Q School – 03/17/2018

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 03/17/2018
PAX: Best In Show (Respect), Candu, Early Bird, Fissure, Geek Squad, Mr. Clean, Ringwald, Snowflake, Whittler
AO: Landfill


58 degrees, 80% relative humidity, light wind, overcast, gloomy

The Disclaimer

Disclaimer disclaimed and taught


0652 – Mr. Clean & YHC finish up the 05:30 ruck around just in time to welcome the pax.
0655 – inevitable discussion about march madness and the biggest upset in the history of all histories. And how Clemson is going to lose to Auburn by an unfathomable amount.


7 minutes of long and drawn out detail about:
– The format of the workout
– The responsibility of the Q
+    Enter Snowflake
– The importance of preparation
– The F3 Credo & “string of pearls”
+   Enter Ringwald
– The importance of being on time
– Attitude and delivery approach; impact on pax
– Who is the leader and what it means to be the leader
– How to call an exercise and how to count
At this point, the pax appeared eager to get it started as Candu was doing all sorts of strange pre-stretches and calisthenics, sooo.. we hit the Slaughter Starter (nod to Bagger Vance [Nashville] for this one)
Slaughter Starter
10 Body Builders OYO
10 Burpees OYO
10 Merkins IC
Rinse & Repeat; lots of midwife noises from Candu
Mosey to bottom of the hill for the warm-up:
SSH, IW, Hillbillies, Good Morning Abby, Crunchy Frog, Supermans all IC x 12
Around the World x 2  (clockwise/counter-clockwise): YHC had to described and demonstrate this one, likening it to a plank while rotating in a direction as if you were a compass;
Mr Clean decides to call it a protractor (wrong) and the mumblechatter takes over; Ringwald having to clarify the difference. Haven’t we been over this –> to never question my SC math knowledge

The Thang

Commence Indian Run up the hill and around the upper field (2 laps) and return to bottom of hill for two rounds of BLIMPS:
Reverse Burpees (YHC omahas to ten reps); “Reverpees”? <--- Thanks Mr. Clean Lt Dans Imperial Walkers Mtn Climbers Plank Jax St Bernard Squats ** Pax needed a breather so YHC injects the mission of F3 and the 5 core principals of F3 workouts ** BLIMP 2:
Imp Walkers
Mommy Makers
Peter Parkers
Table Saw (we did these wrong here)
Clouds started swirling, lightning started to appear and the thunder was far away; according to the Native descendants in the group — thanks, by the way, guys.
Quick time-check showed we likely didn’t have time for another BLIMP, so we moved to:
Wheel of Table Saw x 5
Wheel of Merkins x Twelb
Mosey back to pavilion for 6MOM as the lightning and thunder was starting to close in on us.
Mary: Flutter Kicks, Pretzel, Pistol LBCs, BBSU, The Very Mercurial Fred


Quick discussion on the importance of the moleskin, the sources of inspiration, etc.
“Nothing in the world is worth having or doing, unless it means effort, pain, difficulty.  I’ve never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life.  I’ve envied many a people who led difficult lives and lived them well” – Teddy Roosevelt


No news is good news

Upcoming Qs

3/19 – Vila – Beast Ridge
3/20 – Prosciutto – Hill City
3/21 – Snowflake – The Grif
3/22 – Whittler – Hill City **VQ**
3/24 – Angus – Landfill

Dora Means What!

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 03/14/2018
PAX: Angus, Fissure, Ohms, Picasso, and Snowflake
AO: The Griff


38 degrees. Clear and very breezy.

The Disclaimer

This is F3, I am Mr. Clean, I will be your Q today, please work hard and push yourself, ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings, and exercise caution when you use the “weights”.]

Capri Lap
BAC x14 IC
Reverse BAC x14 IC
Moroccan Night Club x14 IC
Cotton Pickers x14 IC
SSH x14 IC

The Thang

Who Needs Weights Rotation Station
Pax 1 ran to the strategically placed Light Sabre Ruck and completed 14 Merkins.  Pax 2 completed the exercise at his station.  Flapjack and until Q indicated rotation.  Special shout out to Fissure for the title of today’s beatdown!
Station #1 – Curls (w/rotor coupon)
Station #2 – Seated Rows (w/rotor(s) coupons)
Station #3 – Mr. Hang Cleans (w/coupon)
Station #4 – Front/Lateral Raises (w/rotor coupon)
Dora Does What??
YHC made one critical error: failing to explain to a Pax (also YHC’s partner) the correct procedures for the Dora.  Pax completed the following exercises:
50 – Curls (Each Arm)
100 – Bent Over Rows
150 – Dips

On Sunday, YHC taught a Sunday School lesson from Corinthians regarding Paul’s call to the people of Corinth about their lifestyle, more specifically, their sexual immorality.  This was a VERY tough lesson to teach to a group of fellow adults; however, it was very necessary as it is more about the overarching lesson that comes from what Paul had to say to the Corinthians.   Translated in the NIV as “I have the right to do anything”, Paul responded with “but not everything is beneficial”.  This sounds eerily similar to “YOLO”.  Indeed, we only get one chance at this life on The Big Ball and yes, we must make it count.  However, ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES.  This was Paul’s message to the Corinthians.  Even though God gives us free will and the opportunity to “enjoy” life the way in which we choose, it does not mean we can be irresponsible with the choices in which we make. 
Remember this as you join your brothers in the gloom and, most importantly, remember as you “rule” over your household because Corinthians also states  “The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.”  Husbands, take care of your M’s as they put up with going to the Gloom each morning.  Fathers, you have an even greater responsibility to serve and grow your children.  As always, thanks for your commitment to F3. Keep accelerating.  


August 2018 – Go Ruck Chattanooga – Vila for details
September 2018 – Tough Mudder Nashville – Ohms for details
April 2018 – Chattanooga MS Walk – Mr. Clean for details

Upcoming Qs

Q School (Prosciutto) – 03/17/2018 (Landfill)
Vila – 03/19/2018 (Beast Ridge)
Prosciutto  – 03/20/2018 (Hill City)
Ohms – 03/21/2018 (The Griff)
Whittler – 03/22/2018 (Hill City) – VIRGIN Q ALERT!!!
Angus – 03/24/2018 (The Landffill)

It’s Water Under the Bridge


QIC: Ringwald
Date: 3/15/2018
PAX: Angus, Bogey, Candu, Fissure, Flemish, Ohms, Snowflake, Speed Bump, Whittler
AO: Hill City


A brisk 35 degrees with no wind, but at least the sun was out, somewhere.

The Disclaimer

Welcome to F3, my name is Ringwald and I am on Q as your leader today. We are going to push ourselves today, but you can always modify if you need to in order to stay safe. We will help get you where you need to be if you get injured, whether it be your car or wait for your mom to pick you up.


Great Hall

  • Side Straddle Hops X 15 IC
  • Ass Kickers X 15 IC
  • High Knees X 15 IC
  • Imperial Walkers X 15 IC
  • Windmill X 15
  • Arm Circles X 15 IC
  • Reverse Arm Circles X 15 IC
  • Wall Sit Shoulder Press X 15 IC
  • Wall Sit Moroccan Night Club X 15 IC
  • Side Straddle Hops X 15 IC

The Thang

Walnut Walking Bridge

  • 10 total “stops” across the bridge (light poles and arch endings)
  • Bernie Sanders between stops
  • Stop 1 – 20 Squats
  • Stop 2 – 20 Tricep Dips
  • Stop 3 – 20 LBCs
  • Stop 4 – 20 Calf Raises (Each Leg)
  • Stop 5 – 20 Lunges (10 Each Leg)
  • Stop 6 – 20 Squats
  • Stop 7 – 20 Tricep Dips
  • Stop 8 – 10 LBCs
  • Stop 9 – 10 Calf Raises (5 Each Leg)
  • Stop 10 – 10 Lunges (5 Each Leg)

Cut last 3 stops short due to time
Steps in front of Ice Cream Show

  • Partner Up
  • Wheelbarrow to steps
  • 5 Merkins, then go down the steps
  • Rotate
  • Each HIM will do 3 sets of wheelbarrows and steps

Mosey back via Market Street Bridge, take a break halfway to do some tricep dips
Stairway to Heaven

  • Rotate 7 Merkins/7 Tricep Dips
  • Calf raises to next step


The saying “It’s water under the bridge” is very commonly-known. You cannot worry about what’s in that river, you’ve built over it and you’ve become a better person. Everyone has regrets and would go back and change decisions made, but as long as you learn and you grow then it made you who you’ve become.
The counterpart – you cannot worry what lies ahead. We are not promised this life on earth for another day, we have to make each day count and be the best person we can that day. Affect people each day for the better.
There is a book called “The Power of Now” that is an introspective read on the now, the current, the present. It contains teachings from Christianity, Buddhism, and other philosophical beliefs that help you understand how the power of now can positively change your life.


Easter at Coolidge (4/1) and the 10K/5K/1K on Saturday (3/31)
GoRucks in April (Nashville) and August (Chattanooga)
Tough Mudder in September (Nashville)

Upcoming Qs

Q School – Prosciutto – 3/17/18

Play the cards you’re dealt…


QIC: Best In Show
Date: 03/12/18
PAX: Angus, Best In Show (Q),Prosciutto, Snorlax, Whittler
AO: Beast Ridge


Deceptively cold, with hurricane force winds (pretty sure), 37 degrees, but dry(ish) 

The Disclaimer

Delivered with great flair, let’s be safe, have fun, modify if needed.


Short Mosey to warm up the legs followed by;
SSH 15 -IC
SSH 15 -IC
SSH 15 – IC
SSH 15 – IC

The Thang

After getting nice and warm we decided to play a quick hand (or 10) of cards with our Deck O’ Fun
Title of exercises or routine
With a well shuffled deck of cards each pax took turns drawing a card that correlated to a very specific group of exercises. The face value of the card determined the number of reps for the following;
All the while battling the gale force winds, we made our way through the deck for a total of
95 Merkins
95 Squats
95 American Hammer
95 SSH
and for good measure, 10 burpees, because in a Best in Show beat down, every time you see a dog you get the privilege of 5 burpees.


We are all leaders here. Even though YHC was on Q and leading this fine group of HIM, we are all leaders because we made the choice, showed some grit, and showed up to get better.
2 ways to lead, from the front or from the rear, we choose to lead from the front.


Go Ruck – Wednesday ruck training continues at Beast Ridge and The Griff
Saturday 3/17 Q School led by Prosciutto, calling all Q’s to come out in support!

Upcoming Qs

Ringwald 3/15 at Hill City
Proscutto 3/17 Landfill Q School

What Goes Up Must Come Down

QIC: Laces Out (Respect)
Pax: Angus, Geiger, Ringwald, Speed Bump, Stairmaster, Ohms, Fissure, Prosciutto, Wort, Whittler, FNG-Skidmark
AO: Hill City
Conditions: 35 degrees and windy/chilly
Disclaimer and preview of what’s to come today. “What goes up must come down,” so we will be doing a lot of going up today! Warned Wort that we might return to his first workout site (Splash Merlot) but that YHC thought he would be better today because he’s been faithful to push himself to improve.
12 Imperial Walkers IC
15 Finkle Swings (each leg)
12 Butt Kickers IC
The Thang What Goes Up Must Come Down
Circuit 1-Mt Midoriyama
Bear crawl up (enjoy the view of downtown), mosey down, hold plank till all pax return
mosey to the Boob Hill
Partner up: Pax 1-Sprint to first level 10 lunges
Sprint to top 10 squats
Pax 2-does 15 merkins/hold plank till partner returns
Rinse and Repeat 2x with a few 10 counts to catch our breath
Mosey to 24/7 Fitness on Cherokee St
15 Monkey Humpers IC (facing street so our backsides face the windows)
Mosey around the corner to parking garage (mumble chatter on the way)
Circuit 2-Stairmaster Garage (inspired workout by Proscuitto a few weeks ago-YHC has been wanting to return to this site ever since)
Partner up-Sprint up the stairs together to top deck and then mosey back down/hold Al Gore till all pax return
Rinse and repeat 2x
Stop at the top deck and in partners do this 4 corners routine: Bernie Sanders between corners with 10 merkins at first corner, followed by 10 LBCs at second corner, followed by 10 squats at 3rd corner and 10 count at 4th.
Mosey back down and up the steps (rinse and repeat 4 corners one more time)
Mosey back to BDC building across street (game of Frogger ensued)
Found nice tall staircase to top of BDC building: single file run up to top and back down (3x)
Mosey to BDC parking lot for 6 MOM
Flutter kicks 15 IC
Plank 15 IC
Heel touches 15 IC
Hollywood 10 IC both sides
Freddy Mercury 15 IC
American Hammer 10 IC
Plank 15 IC
COT All Pax worked hard today and pushed ourselves to be better. YHC preached last Sunday on Ephesians 4 about the New Life in Christ. v 22-24 talks about the exchange between putting off the old man and putting on the new man. When someone comes to faith in Christ, through the Holy Spirit, God changes us from the inside out. The old sinful desires are replaced by the righteousness of Christ. Let’s walk in newness today men. Be better husbands, dads, employees/employers!

5K Ruck #2 The Griff

QIC: [Mr. Clean]
Date: [03/12/2018]
PAX: [Geiger (FNG), GTA, and Snowflake]
AO: [The Griff]


[Cool and Windy. 38 degrees.]

The Disclaimer

[Since this a ruck, please be extra aware of your surroundings and watch your six.  Welcome FNG!  This is much different than the typical workouts here in F3, so YHC encourages you to visit Hill City, The Griff (again), The Landfill, and/or Beast Ridge to get the full effect of F3!]


[Easy Pace, 16:18]

The Thang

Final 2.1 Miles of the 5K
Mile 2 – 15:40 Pace
Mile 3.1 – 12:30
PAX truly picked it up with a double time and a STRONG finish!


[Take the time to help others.  Creedo – Leave no man behind.  Leave no man where you found him.  We watch the Six here in F3; because there are Clydesdale’s and Thoroughbreds and WE DON’T LEAVE MEN BEHIND.  Have the same philosphy as you go out into the world today.  YHC challenges you to watch out for the Clydesdale and pick him/her up when they need it! ]


GoRuck – August 2018
Tough Mudder – September 2018
Q School March 17, 2018 – Prosciutto
FBC – 03/16/2018 – Track’s End Restaurant

Upcoming Qs

Laces Out  – 03/13/2018 (Hill City)
Mr. Clean – 03/14/2018 (The Griff)
Ringwald – 03/15/2018 (Hill City)
Q School (Prosciutto) – 03/17/2018 (Landfill)

The Warm Up

QIC: Angus
Date: 03/08/2018
PAX: Whittler, Wort, Ringwald, Ohms, Sundance, Laces Out, Candu, The Count, FNG-Speed Bump, FNG-Gilligan, Picasso, Fissure
AO: Hill City


34˚ – No Wind – Humid – Wet – Closed out with snow flurries

Every man showed up expecting @villa3118 to be on Q but due to unexpected circumstances YHC took over. This is a part of what it means to be an AOQ.
There was a bit of a buzz in the air this morning as the cars just kept rolling in — one pax after another showed up. We had two new faces. These guys looked revved up and ready to go.

The Warm Up

Quick Capri-lap before we really get things started
Round 1 – At the base of Mt. Midoriyama
SSH x 20
Finkle Swings x 15
SSH x 20
IW x 15
Mosey over to Mean Mug
Round 2 – In the parking lot of The Knitting Mill
SSH x 20
High Knees x 15
SSH x 20
Wide High Knees x 15
SSH x 20
Ass Kickers x 15
SSH x 20
Squat x 15
SSH x 20
Lunge x 15
Grab a Battle Buddy and Mosey around The Knitting Mill and get back to the parking lot
Round 3 – Infinite Plank
Plank IC
Merkins x 10
Plank IC
Carolina Dry Dock x 10
Plank IC
Mountain Climbers x 10
Plank IC
Peter Parker x 10
Grab a Battle Buddy and Mosey around The Knitting Mill and get back to the parking lot
Round 4 – Shoulder Blasters
Little Arm Circles x 12 (fwd)
Little Arm Circle x 12 (bwd)
Cherry Pickers x 10
Chinooks x 10
Cherry Pickers x 10
Mountain Climbers x 10
Cherry Pickers x 10
Shoulder Press x 10
Grab a Battle Buddy and Mosey around The Knitting Mill and get back to the parking lot
Round 5 – Pull ups and Rocks
Break up into two groups. 1 for rocks and 1 for pull ups and alternate between the two stations.
Curls x 10
Pull ups x 10
Overhead Press x 10
Pull ups x 10
Bent Row x 10
Rinse and Repeat
Curls x 5
Pull ups x 5
Overhead Press x 5
Pull ups x 5
Bent Row x 5
Head back to the Loveshack
Flutter Kick x 15
Rosalita x 15
Flutter Kick x 15
Hello Dolly x 15
Flutter Kick x 15
American Hammer x 15
Flutter Kick x 15
Leg Climbers x 15
Flutter Kick x 15
Heel Grabber x 15


What is the Mission of F3?
Plant, Grow, Serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership. 
What is F3 credo?
Leave no man behind. Leave no man where you found him. 

It’s important to know our mission. Why are we here? Why do we do what we do?

Don’t Just Know Your Limits…Just. Push. Past. Them.

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 03/10/2018
PAX: Best in Show, Candu, Early Bird, Laces Out, Ohms, Prosciutto, and Whittler
AO: Landfill


52 degrees. Dusky, light was breaking through the gloom. Rain was clearly in the air.

The Disclaimer

Today’s beatdown will be difficult, especially for the upper body, make sure you modify if necessary. You are here on your own free will, but push yourself to get better.

Reverse BAC X15 IC
Morrocan Night Club X15 IC
Shoulder Press X15 IC
Finkle Swings X40 OYO

The Thang

Tammy Wynette’s w/Light Poles
PAX partnered up for Tammy Wynette’s
100 of each exercise (Merkins/Squats) = 20 Light Poles
Pitchers & Catchers
YHC placed rocks in the shape of a baseball diamond prior to the beatdown, thanks Prosciutto, and PAX 1 was instructed to run the bases while PAX 2 completed an exercise at their assigned station. Flapjack when PAX 1 returned. There was no “limit” on reps but simply, a rotation call from YHC…
Station #1 – Rotor Pulls
Station #2 – Shrugs (w/rotors)
Station #3 – Bench Press w/DeWayne (this DeWayne was built like current DeWayne Johnson rather than early WWE Rocky Maivia)
Station #4 – Curls (w/coupon)
Station #5 – Upright Rows (w/coupon)
Station #6 – Redneck Kettle Bell Swings (w/coupon)
Station#7 – Lawnmowers (w/coupon)

The reps definitely varied across the Pax during today’s beatdown; because, we have different limits.  However, nobody had a set rep goal, they just had to push until they rotated.  Well, the Pax pushed themselves for 5 minutes at each station! Without “knowing a limit”, we often truly push our limits. So, Don’t Just Know Your Limits… Push. Past. Your. Limits.


What a time the Chattanooga Marathon was! Starting to spring up some F1.5 Events. 

  • Ruckership
  • Trail Runs
  • Go Ruck Tough
  • Tough Mudder
  • Road Races
  • Chattanooga MS Walk (PLEASE JOIN IN THE FIGHT!!)
    • Date: April 21, 2018
    • Start/Finish Location: Coolidge Park – 150 River St., Chattanooga, Tennessee 37405
    • Time: site opens at 9:00 a.m.; walk begins at 10:00 a.m.
    • March 16, 2018 – Track’s End Restaurant

Upcoming Qs

03/12 – Best in Show (Beast Ridge)
03/13 – Laces Out (Hill City)
03/14 – Mr. Clean (The Griff)
03/15 – Ringwald (Hill City)
03/17 – Q School (Landfill)

It means more

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 03/05/2018
PAX: Angus, Early Bird, Snorlax
AO: Beast Ridge
Conditions: Temperature, mid-30’s.

Disclaimer was provided and the warm-up began very promptly @ 0530.
– Burpees x 5 OYO
– Lunges x 10 – single count
– High Knees x 10 IC
– Lunges x 10 – single count
– High Knees x 10 IC
– IW x 10 IC
– Flutter Kick x 12 IC
– Wide High Knees x 10 IC
– Hello Dolly x 12 IC
– ST Merkins x 10 IC
– High plank x 12 IC
– Burpees x 5 OYO
The Thang:
The Pax commence a short mosey to the soccer field steps…
Stadum Step 11’s:
– Clap Merkins & Dips at the bottom
– Squat Jump to top
– Squats at the top (decrement until 1 rep)
**Mosey to baby steps
Calf-raises x 15 IC
Burpees x 5 oyo
**Mosey to the stop sign
We grabbed some of the landscaping blocks, paired up and picked a light pole 50 or so yards away.
PAX 1 executes an AMRAP (“As many reps as possible”) exercise whilst PAX 2 Bernie Sanders’ to the light pole then mosey back forward-running like an actual human being.
1: Bicep Curls w/ coupon,
2: Shoulder Press w/ coupon
3: Bent-over row w/ coupon
Buckle-up for this one…
This past weekend, YHC and 7 other hardened F3 guys from F3Chatt (Best In Show, Fissure, Mr. Clean, Picasso, Steam Engine, Vila, Whittler) took on the Chattanooga Marathon challenge. It was a real gas! I do admit, I couldn’t have completed the race (nor would I have tried) without the incredible commitment and accountability F3 has instilled in me.  Both teams excelled, and I think we did better together than we would have fared had we tried to go it alone; certainly a testimony to the “sharpening” and teamwork ever-present in F3.  When finished, other F3 brothers from Chatt were there to greet us and offer their congratulatory remarks on a job well-done (and yes, a little ribbing as well).  For me, this really was the cherry on top and signified the importance of what we’re doing here; answers “Why F3?”. To know that there was support outside of the two teams running was remarkable and for them to show up and offer that support was unbelievable. Cannot thank you guys enough.
Prior to the race start, we had the opportunity to fellowship briefly with some other F3 men from around the nation (from Mint Hill, NC). It’s always great to get to know and meet other guys from around the country that do F3 as well.  It’s really an amazing revelation when you do meet them, simply put, it is akin to having a brother you never knew about; you share many of the same core values F3 helps to reinforce – commitment, focus, level-headed, hard-nosed, cordial, amicable, I AM THIRD mentality. Only difference between you two is geography.  Hard to explain but each of you will understand when given the opportunity to meet someone from beyond the F3Chatt gloom.
After meeting and connecting with these two gentleman on twitter, I began looking through some of their prior communications to their respective AO’s.  Here was a tweet that really stood out to me from “Chum”, which I felt was absolutely appropriate given the aforementioned commentary regarding accountability and support:

It’s more than a shirt; more than a sticker.
It’s more than platitudes; more than getting quicker.
It’s an attitude.
It’s a commitment.
It’s every day.
This is more than a workout.
This is F3

Thank you all for being brothers in the gloom and brothers in Christ! Iron Sharpens Iron indeed!

5K Griff Ruck


QIC: [Mr. Clean]
Date: [03/05/2018]
PAX: [Ohms and Steam Engine]
AO: [The Griff]


[Partly Cloud.  Bright Moon.  Semi-Gloomy.  40 degrees.]

The Disclaimer

[Since this a ruck, please be extra aware of your surroundings and watch your six.]


[Easy Pace, 17:30 mile]

The Thang

Final 2.1 Miles of the 5K
Mile 2 – 16:29 Pace
Mile 3.1 – 15:58
PAX truly picked it up for a STRONG finish!


[F3 Leadership Comes in All Forms.  How will you lead? Steam Engine helped YHC coach a wrestling tournament this weekend.  He also read to students for Read Across America along with Vila and Snowflake.  Leadership opportunities come.  Know what they are and embrace them.  Picasso knew when to recognize it by helping unite 8 PAX to run together in the Chattanooga Marathon!]


GoRuck – August 2018
Tough Mudder – September 2018
Q School March 17, 2018
HDHH – Thursday, 02/08/2018 (More details forthcoming)

Upcoming Qs

Stairmaster – 02/06/2018 (Hill City)
Picasso – 02/07/2018 (The Griff)
Vila – 02/08/2018 (Hill City)
Mr. Clean – 02/10/2018 (Landfill)