Oh The Places You’ll Go

QIC: Angus
Date: 02/17/2018
PAX: Banjo, Best In Show, Candu, The Count, Mr. Clean, Fissure, Ohms, Prosciutto, Pumpkin, Ringwald, Snipes, Wort
AO: The Landfill


44°F — Dark and Soggy


YHC was ready to go but some of the PAX looked a little sleepy eyed so we set out on a Capri Lap to get things warmed up as Ohms pulled in — “Right on time”. YHC led the mosey around to the base of the hill next to the rock pile.
PAX were instructed to grab a rock. Head up to the soccer field and circle up. There was a whole lot of chatter about this rock is too big or this one is too small — as it turns out. It doesn’t matter. Stand “tip to tip” that is finger tip to finger tip. (There was some mumble chatter about YHC’s choice of words.) Stand tip to tip and place your rock at your feet.
PAX were instructed to grab another rock. Return to your first rock, face outward, and walk 5 paces maintaining your circle.
PAX were instructed to grab another rock. Return to you second rock, face outward, and walk 5 paces maintaining your circle.

Welcome to the Circle of Death

The Warm Up
SSH x 15
Finkle Swings x 15
SSH x 15
Cotton Pickers x 15
SSH x 15
Imperial Walkers x 15
SSH x 15
Ass Kickers x 15
High Knees x 15
Wide High Knees x 15
SSH x 15
The Thang
There are three concentric rings to our Circle of Death (CoD). The Inner Ring (IR), the Middle Ring (MR), and the Outer Ring (OR). Each ring has a designated type of exercise. This is flexible and can be amped up with rep counts or exercises. The PAX of Chattanooga constructed our rings out of rocks but it could be done with cones or any other markers on hand. Be sure to reserve one ring for just coupons.
This will be our set up for today:
IR – Push up exercises, 3 x 10 rotate right 1 rock after each completed set.
MR – Movement (eg bearcrawl), move 5 rocks to the left.
OR – Rock Lifts (eg curl), 3 x 10 rotate right 1 rock after each completed set.
Bonus: YHC randomly placed OFMs (Orange Field Markers) throughout. Land on an OFM and do 5 burpees in place of the specified set.

IR – Wide Merkins 3 x 10, Move right between each set
MR – Lunge 5 (All movements are 5 Spaces to the left)
OR – Overhead Press 3 x 10, Move right between each set
MR – Reverse Lunge
IR – Mountain Climbers 3 x 10, Move right between each set
MR – Jump 5 Spaces Left
OR – Bottom Curl 3 x 10, Move right between each set
MR – Bear Crawl
(at this point YHC Added more OFMs)
IR – Diamond Merkin 3 x 10, Move right between each set
(Thank you @f3prosciutto for the expert demonstration)
MR – Reverse Bear Crawl
(random OFMs were flipped over to indicate 10 burpees)
OR – Top Curl 3 x 10, Move right between each set
MR – Crabwalk
IR – Merkin 3 x 10, Move right between each set
MR – Lunge Kicks*
OR – Full Curl 3 x 10, Move right between each set
MR – Inch Worm
IR – Carolina Dry Dock 3 x 10, Move right between each set
MR – Side Lunge (Lead with left leg)
OR – Bent Row 3 x 10, Move right between each set
MR – Side Lunge (Turn around and lead with right leg)
From this point forward all OFMs were moved to the IR — every IR workout is accompanied by 5 Burpees. And the MR is only Bear Crawls. 
IR – Caronline Dry Dock + 5 Burpees
MR – Bear Crawl
OR – Full Curl
MR – Bear Crawl
IR – Merkins

The circle was maintained but moved slightly — there was lots of mud and the PAX were afraid to get any dirtier than they already were. There was much protest from Ringwald for the sake of his designer sweats.
LBC x 50
(A whole lot of mumble chatter when YHC calls this one — @f3prosciutto said “someone didn’t plan” but rest assured YHC always has a plan)
Flutter Kicks x 25
Freddy Mercury x 25


Our Moleskin for today comes from an untraditional source — the doctor by name of Seuss. YHC read through the children’s story “Oh The Places You’ll Go”. There is some truth and some direct correlation to all of our lives at one point or another — so YHC encouraged everyone read through it again in there own time.
YHC also encouraged everyone in weeks prior to start setting goals. What weight do you want to be? How is your diet? Do you drink too much? or go to bed too late?
Share your goals with your brothers and hold each other accountable. We are here to support one another.
We all face adversity in our everyday lives — as noted in the story:

But on you will go though the weather be foul. On you will go though your enemies / 39 prowl. On you will go though the Hakken-Kraks howl. Onward up many a frightening creek, though your arms may / 40 get sore and your sneakers may leak. On and on you will hike. And I know you’ll hike far and / 41 face up to your problems whatever they are.

Move on together. Set goals. Achieve those goals. Set new goals. Fail. Persevere Together.
_Angus Out

Bridge Beatdown

QIC: Laces Out (Respect)
Pax: Angus, Best in Show (Respect), Bogey, Mr. Clean, The Count (Respect), Vila
AO: Hill City
Conditions: 62 degrees a little overcast but unseasonably warm.
Reminded Pax that YHC typically likes to incorporate some running into his Q workout. So today, told Pax we would run to and do our beatdown on the Walnut Street walking bridge.
12 SSH
12 High Knees
12 Wide High Knees
12 SSH
Mosey to Walnut Street Bridge. Mumble chatter about Valentine’s Day yesterday! So grateful for our M’s.
The Thang
Circuit 1: Bridge Beatdown with Running Man
Merkin mile with squats
10 Incline Merkins IC/10 Squats IC at start of bridge
Run to 1/4 of bridge
10 Incline Merkins IC/10 Squats IC
Run to 1/2 of bridge
10 Incline Merkins IC/10 Squats IC
Run to 3/4 of bridge
10 Incline Merkins IC/10 Squats IC
Run to End of bridge
10 Incline Merkins IC/10 Squats IC
Mosey down the street to the Aquarium.
Circuit 2: Fish Steps Dora
Partner up in front of the Aquarium at the Arch Staircase, which we have affectionately named The Fish Steps. 1st pax runs up and over the Fish Steps while 2nd pax starts the following exercises:
100 incline merkins
200 LBCs
300 Squats
When 1st pax gets back, then switch places and continue where first left off:
Rinse and repeat until finish all reps. Hold plank until all pairs are done.
Mosey down to Market Street bridge and back to Love Shack.
MOM (each Pax took turn leading an exercise)
12 Flutterkicks/ 12 Rosalita en Espanol (Laces Out)
12 Toe Touches (The Count)
15 Hello Dolly (Bogey)
15 Pickle Pounders (Mr. Clean)
12 American Hammer (Best in Show)
15 LBCs (Vila)
20 Freddy Mercury (Angus)
Yesterday was Valentine’s Day. YHC had a great day with my M, sharing in tangible ways how much I love her. We need to express true love to our spouses as commanded in Ephesians 5: 25 “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church.” Challenged us to live everyday with this in mind. Make everyday Valentine’s Day!
Prayer for Parkland, FL high school shooting yesterday.

VDay Bombshell Bootcamp

QIC: Ohms
Date: 02/14/2018
PAX: Mr. Clean, Snowflake, Stairmaster, Whittler
AO: The Griff (Vandergriff Park)


45 degrees F, cloudy skies with a steady drizzle of rain

The Disclaimer



V – VUps x 14 IC
– Ass Kickers x 14 IC
L – Low Country Crab x 14 IC
E – Elbow Planks x 14 IC
N – Narrow Squats x 14 IC
T – The Chinook x 14 IC
I – Imperial Walkers x 14 IC
N – Nose Merkins x 14 IC
E – Elf on a Shelf x 14 IC
S – SSH x 14 IC

The Thang

The PAX were on time and ready for some “action” – we started out the morning with a brief warm-up to get the blood rushing and the heart pumping. By the time the warm-up was finished, we were soaking wet and breathing heavily. We knew now that it was time for the main event.
The Cupid Plank Shuffle
We began with a short mosey to YHC’s truck. Once we arrived at the truck YHC rolled the windows down, turned on the iTunes, and with the volume high we began our Cupid Plank Shuffle.
-Begin in plank position
-Right Leg out and bring back in x 4
– Left Leg out and bring back in x 4
– Right leg kick, left leg kick, right leg kick, left leg kick
– Mountain Climbers (8 count)
– Rinse & Repeat for the entirety of the song (3 min 50 sec)

To see a visual please follow this link:

Tammy Wynette’s
Tammy Wynette’s country song hit, “Stand By Your Man” is the inspiration here.
Starting position: PAX 1 assumes the merkin plank while PAX 2 remains standing beside ‘his man’.
Exercise: Pax 1 does merkins in sync with PAX 2 who does deep squats. They do 10 reps either by Q call or on their own. At multiples of 10, the partners switch out alternating between merkins & squats.
Example: 1,2,3 … 10, (switch) 11,12,13…20 (switch) 21,22,23, …30 (switch), etc. until they reach 100; that’s 50 merkins + 50 squats per man.
Valentine’s Day Cards
We took a mosey around the park looking for Valentine’s Day cards that were hidden around the park by YHC. Each card had a short “poem” on them that represented an exercise.
Card 1:
“When I hear your voice, I sit-up and listen”
Sit-Ups x 14 IC
“Roses are red, violets are blue, planks are fun, so I’ll some for you”
Makhtar N’Diaye x 14 IC
Card 3:
“I’d Climb the highest mountain for you”
Mountain climbers x 14 IC
Card 4:
“With you by my side, I believe I can fly”
Coupon Shoulder Flies x 14 IC
Card 5:
“I would run to the end of the Earth for you”
Capris Lap around Track & Shuttle Runs
-Rinse and Repeat all stations one more time for a total of 2 rounds (2/14)


H – Heel Touchers x 14 IC
E – Extenders of the Hip x 14 IC
A -American Hammer x 14 IC
R – Rosalita’s x 14 IC
T – Toe Touches x 14 IC


Just as Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:27), husbands should love their wives. In saying this, Paul sets the ultimate standard in comparing the marriage relationship with Christ and the church. Such an attitude makes abuse, mistreatment, or abandonment impossible to justify. In fact, Paul demands that husbands love their wives “as their own bodies.” This includes personal care, time, and provision. A man would not leave his body “unattended” or without care for a great length of time. He should likewise not treat his wife in this manner. The Old Testament even described abandonment by a husband as an act of violence (Malachi 2:16).
It’s important to remember that “love,” as used in the Bible, means much more than simple feelings. It always comes with an expectation of action: of doing good on behalf of that person. This verse uses the Greek root word agape, which refers to a selfless, sacrificial concern for the welfare of someone else.
For that reason, Paul notes that loving one’s wife—through actions—has practical benefits for the husband as well. If a husband desires a better life, he can do so in part by investing more into his own wife. Love expressed to one’s wife certainly offers numerous benefits to a husband, including unity, better parenting, less conflict, less stress, and other factors.

NOTE**: At the end of the Moleskin, we went around the circle sharing with one another why we are thankful for our wives.


GRT – August
Tough Mudder – September

Upcoming Qs

February 15 – Laces Out @ Hill City (Renaissance Park) 0530
February 17 – Angus @ The Landfill (White Oak Park) 0700

Ruck & Run Day @ The Griff

QIC: Mr. Clean
Date: 02/12/2018
PAX: Angus, Ohms, and Snowflake
AO: The Griff


Ironically, YHC joked with our Brother Snowflake about the “heat wave” that was coming….the Pax promptly discovered otherwise as we set out for our Ruck.  

The Disclaimer

I am not a professional.
Safety First. Safety First. Safety First.
Be aware of your surroundings.


This is a ruck!! 

The Thang

[Mile 1] 
Completed in a 15:58 Pace.
[Mile 2] 
Completed in a 16:02 Pace.
[0.75 of Mile 3] 
Completed in a 14:29 Pace
No stoppages for bootcamp activities as we had two Pax participating in their Virgin Rucks! Way to push Ohms and Snowflake! Great Pace this morning! You gentlemen will be speed rucking in no time!


Leadership: Yes, in F3 a Q must lead by example and he must NOT do what he cannot Q.  However, F3 has sweepers, mumblechatter leaders, timers, and other valuable pieces to every workout.  These men do not necessarily lead by example, but they lead nonetheless!  As wise, F3 men, we must understand the varying degrees of leadership and approach opportunities to lead with grace.  At times, this knowing what to say, how to say it, and/or not saying anything at all.  As we talk about goals, YHC is working diligentily at developing this skill better.


Go Ruck Tough – August
Tough Mudder – September
Friday Breakfast Club (FBC) – Friday 02/16/2018 (City Cafe – Downtown)
St. Patty’s Family Fun Field Day – Saturday – 03/17/2018 (The Landfill)

Upcoming Qs

Stairmaster – 2/13 (Hill City)
Ohms – 2/14 (The Griff)
Laces Out – 2/15 (Hill City)
Vila – 2/17 (The Landfill)
Best in Show – 2/19 (Beast Ridge)
Steam Engine – 2/20 (Hill City)
Snowflake – 2/21 (The Griff)
Ringwald – 2/22 (Hill City)
Angus – 2/24 (The Landfill)

11 Poles

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 02/12/2018
PAX: Best In Show (Respect), Early Bird, Whittler
AO: Beast Ridge


Gloomy, wet and lots of unavoidable puddles from the 2″+ of rain over the previous 36 hours.  The rain also presented itself as a welcomed challenge during the 6MOM

The Disclaimer

Very important!
1) I’m not a professional
2) You should modify where you feel the need to do so
3) You are here on your own volition
4) Push yourself, but don’t be an idiot – you have places to be today, tomorrow and the next day; do not hurt yourself!
5) Welcome to F3!


Given the 12th day of February – everything will be 12 reps…

Seal Jacks x 12 IC
IW x 12 IC
Peter Parker (w/ Merkin) x 12 IC
High-plank x 12 IC
Side plank x 12 IC
Other side x 12 IC
Hillbillies x 12 IC
Slow-Tempo Squats x 12 IC

The Thang

Route 66: An exercise in which you start with 1 rep at a predefined stopping point, then add one additional rep at intervals until you hit 11 stops. We used light posts with runs in between each increment. Sum of 1 full Route 66 = 66 reps; imagine that!
Route 66
Plank Jack – Mountain Climber – Burpees:
In the spirit of the Februburpee monthly challenge, YHC was exploring another variant of the standard burpee.  Thus, the Plank Mountain Burpee was born; this one will need a name due to the high volume of suck.

The movement from standing position goes down to a kick-out plank, 1 plank jack, 4 mtn climbers, standard merkin and pop-up to standing position and jump squat; that’s 1.
PJMC reps 1-11
Squats reps 1-11
Two rounds of the Route 66 was enough and we were almost out of time…
Two-space suicides in the parking lot – there are roughly 12 parking spots/suicides in total

Mary with Rain:

– LBC x 12 IC
– Rosalita x 12 IC
– Leg Lifts x 12 OYO
**Pass the lead to Whittler
– Reverse Pickle Pounders x 12 IC
**Pass the lead to Best-In-Show
– American Hammer x 12 IC
**Pass the lead to Early Bird
– Pickle Pounders x 12 IC


Mr. Clean’s service opportunity to feed the less fortunate families/children in the area
Chattanooga Marathon Relay
Friday Breakfast Club this Friday (City Cafe)
Go Ruck Tough (Chattanooga) – August
Tough Mudder (Nashville) – September

Upcoming Qs

2/13 Stairmaster
2/14 Ohms 2/15 Laces out
2/17 Vila

You can do anything for 30 seconds

QIC: [Snowflake]
Date: [02/08/2018]
PAX: [Laces Out, Ohms, Ringwald, Angus, Prosciutto, Whittler, Wort, Pink Eye(FNG), Sundance, Candu]
AO: [Hill City]
dry, but a cold 29 degrees.
PAX were told that I am not a professional nor do I own a clipboard to qualify as one. They are to modify when needed and to do their best.
Mosey to Great Hall for COP
SSH x 15
Merkins x 15
SSH x 15
Sumo Squats x 15
Inch Worm x 10 OYO
Wall Sits x 15
High Knee x 15
Wide High Knee x 15
Moroccan Night Club x 15
Arm Circles x 10
Reverse Arm Circles x 10
Shoulder Press x 10
Shanook x 10
Mosey to the Rocks by the river where everyone found a partner and a rock.
Interval Workout:
One Partner would do an exercise with the rock, while the other would SSH. Each exercise would last for 30 seconds with the PAX doing as many reps as possible. There was then a 10 seconds break where they would swap. After the PAX completed 3 sets of each, they rotated to the new exercise.
1st Rotation- Curls and SSH
2nd Rotation- Overhead Press and SSH
3rd Rotation- Elf on a Shelf and SSH
4th Rotation- Bent over Row and SSH
5th Rotation- Curl to Overhead press and SSH
6th Rotation- Half Curl and SSH
PAX worked hard for the 30 seconds, noting that we could do anything for 30 seconds. We completed 5 rotations and then for the sake of time, we moved on to the next piece of the workout
Coupon Brigade
PAX formed a line standing shoulder to shoulder with the 2 PAX on the end each holding a coupon. PAX began to pass the coupon to the person next to then sending it down the line. Once a PAX passed the 2nd coupon, they would run to the end of the line to keep the coupons moving.  After 3 minutes, we stopped and turned back, passing the coupons the opposite direction.
Mosey back to the Love Shack, stopping at Mount Midoriyama. PAX then jailbreak back to the Love Shack.
Freddie Mercury x 10
Reverse Freddie Mercury x 10
LBC x 10
There are many things in life that make us as men worry. Whether it be work, wife, kids, many things bring on stress and pressure to our life. I know that this past year was a tough one for me with moving, having a new baby, and starting a new job. It has not been the easiest year of my life, but I did always have someone to count on.
Philippians 4:6-7 says “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
We can always go to God for help in these times. We are told not to try and go through them alone, but to ask God to help us, and we are promised that He will. Jesus loves us all, and promises to be with all of those that will ask.
Thank you men for helping make me better. You have made an impact in my life. I enjoy being a part of F3 with all of you.


QIC: [Mr. Clean]
Date: [02/07/2018]
PAX: [Ohms, Picasso, Ringwald, & Stairmaster]
AO: [The Griff]


Wet. A bit misty.

The Disclaimer

[Its wet.  Its a bit misty. Watch your footing. Let’s Roll!]


[Capri Lap]

The Thang

Bent Over Rows X10 IC
Laps X2
Alternating Shoulder Taps X10 OYO (4 count)
Curls X10
Killer Jacks X15 IC
Heartbreak Hill
Incline Merkins X 260
Squats X 270
Traps X 300
Overhead Press X10 IC
Run with coupon
Yeti Raises X10 IC
Moroccan Night Club X10 IC
Overhead Press X10 IC
Not So Laz-E-Boys X10 IC
Tricep Extensions X10
Heavy Flutters X12
Curls x10 for a fun surprise…Making total rep count….1,914


YHC is currently completing a Black History Month unit with my students.  These lessons open eyes and cause a serious realization of where we were, where we are, and where we have to go.  Inspired by this, YHC conducted a Black History Month themed workout.  Besides the obvious letters as a guide for the workout progression here are some additional connections…
13 x 20 = 260
14 x 20 = 270
15 x 20 = 300
Representing the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments
Total Reps = 1,914 honoring the year the military was desegregated.  
FINALLY, Total distance + total reps = 3730.  Why significant? This number is double 1865 — the year slavery ended.
These minor statistics shed MAJOR light onto our responsibility as F3 men to stand united to help all those around us, treat others equally and fairly.


Hump Day Happy Hour: 02/07 at Heaven & Ale starting 1700 msg Whittler for more info
Friday Breakfast Club: 02/09 at Lillie Mae’s starting 0630 msg Mr. Clean for more info

Upcoming Qs

02/08 (Hill City) – Snowflake
02/10 (Landfill) – Ohms
02/12 (Beast Ridge) – Prosciutto
02/13 (Hill City) – Stairmaster
02/14 (The Griff) – Ohms
02/15 (Hill City) – Laces Out
02/17 (Landfill) – Vila

Mosey, Stairs, & more Stairs

QIC: Steam Engine
PAX: Ohms, Angus, Mr. Clean, Marco Polo, Ringwald, Sundance, Wort, Whittler, Flemish
AO: Hill City
Date: 02/06/2018
Conditions: Warm 36 degrees perfect for a long mosey

Disclaimer: I am not a professional. You are here on your own free will. Push yourselves this AM but modify if you have to.
Mosey to Great Hall for COP
Up Straddle Hop IC 12x
Up Straddle Hop (Opposite leg) IC 12x
Windmill IC 12x
Cherry Pickers IC 12x
Imperial Walker IC 12x
Alternating Toe Taps IC 12x
Squats IC 12x
Mountain Climbers IC 12x
The Chattanooga Marathon Relay is March 1 and we have two teams signed up. With less than a month left I decided to have a long mosey and sprinkle in some stairs.
The Thang:
Mosey to Chestnut walking bridge where we encoutered our first flight of stairs.
1st Stairs:
1 Leg Hop to the top
I Leg Hop (Opposite leg) to the top
Bunny Hop to the top
Continue to Mosey down walking bridge and took a break midway
Toe Merkins (Calf Raises) IC 10x
Mosey to end of walking bridge where we found some benches to take a break
Dip IC 10x Rinse and repeat 2x
Mosey down towards Market St where we found our next flight of stairs
2nd Stairs
Sprint up stairs Rinse and repeat 3x
Mosey towardsTennessee Aquarium where we found a nice set of stairs
3rd Stairs
Sprint up stairs Rinse and repeat 2x
4th Stairs
Hit every step going up Rinse and repeat 2x
5th Stairs
Bunny Hop Up
1 Leg Hop
1 Leg Hop (Opposite leg)
Mosey to start of Market St Bridge where Mr. Clean set the pace for the trek back to the Love Shack. Midway took a small breather.
Squats IC 10x
Finish running across Market St Bridge and start heading towards Love Shack. With the Love Shack with in eyesight decided to call a jail break.
Jail Break from 1st Parking Ticket Booth to the 2nd one.
Now that we have reached the Love Shack there was still a few minutes left for Mary
Flutter Kicks IC 10x
Hello Dolly IC 10x
Rosalita IC 10x
Since Shovel Flag was absent this AM we got hit with the 10 Burpee penalty

Prayer Request:
Angus with new born & transitioning to a new job
Flemish expecting a new born & transitioning to a new job
Steam Engine friend currently at Vanderbilt Hospital doctors trying to figure out what is wrong
Continue prayers for Rainman & Sparkles
Hump Day Happy Hour: 02/07 at Heaven & Ale starting 1700 msg Whittler for more info
Friday Breakfast Club: 02/09 at Lillie Mae’s starting 0630 msg Mr. Clean for more info
WOD: If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together. We have used this many time in F3 Chatt and I feel that this is a perfect quote for F3. Especially right now as some of us are preparing for the Chattanooga Marathon Relay. It doesn’t matter the pace as long as we keep getting better every day.
Also according to Angus’s Garmin we got in 2.4 miles this morning. Great job guys!

Inaugural Run & Ruck @ The Griff

QIC: Mr. Clean & Vila
Date: 02/05/2018
PAX: Steam Engine & Whittler
AO: The Griff


Low 30’s, felt colder but ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for the Inaugural Run & Ruck at The Griff 

The Disclaimer


Given swiftly.  This is a new adventure, take care of yourself, modify if necessary, and we will NEVER leave the SIX behind!


Pax took an easy, slow, saunter across the road (Vila explained the importance of designating crossing guards properly to protect the Pax), into the parking lot, between the football and baseball field, and truly begin the journey of the Inaugural Run/Ruck at The Griff.

The Thang

Ruck 0.4 Miles
Station 1:
Merkins X10 – Single Count
Squats X15 – 4 count IC
Ruck 0.4 Miles — (0.8 Total)
Station 2:
Shoulder Press w/Pack X15 IC
Flutter Kicks w/Pack X15 IC
Curls w/Pack X15 IC
Ruck 0.7 Miles — (2 Total)
Station 3:
Plank X15 IC
Mountain Climbers X15 IC (Heavy Amounts of Mumblechatter. Determined Waist Straps are a valuable asset to Rucking)
Ruck 0.24 Miles to The Griff Parking Lot — (2.24 Total)
Drop Packs. Jailbreak Lap. 0.2 Miles — (2.44 Total)
10 burpee – OYO – penalty assessed for no flag


Inspired by Ringwald, YHC mentioned drinking the Kool-Aid the night before the post.  YHC carried this inspiration into today, and it was simply this: DRINK THE KOOL-AID. Kool-Aid is cheap, and easy to access but when people try it they seem to love it.  This has some similarities to F3 and Rucking. So, drink that Kool-Aid and discover it is extremely rewarding for the very low price of FREE! Take that first step…


**Ruck / Run at Monday/Wednesday AO’s**
Monday @ The Griff @ 5:30-6:15
Wednesday @ Beast Ridge @ 5:30-6:15

F1 Events:
– Chattanooga Marathon Training will continue (Picasso & Steam Engine on Q) – Event Date = 3/4/2018
– GoRuck Tough (Chattanooga) – Event Date = August; Vila on Q for Ruck training
– Tough Mudder (Nashville)
F2 News:
– Friday Breakfast Club will commence this week (Mr. Clean on Q); location is Lillie Mae’s in Hixson @ 6:30am — ***This will be rotating event*** (City Cafe – 02/16/2018)
– Potluck event (date TBD – April timeframe) at Mr. Clean’s house
– Flag football and family day – March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day)
– Mr. Clean is looking for HCs to support the Food & Fun Program which is an opportunity to serve low-income students with healthy food options (please message Mr. Clean with interest)

Upcoming Qs

02/06 (Hill City) – Steam Engine
02/07 (The Griff) – Mr. Clean
02/08 (Hill City) – Snowflake

02/10 (Landfill) – Ohms


Obstacles & Communication

QIC: Prosciutto
Date: 02/03/2018
PAX: Angus, Best In Show (RESPECT), Candu, Fissure, Geek Squad, Mr. Clean, Snowflake, Steam Engine
AO: The Landfill


Upper 20s, a bit overcast with a nip in the air

The Disclaimer

Gentleman, I don’t get paid a dime to do this and am not a professional; you’re all here of your own choice – therefore do not sue me if you are injured/mamed/decimated/eaten by a land shark from the retention pond, blown up by a doggy-land-mine, etc.  With that said, do the very best you can, even if that means you need to modify – go for it


SSH x 10 IC
Windmills x 7 IC
Slow-Tempo Squats x 10 IC
CDD x 10 IC
St Bernard Squats x 10 IC
Planking Hydrants x 10 IC (R/L)
Mommy Makers – 8 Count x 10
Mosey to the top park gate
Execute 7 burpees
Mosey to the start of the charted obstacle course
Execute 7 burpees
*YHC discusses the importance of communication and articulation of the goal/mission, offers simple explanation for “Startex/Endex” and demonstrates that the signs clearly state your objective
Mosey to next station and then traverse the hill to the bench jumps
*YHC discusses the next station
Pax Execute 7 burpees
Mosey to next station to discuss the calculated movements with coupons
*YHC demonstrates a weighted bucket “Shrug” and also delivers a key point that the font in the signage was a 96; Best-In-Show offered his gratitude for this fact (Respect!)
Pax Execute 7 burpees
Mosey to next station and demonstrate the log squat
*YHC explains the cadence of the ab routine
Pax Execute 7 burpees
Mosey to next station and move down the hill to Endex
*YHC discusses the next station
Pax Execute 7 burpees
If you were wondering if 42 burpees back-to-back would be tough — think again. Check that one off the list of accomplishments. 42 for Jackie Robinson

The Thang

The Charted Obstacle Course
First Obstacle
5 Pull-ups on the pull-up bar
5 Merkins

Second Obstacle
Bear crawl to bottom of hill (~50 yards)
Third Obstacle
Run to top of hill
Fourth Obstacle
Perform 5 Incline Merkins on first bench
Bench Jump (5) benches

Fifth Obstacle
Perform 5 Decline Merkins on last bench
Perform 5 Roll & Merkins to next obstacle

Sixth Obstacle
Lunge to next Obstacle ~40 yards
Seventh Obstacle
**Performed with supplied weighted bucket coupons and a Dwayne**
15 Curls with Dwayne
15 Tricep Extensions with Dwayne
15 Shrugs with buckets

Eighth Obstacle
Jail Break – 40 yards to next obstacle
Ninth Obstacle
10 Freddie Mercuries (IC)
10 American Hammers (IC)
10 Leg Lifts (Single-count)
15 Log Squats w/ Log

Tenth Obstacle
Run down hill
Eleventh Obstacle
Bear Crawl to Endex — after the first time through – this was Omaha’d as a Lunge to Endex
At the end, plank if the first obstacle is already manned. If not, repeat.
In total, PAX were able to complete nearly 3 full cycles of the obstacle course. Very proud of the effort put in this morning.


Communication- think about communication for a minute. How much do we take it for granted?
After something is said aloud, you have to:
1) Hear it
2) Interpret it
3) Understand it/Visualize it
4) Take action
And we all do this, no matter where you learned your native language. Human-kind is built to communicate. What an incredible thing.
#TruthNugget: The better you can communicate the more effective you will lead.
Allow me to share a story about communication – It’s about a man named Gerlando. A good man, a hard-ass working man, a farmer, a military service man, a husband, a father, a gardner, a wine-maker, a cured ham connoisseur, a dreamer, a LEADER. He was an enterprising man who believed he needed to do something outside of himself – not particularly and immediately for himself. He had a vision that he could make the lives of his family, his children and children’s children and so-on better than his own if he moved them to America, aka “The American Dream.”  Through the right amount of communication (and articulation), he allowed his wife to understand the vision, accept the proposal, move to America, gain employment, procure a house, and the rest was history… How much communication played into this? The ending to this story is a man standing here talking to you all (communicating & articulating) about the value of good communication, and an example of what it amounts to for a leader.
So, in F3, Articulation is one of the four F3 Leadership Skills (VAPE). Vision-Articulation-Persuasion-Exhortation.
Articulation is a fancy way of saying clear/precise communication with a vision and a mission. A clear and defined way of getting a group to understand the mission/vision and setting forth to accomplish that shared vision. The Q, the leader, must-MUST do this well. The criticality of his ability determines the outcome and the overall success.
Ever been to a VQ? Ever experienced a “less than perfect” workout? What was the problem? Articulation, perhaps…
F3 is is rooted in the foundation of good articulation.
Consider the workout for a moment. It’s 100% Peer-LED! Leading is articulation and communication of the end goal- the vision.
Even beyond the workouts – the F3 purpose… it’s well-articulated.
Male Community Leadership has never been at a lower ebb in our nation than it is right now. Our intent is to strengthen this through a Visualized series of Outcomes. Each new Workout we plant is one of those Outcomes.

**Ruck / Run begins this week at Monday/Wednesday AO’s**
Monday @ The Griff @ 5:30-6:15
Wednesday @ Beast Ridge @ 5:30-6:15

F1 Events:
– Chattanooga Marathon Training will continue (Picasso & Steam Engine on Q) – Event Date = 3/4/2018
– GoRuck Tough (Chattanooga) – Event Date = August; Vila on Q for Ruck training
– Tough Mudder (Nashville)
F2 News:
– Friday Breakfast Club will commence this week (Mr. Clean on Q); location is Lillie Mae’s in Hixson @ 6:30am
– Potluck event (date TBD – April timeframe) at Mr. Clean’s house
– Flag football and family day – March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day)
– Mr. Clean is looking for HCs to support the Food & Fun Program which is an opportunity to serve low-income students with healthy food options (please message Mr. Clean with interest)

Upcoming Qs:

02/05 (Beast Ridge) – Rainman
02/06 (Hill City) – Steam Engine
02/07 (The Griff) – Mr. Clean
02/08 (Hill City) – Snowflake
02/10 (Landfill) – Ohms