]

Climbing Earthquakes


QIC: Ohms
Date: 04/18/2018
PAX: Picasso, Sidekick, Snowflake
AO: The Griff (Vandergriff Park)


Clear skies, Full hearts, Can’t lose

The Disclaimer

My name is Ohms, and I am on Q today. This is a free peer-led workout and I am not a professional. Modify if necessary but push yourself, if you do get injured we will help you out as best we can.


– Windmills x 15 IC
– SSH x 15 IC
– Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
– SSH x 15 IC
– LAC x 10 IC
– LAC (Reverse) x 10 IC
– SSH x 21 IC

The Thang

After we were nice and warm we started out by heading to the pickup truck, grabbing, some coupons, and carrying our burden to hill across the street to begin the real workout.

Dirty McDeuce
– 16 Shoulder Press, 16 Squats, 16 LBCs
– Run up & down Hill
– 16 Curls, 16 Lunges, 16 BBSU
– Run up & down Hill
– 16 Shoulder Press, 16 Squats, 16 LBCs
– Run up & down Hill w/ Coupon x 2
– 16 Curls, 16 Lunges, 16 Mountain Climbers
– Run up & down Hill w/ Coupon x 2
Red Barchetta
Designed to get the heart rate up, much like running from an unexpected 8.0 magnitude Earthquake.
– 100 Yard Dash then 100 SSHs, mosey back to start point to plank/wait for six;
– 75 yard dash then 75 LBCs, mosey back to start point to plank/wait for six;
– 50 yard dash then 50 Plank Jacks, mosey back to start point to plank/wait for six;
– 25 yard dash then 25 Merkins, mosey back to start point to plank/wait for six;
Mosey back to the Hill to pickup our coupons. Once we arrive at the hill its time for a little something else.
– Crab Walk 25 yards
– Bear Crawl up Hill
– Mosey back down Hill
– Crab Walk 25 yards
– Mosey back to Vandergriff Park parking lot carrying coupons


– BBSU x 15 OYO
– American Hammers x 15 IC
– Freddie Mercury’s x 15 IC
– Asses Up x 15 IC
– Plank x 30 IC
– 6 inch leg hold x 15 IC



“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose”
Stop thinking about the past and plan for your future. Tomorrow should not be taken for granted.


Chattanooga MS Walk – April 21, 2018 9:00 Am
Hamilton County Area Special Olympics – April 21, 2018 10:00 AM
Rock Creek Brow Beater Trail Race – April 21, 2018 8:00 AM
OTB Opportunities – Recurring Fridays (Runs/Rucks)
Chattanooga GO Ruck August 2018
Memphis Grow Ruck Q3 2018
Tough Mudder September 2018

Upcoming Qs

04/21/2018 Prosciutto (Landfill)

Steamed Clean Slippers, a Lugnut, and a Cherry on Top

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 04/17/2018
PAX: Cherry Log, Lugnut, Slippers, Steam Engine
AO: The Huey


32 degrees.  Clear, starry, and breezy.  Low humidity. 

The Disclaimer

This is F3 and you are here on your own free will.  I am not a professional.  Please push yourself this morning, modify if necessary, but do not get injured.


SSH x 18 IC
Finkle Swings x15
SSH x18 IC
Alternating Toe Touches x18 IC
SSH x18 IC

The Thang

First and foremost, YHC is one passionate guy! Trust was placed in me to start work at The Huey, so it is a special place in my heart already! When, 4 HIM arrived for a pre-post run and a 5th arrived for the beatdown! Man, the joy and the genuine pride felt was indescribable!! YHC felt it only fitting to write a ridiculously long title to honor the men that gave an HC for this morning and held with it! Well, that is all for the sentimental stuff.
Manly man status engaged…
Deck of Pain
Hearts – Squats
Diamonds – Merkins
Clubs – Burpees/Jump Squats (Somewhere in the beatdown, YHC realized Burpees needed to be modifed to Jump Squats)
Spades – Pickle Pounders IC (I love irony)
SSH x18 IC
104 – Squats
104 – Merkins
104 – Burpees/Jump Squats
104 – Pickle Pounders – IC


“Some days it just flows & I feel like I’m born to do this, other days it feels like I’m trudging through hell. Every day I make the choice to show up & see what I’ve got & to try & be better. My advice: keep showing up.” Des Linden tweet on March 5, 2018. 
Des Linden was the first American woman to win the Boston Marathon in 33 years. During her post race interview she mentioned that she didn’t think she would finish the race. No one would blame her the conditions were brutal it was cold, raining with a strong wind of up to 20 mph. Even through all this she managed to go on and win her FIRST marathon. I share this because F3 we show up every morning rain or shine to get better. As Prosciutto always says it’s about that 1%. 


HDHH – Moving Back to Wednesday (Whittler for details)
***Fellowship is struggling! Both HDHH and FBC have declined significantly.  If you can attend, then please do!  There is a lot less sweat and mid-wife noises!!!***
Chattanooga MS Walk – April 21, 2018 9:00 Am
Hamilton County Area Special Olympics – April 21, 2018 10:00 AM
Rock Creek Brow Beater Trail Race – April 21, 2018 8:00 AM (Ohms is In!)
OTB Opportunities – Recurring Fridays (Runs/Rucks)
Chattanooga GO Ruck August 2018
Memphis Grow Ruck Q3 2018
Tough Mudder September 2018

Upcoming Qs

04/18/2018 Ohms (The Griff)
04/19/2018 Ringwald (Hill City)
04/21/2018 Prosciutto (Landfill)
04/23/2018 Whittler (Beast Ridge)
04/24/2018 Stairmaster (Hill City)
04/25/2018 Fissure (The Griff)
04/26/2018 Angus (Hill City)
04/28/2018 Ohms (Landfill)

How Do You Like Them Abbles?!


QIC: Ringwald
Date: 04/17/2018
PAX: Angus, Candu, Fissure, Laces Out, Ohms, Picasso, Speed Bump, The Count, Whittler
AO: Hill City


Spring time has…taken a vacation. The guys brought out the layers to fight the 35 degree weather. Let it be known that one month ago it was exactly the same temperature.

The Disclaimer

My name is Ringwald, and I am on Q today. This is a peer-led workout as I am not a professional. Modify if necessary but push yourself, if you do get injured we will help you out as best we can.


Great Hall

  • 21s – 5 burpee penalty for not ending together
  • Arm Circles X 15 IC
  • Reverse Arm Circles X 15 IC
  • Chinook X 15 IC
  • Imperial Walkers X 15 IC
  • 21s – 5 burpee penalty for not ending together
  • Ass Kickers X 15 IC
  • Windmill X 15 IC
  • Cotton Pickers X 15 IC
  • 21s – we got it this time yo!

The Thang

Stairs by the Fountain

  • 5 Wheelbarrows Each Partner

Mt. Midoriyama

  • Partner Up
  • Partner 1 carries coupon up and back down
  • Partner 2 performs exercise until all exercises are done
    • 100 Big Boy Situps
    • 200 American Hammers
    • 300 LBCs

Stairway to Heaven

  • Partner 1 box jumps to the top
  • Partner 2 performs flutter kicks
  • Group finished with


No one has ever made himself great by showing how small someone else is. -Ivrin Himmel

Be careful how you climb your career ladder to success because you never know who you may pass on the way back down. -Donald Collins
I mentioned prior to the workout to stay positive. I wanted no one to complain how tired they were, or how busy work was, or how cold it was. I wanted to set the mentality to support each other, to be a motivator, to bring someone else up. Take this mentality and apply it to your life from the time you wake up until the time you fall asleep.


News calendar coming soon.

Upcoming Qs

4/18/18 – Ohms – The Griff
4/19/18 – Sidekick – Hill City
4/21/18 – Prosciutto – Landfill

Griff Ruck & Run

QIC: Mr. Clean/Steam Engine
Date: 04/16/2018
PAX: Angus, Lugnut, and Picasso
AO: The Griff


Apparently, we are back to winter.  39 degrees, light drizzle, and windy.

The Disclaimer

You are here on your own free will.  We will be running/rucking on public roads.  Be aware of your surroundings, stay together, watch your six.


The disclaimer and synchronizing watches. 

The Thang

We decided as a Pax that we are grown men, and we can handle different activities.  Therefore, 3 Pax went for a nice run and 2 Pax went for a ruck.  YHC mapped the route beforehand and reviewed with both Lugnut and Steam Engine.  Ironically, YHC took a wrong turn in the running portion and the running took a nice adventure off the mapped path….isn’t that sometimes part of the fun? 
4.1 Mile Run (Angus, Mr. Clean & Picasso) 
Mile 1: 10:24
Mile 2: 10:36
Mile 3: 10:12
Mile 4: 10:09
2.6 Mile Ruck (Lugnut & Steam Engine) 
Mile 1: 16:00 – 16:30
Mile 2: 16:00 – 16:30
Mile 3: 16:00 – 16:30


If you were at the workout Saturday (which happened to be reserved for Steam), then you heard a variation of the moleskin.  However, I found it necessary to express the similar sentiment to the men in which I led today.  It was an awful cold and wet morning for April 16th and, additionally, it was not a bootcamp day, but 4 men still braved the cold with me.  
13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.
16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. –John 15:13-16
So, most of the men may or may not lay down their life for me, but most if not all would come running (or rucking) no questions asked if I was in need of help.  Frankly, that is true love for one another.  I see this ever present among the men of F3 Chatt.
Additionally, I talked with Cherry Log at the Huey about reasons to commit to something and made a challenge.  I first listed my priorities: God, Family, Job, and F3.  I posed the question, “If something in your life does not interfere with those top priorities and it makes you a better man, then why in the world would you not commit to it?!”  F3 can do this! We workout in the gloom, and we take Sundays off and we have fellowship in which family is welcome to attend.  If all else fails, miss a post here and there to take care of those responsibilities, but why totally de-commit completely if you can find a way to work it out.


HDHH – Moving Back to Wednesday (Whittler for details)
***Fellowship is struggling! Both HDHH and FBC have declined significantly.  If you can attend, then please do!  There is a lot less sweat and mid-wife noises!!!***
Chattanooga MS Walk – April 21, 2018 9:00 Am
Hamilton County Area Special Olympics – April 21, 2018 10:00 AM
Rock Creek Brow Beater Trail Race – April 21, 2018 8:00 AM
OTB Opportunities – Recurring Fridays (Runs/Rucks)
Chattanooga GO Ruck August 2018
Memphis Grow Ruck Q3 2018
Tough Mudder September 2018

Upcoming Qs

04/17/2018 Sidekick (Hill City)
04/18/2018 Ohms (The Griff)
04/19/2018 Ringwald (Hill City)
04/21/2018 Prosciutto (Landfill)
04/23/2018 Whittler (Beast Ridge)
04/24/2018 Stairmaster (Hill City)

Love, Burpees, and Rock N’ Roll

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 04/14/2018
PAX: Buggy (FNG), Candu, Cherry Log (FNG), Early Bird, Fissure, Ohms, Prosciutto, Ringwald, Snowflake, Steam Engine, The Count (Respect), Vila, Whittler
AO: Landfill


61 degrees 5-10 mph winds out of the SSW. 71% humidity with imminent rain and possible rough storms on the way. Pollen count just a mere 4671…

The Disclaimer

This is F3, I am Mr. Clean and will be running things today, I am not a professional, you are here on your own free will, modify if necessary but push yourselves as hard as you can without getting hurt.


This may or may not be an accurate count.  What matters is this: Fissure took care of an AWESOME warm-up and we did this routine in fast cadence for five minutes…
My last 3 Qs have consisted of a combined 7 Pax.  You can imagine the excitement I felt this morning as I looked at double that!!

The Thang

The Pax grabbed a partner, got a station, each station was labeled with the appropriate exercise and proceeded to do the following exercises.  While one partner completed an exercise, the other partner ran to a determined point (rocks in the shape of “F3”) did a burpee, and returned.  Flapjack. Rinse and Repeat until the designated song ended. Switch stations and continue the same process.

Rock N’ Roll Dora Express

Shrugs – (45 Dumbbell) Back in Black – AC/DC
Curls – (Rotors) You Shook Me All Night Long – AC/DC
Bench Dips Thunderstruck – AC/DC
Bent Over Rows –  (Rotos) The Game (Triple H) – Motorhead
Bench Presses – (45 Barbell Plate) Real American – Rick Derringer
Shoulder Presses – (25 Dumbbell) Comedown – Bush
Hammer Curls – (20 Dumbbell) Plush – Stone Temple Pilots
Nosebreakers (Coupon) Voodoo Child (Slight Return) – Jimi Hendrix
Seated Rows (Heavy Rotor w/Rock) Cult of Personality (Living Color)
Bench Flies (DeWaynes) Jump – Van Halen

We’re Thunderstruck, Right Now!

YHC’s finishing song for long runs is almost always Right Now – Van Halen, so I found it only fitting to do an Indian Run with our last remaining song on the playlist.
When the Pax circled up, they obviously suspected the fun was over, but hey, we still had 3 minutes left! That was just the perfect amount of time to complete Thunderstruck per the Exicon.  Pax circled up in plank position and completed a merkin each time Mr. Young sang “THUNDER!”


I put A LOT of thought and planning into this Q for a multitude of reasons, but they all came back to LOVE.  Yes, you read that right, love.  First and foremost, I love the Landfill and think it is my favorite AO, but an hour on a Saturday elsewhere may lead to the same result.  As it stands, I love me some landfill.  Secondly, I love F3.  It has led this ole’ North Georgia Country Boy that can count to seben, heck even twelb, to be a better man, leader, coach, teacher, husband, father, and Christian.  Lastly and most importantly, I love the Pax of F3 Chattanooga specifically.
This morning, I realized I put entirely too much thought into the planning of the workout and not enough time into the moleskin, so I did what I always do when I am stuck, I sought the Bible’s counsel.  Love was my starting point, that was obvious, so in the back my study Bible I found a verse based on the subject that I felt related most to today’s moleskin.
If you’re reading this, I did not realize this was the verse I was turning too before I read it this morning, but I think it really speaks to the love that so many of the F3 Brothers show for each other.
It was a struggle to read and talk about. My voice cracked. I shed a tear.  I knew then, the love and passion was truly real…thanks men for being my brothers.
That verse: 13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. John 15:13-16
-Clean Out


HDHH – Moving Back to Wednesday (Whittler for details)
Chattanooga MS Walk – April 21, 2018 9:00 Am
Hamilton County Area Special Olympics – April 21, 2018 10:00 AM
Rock Creek Brow Beater Trail Race – April 21, 2018 8:00 AM
OTB Opportunities – Recurring Fridays (Runs/Rucks)
Chattanooga GO Ruck August 2018
Memphis Grow Ruck Q3 2018
Tough Mudder September 2018

Upcoming Qs

04/16/2018 Vila (Beast Ridge)
04/17/2018 Sidekick (Hill City)
04/18/2018 Ohms (The Griff)
04/19/2018 Ringwald (Hill City)
04/21/2018 Prosciutto (Landfill)

Burpee Bridge of Freedom


QIC: Fissure
Date: 04/12/2018
PAX: Candu, Early Bird, FNG-Postman (Brian Willard), Hardtail, Kit Kat, Laces Out (Respect), Ohms, Picasso, Prosciutto, Ringwald, Sidekick, Speed Bump, The Count (Respect), Whittler
AO: Hill City


45°, Broken Clouds, felt like 41°, Humidity 86%, Wind 2 mph East

The Disclaimer

Prosciutto aka the Salty Italian had ants in his pants but we managed to get on the same page about F3 being free, not led by a pro, is better when we all try hard but don’t be stupid and HOO BOY it’s great to be an American where we can gather under our flag and suck wind together.


Mosey to the Walking Bridge but not before circling up en route for 15 x 8 Count Body Builders IC.  Nice and slow to make sure we got our form straight.  Mosey continued to the start of the bridge.

The Thang

The Burpee Bridge
Prosciutto wasn’t just kind enough to show up today but also gave our FNG a demo of the perfect burpee.  It was a sight to behold.  The PAX then performed 10 burpees OYO.
Mosey with some pace to the halfway point of the bridge, hold Al Gore for the stragglers then 10 more burpees OYO.
Rinse and Repeat at the end of the bridge, then back again at the halfway and start point.
50 total burpees.  51 for Prosciutto (yes, he made sure we kept a correct count).
Mosey back to the foot of Mount Midoriyama where the PAX partnered up for what began as a Bear Crawl 123.  Partner 1 bear crawled to the top and crawled bear back down while Partner 2 began their Merkins x 100, LBC’s x 200 and Squats x 300.  YHC noticed time was speeding by and the bears were crawling pretty slowly so we switched to your standard Dora 123. Partners alternated running the hill and performing their prescribed reps until time was called.  Most pairs had reached the 200 squat point and were sucking wind.
Everyone’s favorite Salty Italian handles accountability like a real man and welcomed a dose of the flutter kicks he missed on Tuesday when he told his pals he’d be there.  We won’t name names but he wasn’t the only one…

  • Flutter kicks x 25 IC
  • Low Plank (unless you’re Ohms) x 25 IC
  • American Hammers x 15 IC
  • High Plank (unless you’re Ohms) x 25 IC
  • Aaaaaaaaaand 5 more burpees for good measure OYO


Freedom isn’t free!  Cheesy, sure, but it hits home after spending 12 hours carrying heavy things for miles and miles (plus some other fun activities) in honor of what transpired at the Bataan Death March during WWII in 1942.  Vila and I finished the GORUCK Bataan Tough event in Nashville this past weekend and it was, well, tough.  But, fortunately, at no time were we bayoneted, run over with a tank, decapitated or any number of other horrible atrocities.  It’s easy to forget how fortunate we are to assemble every week to workout while an American flag is firmly planted in the ground nearby.  It was a privilege to give a quick recap of the march and remind some high impact men how great we have it in the gloom
Highly recommend reading Ghost Soldiers:  The Epic Account of World War II’s Greatest Rescue Mission
Also highly recommend any GORUCK event.  www.goruck.com/tough


FBC – April 13, 2018 (Location: Longhorn)
Chattanooga MS Walk – April 21, 2018 9:00 Am
Hamilton County Area Special Olympics – April 21, 2018 10:00 AM
Rock Creek Brow Beater Trail Race – April 21, 2018 8:00 AM
OTB Opportunities – Recurring Fridays (Runs/Rucks)
Chattanooga GO Ruck August 2018
Memphis Grow Ruck Q3 2018
Tough Mudder September 2018

Upcoming Qs

04/14/2018 Mr. Clean (Landfill)
04/16/2018 Vila (Beast Ridge)
04/17/2018 Sidekick (Hill City)
04/18/2018 Ohms (The Griff)
04/19/2018 Ringwald (Hill City)