Backbones and Sam I Ams

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 04/11/2018
PAX: Ohms, Ringwald, Sidekick, FNG-Slippers
AO: The Griff


42 degrees clear and perfect beatdown weather.

The Disclaimer

Welcome to F3, you are here on your own free will, push yourself, modify if necessary, and be aware of your surroundings.


SSH x12 IC
Finkle Swings
SSH x15 IC
BAC x10 IC
Reverse BAC x10 IC
Moroccan Night Club x10 IC
SSH x18 IC
Global Warming (10 Merkins & 10 Presses)

The Thang

YHC was super pumped about today’s Q! An FNG was coming, we had 6 HCs, and the weinke was detailed and ready to roll! Then, real life occurred…two HCs did not show (well, thanks to Ringwald, it was eventually only one that didn’t show), and the weinke had WAY too much material. Better over planned than under planned. Here we go

Tortoise and Hare BOMBS

In the process of getting to the Startex and mumblechatter trying to understand rep counts, we were limited to the following

Bodybuilders – (50) Partner completed 10 reps and chased his partner carrying the coupon and switched.
Insert — Ringwald
Overhead Press – (150) Partner completed 20 reps and chased his partner carrying the coupon and switched.
Merkins – (100) Partner completed 20 reps and chased his partner carrying the coupon and switched.
BBSU – (100) Partner completed 20 reps and chased his partner carrying the coupon and switched.
Squats – (100) Partner completed 20 reps and chased his partner carrying the coupon and switched.


YHC is back from his very enjoyable cruise with fellow F3 brother Pumpkin and the rest of the family, and during the cruise we did some cool activities involving Dr. Suess. My son loved it and inspired me to have a Thang 1,2, and 3 this morning. Due to time constraints we only got through one; nevertheless, here is my inspiration.

During an activity, we talked about Sam I Am, and he looked at us all proudly and said, “I not Sam I Am, I Parker Wook (Luke)”. It was in this moment I realized an important lesson, we are not “Sam I Am”. We are men that need to understand adaption and forward acceleration in our lives, but we cannot, I repeat cannot become Sam I Ams! We must stick to our upright morals and remain steadfast in the tough times for those that need us the most. Know your name and mission and display both with humble pride.


FBC – April 13, 2018 (Location: Longhorn Restaurant) – change of clothes recommended, so you might as well do an OTB before hand.

Chattanooga MS Walk – April 21, 2018 9:00 Am

Hamilton County Area Special Olympics – April 21, 2018 10:00 AM

Rock Creek Brow Beater Trail Race – April 21, 2018 8:00 AM

OTB Opportunities – Recurring Fridays (Runs/Rucks)

Chattanooga GO Ruck August 2018

Tough Mudder September 2018

Upcoming Qs

04/12/2018 Fissure (Hill City)
04/14/2018 Steam Engine (Landfill)
04/16/2018 Vila (Beast Ridge)
04/17/2018 Sidekick (Hill City)
04/18/2018 Ohms (The Griff)

Standing with the Tortoise & Hare

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 04/10/2018
PAX: Lugnut
AO: The Huey


48 degrees.  No hoodies needed. Partly cloudy.

The Disclaimer

Push yourself today, I am not a professional, modify if necessary, you are here on your own free will, and do not get injured.


SSH x15 IC
Alternating Toe Touches x15 IC
SSH x15 IC
Cotton Pickers x15 IC
SSH x15 IC
Finkle Swings x15
SSH x15 IC

The Thang

YHC’s first post was also my first Q since touching dry land after a day or two off.  Yes, F3 withdrawals are real! It is good to be back and in the Gloom! Needless to say, YHC needed to shake the rust off, so here we go…
Tammy Wynette’s 
Completed a total of 200 reps. 100 Merkins and 100 Squats.
Insert 10 Count…
We took a mosey lap and obvious mumblerchatter ensued about the deadness of leags after the Tammy Wynettes.
Tortoise and the Hare Coupon Style
Pax carried coupons rather than rucks for a Tortoise and Hare Routine.
Exchanges 1 & 2 – LBCs x10 (4 Count)
Exchanges 3 & 4 – Plank x10 (4 Count)
Exchanges 5 & 6 – Weeble Wobble x10 (Single Count)
Exchanges 6 & 7 – Pickle Pounders x10 (4 Count)
Total – 6 laps 1.5 Miles


Today is April 10th, 2018.  This not a significant date in and of itself; however, it is the day after April 9th, 2018.  April 9th is extremely significant to me as this my mother’s birthday.  Yes, we take time each year to celebrate our mothers, but lets be honest, they deserve to be celebrated more often than that. A little over a week after celebrating the Death and Resurrection and reflecting upon the strong women during Jesus’ journey, I realize the importance of the mothers in our lives.  All of us have a mother and many of us are married to a mother.  My challenge is to celebrate them, thank them, and find some way to show them how much you care; because, frankly, how many times did they care and show they cared about us when we probably didn’t really deserve it. 


FBC – April 13, 2018 (Location: TBD)
Chattanooga MS Walk – April 21, 2018 9:00 Am
Hamilton County Area Special Olympics – April 21, 2018 10:00 AM
Rock Creek Brow Beater Trail Race – April 21, 2018 8:00 AM
OTB Opportunities – Recurring Fridays (Runs/Rucks)
Chattanooga GO Ruck August 2018
Tough Mudder September 2018

Upcoming Qs

04/11/2018 Mr. Clean (The Griff)
04/12/2018 Fissure (Hill City)
04/14/2018 Steam Engine (Landfill)
04/16/2018 Vila (Beast Ridge)
04/17/2018 Sidekick (Hill City)
04/18/2018 Ohms (The Griff)

Let’s Be Unreasonable


QIC: Angus
Date: 04/07/2018
PAX: The Count, Best in Show, Candu, Ohms, Laces Out, Snowflake, Geek Squad, Free Bird
AO: The Landfill


As Ohms pointed out looking out from the top of the landfill this was everything that we think of when we say “the gloom” it was a cold and wet morning 50 Degrees and drizzly.


Surprisingly, YHC skipped the COP or else thats what everyone thought. Instead we started at the top gate and jumped straight into a beastly little routine.
The Indian Run Merkin Mile
The name explains it all — we ran an indian run and stopped every quarter mile to do 25 merkins. There was some mumble chatter and confusion from the PAX since YHC didn’t kick things off with the normal 25 minute warm up. Gotta keep em guessing.
As planned we ended right near the top gate and moved things over to the bottom pavilion. Here we ran through DIDS.

Dips x 10 (IC)
Incline Merkins x 10 (IC)
Decline Merkins x 10 (IC)
Step Ups x 10 Each Leg (OYO)
Rinse and repeat x 3
YHC led the pax on a mosey over to the bottom parking lot. Here we finally got to the COP. Much to Ohms’ chagrin who showed up late to miss the warm up.
SSH x 20 (IC)
Release Merkins x 15 (OYO)
Mountain Climbers x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15
High Knees x 15
Jump Squats x 15
LBC x 15
Pickle Pounders x 10
Plank x 15
Since the ground was wet the Release Merkins were a huge hit. YHC figured everybody would be excited to make the most of sog.
We headed back to the top of the hill in the best way YHC knows how — bear crawls. YHC was sure to take the pax down to the longest steepest part of the hill.
Once the 6 arrived the PAX were given a choice:
A) Bear Crawl Inch Worm
PAX lines up head to to feet in plank position. The man in the back of the line bear crawls to front of the line and yells front and next man does the same thing until whole PAX has done it.

B) Bear Crawl Snake
Similar to Bear Crawl Inch Worm, but adds a weave. PAX line up head to feet in plank position. The man at the back of the line, bear crawls to front of the line, weaving in and out of planking PAX and yells when at front. Next man does the same thing until all PAX have completed. Repeato as necessary.
YHC heard the PAX’s choice loud and clear for option A the Bear Crawl Inch Worm with the added repeato to take the line down the the rock pile.

The Thang

The PAX selected a rock and headed to the ended of the field for the requested workout of the day by Snowflake. With a new modification.
Ding Dong Dufresne
The PAX lined up across the end of the field with their rocks and were told to get their rocks down to the other end of the field without standing up (see Dufresne). This time each pax gets a turn to yell out “Ding Dong!” at which time everyone makes a jailbreak to the end of the field and back to their rock. repeat until the rocks reach the other end. Then head back to the other direction. repeat as time permits.
We did it twice and then returned our rocks to make sure we had enough time for Mary.


LBC x 20 (IC)
Flutter Kicks x 15 (IC)
American Hammers x 10 (IC)
YHC told the PAX to make sure those hammers hit the ground to get a good solid core rotation.
LBC x 20 (IC)
Flutter Kicks x 15 (IC)
American Hammers x 10 (IC)
LBC x 20 (IC)
Flutter Kicks x 15 (IC)
American Hammers x 10 (IC)


“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
– George Bernard Shaw

Take a moment and think about what it means for you to be unreasonable? What are you willing to hold firm on? Beliefs? In what moments do you consider yourself to be unreasonable and how is this a trait we can capitalize on?
Find moments to hold your ground, to act hard on making the right choices, and to get better.
Some might say coming out to the gloom is unreasonable. Some might say throwing rocks and crawling like a damn bear is unreasonable. We know its not. But the world doesn’t want to be better, the world doesn’t want YOU to be better.
The first thing is you need to know what you want. You need a heading to make your way to your destination through peace and through turmoil.
And the second is to know what it takes to get there. It takes everything. It takes commitment. It takes knowing when to take a break and when to push past exhaustion. It takes knowing when to spend time with your family and when to stop sitting on the couch ignoring your kids so you can watch the masters or whatever it might be. Know what the right choice are. Make the right choices. And stand your ground.
But, do it all with charisma. Keep these three Army Special Forces rules in mind:
Rule 1: Look cool
Rule 2: Don’t get lost
Rule 3: If you get lost, look cool
_Angus Out


We are leaving GroupMe behind so go join Slack:
Join Slack

Upcoming Qs

4/9 Best in Show – Beast Ridge
4/10 Picasso – Hill City
4/11 Mr. Clean – The Griff
4/12 Fissure – Hill City
4/14 Steam Engine – The Landfill
Check the schedule for Ruck/Run days

Bowling for Burpees


QIC: Whittler
Date: 04/05/2018
PAX: Angus, Candu, The Count (RESPECT), Fissure, Free Candy, Laces Out (RESPECT), Main Frame (Nomad), Ohms, Prosciutto, Sidekick, Steam Engine, Sundance
AO: Hill City


The cold weather made a fierce return, as it was 37 degrees and breezy…in April…in the South…must be global warming

The Disclaimer

Disclaimed that I am not a professional and everyone out here made the choice to be out here this morning.  We are going to have fun but work hard.  Modify if necessary.  If you get hurt, we will help you back to the RV that is randomly parked in the parking lot.


Mosey to Great Hall
SSH x 10
Imperial Walkers x 10
Alternating toe touches x 10
SSH x 10
Triangle Merkins x 10
Plank x 10
Plank Jack x 10
Mike Tyson x 10
Wall sit x 10
Bus driver (or bus duty) x 10
Mosey to Riverwalk

The Thang

Nervous mumblechatter ensued regarding the contents of my bag.  Once on the Riverwalk, the PAX were introduced to Bowling for Burpees.  Ten pins were set up in standard bowling fashion.  The PAX would take turns bowling and the number of pins knocked down equaled the number of merkins and the number left standing equaled the number of burpees.  In between merkins and burpees, we would run about 50 yards, do ab exercise of choice and then run back to do burpees.  Rinse and repeat for 10 frames.
Bowling for Burpees
Frame 1 – one pin down (one merkin), 9 left standing (9 burpees)
Frame 2 – Gutter ball (0 merkins, 10 burpees)
Frame 3 – Gutter ball (0 merkins, 10 burpees)
Frame 4 – Four pins down (4 merkins, 6 burpees)
At this time, the pins were moved closer together because, in true millennial fashion, there was discussion blaming the ball and the pins for the poor performance instead of accepting that we might just all be terrible bowlers.
Frame 5 – One pin down (1 merkin, 9 burpees)
Frame 6 – Two pins down (2 merkins, 8 burpees)
To show mercy to the PAX, at this time, the strategy was changed to do merkins for pins left standing, burpees for those knocked down.
Frame 7 – Six pins down (4 merkins, 6 burpees)
Frame 8 – Seven pins down (3 merkins, 7 burpees)
Frame 9 – Four pins down (6 merkins, 4 burpees)
Frame 10 – Seven pins down (3 merkins, 7 burpees)
Mosey back to Stairway to Heaven
Incline merkin x 10
Derkin x 10
Pickle pounder x 10
Flutter kick x 10
LBC x 10
American Hammer x 10
Plank x 10


From “The Alchemist” – “People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams because they feel that they don’t deserve them or that they’ll be unable to achieve them.”
We all have a destiny and have dreams for our life.  We all have the ability to take control of our lives and pursue our destiny, even if there is a chance of failure.  We should not let that chance of failure keep us from pursuing our dreams.  People are often satisfied with the status quo and refuse to pursue better things either because of the fear of failure or the thought of not deserving something better.  We all deserve better and don’t have to be stuck in the status quo and God has given each of us the tools to pursue greater things for ourselves, our family, and our friends.  F3 has been that medium to help me become a better husband to my wife, a better father to my children, and a better employee.  When I started with F3, I was the guy who didn’t really work out but in less than 4 months, I now look forward to working out most days of the week and feel an emptiness when I don’t.
As many of you know, my wife and I are living apart right now, fighting the legal battle that comes with blended families and relocation.  While it is tough on our family, we both realize that taking that leap of faith to pursue our dreams is worth it.  We had the option of staying in a place that we didn’t enjoy living and I could have kept a job that wasn’t fulfilling to me.  However, I felt as though God was calling me to greater things when this job was offered to me.  While there are stumbling blocks along the way, and the risk of failure is there, I couldn’t live my life knowing that I didn’t give it my all for my family.  Pursue your destiny but don’t forget to remember all the stops along the way.


Happy Hour tonight at 5:00 pm at Universal Joint
Picasso, Vila, Fissure representing F3Chatt in the ruck this weekend
We are transitioning to Slack for our communications.  The tech-savvy leaders of F3 (including Best in Show) can guide you through this.

Upcoming Qs

April 7 – Angus (Landfill)
April 9 – Best in Show (Beast Ridge)
April 10 – Picasso (Hill City)
April 11 – Mr. Clean (The Griff)
April 12 – Fissure (Hill City)
April 14 – Steam Engine (Landfill)

You Can’t Stop Me

QIC: Snowflake
Date: 04/04/2018
PAX: Ohms, Whittler, Geiger, Ringwald
AO: The Griff

55 degrees, still cold enough to wear a hoodie

I am not a professional, make sure to not hurt yourself. We are going to work hard today, so be ready.

SSH x 15
Lounges x 15
Merkins x 15
Squats x 15
SSH x 15
Arm Circles x 15
Reverse Arm Circles x 15
Moroccan Night Club x 15
Chinooks x 15
Penalty Burpees x 10 (Thanks Prosciutto)

The Thang: 
We started off with a 15 foot Mosey to the track until we hit the first light pole. From here I explained to the PAX that we would do traveling B.L.I.M.P.S. around the track.
B- Bear Crawl to the next light pole.
L- Lounge to the next light pole.
I- Inch Worm to the next light pole (from a plank position walk your feet to your hands, and then walk your hands until you are in plank position. Continue until you reach the next light pole. Mumble chatter ensued that this exercise is now more hated then even the Bear Crawls).
M- Mexican Jumping Bean Squat (A board jump) to the next light pole.
P- Prisoner Run (Run with your hands on your head. Mumble chatter on how nice this exercise is compared to the others) to the next light pole.
S- Suicides to the next light pole.
We continued around the track and then took a detour to do some wall sits.
Muhammad Ali’s x 15
One Legged Wall Sit x 8 (Switched Legs after 8)
Bus Driver x 15
After the Wall Sit Workout we continued around the track completing 3 total B.L.I.M.P.S.
After we completed the 3rd B.L.I.M.P.S we Moseyed back over to the Building to complete another round of the Wall sit workout.
After the Wall sit, we Mosesyed back to the parking lot were we began.
Here we did the ” You Can’t Stop Me” Planks, which includes holding a plank for 4 minutes rotating between a high and low plank throughout the song. YHC is proud of the PAX as only 1 penalty burpee was assessed for a knee touching the ground.
Ended things with some Mary,
American Hammer
Pickle Pounders
Freddie Mercury
Big Boy Sit Ups
Flutter Kicks

I showed the follow PAXs a video from Matt Chandler in which he talks about the responsibilities of a Husband. We are called to go to bed tired at the end of each day. We go tired because we have given everything we have not only to our job, but to our wives and kids as well. We put them above ourselves and go until we have nothing left to give.
Men, Love your wife as Christ loved the church, and be willing to give up your own life for hers, for their is no greater love then this.

Raining Threes

QIC: Laces Out (Respect)
Date: 4/3/18
PAX: Best in Show (Respect), Candu, Fissure, Free Candy, FNG-Hardtail, Kit Kat, Ohms, Ringwald, Skidmark, The Count (Respect), Whittler, Wort
AO: Hill City


60 degrees, clear and warm (finally feeling the sweat)

The Disclaimer

This is Laces Out on Q. I am not a professional, you are here on your own volition. As inspired by the NCAA National Championship game won by Villanova last night (whom I correctly picked in my bracket challenge!), we will be running and raining threes in today’s beatdown. Watch your step, modify in needed and if you get hurt, we’ll carry you back to your car.


Imperial Walkers 12 IC
Mountain Climbers 12 IC
Squats 12 IC
We started on our extended mosey to the Walnut Street walking bridge.

The Thang-

At the start of the bridge we did 3 Burpees OYO just to get the juices flowing! Mosey to 3rd light pole.

Raining Threes on the Bridges

Every three light poles we did the following:
Squats, Lunges x3 IC then Incline Merkins and Decline Merkins 3 OYO each
Rinse and Repeat to the other end of the bridge with 3 Burpees halfway and at the end. A few 10 counts mixed in for good measure.
Mosey to the Arts District and did the following in front of the Arts Museum:
Squats, Lunges x3 IC then Incline Merkins and Decline Merkins 3 OYO each
Mosey down the steps and switchback path to the RiverWalk and to Ross’ Landing

Box Jumps up Ross’ Landing

As a group with Wort’s call, the Pax box jumped up the Ross’ Landing steps to the top!
Mosey up another set of steps to Aquarium entrance for 6 MOM
Flutterkicks 3 IC
Hello Dolly 3 IC
Rosalita (en Espanol) 3 IC
Plank 20 IC
American Hammer 3 IC
Freddy Mercury 3 IC
Hollywood 3 IC each side
Plank 15 IC
Pickle Pounders 3 IC
Mosey across Market Street Bridge and back to Love Shack stopping halfway for the following: Squats, Lunges x3 IC then Incline Merkins and Decline Merkins 3 OYO each


Inspired by the threes hit by Donte DiVicenzo who scored 31 off the bench to lead ‘Nova to the title last night. Thus, so many 3’s today in the workout. But more so, inspired by the Easter message we celebrated on Sunday of the resurrection of Jesus after 3 days in the tomb! According to 1 Cor 15, if Jesus were not raised from the dead, our faith would be futile and we would still be dead in our sins. But, Jesus was raised from the dead and we serve a risen Savior! Today, let’s celebrate Easter everyday and live in the power of the resurrected Lord Jesus!


Thursday Happy Hour 

Upcoming Qs

The Griff-Wed with Snowflake
Hill City-Thursday with Whittler
The Landfill-Saturday with Angus

The Gloom at Soddy Daisy

QIC: Snowflake
Date: 04/03/2018
PAX: Lugnut
AO: Soddy Daisy Veterans Park

55 degrees, still cold enough to wear a hoodie

I am not a professional, make sure to not hurt yourself.

SSH x 15
Lounges x 15
Merkins x 15
Squats x 15
SSH x 15
Arm Circles x 15
Reverse Arm Circles x 15
Moroccan Night Club x 15
Chinooks x 15
Overhead Press x 15
Burpees x 5 OYO

The Thang: 
We started off with a Mosey around the AO since the Q had not been to the park before. After the lap some good places were identified and the workout began
Dora: Ran 2 light poles on the track and then back while partner did the following exercises; 100 merkins, 200 curls, and 300 Monkey Humpers
After the Dora, we moseyed over the a gazebo with stairs on both sides. We proceeded to box jump the stairs, and then ran across the gazebo. We then box jumped back to where we came. Completed 3 rounds of box jumps.
Looking at time, YHC decided it was time to push ourselves. We proceeded to perform the “You Can’t Stop Me Plank” which is were we would listen to the song You Can’t Stop Me by Andy Mineo and would hold plank through the song. Every time he yelled “You can’t stop me” we would move from a high plank to a low plank. 4 minutes of planking pushed the PAX.
Ended things with some Mary,
American Hammer x 12
Freddie Mercury x 12
Flutter Kicks x 12
LBCs x 30
Crunchy Frogs x 12

As husbands, we are called to go to bed tired. We are to give everything we have to our job to do the best that we can and then when we get home, we are to give our wives and children everything that we have to help make them better. Playing off the am I 3rd, we are to put God first, our family 2nd, and then ourselves. I want to challenge all of you, go to bed tired, and give everything you have to your family. They are worth it.

Ascending the Birds


QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 04/02/2018
PAX: Best In Show (Respect!), Early Bird, Free Bird, Whittler
AO: Beast Ridge


52 degrees fahrenheit

The Disclaimer



A little MC about beer and birds (as in ‘Early’ and ‘Free’), then straight to the Disclaimer and we’re off!

SSH (20 IC), IW, Finkle Swings (15 OYO), Squats (12 IC), Angle Grinders (12 IC), Plank-o-rama (regular, side, other side) (10 IC), GMA (10 OYO)

Mosey around in a loop and then to the “Dog House” as Best-In-Show often refers to it and begin the thang…

The Thang

Ascending Testicles: Cousin of Balls to the Wall. Start with feet on wall in 15 degree descending Merkin (Derkin) position. Do 10 Derkins then walk feet up wall to 45 degree Derkin position. 10 more Derkins then walk feet up wall to full Balls to the Wall pose. Can add 10 more Derkins here if you’re tough enough. Or hold in BTTW pose.

For good measure, 10 more derkins in cadence on a mole hill nearby.
— Mosey over to the parking lot for the next exercise —

Burpee Dans: OYO. Line up across field/parking lot. Perform 1 Burpee : 4 lunges forward until you reach other side of parking lot. Turn around, perform 2 burpees : 4 lunges back to starting position. Rinse and repeat as necessary increasing burpees by 1. Pick up the six or plank until all PAX finish.

MC: Whittler decided he would try to pull one over on YHC, with regard to the 1:4 ratio, suggesting that when the fourth round (e.g. 4:4) comes, we could just do one of each… or 1:1.  I’m not sure ratio’s work the same way as fractions.  So, as Lee Corso would say, “Not so fast my friend!”
– Also, in between reps, YHC talked of the 30 second rule (I had it wrong, it’s the two minute rule – shameless newsletter plug)

…[B]uilt off the notion that Sir Isaac Newton suggests, “objects at rest tend to stay at rest and objects in motion tend to stay in motion.”

Three (3:4) was the magic number here and the Pax were ready for something new. Endex was slowly approaching, so we looped around for a 4 minute mosey and then left time for 6MOM
Asheville Abs *T-Claps to F3 Hickory/Steam Engine for this gem
FK x 20 IC
Asheville Abs
Freddie Mercuries x 12 IC
Stop Time


First, let me say, it’s always refreshing to see an FNG turnaround and post a day or two later.  Extremely proud of Free Bird and his commitment this morning — look forward to seeing him much much more.
On the heels of Easter weekend, the theme of sacrifice was fresh in my mind, as well as ascension; hence the “ascending testicles”.  Also, persevering through that which you would rather not do but know that you should.  We’ve all got so much to be grateful for, but nothing is greater than the gift of everlasting life. We owe everything to God for the gift of his son and so, also, for the sacrifice his son made for us. In our every day life, YHC implored the pax to consider ways in which they can serve and sacrifice for others in every day activities; pick up some chores, give your time, lend an ear, etc.  So often, we get stuck in a world of self-absorption that is all about us. Every sacrifice is a gift from one to another, no matter how great or small.  As is always the case of gift giving, it feels much better to give than to receive.


Thursday Happy Hour – Location TBD (see Whittler)
April 6 – Fissure, Picasso, and Vila representing F3 in the Nashville GoRuck (Tough & light)
April 21 – Chattanooga MS Walk – Mr. Clean for details
August 2018 – Go Ruck Chattanooga – Vila for details
September 2018 – Tough Mudder Nashville – Ohms for details

Upcoming Qs

PreBlast: 04/02 – 04/07

Part III: I Hate Abs Meets F3 Chatt

QIC: Steam Engine
PAX: Prosciutto, Best In Show, Snowflake, Candu, Whittler, Uncle Herschel, Geek Squad, Ohms, FNG-Free Bird
Note: As you can see YHC tried to effectively use the literary device known as polysndeton. A polysndeton is used to add emphases to each individual rather than a large group.
Date: 03/31/2018
AO: Landfill
Conditions: A nice cold 45 degrees definitely not cut off weather but good enough to hate abs.

Disclaimer: I am not a professional. You are here on your own free will. Push yourself this morning, and modify as you need to. If you are injured or hurt we will escort you to your vehicle and point you to the right direction.
Little Arm Circles Forward IC 15x
LAC Backward IC 15x
Chinook IC 15x
Moroccan Night Club IC 15x
Windmill IC 15x
Cherry Picker IC 15x
Infinity Plank:
Alternating Shoulder Taps IC 15x
Annie both hands IC 15x
Plank Jack IC 15x
Wall sits w/ Muhammad Ali IC 15x
Wall sit w/ Joe Frazier IC 15x
Wall sit w/ Push Press IC 15x
Wall sit w/ Side Raises IC 15x
Wall sit w/ Bus Driver IC 15x
Itsy Bitsy Spider IC 10x
Rinse & repeat but with a baby Dwayne in each hand
Indian Run around field 1 lap
Asheville Abs IC 4x [One might laugh at the small number 4 for this exercise which probably means you have never done it before. The irony here is that although it seems small it was very painful. Also, irony another literary device that can be use and needs to explaining.]
Rinse & Repeat 3x
Lungs and abs are all warmed up time to grab some coupons behind Ohm’s truck. Once the coupons were gathered the HIM partnered up for the following exercise.
PAX 1: Curls AMRAP
PAX 2: Run to lightpole and back and switch
Rinse & Repeat 2x
PAX 2: Run to lightpole and back and switch
Rinse & Repeat 2x
PAX 1: Reverse Curls AMRAP
PAX 2: Run to lightpole and back and switch
Rinse & Repeat 2x
PAX 2: Run to lightpole and back and switch
Rinse & Repeat 2x
PAX 1:Push Press AMRAP
PAX 2: Run to lightpole and back and switch
Rinse & Repeat 2x
PAX 1:American Hammers AMRAP (If the PAX wanted to get his money worth’s this AM American Hammers could have been performed with coupon) 
PAX 2: Run to lightpole and back and switch
Rinse & Repeat 2x
PAX 2: Run to lightpole and back and switch
Rinse & Repeat 2x
PAX 1:Flutter Kicks AMRAP
PAX 2: Run to lightpole and back and switch
Rinse & Repeat 2x
Keeping a close eye on the time QIC decided it was time to return the coupons back home. YHC was expecting a slow stroll to Ohm’s truck but the HIM came to work and wasted no time returning the coupons home which left QIC with roughly 1.5 minutes for some Mary.
Pretzel IC 10x (performed twice for each side)

WOD: YHC shared an excerpt from the book he is currently reading titled The Opposite of Loneliness by Marina Keegan. Here is that excerpt: “We don’t have a word for the opposite of loneliness, but if we did, I could say that’s what I want in life. What I’m grateful and thankful to have found at Yale, and what I’m scared of losing when we wake up tomorrow and leave this place. It’s not quite love and it’s not quite community; it’s just this feeling that there are people, an abundance of people, who are in this together. Who are on your team. When the check is paid and you stay at the table. When it’s four a.m. and no one goes to bed. That night with the guitar. That night we can’t remember. That time we did, we went, we saw, we laughed, we felt. The hats.” 
I choose this as my WOD to encourage the HIM to take advantage of the 2nd F opportunities that we offer. We are more than a work out group. We are a family. We have seen each other grow for the last year, months, or even weeks and we are invested in each other. We all have other obligations but make time to grab breakfast with your brothers or even a drink after work or a glass of milk after a beatdown. If your schedule allows it participate in a CSUP (Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless) you will make some great memories. Just ask Vila, Ohms, Whittler, and Angus that did a polar plunge last winter or Picasso that ran from Chattanooga to Nashville. The point I am getting at is that you should never feel alone when you are a part of a great group like F3 Chatt.
I have been gone most of March and it felt great getting to Q this AM. I have been looking forward to this morning the minute Ohms asked who was available to Q and appreciate everyone that came out and worked hard. I have enjoyed meeting some of the newer guys and hope to get to meet the rest of you men the following weeks. I am also proud of all the EH’ing that has been going, it feels great coming back and seeing new guys in the gloom. I hope you enjoyed the small English listen on literary devices, and if you can tell this moleskin contains  another one. [Anaphora a rhetoric device in which a word or group of words are repeated at the beginning of a sentence or clause]. Well I’ve never really enjoyed proof reading my own papers so have fun tearing this BB apart. Just be gentle and not as brutal as I have been these last few days.

Saving for the Swim Back

Angus gave a moleskin back early in my “F3 Career” that was titled “Don’t Save Anything for the Swim Back”. I highly suggest you, either find the BackBlast for this one or consult Angus. It has stuck with me ever since, and I thought about it even more as I was watching TV this morning at 0345. Not much to find.
I did come across some world elite triathlon racing. One of the women racing was interviewed and asked her strategy. She said, “a lot of people ask me, do you hold some back on the bike to save up for something else or do you run harder since that’s your best race.” Her response to this was simple, “I only do what I know how to do, swim as hard as I can, run as fast as I can, and pedal with everything I have and see where I end up.”
She won the race. Don’t save anything for the swim back. Have a great week! See you all next Monday! God Bless. Happy Easter. He is Risen.
Clean Out