QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 03/29/2018
PAX: Snipes
AO: The Huey


Shorts and t-shirt weather!! Welcome back Spring! Allergies are worth it! 65 degrees and humid. 

The Disclaimer

I am not a professional, I will not stand over you with a clip board, you are here on your own free will, push hard, modify if necessary, and be safe.


SSH x20 IC
Plan x15 IC
Alternating Toe Touches x15 IC
SSH x18 IC

The Thang

I got to The Huey early this morning with excitement for an FNG, because, let’s be honest, naming three FNGs in one week is really stinkin cool! I took an easy 2 mile warm-up run and anxiously awaited the arrival of the latest FNG…
Well, along with the landing of The Huey, a Snipe also came in for a landing for a pleasant surprise for me.  He truly pulled through, as our FNG failed to show this morning.

I had forgotten about the BOMBS routine in the Exicon and thanks to Ohms beatdown yesterday, I was inspired to include it this morning.  During the description, mumblechatter ensued about the “love of running” and possible Splashing of Merlot.
Breakers – 100
Overhead Press – 100
Merkins – 150
Bent Over Rows – 100
While doing BOMBS, I realized I needed to call an audible as I had not done anything to honor The Huey.  So, we did HUEYS.  Similar to BOMBS, well it is BOMBS, with different letters.  You guys know, “same thing, just different”.
Headbusters (Inspired from Tuesday’s Huey activities) – 50 Each Arm
Under the Tree Dips – 150
EL B Cs – 100 (4 COUNT)
Yeti Raises – 50
Shrugs – 50


This morning I decided to study my Bible before my workout (I was just led to do that, so thanks mainly be to Fissure for that), and just decided to open it and see where it landed….Psalm 24 it was.  These verses spoke to God’s Glory and ruling over the Earth truly moved me.  I then sought the Gospel of Luke for the death and Resurrection.  What a friend we have in Jesus and how amazing it is to be saved.  
I was called to this faith that I call Christianity and with that faith I must strive to Love all equally as Christ did.  This goes for any and all men who decide to come to F3…no matter where you rest your beliefs, I will still do everything I can to support you in the gloom and in your personal life; because that is my mission as a Christian and as a man of F3!! 
If you are reading this and are not a Christian, then please do not shy away from F3.  Yes, I will share my faith as much as I can, but that DOES NOT mean I will shun you for yours.  I love you as the brother that you are. 


Friday Breakfast Club – Lillie Mae’s (Order when you get there!)
April 6th – Fissure, Picasso, and Vila representing F3 in the Nashville GoRuck
August 2018 – Go Ruck Chattanooga – Vila for details
September 2018 – Tough Mudder Nashville – Ohms for details
April 2018 – Chattanooga MS Walk – Mr. Clean for details

Upcoming Qs

03/31/2018 – Steam Engine (Landfill)
04/02/2018 – Prosciutto (Beast Ridge)
04/03/2018 – Laces Out (Hill City)
04/04/2018 – Snowflake (The Griff)
04/05/2018 – Whittler (Hill City)
04/07/2018 – Angus (Landfill)

Eleven Minutes in Heaven


QIC: Ohms
Date: 03/28/2018
PAX: Fissure, Mr. Clean, Whittler
AO: The Griff (Vandergriff Park)


Clear Skies, mid 60’s, shorts weather approaching

The Disclaimer

This is a free, peer lead workout, we do not clipboard, you are here on your own free will, modify if necessary, be aware of your surroundings, F3 and YHC is not responsible for any injury but will politely help if something were to happen.


SSH x 20 IC
Windmills x 15 IC
SSH x 20 IC
Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
SSH x 20 IC
Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
With the bodies starting to get warm, YHC instructed the PAX to get ready for some suck known to F3Chatt as the Infinity Plank.
Infinity Plank – (v); the act of participating in the plank exercise, or other various exercises remotely related to the plank exercise, for an infinity amount of time.
Plank x 11 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Plank x 9 IC
Shoulder Taps x 8 IC
Plank x 7 IC
Makhtar Ndiaye x 6 IC
Plank x 5 IC
Mountain Climbers x 4 IC
Plank x 3 IC
Peter Parkers x 2 IC
Plank x 1 IC

Now that the arms of the PAX were feeling nice and pumped, it was time to workout the lungs a little bit.
Sprint (40 yards) and then mosey back to starting position – Rinse and Repeat x 3

The Thang

Now that YHC had the feeling that the PAX should be all nice and warm by now, it was time to get started on the main event. Amongst the PAX was a graduate of an ACC school and a guy that teaches at Red Bank, so YHC realized that counting was going to be tough for this particular group…but YHC knew that the SEC Grads could pick up the slack, so we decided to do 11’s anyway.
Elevens (also written as 11s) – An exercise in which you start with 1 rep of one exercise and 10 reps of another exercise, then add one additional rep to the first exercise and subtract one rep from the second. The sum must always add up to 11.
Elevens – Round 1

  • Bicep Curls on the far side
  • Merkins on the near side
  • You must bring your rock friend with you everywhere you go.

Elevens – Round 2

  • Lunges on the far side
  • Squat Jumps on the near side
  • Rocks in the middle.  5 shoulder presses each time you run past your friend.


  • Partner up. PAX #1: Run 20 yards and back, PAX #2: Exercise until partner returns
  • Bent Over Rows x 50
  • Overhead Press x 50
  • Merkins x 50
  • Bench Press x 50


LBC’s x 20 IC
Merkins x 5 IC
Freddie Mercury x 15 IC
Merkins x 5 IC
Heel Touches x 15 IC
Merkins x 5 IC
American Hammer x 15 IC
Merkins x 5 IC


Perseverance – steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. Stay Strong. Stay Positive. Get Better.


Friday Breakfast Club – Lillie Mae’s
April 6th – Fissure, Picasso, and Vila representing F3 in the Nashville GoRuck
August 2018 – Go Ruck Chattanooga – Vila for details
September 2018 – Tough Mudder Nashville – Ohms for details
April 2018 – Chattanooga MS Walk – Mr. Clean for details

Upcoming Qs

03/31/2018 – Steam Engine (Landfill)
04/02/2018 – Prosciutto (Beast Ridge)
04/03/2018 – Laces Out (Hill City)
04/04/2018 – Snowflake (The Griff)
04/05/2018 – Whittler (Hill City)
04/07/2018 – Angus (Landfill)

Tweet the count now…



QIC: Best In Show
Date: 3/26/2018
PAX: Best In Show (Q), Early Bird, Fissure, Prosciutto, Sidekick, Whittler
AO: Beast Ridge


Once again, hurricane force winds, cloudy 47 degrees..

The Disclaimer

Given with great vigor, to a captive audience



The Thang

Enough with the warm up we got some moseying to do, so we started off on our Merkin (2) Mile morning..
Title of exercises or routine
The first mile was your typical Merkin Mile as I wanted to get the heart rates up and a great upper body workout too.
1 Mile, every quarter mile the PAX stop, drop and give me 25 Merkins (yes, I did them too), rinse and repeat x4…
Just didn’t seem like 1 mile was enough, and since YHC had led the group out from base 1 mile, we had to make our way back..
1 mile, every quarter mile stop and do the following
Arm Circles IC x 20
Reverse Arm Circles IC x 20
Seal Claps IC x 10
Overhead press IC x 20
Mubble chatter ensued as YHC instructed the PAX the arms remained up during the exercise, something about a numbness in the arm region…
Back to base just in Time for MOM..
That concluded the mornings activities..


Read a book by Ryan Holiday “The Obstacle is The Way”, loosely based on Stoicism, or the endurance of pain and hardship without complaint. The idea is that he best way through an obstacle you face is to go through the obstacle.
We faced many during our post, we faced an obstacle of a nice warm bed we had to get out of to post, but we went through those obstacles. We made the choice to go through them, to go with our brothers and start our day together. The rest of the day we would face more obstacles, and we were prepared now to go through them as well.


Ruck Prep continues..
Delete the Brackets Angus. Let me know if you see this.

Real Deal Holyfield

QIC: Fissure
Date: 03/27/2018
PAX: Best in Show (Respect), Bogey, FNG-Free Candy (Nate Reisinger), FNG-Kit Kat (Jimi Evans), Laces Out (Respect), Ohms, Prosciutto, Ringwald, Sidekick, The Count (Respect), Vila, Whittler
AO: Hill City


45°, Cloudy, felt like 41°, Humidity 79%, Wind 9 mph SSE

The Disclaimer

I am not a professional and you’re here on your own free will.  Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.  Modify if necessary.  Should you hurt yourself then look no further than Ringwald.  He will carry you to your car.


Mosey through the Great Hall, around the Coolidge Park loop and back to the Great Hall

  • SSH x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 5 IC
  • Overhead Squats x 10 IC
  • Werkins x 5 IC
  • Big Boy sit-ups x 15 single count
  • Overhead Lunges x 10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
  • SSH x 20 IC

The Thang

Mosey to the Coolidge Park loop.  PAX divide into two teams. Team 1 performs prescribed rep count of the exercises below while Team 2 Indian Runs the loop. Teams switch, then Rinse and repeat for three rounds of the Real Deal Holyfield (named in honor of a good buddy who coined the phrase and will surely be a F3 regular but doesn’t know it yet).

  • Merkins
  • Overhead Squats
  • Werkins
  • Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Overhead Lunges
  • Imperial Walkers

Round 1: each exercise x 10, single count; standard Indian Run
Round 2: each exercise x 15, single count; Indian Run with last man dropping for one Burpee before sprinting to front
Round 3: each exercise x 20, single count; standard Indian Run for two laps
With the PAX nice and winded we mosey back to the Great Hall.
Burpee then broad jump together across the Great Hall then lunge back.  Repeat a second time and hold plank while everyone finished.
Mosey back to the Love Shack

  • American Hammers x 15 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
  • Leg Lifts x 7 IC
  • Crunchy Frogs x 10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
  • Plank x 15 IC
  • Low Plank x 15 IC
  • Shoulder Taps x 10 IC
  • Freddy Mercuries x 15 IC
  • Big Boy Sit-ups x 20 oyo


There’s just one shot at a VQ so YHC chose to give the PAX the real deal.  It’s been quite a road to F3 and I’m thankful for guys like Prosciutto encouraging me to give it another go after the unsuccessful soft launch in 2014.  You never know what your fellow man is going through but it’s a safe assumption that F3, a community of men pushing each other to get better, can’t hurt.


Friday Breakfast Club – Lillie Mae’s
April 6th – Fissure, Picasso, Vila, Picasso, Fissure and  representing F3 in the Nashville GoRuck
August 2018 – Go Ruck Chattanooga – Vila for details
September 2018 – Tough Mudder Nashville – Ohms for details
April 2018 – Chattanooga MS Walk – Mr. Clean for details

Upcoming Qs

03/28/2018 – Ohms (The Griff) 
03/29/2018 – Sidekick (Hill City)
03/31/2018 – Steam Engine (Landfill)
04/02/2018 – Prosciutto (Beast Ridge)
04/03/2018 – Laces Out (Hill City)
04/04/2018 – Snowflake (The Griff)
04/05/2018 – Whittler (Hill City)
04/07/2018 – Angus (Landfill)

The Huey Takes Flight!

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 03/27/2018
PAX: Geiger & Lugnut
AO: The Huey


45 degrees but very windy!

The Disclaimer

This is a free, peer lead workout, we do not clipboard, you are here on your own free will, modify if necessary, be aware of your surroundings, F3 and YHC is not responsible for any injury but will politely help if something were to happen.


SSH x15 IC
Finkle Swings x15
SSH x15 IC
Imperial Walkers x15 IC
SSH x15 IC
Alternating Toe Touches x15 IC
SSH x15 IC

The Thang

YHC was disappointed to miss his Rucking Brother Fissure’s VQ, but we both understand the value in the growth of F3.  With his blessing, YHC Qed at the Huey knowing one HC was already in the bag (that is a 100% improvement from last week!!!!!).  A vehicle arrived in the Gloom at about the same time as YHC and delivered a pleasant surprise with a THIRD PAX!! AYE!! 
Pax 1 ran to the Veteran’s Memorial/Honor Placard and completed 5 Incline Merkins while Pax 2 did clean and presses. Flapjack. Rinse and Repeat until the Q called “ROTATE!”
Pax 1 ran to the Veteran’s Memorial/Honor Placard and completed 10 step-ups while Pax 2 did Shoulder Presses. Flapjack. Rinse and Repeat until the Q called “ROTATE!”
Pax 1 ran to the Veteran’s Memorial/Honor Placard and completed 15 Squats while Pax 2 did curls. Flapjack. Rinse and Repeat until the Q called “ROTATE!”
Pax 1 ran to the Veteran’s Memorial/Honor Placard and completed 20 Merkins while Pax 2 did Bent Over Rows. Flapjack. Rinse and Repeat until the Q called “ROTATE!”
A 10 Count was Needed at this point.  Talks of Splashing Merlot were in midst…
Modified Dora
 Ran to “Veteran’s Memorial Park” Sign
Completed: 50 Merkins, 75 (4 count) LBCs, and 100 Tri-Cep Extensions


It was was EXTREMELY difficult to miss a fellow brother’s VQ this morning, especially one that I have grown to love and respect significantly, but The Huey was humming with an HC and a surprise arrival from an additional PAX.  So….
(Insert the Splashing of Merlot activities for the day)
The lesson and challenge is this… Don’t leave a man standing by himself under a lamp post.  If we say there is a location that is available to post, then a Q will be there ready to put you through a Beatdown in the Gloom.  The challenge as F3 men: Don’t leave others standing by themselves under a lamp post when they need you the most.  Whether its building trails for a pre-school or leading Cub Scouts, always be that guy that is there for other people.  Show love, compassion, and empathy any and every chance you get.
–Mr. Clean Out


Friday Breakfast Club – Lillie Mae’s
April 6th – Fissure, Picasso, and Vila proudly representing F3 in the Nashville GoRuck
August 2018 – Go Ruck Chattanooga – Vila for details
September 2018 – Tough Mudder Nashville – Ohms for details
April 2018 – Chattanooga MS Walk – Mr. Clean for details

Upcoming Qs

03/28/2018 – Ohms (The Griff) 
03/29/2018 – Sidekick (Hill City)
03/31/2018 – Steam Engine (Landfill)
04/02/2018 – Prosciutto (Beast Ridge)
04/03/2018 – Laces Out (Hill City)
04/04/2018 – Snowflake (The Griff)
04/05/2018 – Whittler (Hill City)
04/07/2018 – Angus (Landfill)

Prescripton for Pain


QIC: Whittler
Date: 03/22/018
PAX: Angus, Bogey, The Count (RESPECT!), Fissure, Mr. Clean, Ohms, Ringwald, Sidekick, Skidmark, Speed Bump, Sundance, Wort
AO: Hill City


A crisp 33 degrees with the slightest of breezes in an otherwise clear, starry gloom

The Disclaimer

This is F3 and I am Whittler and am far from being a professional.  You have wisely chosen to be here on your own volition.  I am going to push you today but hopefully we have a little fun.  Modify exercises as necessary but if you do get hurt, we will carry you back to your car (unless you need something cut off or cut out, I will give you my business card).


Mosey to the Great Hall
SSH x 20 IC
Finkle Swing x 15 per leg OYO
Imperial Walker x 15 IC
SSH x 15 IC
Little Baby Arm Circles x 15 both directions IC
Moroccan Night Club x 15 IC
Wall Sit Shoulder press x 10 IC
Wall Sit x 10 IC
Plank x 10 IC
SSH x 10 IC

The Thang

Short Mosey to the Riverfront where each PAX was instructed to find their own Dwayne and meet me at the lamppost.  After the lessons learned from Prosciutto on Tuesday, I opted to allow PAX to choose their own rock instead of launching them at the PAX.  PAX were then given their prescription for pain numbered 1-10.
Prescription for PAIN
Lamppost 1 – Body Builder x 1, carry Dwayne to the next stop
Lamppost 2 – Toe Squats x 2 (4-count), Body Builder x 1
Lamppost 3 – Diamond (Triangle) Merkin (or Twerkin) x 3, TS x 2, BB x 1
Lamppost 4 – Up Straddle Hop x 4 (per leg), DM x 3, TS x 2, BB x 1
Lamppost 5 – Big boy Situp x 5, USH x 4, DM x 3, TS x 2, BB x 1
Lamppost 6 – upright rows with Dwayne x 6, BBSU x 5, USH x 4, DM x 3, TS x 2, BB x 1
Lamppost 7 – Plank Jack x 7, UR x 6, BBSU x 5, USH x 4, DM x 3, TS x 2, BB x 1
Lamppost 8 – Curls x 8, PJ x 7, UR x 6, BBSU x 5, USH x 4, DM x 3, TS x 2, BB x 1
Lamppost 9 – Flutter Kick x 9 (4 count), C x 8, PJ x 7, UR x 6, BBSU x 5, USH x 4, DM x 3, TS x 2, BB x 1 (somewhere around here we had an unnamed PAX break off, gagging over the cropdusting he had just received)
Lamppost 10 – Plank x 10, FK x 9, C x 8, PJ x 7, UR x 6, BBSU x 5, USH x 4, DM x 3, TS x 2, BB x 1
PAX now lined up with Dwayne in two rows, facing each other for the Tower of Trust
Each PAX held their Dwayne at arms length in front of them while all PAX took turns bearcrawling through the tower of trust and then sprinting back to their rock to rejoin the tower.  Once all were finished, we mosied back to the Love Shack for some MoM.
Pickle Pounder x 10 IC (Gratuitous discussion about the length of the pickle being pounded ensued)
Flutter Kick x 10 IC
LBC x 15 IC
American Hammer x 10 IC
Hello Dolly x 5 IC
My watch then said it was time.  VQ over and done.  The count was taken. The Golden Glove was then awarded to Mr. Clean (again) because let’s be honest, if you post by yourself, you deserved the freaking Golden Glove.


Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek His will in all you do and He will show you which path to take.”
I have come across this verse many times recently and it has really spoken to me about the situation I currently am going through with moving, taking a new job, and being separated from my wife and kids.  We all go through times in our lives when we don’t understand things such as death, illness, divorce, job loss, etc.  It’s during these times where it’s important to give our unconditional trust to God.  He knows exactly what He is doing and has a plan for all of us.  Too often we condition our trust, meaning that we make promises to get better IF you get this job or IF He heals our ailing family member.  Instead of giving our conditional trust, during these times it’s even more important to show our unconditional trust in God’s plan for our lives.  God pours His peace and joy into trusting hearts.  We as men and leaders of our family and this community need to lead by example and trust in God’s plan.  When things don’t seem to be going your way, we need to be examples to our family, coworkers, and friends of what it means to unconditionally trust God.  Don’t get stuck on what isn’t working out; instead, trust that God is always working things in your favor.
Whittler out.


HDHH (Thirsty Thursday) tonight, 5:00 at Oddstory Brewing Company
Chattanooga MS walk – April 21, 2018 at Coolidge Park (See Mr. Clean for details)
GoRuck  – August 2018
Tough Mudder – September 2018 (See Ohms for details)

Upcoming Qs

3/24/2018 – The Landfill (Angus)
3/26/2018 – Beast Ridge (Best in Show RESPECT)
3/27/2018 – Hill City (Fissure) – VQ ALERT*******
3/28/2018 – The Griff (Ohms)

In Other News…Accountability

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 03/21/2018
PAX: Whittler
AO: The Griff


35 degrees. Wind chill somewhere in the mid 20’s.  Spring showed up, got scared, and went back into hiding.  F3 Men still post…

The Disclaimer

I am not a professional, but push yourself today and modify if necessary.  Should you be injured, I will be happy to provide assistance but am not liable.


SSH x20 IC
Finkle Swing x20 OYO
Alternating Toe Touches x15 IC
SSH x20 IC
Plank x20 IC

The Thang

YHC is on round #3 for Qing. Like burpees, the only way to get better at Qing is to do more Qing, so here we go!  Thanks to Whittler for showing up in the Gloom! He is a TRUE HIM of F3 Chatt!!
100 Merkins
200 LBC’s (IC)
300 Squats

Rucking Dora

Pax 1 ran to Ruck, brought pack to Pax 2.  Pax 2 completed Clean and Press Exercises. Flap Jack. Rinse and Repeat for 5 minutes.
Pax 1 ran to Ruck, brought pack to Pax 2.  Pax 2 completed Curls. Flap Jack. Rinse and Repeat for 3 minutes.
Pax 1 ran to Ruck, brought pack to Pax 2.  Pax 2 completed Lawnmowers. Flap Jack. Rinse and Repeat for 3 minutes.


In a effort to help Whittler as much as possible, YHC gave him the lead for 6 MOM…
Flutter Kicks x15 IC
Hello Dolly x10 IC
American Hammer x10 IC
Freddie Mercury x15 IC
Plank x10 IC


Accountability is still everything.  Whittler and YHC held each other accountable.  WE must also find the positives in disappointing situations.  In other words, only 2 PAX at The Griff this morning still represented a 100% improvement from The Huey.  Companies would kill for 100% gains! Aye!
–Mr. Clean Out


Chattanooga MS Walk

Date: April 21, 2018
Start/Finish Location: Coolidge Park – 150 River St., Chattanooga, Tennessee 37405
Time: site opens at 9:00 a.m.; walk begins at 10:00 a.m.
YHC is making a plea to the men of F3 Chatt to support this cause!

GoRuck – August 2018

Tough Mudder – September 2018

Thirsty Thursday – Oddstory Brewing Co (Whittler for more details)

***The Huey*** Tuesday and Thursday Bootcamp in Soddy Daisy

Upcoming Qs

Whittler 03/22/2018 (Hill City) VQ ALERT!!!!!
Angus 03/24/2018 (Landfill)
Beast in Show 03/26/2018 (Beast Ridge)
Fissure 03/27/2018 (Hill City) VQ ALERT!!!!
Ohms 03/28/2018 (The Griff)

ABC – Always Be Cerving

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 03/19/2018
PAX: Angus, The Count (Respect), Ohms, Ringwald, Sidekick, Skidmark, Speed Bump, Whittler
AO: Hill City


55 degrees, heavy fog with half mile visibility, gloomy

The Disclaimer



SSH x 5 IC, High Knees x 5 IC, Hillbilly’s x 5 IC, Wide HK x 5 IC, Mtn Climbers x 5 IC, BAC (F/B), Shoulder Press (per Sidekick — aka ” Ray Lewis’s”), MNC

Mosey around the boob hill and circle back around to the hill cleavage for two ladder’s

Ladder 1: SSH/Merkin – 6:1, 5:2, 4:3, 3:4, 2:5, 1:6
Ladder 2: IW/Squat – 6:1, 5:2, 4:3, 3:4, 2:5, 1:6

The Thang

Mosey down to the great hall to grab some coupons.  As a servant-leader, I offered to grab the rock coupons to the PAX while they took rest.
ALARMS (initially from the January 28, 2017)
– Shoulder Press x 15 OYO w/ coupon
– Lunge x 15 IC w/ rock
– LBC x 15 IC
– Two light pole sprint and back
– Merkin x 15 (IC)
– Shoulder Taps x 12 IC
– Squat x 12 IC w/ coupon
– Peter Parker’s x 12 IC
– Monkey Humpers x 12 IC
– Makhtar N’Diayes x 10 IC – Always fun to describe this one… 

As stated in the exicon: Named for late ’90s Sengalese basketball player at UNC notorious for his elbows. Pronunciation: MAC-tar JIE – rhymes with “sky”.

– Carolina Dry Docks x 10 IC
– One-legged squat x 10 IC w/ coupon
– GMA x 10 IC
– Reverpee OYO x 10
– Minute Plank
**Mosey back to Mt. Madoriyama
Bear Crawl to top/ run back down to start, Bernie Sanders to top/run back down to very bottom of grassy hill near swamp, Run like a human to the top of Mt. M
Mosey to shovel flags
Alarm sounds on my watch and that’s time!


An opportunity to lead is an opportunity to serve and proper execution of each provides a positive example to those around you; at home, at work, in the gloom.  Everyone’s watching, judging and taking notes. Be an example in your leadership and your servitude.
Shared a personal story about being a servant to others from this past weekend.  Prep for Q School, Delivery of Q school, servitude to my family with meals/cleaning/care-taking, etc. I could have mailed it in with Q School, but what good would that do? For the other guys who showed up to be there alongside me, that was an honor and a gift back to me.  If I show them it’s okay to take leadership lightly, they will do the same, and so creates a culture of mediocrity and “fake leadership”.
It’s not a self-brag, it’s not some self-fulfilling prophesy, it’s not sexy by any means and I didn’t get an award or a blue ribbon (not even a PABST!)… It’s what you’re supposed to do. It’s what we’re called to do as MEN. Serving others is a privilege and honor and it should be viewed as such. I’m giving to others what they’ll also provide back in return; a future investment, if you will.  In time, these leaders will give back to me, to us, to F3, to their community and families and co-workers. Why should I sit idly by just taking when I can contribute and give back?
There’s so much to be grateful for, and oh so much to take for granted; keeping a proper perspective in mind and placing yourself third at all times keeps you properly grounded; Selfishness, greed, infidelity, over-consumption and gluttony (Oh, how I love Golden Corral!) are some of the many other consequences to losing that “third” mentality, losing focus and perspective.
Be a servant, be a leader, be a positive influencer today.


– Happy Hour Details are fuzzy;
a) Weds or Thurs
b) Oddstory or Hutton & Smith Brewing
*** keep your eyes on GroupMe & Whittler’s direction for startex
– F3 Chatt on the news tomorrow @ 5am on CBS (WDEF); Angus, Ohms and Prosciutto to Q — set your TV sets and DVR’s to record because no one watches the 5am news
– GoRuck
– Tough Mudder
– Prayers for The Count in his blood solicitation in Virginia (prayers for the community impact)

Upcoming Qs

3/21 – Snowflake – Griff
3/22 – Whittler – Hill City *********VQ ALERT********** #airhornX3
3/24 – Angus – Landfill
3/26 – Best In Show – Beast Ridge
3/27 – Fissure – Hill City *********VQ ALERT********** #airhornX3

Flying Solo in The Huey

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 03/20/2018
PAX: The Gloom
AO: The Huey


55 degrees.  Extremely foggy so the Gloom was extra heavy.  Very humid.

The Disclaimer

The disclaimer was given swiftly and the beatdown began.


Finkle Swings X15
Alternating Toe Touches X15 IC

The Thang

YHC is attempting to provide an opportunity for our Soddy Daisy consortium of brothers to have a more convenient location to post in The Gloom.  The hope, as stated in Field of Dreams, “if you build it they will come” or, more appropriately, “if you post they will come”.  Ironically, YHC and fellow F3 brother Prosciutto discussed a mirrored beatdown with ALARMs and YHC almost slept through his alarm. However, should a Pax arrive with no Q, we would surely fail at our future AO.
YHC once again brought the rotors for coupons today as The Huey fails to provide an ample supply of DeWayne’s (rocks).

ALARM Rotations 


Shoulder Press x15 OYO
Lunges x15 OYO
LBCs x15 IC
Run 0.25 Miles
Merkin x15 OYO


Shoulder Taps x15 IC
Squats with Coupon x15 OYO
Superman x15 IC
Run 0.25 Miles
Merkin x15 OYO


Shrugs x15 IC
Monkey Humpers x15 IC
Crunchy Frogs x15 IC
Run 0.25 Miles
Merkins x15 OYO


Curls x15 OYO
Squats with Coupon x15 OYO
Plank x15 IC
Run 0.25 Miles
Merkins x15 OYO
Extended Mosey – 1.25 Miles


YHC had a moleskin planned to inspire this new AO and talk about growth within F3 Chatt along with the importance of commitment.  Well, the Lord had other plans as YHC solo posted this morning, so here is to hoping the committed Pax read this moleskin.
In a conversation with Angus, the idea of better marketing for F3 Chatt was discussed.  YHC stated this to simply create a talking point about the length time in which “the word” of gloomy beatdowns made it to YHC.  However, it was perceived as something slightly different, enter the inspiration for today’s moleskin provided by Angus.
“This thing doesn’t really need marketing as much as it needs people caring enough to keep people accountable.  That means a whole lot more than call outs in GroupMe.” AYE!!! (Thanks Angus)
This “thing”, this CSAUP “thing” that we call F3 is much more than a logo, much more than burpees, much more than mumblechatter, much more than ruckership. It’s a family hike with your F3 brother, it’s a random lunch ruck, it’s a Sunday afternoon pick-up b-ball game, or it’s a phone call to check-in. ITS A STINKIN’ BROTHERHOOD forged through adverse conditions.
YHC spoke with CSPAN yesterday and learned a lot.  The conversation led to learning that we hold a bond with this “thing”. You guessed it, we both fight through the gloom (adverse consitions), together in spirit.  CSPAN is a man that served his country proudly, much like our OG F3 Chatt brother Gus, yet he talked to me like we were equals.  He talked to me like a friend.  He talked to me because he believes in accountability that comes in all the hearts resting behind that simple 3.5 inch logo that is F3!
God Bless All of you men who believe in accountability and brotherhood! AYE!!
-Mr. Clean Out


Ragnar this weekend (Picasso running)
Go Ruck – August 2018
Tough Mudder – September 2018
Morning News featuring F3 – (Angus, Ohms, and Prosciutto)

Upcoming Qs

03/21/2018 – Mr. Clean (The Griff)

03/22/2018 – Whittler VQ ALERT!! (Hill City)

03/24/2018 – Angus (Landfill)
03/26/2018 – Best in Show (Beast Ridge)

03/27/2018 – FISSURE VQ ALERT!! (Hill City)

03/28/2018 – Ohms (The Griff)

5K Ruck & Run at The Griff

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 03/19/2018
PAX: Ohms & Steam Engine
AO: The Griff


Cool. Mid 50’s. 

The Disclaimer

Since this a ruck, please be extra aware of your surroundings and watch your six.  Welcome FNG!  This is much different than the typical workouts here in F3, so YHC encourages you to visit Hill City, The Griff (again), The Landfill, and/or Beast Ridge to get the full effect of F3!  If possible, please obtain a headlamp, as well as, reflector bands for future rucking on Ruck/Run days.


Easy Pace, 15:59

The Thang

Final 2.1 Miles of the 5K
Mile 2 – 15:44 Pace
Mile 3.1 – Pax Slung the Packs, Finish with a 10:30 Pace


YHC is slightly taller than the rest of the PAX in attendance, so Ohms jokingly asked “how do you walk so fast?! I’ve got two speeds: slow walking or running fully blast”  Isn’t that the way as HIM we should be?  We either take a planned rest to recover physically, mentally, and spiritually, or we give 100% of everything we have in everything we do. Yes, a cliche, “always do your best”


03/23/2018 – Ragnar Begins (Picasso Running)
GoRuck – August 2018
Tough Mudder – September 2018
HDHH – 03/22/2018 – Contact Whittler

Upcoming Qs

Prosciutto  – 03/20/2018 (Hill City)
Mr. Clean – 03/21/2018 (The Griff)

Whittler – VQ ALERT 03/22/2018 (Hill City)

Angus – 03/24/2018 (Landfill)